chandler hallow x reader

By dolanfreaknotsorry

28.8K 539 390

discontinued but worth the read anyway ;) More

deserted island
last to leave insane asylum
extreme hide and seek
24 hours on a mountain
24 hours in area 51
last to leave slime pit
bought everything if 5 stores

24 hours in a forest

4.5K 71 48
By dolanfreaknotsorry

1700 words

I don't know why I agreed to this. I don't want to be eaten alive by mysterious tropical bugs or have the risk of fighting a bear. Bears don't scare me at all but you know what does? Cougars. Them fuckers will kill you just for the shiggles. (shits and giggles)

"Why did I come here.." I wined, fixing the backpack strap on my left shoulder. "Because it's fun hanging out with us" Jimmy said. "Sure" I smirked. "Hey! Are you saying we're boring?" Chris asked. "Definitely not.. Just, Why outside all night? Gross.." I said, glaring at a fruit fly and smacking it away every few times it got too close.

"I'm already itching my buttsack off" Chandler spoke in a funny voice. "Chandler that's gross" I said half-heartedly. "Sorry but I can't deny the truth" He flipped his hair. I smiled and shook my head, continuing the hike. "MY LEGS BURN!" Chris yelled. "Awe, does wittle chrissy need to take a break because his leggies are hurt?" I said in a baby voice, earning a laugh from the others. "I think we're lost" jimmy stopped. "No we're not" I said, knowing that he was trying to scare us. "No I really think we're-"

"Move it, I'll take the lead and carry the burden so the babies all around me don't have to" I rolled my eyes getting in the front of the line and leading us. "Do even know anything about surviving in the wild?" Chris asked. "Okay mr. Bigshot yes, as a matter of fact I do" I stuck my chin up, pushing a branch out of the way and letting it hit chandler behind me. "Oh yeah? What do you know?" He asked. "I know what berries are good to eat and I'm good with bugs. I study them for occasions like this or if I somehow get lost in the woods" I said and they all went silent. "...what? You never know" I shrugged and we went back to hiking. When Chandler got a bit wild with the machete, I had to steal it away from him. "Let the man handle the pointy objects" I patted his shoulder and walked to a clearing. Finally freakin made it.

"First we focus on food, water, and shelter" Jimmy said. "And fire cause I'm cold as fuuuuck" I yelled. "You're always cold" Chandler elbows my shoulder. "Shut up, let's clear out our bags and show em what we got" I sat on the ground by jimmy and chandler. "I mostly have snacks, first aid, and hoodies" I said and they had ponchos and pillows. "Alright losers, go get us some dry wood for the shelter and fire" I said pointing and they saluted, running off to get some. While they did that, I helped with whatever they needed help with.

"EVERYBODY KNOWS NOT TO DRINK RIVER WATER FROM RANDOM BOTTLES YOU FOUND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS YOU MORONS!" I yelled at the two. They thought it was a good idea to find random bottles and fill em with dirty river water. "But chris said fast moving water was safe to drink" Jimmy said to me. "Well chris wants us to die then, gimmie that" I snatched the bottles from the two and put them in my bag to recycle later and then took out my own water bottles and gave them one. "Here, drink that water and when you run out then there are more in my bag. Don't drink the river water" I said, shaking my head like a disappointed mother while walking away. As I was walking, my ankle did that twist roll thing ya know? How it goes sideways and hurts really bad? I did that and fell in the water.

"Are you okay?!" Jimmy and chandler said at the same time. "Yeah, my dumbass just stepped wrong and now I'm wet" I said and got help from chandler to stand up. "Now you're gonna be even more cold" Chandler said. "I have a change of clothes, I'll be fine" I shrugged and put my water bottle in my bag. "I'm gonna head back to camp" Jimmy said walking off. "I wanna go up there, looks so cool" Chandler said, pointing up stream. "Me too honestly, maybe we can find some forest gremlins to help us" I said and started walking with chandler. It was really pretty here "I wish I brought my camera, It's pretty" I said, looking around. "Yeah, bummer. We could live here together honestly" He said looking around. "Nah we would die quickly for sure" I nodded at him.

After exploring around, chandler ended up getting bit by some weird bug just as I was afraid of. I had to check his pulse and breathing, for fevers, I checked his pupils and shit cause I know what to do in these situations. I felt like a doctor. "Awe, you care about my well being" chandler said to me as we were slowly making our way back to camp. "Well no shit, you're my best friend" I rolled my eyes. "Look at chu, being responsible and shit.. Wow" He smiled and nudged me. "Whatever, I wanted to make sure you didn't get bit by something seriously bad"

When we finally got to the others, who were looking for us, they said they were worried for him. "Not worried about me huh? I see how it is" I pretend to act hurt. "We know you'll do fine on your own, y/n. You're fearless" Chris said. "Thanks, damn right I am. Watch a bear show up and y'all go running behind me, I'd be standing there with a sword, shield and armor on" I smiled and they all laughed and agreed with me. These babies..

When we got back to camp, we were all exhausted so we made chris do all the fire work. It only made sense.. Then chandler and I went back out to find some berries. "Are these good?" He asked, holding up some black berries. "Yeah" I nodded and picked some good ones. "Are these good?" He held up small red ones. "Not the seed, but the actual berry yeah. So throw the seed somewhere and keep the berry" I said and he did so, collecting a bunch. "Are these good?" He asked for the hundredth time. "Black and blue berries are good, purple berries are good, not the white ones, not the yellow ones, most of the red ones are good" I said so he would stop asking. He nodded and got to picking.

When I had two handfulls, I noticed chandler was pale and seemed tired. "Hey, you okay?" I asked, looking at him closer. "No, I think something is wrong.. I don't feel good at all" He shook his head. "Yeah you look pale, you're pupils are big too.. It must've been the bug that bit you earlier.. Let's head back to camp and let the others know" I said and helped him to the camp. I kept asking him how he felt, or if anything changed, and made sure he wasn't dizzy or anything. I don't want anything bad to happen to him.

(Y'all I couldn't decide to have y/n go with chandler or not, so I did both, Scroll down if you want to read if you stayed at the camp)

When we got him in the car, I got in with him. "You guys will be okay without me, If you see a bear, remember the rhyme. If it's brown, lay down, if it's black, fight back. And I know black bears are scary, but just punch it- nevermind you guys are wimps. Just scare em away or play dead" I shook my head and waved them off. "Who else is gonna fight off the bears?!" Chris panicked.

As we were driving, I held onto chandlers arm and made sure he was hydrated and everything. It took like 4 hours, but he walked out okay. He got medicine and all that, they told him to drink water and to sleep. After that, we got food and we were good. And in the morning, he said he felt good so that made me happy. We decided to check on the guys soon. "Thanks for watching and taking care of me n/n" Chandler smiled and hugged me. "Well I wasn't gonna let you go alone" I hugged back. "Let's go" I said and we got ready to leave.

(this is the part if you stayed instead)

I waved to chandler as he was driven to the hospital. He gave me a small, tired smile and waved back. "He'll be okay guys, Let's finish the shelter" I said and we walked back to camp. It felt lonely, and weird without chandler but I'll see him again soon. "At least we still have protection" Chris slapped his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, like I'm gonna fight off a bear for you guys" I roll my eyes. "You would, don't deny it, you love us" jake said. "Shh" I put my finger in front of my lips to make a shushing sound.

We layed down under our shelter and got comfy. "Good thinking to keep the fire giving out a lot of smoke, y/n" Jake noted. "Everybody knows it keeps mosquitoes away, it's not like I'm at the top of the food chain" I roll my eyes. "What if this falls, and this log goes right down on us" chris asked, pointing at the ceiling of our shelter. "Then it'll help the bugs crawl up your nose and into your small brain" I smiled and laughed at my own joke. Jake yelled because of chris, and they got scared it was gonna attract bears. "Oh please, if anything it'll scare em away" I said and closed my eyes, getting to sleep.

Stupid sunlight woke me up before anybody else. I got out snacks and just ate those till the others woke up. They complained that their bodies hurt and how bad their sleep was, but me being me, I slept like a baby. 

hope y'all enjoyed, I kind of liked this one. If y'all want any requests on what video I should do soon, lmk :)

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