5 times Peter Nearly Died. 1...

Af Spidersoning

29.5K 659 628

Peter Parker, also known as Spiderman has a habit of getting hurt, but Tony is always there to save him. That... Mere

Knocking on heavens door
Arms of an angel
On earth and Heaven

The fall

7.4K 144 126
Af Spidersoning

(Third Person P.O.V)

The vultures claws dug painfully into Peter's back as the vulture pulled them higher and higher into the darkness of the cold night. Peter tried hopelessly to get some control and wriggle from the tight grip the vulture had on him, wind whipped wildly around his face as tears streaked  down his bruised, maskless face.

Spiderman had been fighting the Vulture when he had grabbed him from behind, slamming him into the concrete and flying them upwards. His mask had been ripped off by another member of vultures gang, a satisfied look on his face upon seeing Peter's bruised and bloody face.

So here he was being dragged higher and higher into the dark night, streets packed with party goers, unaware of their friendly neighbourhood Spiderman being dragged to his death.

Fear crawled up his spine as he looked down, Peter isn't scared of heights, because he always has something to attach his web to, to stop the death inducing fall that he could take without it, but not this time. The emptiness of his surroundings stretched so far he couldn't see anything, he can see lights shining in the distance but they look more like sparks in the night, it's almost as though the earth is taunting him, willing him to at least try to escape. All he can see around him is the dark abyss of nothingness.

Something glistens below him and he stares down, squinting in the darkness to try and make it out. He can see the moon shining of it and he shudders in realisation. 

"Let me go" Peter demands, or at least tries to, it comes out more like a question and in a small voice.

The vulture laughs from above him and tighteners his hold on the spider, "Maybe this time you will stop interrupting my deals" he says, anger coating his voice.

With his claws he throws Peter upwards, toward him. Before Peter can react he feels a force like no other ripple across his face, darkness swirls his vision as he feels himself falling.

Then he hits something. Hard. The air is knocked out of him as he feels coldness consume him. It doesn't occur to him that he is in water, the pain from the hit clouding his mind, half conscious and falling further down the icy lake, he breaths. Pain punches him into realization, only then does he realize what has just happened. 

But it's too late. 

Ice cold water fills his lungs, destroying everything in its path. Darkness is all around him and he succumbs to the darkness and pain, allowing it to swallow him whole.


He has to get to him. Tony has to get to his son. FRIDAY was quick to alert Tony of what was going on, she had got a distress call from Karen as soon as Peters mask had been ripped away. Tony was in his suit going at full speed, praying his son is okay.

Arriving at his location, all Tony can see is a huge lake. His heart falls, and his world comes crashing down around him as he knows where Peter will be.

Peter is in the lake. 

Without another thought Tony dives down and follows the tracker. Seconds later he comes across Peter, laying there at the bottom of the freezing lake, blood surrounding him and pouring from his nose.

Tony quickly scoops him into his arms and shivers as he limply lays there, as soon as Tony is above the water he shoots to the nearest bank. Tony lays him cautiously onto the sand and jumps out of his suit. With shaking hands Tony kneels beside him and puts his fingers onto his pulse point. Tony shuts his eyes and prays. 

But there is nothing.

"No. No. No. NO. Come on kid wake up" Tony pleads, pulling Peter closer to himself. 


Tony's thoughts spiralled as he realised how much time he had wasted when he should have been trying to save Peter.  

Tony lays him down and links his hands together, with shaking hands he begins the compressions, 30 deep compressions that shatter Tony's heart when he hears Peters ribs break under the force of it. This was never meant to happen, he should never have to give his own child CPR.

He stops compressions and takes a deep breath before giving Peter two rescue breaths. With his hands still shaking he reaches for Peters pulse point and watches Peters chest with baited breath, hoping and praying he'll feel a heart beat and see the rise and fall of his chest. 

But there is nothing. 

His hands move back down and he continues.

Peter looks so, so pale. His eyes are sunken in, water droplets dripping slowly down his lifeless face. Blood has mixed with the water sliding down his face. His eyes are closed, bambi eyes nowhere to be seen, no smile gracing his lips and lighting up the world, suddenly the world around Tony is a lot darker, like it's lost its sun.

It feels like years Tony has been doing this, feeling with every second that passes more desperation light up his chest. 

Tony's arms ache with the constant movement but he won't stop. 

He can't stop. 

Tony's shaking hands push down on his pulse point. 

There, he feels it, a light flutter against his fingers, but it's barely there; not yet strong enough to continue on it's own. Pumping down a few more times and blowing some air into his chest, hope rises within him as Tony feel his heart beat become stronger.

Suddenly Peter is shooting into a sitting position, he starts to cough roughly as water starts to drip from his mouth. Tony pulls him close ignoring the water and blood that drips on to him. 

After coughing violently for multiple moments he starts to slow, Tony rubs his back in a calming motion also trying to keep his own emotions in check. 

Peter starts to fall deeper into Tony's arms, Peter lifts his head lazily with drooping bambi eyes, pain is evident in his innocent eyes as they close once again and his head lulls against Tonys chest.

Tony cards his hand through Peters wet and cold hair, keeping his body close to Tony. 

Tony settles his fingers on Peters pulse point again, letting out a shaky breath when he still feel the steady thrum of Peter's heart. 

Tony knows he has to help him, remembering him telling me that spiders can't thermoregulate. Tony can feel Peter shiver against him, the coldness from Peter seeming to seep into Tony.

Gently, Tony picks him up and gets back into his suit, whispering reassuring words to Peter. 

Tony keeps a tight grip on Peter, not wanting to take a chance of Peter falling. Thoughts race through his head as he thinks of secondary drowning, hypothermia, and so much more. 

Flying into the sky, Tony hastily says "FRI, get Bruce on the line. Now."

There is no reply, other than the ring of a dial tone and Bruce's face pop into Tonys's line of suit, letting Tony know Bruce is being called. 

A couple rings pass and Tony can feel his heart beat quicken at the prospect that maybe he won't answer and isn't around. 

Just as Tony is about to lose hope, Bruce's voices rings out through his helmet. "Tony what is it, I just got to sleep," his groggy voice replies to Tony. 

A sigh of relief escapes his lips as Tony tightens his hold on Peter. 

"It's Pete. H-he fell into a lake. I- Bruce I had to give him CPR, just p-please get the medbay ready," Tony responds, still shocked and stunned as to what happened, the concern still strong for the young spider in his arms. 

Tony hears Bruce gasp and some movement before Bruce hastily replies "Okay, just hurry Tony, we don't know what internal damage he could have suffered."

Tony doesn't reply, just hangs up and starts going faster, very conscious of the blood that seems to be cascading down Peters back and face at an alarming rate. 


 As soon as Tony lands he jumps out of his suit, holding Peter tighter as Tony can feel how cold Peter has gotten.

"It's alright Underoos, I got you, you'll be okay now," Tony whispers to him, trying to make him feel safer, even if Peter can't hear him. 

Tony runs into the medbay, Bruce already standing anxiously there, equipment and nurses all around him. 

Tony lays Peter carefully onto the bed, slowly laying his head onto the pillow. 

As soon as Tony is no longer touching him, Peter is crowded by nurses taking blood, checking his heart rate, hooking him up to all the machines and injecting him with an array of medicines.

Bruce grabs Tonys arm, pulling him back slightly and making Tony look at him.

"What happened? I need details to be able to help him," Bruce speaks desperately, looking at Tony to Peter who is laying still in the bed, machines beeping, blood still falling and lips turning blue, his hair now dry, caked in blood and dirt. 

Tony tells him, everything. 

From the vulture, to the fall, to Tony getting to him and having to give him CPR, trying desperately to save him. 

Of course Tony can't give him the full details, as even he doesn't know, all he knew was the vulture got him and chucked him into the frozen lake. 

With every new detail said, Bruce's face seems to lose more and more colour. 

Once Tony is done, Bruce looks at Tony with a sad look in his eyes and says "I'm sorry Tony, but I need you to leave so we can concentrate on trying to help Peter".  

Tony looks to Peter then back to Bruce's pleading face, reluctantly he turns away, wanting nothing more than for them to save his son. 


Time seemed to slow down after that. Doctors and nurses running in with different equipment, shouting at each other. 

Thankfully though, Tony could still hear the constant beep of the machine, signalling Pete is still alive, still breathing.  


What felt like years, but must had only been a few hours, had passed before Bruce came out. His face held a small smile, his eyes held hope and light. 

"He'll be okay Tones, you got to him in time," Bruce says, opening the door and gesturing Tony to go in. 

Quickly standing Tony smiles and thanks him, running into the room and seeing his still pale, but breathing son. 

He no longer had blood smearing his face, and is all cleaned of the dirt as well. Letting a few tears fall down his face Tony walks forward, encasing Peters hand into his own.  

Bringing Peters hand to his lips, Tony places a loving kiss to Peters hand and say quietly, "Hey kiddo". 

Tony watch as Peters eyes flutter open, looking around confused until they land on Tony. 

"Dad," Peters voice croaks out, his hand lightly squeezing Tony's. 

Tony smiles at him, a wave of relief wiping across his entire body as he replies "Yeah Pete, it's me bubba. You're safe now."

A tired smile graces Peters lips as his bambi eyes start to droop in exhaustion, "I knew you'd save me. I love you" Peter whispers before falling into a deep sleep. 

Wiping away some stray tears Tony smiles and says, "I'll also save you bud, I love you too". 




A/N- The next ones should be longer but i'm not sure 

- M xx

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