You & Me (slow updates)

By ashleerenee17

563 11 11

Nova is a single mom to a 3-year old who's father wants nothing to do with them. At the time Nova didn't real... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

129 1 0
By ashleerenee17

Chapter 1

I remember the day Ace destroyed me like it was yesterday. It was hard to forget the pain I went through loving someone.

Ace and I have been seeing each other for about five months now. It was the best five months of my life.

I wasn't surprised when he wanted me to meet him at his office. Once in a while, he would have me show up at around lunchtime so we could get a quick one in. I always dressed professionally, so no one knew what went on behind those doors. I made sure I didn't show up often either. I didn't want to be talked about around the office.

Once we finished, he had a meeting that he needed to attend too. Ace told me to stay in his office, so when he was done, he could see me. So while he was gone, I cleaned myself up and made sure I looked professional again. He had his own bathroom in the office.

Twenty minutes went by, and there was a small knock on the door. When the door opened, there stood a petite brunette. She was extremely pretty. I've never seen her before. Maybe she has a meeting with Ace? Although her attire stated otherwise.

When she walked in, she noticed me sitting on the couch. "Hello, I'm looking for Ace. Is he around?" No one called Ace by his name in the office. It was always Mr. Miller. Maybe she was a relative of his? But something told me that I was wrong, way wrong, and I was about to get the shock of my life.

"No, he is in a meeting right now. I'm waiting for my meeting with him after he's finished. Are you also here for a meeting with him?"

I was curious to know who she was and how she knew Ace.

"No, I'm his fiancé. I just got back from a long trip that I was on for work." Right there, I froze he told me he was single. All this time, he was cheating, on her, with me. If I knew he wasn't single, I wouldn't have given him my time.

Does that make me a whore? Great, I'm going to hell now.

What should I do, should I tell her he cheated on her? Oh God, this is not what I need right now. I should just leave and never come back. Yea that sounds like a plan.

Right when I was about to get up to leave, the door opened up, revealing the cheater himself.

Ace Miller.

Can this day get any worse?

"Megan, you're back." Ace made no time going to her, ignoring me in the process. It was torture seeing him kiss her just an hour and a half after we did it. What did I do to deserve this?

Clearing my throat to gain their attention is when he finally noticed me standing there. When he realized it was me, his face lost all its color. Whoops, he must have forgotten I was still here.

"I'll just leave, and we can forget about our meeting. It seems the two of you haven't seen each other for a long time." I could see Ace visibly relax as I played it off. I was done with him for good, and I hope he knew that. I wasn't going to start anything. It's best to leave before I break.

"Thank you, Miss Carmichael."

Giving them a tight smile, I left the room, keeping my head held high.

I wasn't going to show him just how much he destroyed me. I'll do that alone, in my home, where no one can see me ugly cry. I was honestly surprised I held out that long before breaking down because I was beyond hurt. I was in love with a guy who already was in love with someone else. He even told me he loved me and wanted a future with me. I guess I was being naive and should have known some guys tell girls what they want to hear to get what they want.

That day was the heartbreak from hell, but a week later, I found out I was pregnant. I wasn't feeling well for a few weeks, so I went to the Dr's, where I was told I was eight weeks pregnant. She became the best thing out of our relationship back then, if you can even call it one. To me, we were in one. We were together for five months. We went on dates, bought each other gifts, and said the words I love you.

Three years later, here we are, living in a four-bedroom house, with a large backyard and a fenced-in pool. Just me and Everleigh. When Ace found out I was pregnant, his words were, "Do what you want with it but don't contact me. You're on your own. I never wanted a family with you. You were just to pass my time while Megan was away. You meant nothing to me. Besides, it's probably not even mine anyways. You're just wanting money."

Those were the words that broke me even further, but I built myself up off of them. I had no choice but to be strong for both of us. If we ever ran into each other again, I'll show him we succeeded without him. We never needed him.

When Everleigh's old enough to understand what's going on, I won't lie to her. I'm going to tell her the truth, about her father, I owe her that much.I wouldn't be able to live with myself, making up a story. What if one day she wants to find him and I lied to her? Then I would have no choice but to tell her the truth, and it would hurt her further. She may hate me then, and I wouldn't want that. I was all she had besides my family right now.

I can honestly say I don't wish things were better because I don't think they would have been. We wouldn't have the happily ever after fairytale life that I pictured. No, we would have a cheating father or husband/boyfriend. If Ace was able to do that to his fiancé, I'm sure it wouldn't have been different if we were together. I hope for Megan, he stopped his cheating ways.

Hearing little feet, pitter-patter in the hallway, I'm snapped out of reminiscing on the past.

"Mommy?" I heard her little voice call out to me. Every time I hear her say mommy it automatically puts a smile on my face. Next was my door slightly opening, and her head popping in through the crack. Everleigh was a mixture of Ace and I. The only thing she inherited from him was his grey eyes and dark hair. Everything else she got from me.

"Mommy awake? I'm hungry." Although she couldn't say the word hungry correctly, I knew what she meant.

"Good morning, baby." I smiled at her and decided I should get out of bed. This was an every morning ritual. I'd get out of bed, and she would follow me to the bathroom, where we brushed our teeth along with brushing our hair together. I was glad she came to me first, rather than wandering the house alone. She would only be able to get into the upstairs rooms because I had a gate that locked right before the steps. When she first learned to walk, I had the gates installed at both ends of the stairs, so she couldn't play on them.

Everleigh was one fearless girl. She would try anything out, even if it meant she got hurt in the process.

Heading downstairs, we made our way to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"What would you like to eat this morning, baby girl?"

It took her a few minutes to think of what she wanted to eat. Her being undecided happens just about every morning.

"I want pancakes with fruit mommy." With a grin on her face, she grabbed her little stool to help me gather the ingredients.

After washing the fruit and cooking the pancakes, I sat our plates on the table, and we began eating our breakfast.

"Next week you start your first day of preschool, are you excited?" She shook her head no as she was stuffing her face with her pancakes. I was glad I held off showering her because now she was a sticky mess.

"Why aren't you excited? You'll make friends there."

"You'll be all alone." I wanted to cry, right there, she just melted my heart.

"I'll be fine, I promise. I have Uncle Xavier and Uncle Luca to keep me company if I'm lonely."

"Promise, mommy?"

"I promise baby girl. Now finish up so you can shower. We need to go school shopping." That got her to finish eating. For being three years old, she loved to shop.

I cleaned our mess up, and then we headed upstairs to get cleaned up. Thankfully, I had taken my shower last night before bed after Everleigh had fallen asleep.

After Everleighs shower, I dressed her in a romper, then moved us into my room to put the same romper on. The only difference was the colors, while hers was white with black pinstripes, mine was black with white pinstripes. Half an hour later, we were both ready to leave for our shopping trip.-----------------------------

hey loves!

Heres what the next story is looking like! I hope you like this one as much as Coffee Shop Letters. I'm planning on making this one longer but here's a sneak peek!



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