By Why__Though

308 12 58

My rants Okay beware because these are all my opinion you don't have to agree and if you don't just say I don... More

Yep It's Plot Time
Take me out

Why tf is it like this

181 9 50
By Why__Though

WARNING: This rant may annoy you so I'm sorry in advance and FUCK SPELLING MISTAKES CAUSE I GET KINDA PISSED at least while writing I was.

Before I start I would like to say that if I happen to offended anybody it was not my intention.



I swear I can't seem to read three books in the row without two of them making Jungkook some horrible person with no morals. I can't it's like the same trip over and over and over again but you wanna know what makes worse. When Tae is just some perfect little angel that does no wrong. Look I can get behind it sometimes because sometimes it's done right! But a lot of the times it's just annoying.

TELL ME NOW when have you ever come across someone that is that innocent that is over the age of 15 because I swear I have never met a teenager that nice. I can't like what! Then it's the fact that he had always gone through some unimaginable trama that has changed his life for the worst. So now everyone is just " omg my baby like kook you can't ever do anything wrong in his presence or I will kill you." Like no it's dumb and unrealistic that they expect him to be perfect now.

Another thing that I refuse to get behind is overly sassy Tae. Now when I say overly sassy Tae I do t mean sassy because he just is that way and it's actually clever, no, I mean that type sassy that is just infuriating. The type were he is just rude like down right rude and everyone is just okay with it because it's baby Tae and he is just and angel that has been through a lot.

WHY HAS TAE ALWAYS BEEN THROUGH ALOT! at this point it's past interesting and now is just boring because you expect it. Like come on man can I have one book we're tae's parents aren't like horrible people or he just is normal with a nice normal life. WHY CANT I FET THAT WITHOUT HIM BEING UNREALISTICALLY INNOCENT.

Now in the defense of all of this I will say I mainly read top kook and I am normally on wattpad. So all you wattpad authors out there please make something different. Because frankly books with different plots are a hundred times more interesting even if it doesn't have the best writing it's fun and new. By different I mean..... I'll just list some things.

1. Make Tae a normal character. Make him struggle make him cry make him pay for his mistakes. Don't make him so innocent. Make your readers not like him sometimes make him learn the hard way make him different. MAKE HIM FUCKING HUMAN.

2. STOP MAKING JUNGKOOK A FLAT CHARACTER THAT IS JUST MEAN! Make him interesting! Make him struggle! Give him background! Let him be interesting give him layers. If you make him mean give him a reason and make it a real reason not that his dad is mean to him. Make him hurt but make it be someone's fault.

3. You don't have to include all the members. It is a Taekook fan fiction not a bts fan fiction if you chose to put all the member in the book make them useful. You don't have to put them all in the book for it to be good. You will find that successful movie makers or writers have to cut characters in order make there book work so pls just think. " do I need this character to make this book good?"

4. QUIT MAKING ALL THE CHARACTERS THE SAME.  I don't think I can stress how much sassy Jin with his pan gets on my nerves. Or how inspirational joon makes me want to pull my hair out from how cheesy it is. Yoongi doesn't always have to sleep, and Hoseok doesn't always need to be so happy. I feel like Jimin is the only character that constantly changes from book to book, some books I don't like him in other books he is a straight up savage and I love him because he is something new and fresh and apart of the same stereotypes that I see all the time. This is not them in real life sure it is PART of their personalities but is not all of there personalities. Jin can be quite and not be mad or upset. Join can be mean or he can play around a lot with the other members because he is just as Immature as Tae and kook sometimes. Yoongi will can sometimes be more energetic and crazy than rest of them because he is so playful, Hoseok gets sad and he's not some ball sunshine he does struggle and has feeling other than pure happiness. They don't always get along you have to remember that because if they always get along they aren't real friends.

Okay their are a lot of tropes that annoy me but the one thing that I will never get behind is bipolar readers. Like my god one second you are about to murder kook and the next it's like "awww he's so cute" I swear it's annoying! Just don't okay just stop it's weird and no not okay I don't like it. I will admit I am like this sometimes and the moment I notice o hate myself because it's annoying and it's just not constant.

Also the fact that if you don't agree with the rest comments their is automatically a "problem". Honey last checked this entire comment system thing that wattpad has developed is so that we can voice our opinions! So don't come for me if I decide that I like Jungkook more like Taehyung because nine times out of ten I have a reason. I don't like whiny people it's annoying so if  a charter is constantly rude and whiny and gets away with everything. I. WILL.NOT.LIKE. THEM because they are the definition of annoying. Like tell of you met someone that makes their life so much harder than has to be then complains about, would YOU like them.

OH AND MY GOD WHY DOES EVERYONE FEEL THE NEED TO CONSTANTLY MAKE EVERYONE IN THEIR BOOK ATTRACTED TO TAEHYUNG OR JUNGKOOK. It's annoying. Like I know that a lot of these tropes come from real world teen romance books but those books are biased off what happened when a thirty year old was teen. Make a book that embodies how teens today act because I promise not all dude fall into the two categories of hot and an ass or nerdy that's just not how life works. Walk into high school and you will se a plethora of guys that come no where close to those categories.  I can also promise you that their will always be at least three groups of females that don't like that one dude cause that's not how it works.

Also when it comes to sassy Tae why is it that he is just rude. Like I AM ALL FOR SASSY. I would not consider my self sassy but I find sassy people so interesting but when they just start being rude it's just annoying and it's not just sassy Tae it's also sassy Jin. That trope is just plain..... uhhhhhh idk even but I don't like it. It should have died in 2019 I swear. I have read multiple books where Jin is just a chill big brother type of person and I love them they are so normal. Like when you try and make a BTS high school AU, make them normal. Because there are a lot of attractive people that just aren't popular, and there are a lot of sporty people that aren't on sports teams, there are jocks that are smart, and there are a lot of social people that people just don't like. They don't have to be known in order for the book to be good. I'm not saying that there are not plenty of books where they are the center of attention that aren't perfectly good. THE THING THAT I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH are the people that think just because someone else made it work that they can too. Don't think like that they made it work because it was there story.

This is way longer than expected so I will continue later.

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