
By _Dark_13

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Ch. 1

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By _Dark_13

        A cold chill ran down my back as I was walking home from school. I felt like someone was watching my every move. I live alone, but I don’t mind it. The stairs up to my apartment looked like they would break under my feet. It was starting to get dark when I put the key into the door. While I was opening the door I heard something move in the bushes, I ran inside and locked the door behind me, listening for movement outside. After about five minutes I got in bed , I didn’t feel like eating anything. My eyes slowly closed.

I woke up with a jerk, looking over at the clock. It was 3:26 a.m. I rolled out of bed, walking over to the fridge grabbing a piece of cheese. As I walked back to my bed, I grabbed a book. I had been reading for a while when I heard something scratching at my door. I tiptoed over to my window to see what was scratching. It looked like a dog. It’s fur looked almost black with hints of red. After watching it for some time the dog stopped scratching at the door and started to walk away, but it stopped turned around and looked right at me. The animal had bright green eyes, it almost looked like they had a forest of grass trapped inside the iris. Then I heard a gun fire. I opened the door and ran out to see what just happened when I was forcefully pushed back inside. Someone slammed and locked the door, but I was too afraid to open my eyes to see who it was. “You should be more careful.,” a voice said “What type of idiot would run outside after they hear a gunshot.”

From what I could tell it was a man speaking. Anger slowly grew inside me after I replayed what just happened in my head.”What did you just call me?” I yelled opening my eyes.

“I called you an idiot.” he calmly responded. I jumped up looking up at him, rage flowing through me. “First you push me into my house locking the door, then you call me an idiot? Who do you think you are?” I was waiting for him to answer, looking straight at him.

“I pushed you because there is someone who has a gun outside, second I will stop calling you can idiot once you understand not to run outside at 3 in the morning. And p.s. my name is Kane.” All I could think to myself is that this guy is a pain. “My name is Eva.” I said, crossing my arms. After a long awkward silence  Kane started walking towards the window, but as soon as he looked out he sat on the floor. “Is something wrong?” I asked, breaking the silence.

“Get down,” he whispered “and stay quiet.” I was starting to do what he asked me when I heard someone knock at the door. “Let me in Kane!” someone whispered. Kane crawled to the door and unlocked it quickly pulling someone inside locking the door just as fast as he unlocked it. I just sat on the ground staring at the person Kane just pulled in. From at I could tell it was a boy. His hair was black with some red mixed in, I couldn’t see his face from where I was. He was short, looked about fourteen to fifteen years old. I stood up and walked over to him and Kane. Then I saw his face. His eyes were like the animal I saw earlier, they were the exact same color. "No way!" I grabbed his face and looked closer at his eyes. "Kane she's scaring me." I stepped back “Sorry, I didn't mean too.” I turned to Kane and asked “Who’s this kid?” Kane looked the boy then at me. “His name is Andi. Andi this is Eva.” he helped Andi get off the ground and sat him down on a chair nearby. “Andi where’s Damon?” Kane asked looking into Andi's eyes. “He’s outside.”

“Where outside?”                  

“In the bushes.”                      

“Andi can you call him to come here?”                 


    After a while I heard scratching at the door. Kane got up and unlocked the door, letting something run in. The thing ran to Andi, hiding behind him. I slowly got up and started walking towards it. I bent down to get a better view of it. “You're the dog  from earlier!” Kane and Andi just looked at me, their eyes full of shock. Kane was the first to speak. “You mean you’ve met Damon before?”

“Yeah, he was scratching at my door earlier.” The two boys just looked at eachother, then at me. “Crap, I have to work in the morning!” I ran into my bedroom and looked at the clock, it was 5:16 a.m. I walked back into the room the boys were in and they had disappear.

“My head is killing me!” I whined. “You should get to bed earlier then.” I put my head down on my desk. All I could think about was what happened last night. Did I imagine the whole thing? Was it a dream? My head could only replay what had happened, trying to explain it.

“Are you okay?” my co-worker asked. “I’m fine, just thinking.” I work at the local library, my co-worker’s name is Cassidy. She the type of person who can always make you smile. “What are you think about some much it gives you a headache?” She laughed. “You don’t need to worry about it.”

“Excuse me, but some boys are being very noisy over in the study room.” an old women informed me.

“Thank you! I will take care of them.” I got up and headed for the study room. Before I was even in the room I could hear the laughter echoing through the hall. I opened the door. “Excuse me. but this is a library and I must ask you to please whisper.” I was shocked. The boys from last night where right in front of me. “Kane? Andi? What are you doing here?”  

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