The Children of Hypnos

By ChessieZappia

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[ VOLUMES 1-3 NOW COMPLETE.] Emery Ashworth is a dreamhunter. She spends her time fighting the nightmares of... More

Chapter 1: Dreamhunter
Chapter 2: Reluctant Deals
Chapter 3: Insanity Prime
Chapter 4: Sandman
Chapter 5: The Wilmark Fox
Chapter 6: Chickens Without Heads
Chapter 7: Investigations
Chapter 8: Goodnight
Chapter 9: Hugs and Punches
Chapter 10: Totally Obeying Orders
Chapter 11: The Dream
Chapter 12: Too Real
Chapter 13: Black Eyes
Chapter 14: Grimm
Chapter 15: Mad Science
Chapter 16: Poisoned
Chapter 17: The Amazon vs. The Sandman
Chapter 18: Skeleton Boy
Chapter 19: Fabian Fenhallow, Dolphin Lover
Chapter 20: Order
Chapter 21: The Fenhallow Underground
Chapter 22: Klaus
Chapter 23: Keeping Secrets
Chapter 24: Research
Chapter 25: Mr. God of War
Chapter 26: Like Tea
Chapter 27: The House on Fenhallow Hill
Chapter 28: Fenhalloween
Chapter 29: Snowfall
Chapter 30: Torches and Pitchforks
Chapter 31: Morrigan
Chapter 32: Doppelgänger
Chapter 33: The Calm
Chapter 34: The Storm
Chapter 35: Mr. Sandman, Bring Us A Dream
Chapter 36: Russian Lullaby
Chapter 37: Chaos
Chapter 38: Waking Up
Author's Note
[Vol. 2] Chapter 1: The Eye of Hypnos
[Vol. 2] Chapter 2: White Noise
[Vol. 2] Chapter 3: Vault and Temper
[Vol. 2] Chapter 4: Innocent
[Vol. 2] Chapter 5: Guilty
[Vol. 2] Chapter 6: The Trial of Klaus Warwick
[Vol. 2] Chapter 7: Why Can't We Be Friends
[Vol. 2] Chapter 8: Geist Heights
[Vol. 2] Chapter 9: The Wolf in the Snow
[Vol. 2] Chapter 10: In Theory
[Vol. 2] Chapter 11: The One Who Watches
[Vol. 2] Chapter 12: When It's You
[Vol. 2] Chapter 13: Haunted
[Vol. 2] Chapter 14: Trevor
[Vol. 2] Chapter 15: Unknown Variables
[Vol. 2] Chapter 16: Zero 7
[Vol. 2] Chapter 17: The Battle of Fenhallow
[Vol. 2] Chapter 18: Van der Gelt
[Vol. 2] Chapter 19: Dancing
[Vol. 2] Chapter 20: His Lonesome Nights Are Over
[Vol. 2] Chapter 21: Infection
[Vol. 2] Chapter 22: Escape
[Vol. 2] Chapter 23: Business Negotiations
[Vol. 2] Chapter 24: Castle in the Desert
[Vol. 2] Chapter 25: Siege
[Vol. 2] Chapter 26: War and Peace
[Vol. 2] Chapter 27: Feast or Famine
[Vol. 2] Chapter 28: Pestilence, Plague, Poison
[Vol. 2] Chapter 29: The Queen of Nightmares
[Vol. 3] Chapter 1: Into the West
[Vol. 3] Chapter 2: Peacemaker
[Vol. 3] Chapter 3: Standoff
[Vol. 3] Chapter 4: The Ecstasy of Gold
[Vol. 3] Chapter 5: Eight Months
[Vol. 3] Chapter 6: Ten Years
[Vol. 3] Chapter 7: Wolves
[Vol. 3] Chapter 8: Savior
[Vol. 3] Chapter 9: Pinkney
[Vol. 3] Chapter 10: The Other Underground
[Vol. 3] Chapter 11: City of Sand
[Vol. 3] Chapter 12: The Children of Eris
[Vol. 3] Chapter 13: Hunters and Prey
[Vol. 3] Chapter 14: Chasing Ghosts
[Vol. 3] Chapter 15: Bad News
[Vol. 3] Chapter 16: Arrivals
[Vol. 3] Chapter 17: The Somniferum
[Vol. 3] Chapter 18: Starving
[Vol. 3] Of the Flower
[Vol. 3] Chapter 20: Regrowth
[Vol. 3] Chapter 21: Rally
[Vol. 3] Chapter 22: Dreamfall
[Vol. 3] Chapter 23: Not Like She Used to Be
[Vol. 3] Chapter 24: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
[Vol. 3] Chapter 25: You Tell 'Em I'm Comin'...
[Vol. 3] Chapter 26: The Storming of Fenhallow
[Vol. 3] Chapter 27: Down Below
[Vol. 3] Chapter 28: The Deep Cells
[Vol. 3] Chapter 29: Those With Loaded Guns
[Vol. 3] Chapter 30: Morpheus
[Vol. 3] Chapter 31: Lost

[Vol. 2] Chapter 30: Sorry

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By ChessieZappia

When Wes came back to himself, the Witch of the Wood was fleeing to the waking world with Klaus in tow, and Wes couldn't even lurch to his feet before they were gone. He staggered to the center of the room, a terrible hollow space opening up in his chest. The ceiling had frozen in place, no longer churning out nightmares. Emery, Morrigan, and Klaus were all gone. The sounds of combat ceased outside, and then Marcia charged through the door, bloody and bruised but still on her feet.

"Pestilence went to the waking world. What happened?" she asked, but Wes found he could no longer speak.

He opened his gateway, and they left the Dream.

Trevor van der Gelt's house was empty except for a scared Coop, and harsh winter daylight streamed through the windows. Both Van der Gelt and Mr. Lowe must have been out. There, finally free of the castle, Wes held Coop in his lap and explained what had happened, and Marcia listened through all of it. She did not rage, like he expected her to; all her energy seemed to have been used up.

They simultaneously and without speaking aloud decided to return to Fenhallow. With no other means of transportation, they walked. Their feet dragged through the snow. Somehow, the silence of the world under all that white was comforting; it made Wes feel as if nothing more could happen to him, as if life had been put on pause for their long march home. There was nothing waiting for them there but more horror. He didn't know which one of them reached out first, but he and Marcia held hands for most of the walk, both squeezing as hard as they could.

The police found them before they ever reached Fenhallow's gates. They were escorted back to campus, where they were met by the dean and no less than five high-ranking members of the Hypnos State, people whose names and faces Wes didn't care to remember. They found Coop in his bag, but let Wes keep him while he was questioned.

He tried to explain the story, but details slipped from his grasp like water. He remembered the big things—the pile of body parts, Ridley, the witch, Death, Emery—but everything else slid away. When they asked about Ridley, they tried to take her pick hammers, but he wouldn't give them up.

It was Dean Ashworth who convinced the State members to allow Wes to keep them.

"They were his sister's," Aldrich said. "He's the only one who can use them now."

Then Wes sat for a long time in the same room where they had once been tried in front of a jury. That felt like a lifetime ago. His head now swam with the small catches of what he could remember from the Dream, things he knew to be true but now felt only like nightmares. He was no dreamhunter. He couldn't save anyone.

Coop was curled in his lap, asleep. It was the only comfort in the room, the weight of a small thing that still needed him.

When Aldrich Ashworth returned, he was alone. Wes could feel it in his eyes whenever the dean was nearby, that very subtle resonance of a dreamform coming near its dreamer. The dean's face was weary but closed off; he perched on the edge of what had once been the jury box and took his glasses off to clean them.

"Did Moxie and Temper make it back?" Wes asked. Even to himself, his voice sounded dead.

The dean nodded. "They exited the Dream when the castle began to disappear. They're in the sleep clinic infirmary now, recuperating. Mr. Temper lost an arm and part of a foot. Moxie avoided most injuries due to her long range and crowd control abilities. Neither suffered bad poisoning, thankfully."

"That's good."

Dean Ashworth took a hard look at him for several long moments and finally said, "Edgar has come out of his coma."

Wes looked up.

"I just spoke to him," Aldrich continued. "For the first time since Fenhalloween. He's groggy, but awake. It will take time for us to know the ramifications of him killing his doppelgänger so early, and of the blockage Morrigan created in his dreams." He paused, looked down at his hands. "He wants to speak to Emery."

Wes began petting Coop so he didn't grab a chair and break it. "The witch threw her," he said, though he'd already told this part at least three times. "It threw Morrigan first, then it threw Emery. There was only darkness outside the tower."

"She's not dead," Aldrich said.

"How do you know?"

He moved to sit beside Wes, then reached into the breast pocket of his shirt and removed two small figures. Little people with black hair and blue eyes and clothes in bright primary colors that rolled in the palm of his hand. One looked like Emery, one like Edgar.

"I made these for them when they were born. When they were both old enough, I taught them how to color them with dreamforms. The colors are the first permanent dreamforms either of them made, before even armor or weapons. If the figure ever loses its color...well."

If the dreamer died, the dreamforms went with them.

Dean Ashworth replaced the figures in his pocket. "The witch wouldn't have been able to throw her out of Edgar's dream. If I had to guess, I would say she's still there."

"She can't make her own gateways, though," Wes said. "And the Dream was getting to her."

Dean Ashworth looked away, then looked back. "We'll send a search team after her, but I have to prepare you for the worst. If she and her doppelgänger were both thrown, there's a chance she's been taken. If Morrigan doesn't get to her, the Dream very well might. Even the strongest dreamhunters can only resist the Dream for so long before it envelops them. She'll stay alive there indefinitely, but bringing her back will mean returning her memories of who she is and helping her fight her way free, and that's much more difficult." He paused. "Her grandmother was lost to the Dream shortly after Emery's father was born."

"Who's going in after her, then?" Wes asked.

"I would go myself, but I'm afraid seeing me would only drive her deeper into the Dream." Dean Ashworth sighed. "Edgar would be the most potent if she does need that reminder, but he's too young and too fragile to be risked like that."

"What about her parents?"

Aldrich met Wes's gaze over the rims of glasses. "I received word from the State that Liam and Zoya have disappeared. No one is sure of their whereabouts."

"Doesn't the State keep something to tell them if dreamkillers have died? Like you with the figurines?"

"It does," said Aldrich.

"So the State knows they're not dead."

"It does."

"They deserted?"

"They wouldn't desert their post unless their children were in trouble, and the State would never allow that information to reach them."

"They were captured."

"Liam Ashworth and Zoya Volkova would not be captured by an enemy."

"So then where—" Wes trailed off. Aldrich hadn't blinked.

They wouldn't be captured by an enemy. Only by someone they thought was an ally. Maybe someone who gave them orders.

"That's why they haven't come back?"

"Nothing else would keep them from Emery and Edgar. There's a reason they were sent to the other side of the world. The only enemies of the State are doppelgängers and bonds between dreamhunters."

Wes's hand stilled on Coop's back. "You knew that, and you still let Emery think she was alone. You tried to have us put through dream death."

"I voted against it at the trial," Aldrich said. "But I can't offer any excuses for my actions. I've made many mistakes in my life. These past months have been the worst of them. I'll do what I can to bring Emery back, but I can't promise anything."

Wes went back to stroking Coop; the raccoon stretched his body so far he almost rolled off Wes's lap, and Wes had to gather him up and hold him close. He didn't want to listen to any more. He just wanted to sleep—sleep forever without dreaming, and forget everything he had ever seen.

"I am sorry about your sister," Dean Ashworth said. His voice sounded far away, and Wes didn't look up. "If she returns to you, you should advise her to avoid Fenhallow. She should probably leave the Sleeping City entirely. Any Hypnos State employee who encounters a fused doppelgänger is required to kill it. Again, Wes—I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to live through any of this. I'm sorry any of it happened."

Wes heard Emery in the back of his head, sharp and scathing: If you're so sorry, you should have done something when it mattered.

But she wasn't there to say it, and he could no longer open his mouth. He sat in silence until Aldrich Ashworth strode to the door. Before he walked out, Aldrich said, "I doubt there will be a trial this time. Mr. Warwick's witch is currently floating above a parking garage downtown. It seems wherever she goes, the veil between the waking world and the Dream thins out, and it becomes easier for nightmares to come through. Not to mention his doppelgänger is loose as well. There will be changes to Fenhallow and the city soon, and punishing you and Ms. Montgomery is low on the State's priorities."

Wes sat alone for a while, then tucked Coop back into his duffel bag and left the building. No one tried to stop him.

Outside, the campus was quiet beneath a light snowfall. It was night, and in the distance, Van Der Gelt Tower was a purple beacon downtown. Wes stood at the top of the administration building steps and looked around at the buildings coated in frost, the statue of Iltani and Fabian Fenhallow, the trees and shrubs hidden beneath the white, and he was reminded of Emery's dream. Moscow at night in the snow, the palace and its statues. Emery had always seemed less guarded when it snowed. Softer.

Emery wasn't dead. Neither was Ridley, in some way. And Death was out there too, waiting for him.

He still had work to do.

The End

Until the Beginning

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