Babydoll (BWWM)

By savvv3

1.4M 51.1K 21.5K

Kinda meant to be cliche and corny "I never said that this life was going to be all sunshine and rainbows, ba... More

1 - Gunshots & Clubbin'
3 - Babydoll
4 - More shooting & fainting
5 - Fuck off Luca
6 - Another day Another dollar
7 - My children
8 - Ansley
9 - Nothing dangerous
10 - Liam
11 - Amelia
12 - Jealousy
13 - You're fucking crazy
14 - Andrei
15 - Stay with me
16 - Deal
17 - Her words not mine
18 - Weird things
19 - Pretty fire
20 - I'm a bad bitch
21 - Pre date
22 - Me n you
23 - Date night*
24 - Embarrassing
25 - She's mine
26 - You had one job
27 - Pills
28 - Backstory *
29 - Graduation
30 - Research Purposes
31 - Nosy ass
32 - Nicholas and Trevor
33 - Daddy kink
34 - Love
35 - You look so sexy
36 - Apple
37 - Panorama Bitch
38 - I don't deserve her
39 - Distant
40 - Bitch!
41 - Childish
42 - Freak
43 - After*
44 - you fucking tease*
45 - Charity
46 - trending
47 - Usher's dick
48 - Vacation*
49 - Birthday
50 - Mama
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10
Bonus #11
hey guys

2 - Mansions & Trackers

45.2K 1.4K 413
By savvv3

Kiona's POV

+not edited

Oh what the hell. Memories of the night before flood back into my memory and I immediately start panicking. I slowly open my eyes hoping that it'd be a dream, but no. My head was pounding like I had a hangover.

"Well goodmorning sunshine." I jump off the bed immediately looking at the man who I woke up next to. He was already dressed. Hated to admit it, but this stranger who took me yesterday was kinda fine.

He had dark brown loosely curled hair with dark blue eyes in the sunlight. His skin was lightly tan and muscular, but not too much muscle like the two guys standing at the door. He was extremely tall and had on all black. Looks like the start of a bad movie.

"You're gonna act like everything's normal." I search my bra for my phone, but it wasn't there. "Where's my phone?" I scream at him as he stood smug with a little grin. Him doing that got me scared, a bad gut feeling.

I was in the clothes from last night, feeling dirty. As I think of the guy who I saw get shot, I felt sick all over again. My breathing picks up and I start panicking again. I didn't want to look weak, but fuck I was ready to cry. I run through the body guards I'm assuming and down the stairs. Well fuck this house was big as hell.

Men were all over the house and thoughts filled my mind which only terrified me more. I saw a door so I took it as an exit. I planned to charge through the door just to be picked up by my waist. I immediately squirmed out of whoever's touch it was and pulled my shirt down to cover my stomach.

"Woah, got a fast one there huh?" Next to the guy who took me yesterday was another white boy with fluffy blonde hair who was also cute. Sorry, he was.

"What the fuck, let me leave. I don't know who y'all are, and I don't wanna die. I didn't see anything so I'll be on my way." Thinking that worked I walked to the door only for the bodyguards to move in front of it.

"She's got a mouth on her too." The blonde boy says.

I glare at him only for him to laugh.

The guy who took me yesterday unfolds his arms staring at me intently. "Well for starters I'm Jackson," and I only stare blankly at him.

My dogs! I just wanna go home. Oh fuck, Ziya and Trece. "Please I just want to go home and check on my friends please," I tried to steady my breathing as I think about all of the horrible things that could've happened to them.

The blonde boy only stares and so does Jackson. "Ok." Jackson says after some silence. I perk up somewhat.

"I swear I won't say anything, I didn't see anything, hear anything. I don't even know who you are." I laugh nervously edging towards the door. Jackson watches me slightly amused.

"Come on, I'm taking you home." He grabs ahold of my arm and I retract it so quick that I get scared when he turns around. He only grabs it again softer. I just hope he doesn't lead me somewhere to die.

It was a garage with like 7 Escalades. That many of the same make and model. He however leads me to a black Ferrari and I was hesitant to get in.

"Get in." He says, not harsh but in a tone that scares me. A tone that says get yo ass in the car and don't say anything. I do. It was quiet as he starts it up and pulls out of the garage.

I start bouncing my leg, glancing at him and then out of the window. "Here." He says handing me my phone and I immediately call both friends.

"Where do you live." He asks and I was hesitant to tell him.

"Drop me off at the corner of east 21st and Greene." He nods and continues to focus.

"Oh my gosh thank god!" I say when Ziya picks up. We talk and I ask if Trece is ok. Turns out they were together outside of my apartment. "I love y'all so much, I'm on my way home." I wanted to start crying but I didn't and waited for the ride to come to a stop.

My mind couldn't even process what just happened and yesterday night. I look at him again just to see that he was already looking at me. I get nervous and turn my head back out to the window. He chuckles putting his hand on the gear stick. I see the intersection get closer and get ready to hop out.

"Uh thanks I guess, for kidnapping me ? But saving me? Bye." I say as the car comes to a stop and I close the car door. He doesn't say anything but just watches.

I don't start walking until I hear his engine take off.

I know it's dirty but I take off my heels and walk down the street barefoot. My feet were killing me. I practically run up the stairs of my apartment to find my friends outside of it. I engulf them in a giant hug unlocking my apartment.

"This is why we don't go out!" I say laughing a little.

"I don't think I ever wanna go out again." Trece says and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Yea ok." Ziya says laughing and pulling away from the hug. "I could sleep for 2 days straight after that." Ziya says plopping on my couch.

"By the way, we're spending the night." Ziya says.

"Huh? My apartment gets volunteered for everything!"

"Yea, cuz it's the best." Trece says pulling me down on the couch with them.

I hop back up to take a shower and change clothes. In the shower I start thinking which it probably would've been better off if I didn't.

People in that house with guns. Everywhere. And something is off. Like I know a mansion like that isn't normal, but those type of people wouldn't usually let me off free.

I'm glad they did and I hope they don't return. He basically saved my life, but in a weird way. I was paranoid. I get out of the shower wrapping the towel around me putting my music on pause.

I examine the outside of my phone. I know how to take apart phones and put them back together. Weird, I know but useful. I sat at my desk, digging through my cabinet. I find my tools and take the screen off of my phone.

I separate all the pieces looking carefully and bitch. I pull this blinking chip from the inside of my phone. Looking at it carefully. A tracker.

My heart rate picks up and as quickly as possible I put my phone back together. I bite my lip worriedly, taking the chip and my phone out of my room.

In the main room I find Ziya and Trece sleep on the couch with YouTube on the TV. I destroy the chip as much as possible until the light was gone. I set my phone on the table laying on the couch with them letting sleep take over me. Even if it was only 11am.


Feel free to point out errors lol, it'd help me a lot

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