
By Bulletproofmoonchild

221 20 8

"Hey, what's that?" "That, my precious little cinnamon scroll, would be mistletoe." Jimin looks over at him... More

~ 1 ~
~ 2 ~
~ 4 ~
~ Christmas Day ~

~ 3 ~

38 4 5
By Bulletproofmoonchild

A grumbling stomach and the blaring sound of Wannabe by the Spice Girls greets Yoongi first thing in the morning as weak sunlight filters through the cream coloured curtains blocking the world from his bedroom. He groans at the incessant singing, reaches out blindly to silence the alarm before proceeding to sling his phone halfway across the room. He drops his arm by his side then turns over onto his side, burying his head further into his pillow and screws his eyes shut in an attempt to catch the last tendrils of sleep before they escape him for good.

Not a minute goes by, however, when he feels the sharp pain of an empty stomach. Deciding he can't put off filling it any longer, Yoongi kicks of his bedsheets and heads directly to the sink, where he splashes some warm water over his tired face in the hopes of waking more fully. It seems to do the trick for a glance at the mirror shows a somewhat alive version of himself. Though his eyes look bright and alert, the dark patches under them remain. Sleep had come somewhat easy to him after his day of working the counter and tables, but one good night's sleep could not magically erase years of a disruptive sleeping pattern. A shift of his focus upwards reveals bleached blonde hair with darkening roots. He will have to make room in his upcoming schedule for a much needed re-dye.

After minutes of contemplating whether or not to have a late breakfast at home prior to visiting his workplace, the decision is made for him, courtesy of his depressingly bare cupboards and pantry. It is during this moment of annoyance, directed at his past self for neglecting the single, simple task in his wonderstruck haze that had overcome him the previous night. This train of thought leads back to the reason he's going to the café; Park Jimin. Shaking himself into action, Yoongi throws on a coat and beanie and saunters out the door with purpose in his stride.

The café is full of people when Yoongi arrives just as lunch time rolls around and the sun has risen to its peak. Taehyung and their other co-worker, a feisty tomboy known as Amber, are busy buzzing routinely from one table to the next. It is a rare occasion for the shop to be this crowded, especially during this time of year. Customers are seated at just about every table within the small building. Yoongi can't help but feel proud. It means business is booming and the loss of income from the previous month will be paid. Though worry seeps in when he notices that even Namjoon is working the counter, looking out of breath. It would be unfair to label Namjoon as lazy - for that is far from the truth – the fact is simply that his usual job is to fill out important forms and stocktake, jobs considered as behind the scenes as opposed to on the frontline.

Yoongi arrives at the counter to greet the young manager. Namjoon doesn't even look surprised; Yoongi always visits the café on his days off. Says he prefers the coffee. "You here for your daily boost of energy?" Namjoon asks, knowing full well it isn't the only reason for Yoongi's visit.

"You know me so well," he flashes his signature gummy smile. "The usual please."

"Make it yourself," Namjoon deadpans then goes back to whatever he had been previously preoccupied with.

Yoongi huffs, feigning annoyance. "Some service you've got going here. Don't know how you managed to reign in so many customers."

Without stopping his task, Namjoon replies with a grunt.

Yoongi leaves him to his business and gathers the ingredients for his beverage. Thanks to his knowledge of the place, he has all he needs in no time. As he is making the coffee, he searches for a potential place to hole himself in for the time being. Every booth is occupied but the one in the far-left corner – the very one Jimin seems to have made his own. Hope he doesn't mind me taking his spot.

He situates himself in the seat facing the wall, not particularly feeling like making accidental eye contact with any of the other customers. Socialising, no matter how miniscule, intimidates his introverted self and so if presented with a way to avoid, he would take it in a heartbeat. Taehyung has done a brilliant job with the decorations; red tinsel lines the edge of the off-white ceiling and little ball balls are attached to hooks at even intervals in a red, green and gold pattern. Cute. Little candles are in bunches scattered on benches, glowing warmly. There is a little chalkboard sitting on the counter with "Merry Christmas All" written in capital letters along with the specials for the day – mochi balls and ice cream being one that catches his interest. Photos of his co-workers and himself grace the walls that could easily be mistaken for family portraits. The notion isn't far from the truth. Yoongi can consider just about any of them as family. They are as close to a family as Yoongi has in the big city. They are more than he could have hoped for.

He is so engrossed in his inner dwellings that he doesn't at first register that someone is trying to get his attention. It is only when he feels a tap on his left shoulder that he abruptly turns to the source. Standing before his eyes is Park Jimin; the one and only. He has one arm raised and the other is tasked with holding a small black backpack that has a little golden mochi keychain dangling from one of the zippers. Yoongi has no idea what he's supposed to say, but Jimin is currently just staring at him, clearly expecting an answer.

Yoongi blinks, clears his throat. "Uh, hey."

"Hi. I asked if it'd be ok for me to sit with you? There aren't any empty booths and I kind of know you, so I thought hey, maybe I could sit there, it's not weird if I do, right?...sorry I'm kinda rambling..." he fiddles with a ring on his right hand, twisting and moving it around. "So...?"

Yoongi blinks again. He just asked to sit with you. Reply idiot, don't make him feel any more awkward than he probably already feels. "Of course, I don't mind. Please sit." He offers a reassuring smile and adds, "I'd actually like the company."

Jimin lets out a breath at this. "Thanks."

He sits down in the empty seat across from Yoongi and places his backpack beside him. Yoongi's curious about the keychain, wants to comment on it. Maybe it has a special meaning. He stops himself though, not wanting to pry just yet. After all, they might as well be strangers. "No work today?" Jimin starts conversationally.

"Hmmm...?" Yoongi's brain is still trying to kick itself into gear. Jimin points to Yoongi's lack of uniform. "Oh right, yeah, I have today off."

Yoongi curses his brain for being so slow today. Despite his introverted ass, he is usually a decent conversationalist. It just appears he cannot, for the life of him, form coherent sentences when Jimin's around.

"Sweet. That must be nice. I'm kind of missing the overalls. They really suit you - not that what you're currently wearing doesn't suit you, of course it does! It's just not the same..." Jimin ducks his head in embarrassment, any of the confidence from their previous encounters non-existent.

Yoongi has to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from bursting out in laughter at the juxtaposition of the day's events, even though his cheeks are heating up. "Thanks. I really like your hair by the way, it's striking."

At this, Jimin lifts his head and meets Yoongi's eyes, searching. Seeing nothing but genuine sincerity, Jimin shrugs his shoulder. He subconsciously lifts a hand to lightly tug at some of the strands at the front. "My best friend picked the colour."

"What's their name?"

"Hoseok, he's also my roommate."

Hoseok. Sounds familiar. "Well tell Hoseok he chose well."

This brings a shy smile to the other's lips. "Will do. He'll be pleased to hear it."

Their conversation is interrupted by a beaming Taehyung who shows up with a menu "just in case they weren't sure what to order". Yoongi knows the menu off by heart so he merely gestures for Jimin to take it. To his surprise, Jimin shakes his head. "I'm ready to order."

Yoongi raises his eyebrows then smiles in realisation.

"Hit me," Taehyung takes out his notepad, pen at the ready.

"I'll have one cinnamon scroll and one small hot chocolate."

Just as predicted. This kid must really like our hot chocolates.

Taehyung jots the order down and turns to Yoongi, who shakes his head and gestures to the mug of coffee in front of him already. The coffee is enough for his stomach to be sated for the time being.

"I'll be back in a tick."

Taehyung disappears, leaving the two of them alone once again. They sit in silence a moment, both lost in their own thoughts. He watches as Jimin takes in the decorations and ornaments. The more he sees, the bigger his smile gets. His eyes twinkle like starlight, somehow brightening the room as they spot the photos of them all. How does one ask someone so stunning out on a date?

Jimin giggles at a portrait of Santa's workshop hung slightly crooked on the opposite side of the room. Elves are painted standing in front of Santa, who has an arm slung around a reindeer with an impossibly bright red nose. "It's your café. All the workers like yourself are Santa's little helpers and Namjoon is Santa Claus."

Jimin has a point. The likeness with all the activity going on in the café and people moving about, his co-workers in matching uniforms, it kind of does look oddly similar. "You're not wrong. I guess we're Santa's little helper's café."

Nodding his head vigorously in agreement, Jimin goes back to his sightseeing, changing his focus to the outside world, taking in the snow-covered streets. The sunlight shines on the shimmering whiteness, illuminating the world in a soft glow. There's a magical quality to it, and Yoongi isn't sure if it's because of the time of year or his companion.

Taehyung returns at last with Jimin's order. Jimin thanks him and before he leaves, Taehyung winks at Yoongi, whispering so the other can't hear, "Don't forget your promise. You've got this."

Yoongi groans inwardly but offers a fake smile. Taehyung dances away, whistling gleefully.

"What was that about?" Jimin inquires, chewing on his cinnamon scroll. A bit of the pastry crumbles off, completely missing the plate and lands on the table. He hurriedly picks it up and puts it back on the plate, lips in the form of a pout. The gesture awakens the urge to coo at him.

"Don't worry, we wipe the tables after every customer. It's safe to eat," Yoongi tells him.

This seems to reassure Jimin, for he shrugs a shoulder and takes a bite of it. "Three second rule."

"Three second rule," Yoongi agrees.

Jimin temporarily distracts himself with demolishing his hot chocolate; the cocoa powder shaped as a puppy, and the rest of his pastry. Seeing the flawless design, Yoongi can't help but feel slightly jealous. Taehyung is a master when it comes to working with cocoa powder, having perfected the art several months before Yoongi had even begun to learn. His jealousy dissipates instantaneously when Jimin squeals in delight at the puppy. It's hard to not feel happy when there is pure joy radiating from his booth buddy. It's now or never.

He steels his nerves. "Hey Jimin?"

Jimin stops his fangirling and shifts his golden-brown eyes to Yoongi. Here goes nothing. "I was wondering if you have any plans for Christmas Eve? As in tomorrow afternoon?

Jimin thinks for a second before shaking his head. "I don't think so. Haven't really thought about it."

Oh, this might actually work out. Feeling a bit more confident he tries his luck. "Would you be interested in hanging out with me once my shift finishes? We can go Christmas light looking or watch a movie...or something."

"Sounds like fun. I'm in."

"Really?" He tries not to let too much joy seep into his voice.

"Yeah. I'd really like that actually." Jimin shyly shifts a stray hair back into place.

"Cool. Then how about we grab a drink and a snack once my shift is about to end and then head out. That good with you?"


The rest of today is gonna go by incredibly slowly, Yoongi can already tell. But it'll be worth it.

"I know a nice place we can go to for dinner." Yoongi can't help but feel surprised. He hadn't expected to get more than an hour or two – dared not hope for more. What a surprising turn of events this is.

"Dinner?" He asks hesitantly, worried he had misheard.

"Oh, only if you're okay with it. It's great food, trust me."

"Of course. I'm good with it."

More than good. It's better than I'd dared dream this would go.

Pleased with how things have turned out, Yoongi finishes his coffee before it becomes completely undrinkable. The lukewarm sludge travels down his throat. Not the best coffee he's ever had but it's edible enough.

Jimin's pastry is long gone and he's already downed half his hot chocolate. As much as Yoongi wants to stay and continue talking, learning about the boy, he has to get home. There are a couple of odd jobs he has to sort out around the house so that it'll be Christmas ready. That and the pressing matter of his barren cupboards.

He locates Taehyung, who is in the middle of sorting out a customer's receipt, and waves to grab his attention. The boy looks at him questioningly, mouthing, "what?"

Yoongi answers with a thumbs up. It's answer enough. Taehyung practically leaps into the air and lets out a "whoop", startling the customers in front of him. He quickly bows, apologising. Yoongi rolls his eyes and faces Jimin again who just blinks at him.

"Don't worry about it."

Jimin still looks sceptical, lips drawn in a straight line, but gives a nod in reply. Yoongi is already dreading having to say goodbye but it is better to get it over and done with - before it gets too painful. Oh boy, I am definitely whipped. He snorts at the thought.

"What's so funny?"

Realising he had snorted aloud; he tries to cover it up with a cough. "Oh uh, nothing. I just thought of a funny video I saw earlier today..."

A funny video? That's the best you've got? He really needs to be stopped before he embarrasses himself more.

"Oh okay, you'll have to show me sometime." Jimin's smiling at him.

Be still my heart. "Yeah, sure. Maybe tomorrow."

Jimin sways slightly in his seat. "Can't wait."

"Same. So uh, sorry but I've got to go do some stuff back at my place." He can't tell if it's a trick or the lighting or if Jimin's eyes suddenly dull a little. The thought breaks his resolve slightly. Slightly. "I'll see you tomorrow, Cinnamon Scroll."

That last part hadn't meant to be said out loud but it's too late to take it back. Jimin's face reddens slightly. "Cinnamon Scroll?"

"I uh... well you're sweet, and you order one every time you come here..."

"Oh, cute. See you tomorrow Santa's Little Helper. Safe travels."

Yoongi lets out a small laugh at the name. Such a precious little soul. "You too. Have a good night." Jimin gives him a slight wave and Yoongi nods his head in farewell as he leaves his chair.

He says a brief goodbye to his co-workers and Namjoon before exiting the café. Once outside, Yoongi turns briefly to look through the window and spots Jimin sipping the remainder of his now 'warm' chocolate. He waves cutely when he notices Yoongi. If it's possible to die from a cuteness overload, Yoongi is sure he's about to find out. Before this can happen though, the signal on the pedestrian crossing turns green, urging him to get a move on.

"Goodbye Jiminie, I'll see you tomorrow." His heart does alittle flip in his chest. Someone bumps into him, forcing his feet to finallymove, taking him further yet closer to tomorrow.


Hope you enjoyed :)

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