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By Silver_BunnyV2

686 34 41

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686 34 41
By Silver_BunnyV2

(A/N: Oof Sorry twinnie bro, but I just got inspired with your beggining in books with anime gif's.)

Anime Source/ Sauce Of Pic Above:
Snow White with the Red Hair/ Akagami No Shirayukihime (One of my fave anime so far)

Anime Source/ Sauce of Gif: Eden Of The East/ Higashi No Eden

❝You were never supposed to mean this much to me; I was never supposed to fall so hard. But you know what? I did and that's the truth, that's what keeps me holding on because it hurts like hell to let you go.❞


     “May I speak with my daughter?”

     I sighed upon hearing a smooth calming voice. It was my mother’s voice to be expected. I turn to the source of the voice which was just behind me.

     She smiled upon seeing me. She slowly closed the (F/c) door behind her. She approached me and there sat beside me on my king-sized bed.

     Knowing my mother, there is definitely a reason why she came to me all of a sudden. “What is it, mother?”, I asked the queen, who stared at me before sighing.

     She then started to stroke my (h/l) (h/c) locks, giving me a reassuring smile. Is she feeling sorry for me?

     “Y/N, my dear, you know that you are already old enough to take care of yourself.”, she began, as she stared at me with a hint of seriousness plastered in her face.

     “And?”, I asked. I know that, that wasn’t all the things that she wants to say to me. She just tried to start the topic slowly, I guess she doesn’t want to shock me.

     “Your Father, said that it is time for you to take care of the kingdom as well.”, She continued, finally hitting the nail.

     Her face had that look that says ,’Please stay calm and unbothered.’

     I massaged my temples and stood off of the bed and faced her, “But mother, you know how I hate being suited to someone I don’t really know and love.”

     I gave her a look. My eyebrows were furrowed, I gritted my teeth, I was completely disappointed with the sudden news.

     “I know dear, but it is the rule, and we are obliged to follow it.”, she defended, with a hint of sympathy in her (e/c) eyes.

     I sighed, I couldn’t just disagree and go into a rebellious state, every loyalty that I knew were born not to love truthfully. They were all so into arranged marriage and picking suitors. It makes me sick.

     That’s what I didn’t like about royalty, it’s been haunting me ever since I was still a child.

     “Fine then.”, I answered plainly.

     I walked to the doorway, away from her. I held the doorknob and twisted it open, resulting for it to release a slight creak. I turned to her one last time.

     “You and father would always take away my happiness and freedom, I don’t know if that makes you two good parents, I keep on obeying, but it is making me tired, this is the last time I’m going to obey you two.”

     I closed the door leaving her alone in the room, nit bothering to look at her in the eye. I sighed and decided a visit to the garden would help me calm down.

     It was the only place in the castle that can return my calm and collective self back.

     I knew that this was coming and for me it’s the worst thing in my life that ever existed. It was the most challenging obstacle that I need to pass.

     Finally, breathing the fresh air that I always wanted to breathe into since the ruling and suitor topic. I sat at the nearest bench which was in front of the garden maze.

     I stare at the night sky, the full moon shone ever so brightly. The stars itself, were twinkling every time a second passed. It was getting cold due to the fact that early fall was over the corner.

     Though, as a familiar line would always say, the cold doesn’t bother me. I was used to the cold. I visit this place every night. Luckily, father isn’t here, if he was, I literally can’t go out at night.

     Father was currently staying at the near neighboring kingdom due to some an unnamed meeting. It was kind of suspicious for some reason.

     And I just hope, I wasn’t any part of it.

     I watched the night sky as wind began to blow. My hair glided along and danced gracefully along with the wind’s sudden interaction.

     Before smiling I sighed, I just wish I’ll get to be like this everyday. I felt freedom and nothing is completely bothering me.

     Yes, I am a solitude person. I like to be alone and I like peace and quiet.

     My father was always strict, he always wants me to be the greatest ruler in the far future.

     Of course, I obviously did not want that.

     Still focused at the sky, a sudden rustle was heard at the background that successfully interrupted me.

     My eyes soon darted, towards a certain moving bush, which was not so far away.

     The curious person I am, I stood closer to the rustling bush. It was a but scary, but I expected for it to be an animal. The moment it had stopped, I turned back to my seat.

     I was not expecting for something not to reveal itself, so I shrugged like it was completely nothing.

     First step….

     Second step……


     Third step......

     Somehow, I couldn’t take the third step. I couldn’t move, something kept preventing me. The moment I tried to scream, a hand took me by surprise by covering my mouth

     I tried to struggle off of this person's grip. But it resulted to tighten its grip on my waist.

     I could feel someone’s hot breath near my neck. Ok, please tell me who is this?!

     I tried kicking my way out of this person’s grip, but instead I only heard a chuckle. Okay, seriously!? Is this person, literally making fun of me!?

     Though, judging from his voice earlier, he sounded around my age and he’s definitely a male.

     “Princess, kicking your way out of my grip isn’t going to work, but though…”, he spoke with a deep husky voice.

     “Heh, it’s kind of cute…”,He continued his last sentence. My eyes widened, he is definitely making fun of me!

     “Let me go!”, I managed to breathe out. He chuckled and I can even feel his breathing on my ear. In result, I blushed furiously.

     “Love to chat more, but I got to go.” He said. Finally, now please let me go!

     “Though, I would like to see you again, princess.”, I was finally expecting for him to let me go, but instead a soft pair of lips, pressed against my cheek.

     My eyes widened and before I could react properly, the palace guards with the general were on the near distance. “There he is! Let go of the princess!”, One shouted.

     The grip was no longer there. I can finally breathe properly. I turn to the person. I finally saw the person who technically kissed me out of nowhere or something.

     He was taller than me and around my age. He has a black cloak and somewhat orange eyes and spectacles!?

     I can only see his eyes because it was all glowy, nothing like his mouth part or the hair part. I can’t see his face that much, it was too dark.

     I finally met eyes with him that took 10 second or less.

     Out of a sudden, he let out a flirtatious wink, that made me blush pink in result.

     The guards approached him as quickly as possible to capture him but he was as fast as light.

     His figure then began to disappear.

     I touched the part of the cheek on where he kissed it, blushing red.

      Why did he suddenly kissed me!?

     I heard footsteps coming up to me. “Princess, are you hurt? Did he do something to you?”, the general kept asking quickly.

     “Well no-“,I was cutted off when he searched for an injury on my arms and face. I sighed and cleared my throat, “Fang.” With that, he stopped and froze.

     “Oh right, yes I am sorry Princes-“, I cutted him off.

     “Didn’t I told you hundreds if times to stop with the princess formality? You are my best friend you don’t have to.”

     “Sorry, Y/N.”, He finally cleared out. I sighed, ”What’s the deal with that male earlier?”

     “Oh yes, he has been recently robbing the castle, and we couldn’t keep up with him, he was incredibly fast!”, Fang said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

     “What did he steal?”, I curiously asked my childhood best friend. “Your mother’s first crown.”, The ravennete answered as he sighed sadly.

     My eyes widened. That’s one of the most valuable things mother has ever treasured.

     “Though, Y/N, we should be more worried about you, he has been keeping an eye on you lately.”

     I blushed red at the memory, of the male kissing me on the cheek. I sighed, what does he need with me anyway.

     “We are still trying to find out on how we are going to catch him.”, he continued.

     “I hope you will do, I don’t want more things to be stolen.”, I said while sighing a bit.


     “You managed to escape on time again, well done.”, his friend complimented him.

     “Heh, of course, I always would.”, He chuckled with a hint of confidence in his voice.

     “I see that you already had approached her.”, One added.

     “Yeah, you’ve been attracted to her since day one.”, another agreed.

     He just shrugged, ”I don’t know why I am attracted to her, though, her reactions earlier were pretty cute than I expected, can’t get it off my mind.”

     “Well, yalloh, you used Solar on her. What would you expect from a flirty element? How can she not blush? Especially when that person isn’t used to compliments or flirty things.”, a fast voice added ever so quickly.

     ‘”Well yeah, Solar planted a kiss on her, I mean who would even expect that?!”, One exclaimed ever so proud.

     “Heheh, let him be, he’s just the ‘Typical Boboiboy’ being Boboiboy.”, His tan friend said out of nowhere.

      And everyone basically agreed except for the said boy who ignored them and drifted off to dreamland.



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