Babydoll (BWWM)

By savvv3

1.4M 51.1K 21.5K

Kinda meant to be cliche and corny "I never said that this life was going to be all sunshine and rainbows, ba... More

1 - Gunshots & Clubbin'
2 - Mansions & Trackers
3 - Babydoll
5 - Fuck off Luca
6 - Another day Another dollar
7 - My children
8 - Ansley
9 - Nothing dangerous
10 - Liam
11 - Amelia
12 - Jealousy
13 - You're fucking crazy
14 - Andrei
15 - Stay with me
16 - Deal
17 - Her words not mine
18 - Weird things
19 - Pretty fire
20 - I'm a bad bitch
21 - Pre date
22 - Me n you
23 - Date night*
24 - Embarrassing
25 - She's mine
26 - You had one job
27 - Pills
28 - Backstory *
29 - Graduation
30 - Research Purposes
31 - Nosy ass
32 - Nicholas and Trevor
33 - Daddy kink
34 - Love
35 - You look so sexy
36 - Apple
37 - Panorama Bitch
38 - I don't deserve her
39 - Distant
40 - Bitch!
41 - Childish
42 - Freak
43 - After*
44 - you fucking tease*
45 - Charity
46 - trending
47 - Usher's dick
48 - Vacation*
49 - Birthday
50 - Mama
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10
Bonus #11
hey guys

4 - More shooting & fainting

38.7K 1.3K 557
By savvv3

Kiona's POV

+ not edited

After the encounter at the store with Jackson and him calling me babydoll, I was in my car headed home. Him calling me babydoll, sarcastically was not supposed to be a term of endearment I'm guessing, but it's all I thought about.

I get back to my apartment greeting my dogs and putting the food away and storing my dogs food away. I wasted the day away relaxing and walking my dogs dreading going to work and class tomorrow.

The good thing was that I was graduating in a month and I was beyond ecstatic. Right now I worked in a restaurant earning me enough money to pay for an apartment. When I get a real steady job, I could pay off my student loans.

My degree is software engineering with a minor in general computer engineering. I don't even know how I got so obsessed with technology but here I am.

Ziya and Trece came back over but honestly we really didn't even watch anything, we were too tired so we just went to sleep.


"Come on! Drive!" It was too early in the morning and I was angry just trying to get to class. To top it off I didn't eat and my period started. Yes thanks for notifying me that I am not pregnant and I'm not getting any.

I park stepping out of my car grabbing my bookbag and glasses. "Haha!" I say to myself because I wasn't going to be late.

One more month!

I sat in my main class taking notes, a lot of them. My hand was going to fall off and of course my professor was going at lightning speed so I recorded it and would listen to it later to get the things I missed. I had a calculus class, the last math I'd ever have to take and it was the highest math class.

This class makes me want to drop out, but it's too late for that. That class was an hour and a half so I went to sleep. I'm sure I'd regret it later but that nap was very crucial.

It was now noon and I hop back into my car heading to the diner I worked at. I loved it, but I was happy to be finding new work soon. It was a small diner which had the regular customers who you got to know very well, some even felt like family at this point.

I had just taken another order so I took it to the kitchen to be put in. I took more orders at the front counter putting them in as well and started to clean.

"Babydoll, you have to come with me." Jackson pops up behind me and I almost  backhand him.

"Huh? Why? No I'm working!" I say going back to grabbing plates and cups.

"I don't expect you to trust me, but trust me on this." He says looking serious. I check my surroundings and there seemed to be nothing off about anything.

"I can't just leave work"

"Tell em you're sick later but come on!" He demands pulling me out of the door almost at least. He grabs my waist pulling me behind the counter.

Gunshots hit the lights and people started to scream. "What the fuck Jackson!" I whisper shout at him, but he only glares at me to shut up.

"Stay." He tells me. The hell? I'm not a dog therefore I can do whatever I want to... if I want to die, so I do what he says.

He stands cocking his gun. I watch him shoot someone in the foot but it's only one person. That didn't make sense. More faint gunshots were heard outside. He nods at me to come here and takes my hand to get in the car.

"Tell me they're all gone, the members
that were here at least." I hear faint talking and he drops his phone into the cup holder after he was done talking.

"At this point, I think you're trying to kill me." I say folding my arms. He looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Everytime I see you there's trouble. I dont want apart of it." I speak up and watch him focus on the road. Silence. A few minutes later and we were at the
same mansion that I left yesterday.

Why was I back here, they're definitely going to kill me.

"Don't try it," he tells me pulling me into the house.

"She's back," the blonde guys says laughing.

"Luca shut the hell up." Jackson says.

"Well, if this asshole right here doesn't want you, I do, and plus I think it's pretty badass that you took the tracker outta your phone." He compliments.

"Thank you," I say with a slight smile. I yank my arm away from Jackson putting both hands behind my back. He glares at both of us pulling me upstairs.

I yank my arm away once again only for both arms to be pinned above my head.

"Don't flirt with other men while you're here." He says looking down at me. I was ready to go off, but I remember that he has two guns on him right now, probably three.

"I didn't invite myself here and that was your friend. You crack me up Jackson." I say laughing. My ass could not be serious in these types of situations. I try to get out of his hold. I hate being short. "If you excuse me, I have a final to study for." I try to go but he keeps me there.

"I think you're safer here." He states.

"Oh please, I'm not moving everything to be stuck with your ass and a whole bunch of men, I'd rather face whoever wants to kill me, myself." I say. He laughs loudly, his laugh tickling my ear making me squirm. Now if his breath would've stunk then that'd be the end of everything.

I start thinking about the blood I've seen, the night of Mardi Gras and the blood I've seen at the diner. It makes me weak. Probably my biggest weakness, a lot of gory stuff like that. Blood.

I began to feel lightheaded and extremely hot. "Kiona?" I feel him hold my arms. I take my jacket off feeling so shitty all of a sudden.

"Oh what the fuck babydoll not again." I hear as my eyes close.


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