The Whitlock Girl (A One Dire...

By Sheeblelise

30.5K 676 132

Elegance. Wonderful. Lovely. Rich. These are all words to describe Lillian Whitlock, daughter to one of the m... More

The Whitlock Girl (A One Direction Fanfic)
Who are you?
Not Lady Like
Can you say awkkkkwaaarddddd?
Let Us Pretend
Under Control
Getting into a cab
To be, or not to be? That is the question.
Lillian Genvieve Whitlock and Blake William Carter
Explanations and hearts breaking.
The Big Day(Part One)
The Big Day (Part Two)
Words Spoken Too Well
Mrs. Lillian Carter And Mr. Horan; Their seperate ways.
Author's Note

Paris. The City of Love.

1.2K 31 8
By Sheeblelise

Niall's POV

"Niall, you've got to get out of bed."

I groaned, pulling the covers closer to my body.

"But you've got a dateeee Nialllerrr." Liam said as he sat down on the cover of my bed. He smiled faintly, "Look, I know you really, really liked Lillian. She doesn't deserve you Niall. You deserve someone amazing, see if Jenny is it."

Uncovering my head, revealing the crazy mess of blond stands, and I smiled faintly, "She deserves me Liam, and I deserve her. I guess somethings aren't meant to work out..." Sighing, I pushed back the blanket and walked over to my suitcase, trying to figure out what to wear for this date.

Liam, before he left my room, spoke, "They'll work out if you really want them too, Niall."

Lillian's POV

It's difficult. Complicated. Difficult to turn down someone who loves you. Complicated because you may love them back...

Lillian brushed her hair back, the frown that had become a part of her life since she sent the invitation smacked across her face like a sticker. She never saw this coming. Lillian always thought she and Blake would be together forever. She never thought a tousle of blond hair and bue eyes would mess that up. Why couldn't life be simple?

Setting the brush down, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She didn't feel beautiful any more. Just a mess of brown hair and crappy eyes. Her skin didn't shine faded. Gulping back the tears, she turned away, her eyes landing on the white fabric.

Getting up, she moved across the cold floor, until she stood in front of the dress she'd wear for a man she'd be with for the rest of her life. As she stared at it, thoughts popped into her mind.

Turning, she raced across to her bed and scooped her phone off the covers. Her fingers flew as she sent the message. When she was done, she hurried to her closet and started pulling clothes down off the hangers.

The airport was cool and noisy as she waited in her turn in line. Her carry on bag was heavy as she stood there. Tears brimmed her eyes as she waited, not only to go, but for her hope.

"Lillian." His voice sent shivers up and down her spine every single time. Turning she looked up to meet the eyes she was falling for.


He held up his phone, showing her the message she sent. Come with me to Paris. "Why now?" His questions made her want to break out into tears.

Breathing in, she felt shakes, "I-I need to know what love feels like. I need to know what real loves is."

"Okay." His hand was warm, and felt right as he slipped it into hers.

''Flight Three Ninety Six is now boarding for Paris. Flight Three Ninety Six is now boarding for Paris"

"Let's go."

It was all beautiful. It was night time when they arrived, and each street was lit up with lights. Everything bustled. It was wonderful, a romantic version of New York City. The hotels was beautiful too. Decked out with old furniture, soft piano music ringing throughout the lobby. Niall was getting their room, speaking to the desk clerk in French. She knew the language, but didn't listen.

She knew everyone would be freaking out by now. But she didn't take her phone with her. She just left a note on her bed telling everyone she needed some time and would be back in time for the wedding. No one really needed to worry then..

Niall came up to her, a smile on his face as he held up two keys, and handed her her's. It was cold and the metal cut her palm. He took her bags and together they made their way up to their rooms.  Strangely, as they stood in the lift that took them up the floors, the silence was nice. It was awkward, it just was. It was a silence meant to be shared.

It took them ten minutes to find their rooms and get settled in. They had parted ways, because Lillian decided she wanted to shower and go to bed. Yet, after she got out of the shower, her hair falling in wet waves around her head, she din't feel like sleeping. Instead, she put on a silk dress.

The hallways was empty as she slipped out of her room, her dress already gathering wet spots from her dripping hair. Slowly she knocked on his door. One. Two. Three.

When he opened the door, neither of them spoke for a while. Just stood there and stared at each other. It was her to first speak.

"Show me what love is, Niall. I need to know"

He stepped forward, his hand shaking as he touched her cheek, and slowly he leaned forward. It was a explosion of fireworks as their lips meshed. They stood like that, together, for a while before they broke apart.

"Okay." He whispered, taking her hand and shutting the door behind them.

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