Malevolent Maze// Minho

By Justeen_96

34.8K 815 117

The drawling series of clicks was only making my heart beat faster. They were getting closer. I took off runn... More

Through the Rabbit Hole
First Impressions
A Gathering
Race to the Finish
Trial and Error
Trust Is Fickle
The Ending
Sleeping Beauty
The Dead of Night
Don't Get Burned
Just Another Day
Run the Maze
Meet Our Makers
Angel of Death
The End of Times
Second Book UPDATE

Call me Malls

2.1K 52 7
By Justeen_96

"Welcome to the Glade Greenie." I scoffed as Newt peered at me through the bars.

"Let me out and I'll show you how welcome I feel." I snapped at him crossing my arms over my chest. Newt grinned at me from his place outside my door.

"Ah shuck it Greenie. You'll be fine." I barred, my teeth at him. I didn't want to be mean but it was Newt, he could take it.

"Don't call me Greenie. What the hell does that even mean?" I demanded like I already didn't know. Newt grinned, leaning up against the door.

"It's Greenie or Newbie what do you want?" Newt questioned.

"How about my actual name?" I demanded stepping closer to the door. Newt looked me up and down before replying.

"Okay Greenie what's your buggin' name?" I ground my teeth as he called me Greenie yet again.


"Mallory, then we..." I cut him off.

"Don't call me Mallory. Malls. Call me Malls." Newt just stared at me. "Now can you please explain to me what the hell is going on?" Newt's expression darkened.

"Why don't you explain to me?" He fired back.

"What are you talking about!" I shouted, trying to sound as confused and pissed off as I could.

"Why were you in the maze? How are you not dead? Why after two bloody years is there finally a girl in our Glade?" I knew the answers but I had to pretend I didn't. Balling my fists and breathing out slowly I replied,

"I don't know anything okay? I woke up in that labyrinth and those... Those things chased me! I'm lucky I'm not dead!" I shouted. Then, grabbing the bars I got real close to his face and said. "Now please, I want answers. Where are we? Why are there only boys? What are those things out there?" I demanded. Newt held my gaze. Then he seemed to roll his eyes and turn around.

"Chuck! Somebody get me Chuck!" He called out loudly, his accent bleeding through as he spoke.

"Hey! Hey! I want answers!" I shouted shaking the door. Everyone within hearing distance turned to look at me, but no one moved a muscle to get me out. "I swear, let me out or I'll scream!" I shouted at Newt's retreating form. He turned around to look at me, walking backwards now, this stupid careless grin on his lips.

"Scream all you buggin' want shank! We're not letting you out!" He shouted back at me. With a cry of total frustration I retreated back to my corner in the Cell. Sinking down onto the ground, I contemplated how I should let them know I'm here to help and not here to dismantle them. Well, I'm here to do that too but as painlessly as possible.

A commotion outside my Cell startled me. Jumping up I moved closer to the door to see who it was. Chuck, with his mop of curly brown hair. He was trying to juggle a couple of things. Food and some water. "I would offer to help you." I start off, startling him. "But I'm a bit locked up at the moment." Chuck smiles at me but wipes the grin off his face just as fast, almost as if he feels like he shouldn't smile at me.

"Hiya." Chuck said cheerfully. "I'm going to open the door could you step back?" Without replying I step away from the door and stand in the center of the room. The door creaks open slowly. Chuck peaks around the door and sees me standing there, I smile.

"I don't bite, promise." I said cheerfully. I wouldn't hurt Chuck. He was too cute. He happened to be one of my favorite Gladers. Chuck seemed to take me up on my promise.

"I brought you food, as you can see. My names Chuck by the way." I nodded.

"I figured. That blond lanky guy from earlier was calling for you." Chuck placed his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, that's Newt. You'll like him." Chuck said with a nod of his head. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "Oh yeah you wanna know what you look like?" I cock my head confused. Chuck blushes a bit. "You know, like your appearance?" I smile and nod.

"Fire away. Make me sound prettier than I look." Chuck blushes further.

"Well you've got blonde hair it's kind of dirty but you were in the Maze. It's a bit past your shoulders and I'm guessing you're about.. 5'4 or 5'3 which is pretty short. You look to be about.. Seventeen." It's 5'3 and I am seventeen. Chuck is pretty good at this. "Your eyes are blue by the way. I think you're really pretty." Chuck blushes again looking at the ground. I couldn't help but smile.

"That's sweet Chuck, thanks." I say walking towards him. "You're pretty cute yourself." Chuck smiles up at me and it's then that I take my chance. Running past him I close the door to the Cell, leaving him locked in. "Sorry Chuck. I don't mean to do this but.." I paused. "I need answers." With that I take off through the Glade.

"Guys! The girl! The girl!" I could hear Chuck shouting through the bars of the Cell. It took thirty seconds for those around me to realize what was going on and another five to leap into action but I was moving too quickly. I didn't know what I was going to do exactly in this fake attempt at trying to escape. Where should I go? Where would any normal person try to go?

"Minho!" Some shouted at the top of their lungs. Glancing to my left I found Alby, Newt, Winston, Gally and the other Keepers pile out of the Homestead. Something took off like a rocket. No, not something, someone. Minho.

I booked it into the forrest. It was a logical place to go. I could "loose him" in there. It wasn't big but you could get lost in it if you didn't know your way around. Minho did but so did I. I grew those damn trees.

"Will you quit running!" Minho shouted after me as I barreled though a line of trees. I laughed, the sound bubbling up inside me before pouring out of my mouth and bouncing around us in the leaves. Quit running? He was a Runner? But I wasn't suppose to know that so I didn't reply with something witty. Instead I poured on the heat.

Breaking through the trees I found myself facing the West gate of the Maze. I ran straight for it. "Stop!" Someone yelled at the top of their lungs. That wasn't Minho it was someone else. The voice startled me so badly I nearly tripped and fell on my face. Instead I stumbled just before the doors, allowing Minho to catch up to me.

Furiously, he yanked me back and locked my arms behind my back, keeping one of his arms locked around them and shoving me in the back with his other hand. I struggled and twisted in his grip as he pushed me forward. "Let go!" I barked. Minho laughed to my amazement. I didn't know what was funny.

"You've got one hell of a set of legs there shank." I think he was complimenting me.

"Let go of me and I'll show you how much damage they can inflict." I snapped twisting again, trying to yank my arms free. Newt, Alby and some of the other Keepers met us halfway.

"Who bloody let her go?" Newt demanded. Chuck came running up then, panting and out of breathe.

"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. "I didn't think she would try to run!" Alby glared at him so fiercely I was suddenly mad.

"Hey! Don't be pissed at him." I shouted. "I would have gotten past any one of you." Gally scoffed.

"Please, you? A Greenie? But nevermind that a girl Greenie?" I was so insulted I did what only rational person might do, I attacked him.

Minho's grip on my arms had loosened slightly and it was just enough for me to wrench myself free. It took them five seconds to comprehend that I was free, another five to realize that I had pulled out a knife that had previously been strapped to a boys belt next to me and another five to realize who I was going after. Fifteen seconds.

Gally was on the ground faster than you could say shank. I punched him in the face, kneed him in the groin and kicked him in the chest. Gally toppled. Fighting hand to hand was something I had learned in W.I.C.K.E.D. The Keepers cried out, astonished, some amused. With an animalistic growl I kicked him in his side and Gally groaned rolling onto his stomach. I place my knees down on either side of his back and yanked his arm up behind him before placing the blade of the knife against the back of his neck.

"Whoa, whoa! Greenie shuck it!" Someone shouted.

"Don't call me Greenie!" I shouted. "The next one who does, I'll cut their tongues out and that's not a threat," I glanced back at the group of Gladers who had gathered. "That's a promise." Everyone was silent. Disgusted I threw Gally's arm aside and stood up. I faced Alby, Minho, and Newt holding up the knife. None of them look scared but everyone else behind them did.

"Don't leave weapons lying around." I muttered tossing it into the ground, the blade digging into the soil. "I'm starving Chuck, still have that food?" I asked walking his way. Luckily for me, he didn't seem scared. It was Gally who scared him.

With a roar of indignation he jumped to his feet, I presume, for my back was turned to him, and tried to run at me but Winston and Minho grabbed him, holding him back. I looked over my shoulder, tossing my blonde hair. "You're dead!" He shouted at me. "So dead!" I couldn't help but let out a peal of laughter.

"Really? You should be glad I let you live." My smile was something W.I.C.K.E.D would have been proud of.

"Take her back to the Cell." Alby commanded. Two other Gladers stepped forward, ready to drag me off but I held up my hands.

"Leave me my dignity boys. I can walk." I snapped glaring at Alby. Newt seemed to be trying his hardest not to laugh next to Alby who gave him this look. Chuck grinned next to me.

"What's your name? Do you remember? I forgot to ask." Chuck spoke up as we walked away.

"Call me Malls." I said with a smile. Chuck nodded.

"Malls, I like it. Suits you." I smiled down at him. "So Malls, attacking Gally, probably not the smartest thing to do." I glanced at the group of Gladers over my shoulder again. Alby was shouting at people to get back to work and it looked like Winston, Minho and some of Gally's other pals were trying to get him to calm down but he was focused on me.

"I can take him." Chuck laughed.

"Yeah, I don't think anyone wants to pick a fight with you now. Well, except for Gally and Alby might want to put you in your place." I snorted.

"What's his deal? Is he the leader?" A question I already knew but felt I should ask anyways.

"In a sense." Chuck said with a shrug.

"What's that mean?" I demanded. Chuck just shrugged again and didn't say anything else. The rest of the walk was quiet. The food was where Chuck had left it, on a plate on the floor.

"So looks like you might be here a while." Chuck said as he closed the door again on me.

"Wait, how long?" I asked. Chuck shrugged. "Don't just shrug! Come on Chuck! How long do you think they'll keep me in here?"

"I'll see you later Malls." He said, not answering my question.

"Chuck. Chuck!" I shouted. He didn't turn around. God, I knew they did this to all the Newbies, didn't tell them a thing but I should be different. I was in the Maze for God sakes! Groaning in frustration I decided to wait it out. I laid on the ground, staring at the roof of the Cell before shutting my eyes. I was still tired from all that running and it didn't look like I was leaving anytime soon but they would have to let me out eventually, right?

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