The Kusanagi Hero (Izuku x Mo...

By TevinMoore92

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What would happen if Izuku Midoriya is a descendant of the original hero Kyo Kusanagi? Is Izuku's heart Burn... More

Izuku's path; Burning To Fight!!
10 month training; Feel the Burn!!

The Fire that burns!!; Enter Izuku Kusanagi Midoriya!!

530 10 2
By TevinMoore92

3rd POV
Not all men were created equal. That's what Izuku learned at an early age of 4. When his mother Inko Midoriya was with his son Izuku Midoriya, the doctors gave her and the boy the bearer of bad news.

Doctor: I'm not going to lie to you but.... Your son will not be able to become a hero. Your son is quirkless. His joint toe is crooked. I'm truly sorry.

Inko Midoriya: You can't be serious. He wanted to be a hero!

Doctor: Again, I am truly sorry. But he just cannot become a hero without a quirk.

Inko Midoriya: I... I understand, doctor.

As little Izuku was listening to the conversation, he realized that he does not have a quirk and his life changed for the worst as an ash blonde haired boy with red eyes asked him a question about his results at the doctors.

Kid Katsuki Bakugō: Oi, What did they say? You have a quirk?

Izuku was nervous about telling him that he was quirkless and has no super powers whatsoever. He wondered if he will still remain friends if he told him the truth about his status.

Kid Izuku Midoriya: Actually Kacchan, I actually don't have a quirk.

Kid Katsuki Bakugō: ...Wow... that means you are useless to me! Luckily, I have a very powerful quirk and I'll be the next number one hero. You on the other hand can be a sidekick since you're Deku.

Kid Izuku Midoriya: D-Deku?

Izuku Midoriya's POV
After that, I was constantly picked on, beating up, and tormented by my peers for the past few years.

Not all men are created equally. I learned that the hard way when I was 4. Ever since I diagnosed as quirkless, people were harsh on me and life was determined to make it my own personal hell. It was not just the people who disclosed my quirk status as quirkless, my former childhood friend Katsuki Bakugō made things much difficult after he found out that I was quirkless, the bullying began and to the point that he would lash out his anger with his quirk. Ever since Kacchan was little, his quirk was the most powerful thing to have. But now, I realize that Kacchan's ego is somewhat over the top. He thinks that when he becomes a hero, he will be the best when fighting villains and winning against them.

Citizen 1: Oh nice! Way to go Death Arms.

Citizen 2: The punching hero. I wish I had a quirk the made me super strong.

Pro Hero Backdraft: Everyone, please stay back. This area is far too dangerous.

Citizen 3: This guy must be desperate to go full-monster in the middle of the city. Do you know what happened?

Citizen 4: Some amateur. Stole someones' bag and then got himself cornered.

Citizen 5: With a quirk like that and he's just a petty thief.

Citizen 6: [over the phone] I got held up. Trains out. Another villain. I'm not sure when I'm gonna make it into the office.

Entrance of the hero Kamui Woods

Fangirls: AAAHH! Mister Kamui, we're your biggest fan.

Giant Villain: Get away from me! RAAHH! Or I'll break your twig back.

Kamui Woods: AH! This is gonna be good.

A fight between Kamui Woods and the Giant Villain.

Izuku: It's Kamui Woods. He may be new but he's making a big name for himself.

Citizen 6: Why look at that dopey grin and I know what you are. A fanboy.

Izuku: UH, sorta...heeeh.

*A fight between Kamui Woods and Giant villain continues *

Kamui Woods: Assault, robbery and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic. You are the incarnation of evil.

Izuku: There. His special move

Citizen 7: Go on tree man. Show us something flashy.

Izuku: The preemptive- - -

Kamui Woods: Binding- - -

Kamui Woods & Midoriya: Lacquered Chains Prison

*Entrance of the hero Mt. Lady*

Mt. Lady: Canyon Cannon!

*Midoriya, Citizen 7, Death Arms, and Backdraft with shocked looks*

Paparazzi:* taking pictures of new hero, muttering* Money shot, money shot, money shot, money shot.

Mt. Lady: Piece of cake for the next world hottest hero. Hi there everyone. I'm Mt. Lady and you don't have to worry about this bump anymore.

*Paparazzi taking more picture of the new hero and the crowd is cheering for her*

Kamui Woods: Eh? She's getting all the credit?

Izuku Narrative: With the rise of superpowers, came an explosive increase in criminal activity. While governments were stuck trying to figure out how to reform law with quirks in mind, courageous people started performing heroic acts to keep our cities safe. Protecting us against villains who abuse their power for evil. With overwhelming public support, heroes found an official place as peacekeepers, overseen by the government. Those who perform the best will be paid the most and got all the fame and glory. Their career is dependent on their abilities to stay in the spotlight.

Izuku: Gigantification huh? Well, she definitely got the looks and attitude to be a crowd favorite and her quirk is really showy but it'll be kinda hard for her to get around much in the city without damaging lots of things. That means she might not be very useful-

Citizen 7: What's that fanboy? You taking notes over there? wanna be a hero to huh?

Izuku: Ah! Yes! More than anything.

3rd POV

-Aldera Middle School-
Can someone without a quirk be a hero?" asked Midoriya

His teachers voice broke his train of thought. "You guys are all third years now its time to start thinking about your careers and futures seriously!" I want to hand out these career forms but I assume you all want to be heroes!" He said as threw the papers in the air.

Midoriya always wanted to be a hero it was his dream but he was born quirkless on top of that his childhood best friend became his bully even giving him the nickname Deku meaning useless he made Izuku's life a living hell by teasing him,abusing him,and belittling him .

"Your aiming for UA too aren't you, midoriya? Bakugou and the rest of the class turned to look at Midoriya." They all laughed at the idea of Midoriya becoming a hero But Bakugou turned and slammed his hand on Midoriya's desk while adding an explosion making him fall back on his chair.

"FORGET THEM YOUR QUIRKLESS YOUR BELOW EVERYONE ELSE AND YOU THINK YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH ME?"screamed Bakugou as he drove Midoriya to the back of the class "its just its always been my dream and i thought i could try the entrance exam and try ."said Midoriya as the whole class mocked him.

After School Midoriya was on his phone All Might the number 1 hero and his Idol has been spotted nearby. As Midoriya picked up his quirk analysis notebook Bakugou swipes it from Izuku's Hand.

Midoriya reaches out and in that moment Bakugou incinerates it and throws it out the window into a nearby pool of water. "What im trying to say is Don't you dare go to U.A nerd"Said Bakugou as he put his hand on Izuku's uniform and started burning the uniform.

As Bakugou was walking out the door with his friends he said the words that would change Midoriya forever "if you want to be hero so bad Ive got an idea that might save you some you think you'll have a quirk in your next life go jump off a roof" Bakugou said Midoriya was filled with so many emotions in that moment he quickly turned and gave a scared/angry glare at his former best friend and his response was an evil smile whilst making explosions with his hand.

Midoriya stood in his classroom all alone crying and afraid no friends, no shoulder to cry on except his mother she is the only person in this world who is there for him... but its not enough. Midoriya went outside to go pick up his notebook and he began having thoughts that no middle schooler should ever have "Why.. why is he allowed to this to me in front everyone In front of the teachers! They just let him do what he wants i may be quirkless ....but im-im human too... I'm human arent I?"

Somewhere in the same city

Woman: AAAHHH!

Man: Hey! Get back here

Entrance of the Sludge villain

Man: Someone, stop that monster!

Sludge villain: HAHAHAHA! Say all you want, sucker. This cash is all mine. HAHAHAHA!

Citizen 1: Dude, where are all the heroes?

Citizen 2: It's weird. Normally, someone will swoop in right away. Maybe they're all still busy from that scene this morning.

Citizen 1: Remember the way we (something) about randoms with quirks all the time?

Citizen 2: Seriously, there's nothing stopping him.

Citizen 1: *didn't say anything *

Entrance of All Might

All Might: Yes there is.

Citizens: Uh?!

All Might: You know why?

Sludge villain: Ugh?! UH!?

All Might: I am here!

Short Episode Break

Student girl: Oh Yeah! We should go to the Karaoke tonight.

Student boy: Yeah, Let's go.

Izuku: Man, that fight from this morning is all over the news. Better writes some notes down before I forget anything. *jotting down notes from the battle*

Katsuki Bakugō's POV
How dare that nerd trying to show me up by applying for the prestigious school U.A! That spot belongs to me and only me. Not to Deku, and he definitely possibly doesn't know where his place is supposed to be.

Katsuki Bakugō: Oi, Deku...I'm doing you a huge favor. *grabs Izuku's notebook *

Katsuki Bakugō: Shut up! Now, Deku... don't try to show up at the exams. And you too, newbie! You two will only slow me down at becoming the number one hero. *destroys Izuku's journal*

Izuku: Waaahhh!! K-Kacchan...

Katsuki Bakugō: Che quiet, nerd. I gotta tell Deku how he can get a quirk easily. *smirks evilly*

Izuku Midoriya Thinking: 'Dammit!! Is this how life is supposed to be?! No. I have to do something.'

Katsuki Bakugō: Deku, the best way you can get a good better quirk is to pray for one in the afterlife!

That made the nerd go into shock and the new enraged and tried to hit me. But I blasted the retard with my quirk. For sure, I thought he was going to be like Deku and cry but to my shock, he didn't but gave me a glare no one has ever given me. It literally ticked me off to see a quirkless nobody and Deku not reacting to my dominance supremacy. So I tossed the burnt notebook Deku into a koi pond as my lackeys and I left laughing.

Izuku Midoriya's POV
I looked out of the window of the school and saw my burnt notebook in the koi pond and grabbed it before the koi fish could eat it. As we left, Izuku managed to get his burnt book back from the Koi Pond and decided to take the shortcut back home.

(A/N: By the way, the house is close to where Bakugō and Izuku live making them neighbors. Which we will meet Inko in a few.)

While he walk underneath the tunnel, a green substance was emerging from the sewers

Sludge villain: Hahahahaha!!

Izuku: URGH! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Urgh..uRgH...a VILLAIN?! Urgh...

He tried to run from the Sludge Villain, But was cut off as the villain smirked with the intention of harming the boy.

Sludge villain: *proceeds to capture Izuku* You'll make a perfect skinsuit for hiding, kid.

This cause Midoriya to drop his notebook to wake up in a daze seeing his life in a dire situation.

Sludge villain: Don't worry, I'm just taking over your body. It'll be easier for both of us if you don't fight back. It will only hurt for a minute. You'll feel better soon.

Sludge villain: Grab all you want, my body's made out of fluid. Thanks for the help. You're a real hero to me, kid. I didn't know he was in the city. I gotta get out of here fast before he tracks me down.

Izuku Thinking: 'My body...getting weak. I...I...think I'm dying. No way... this can't be the end. Somebody... Help...'

*Lid of sewer flies at Sludge Villain*

All Might: Have no fear, you're safe. Now that I am here, that is.

* Sludge Villain attacks All Might, All Might dodges*

All Might: TEXAS SMAAAASH!!!! *a ton of wind pressure caused Izuku to cover up his face*

Sludge villain: Huh?! I... Can't... hold...together.

Izuku to himself: Is that......All... Might?

* Midoriya closes his eyes, screen goes black*

Voices were heard as Izuku was stirring awake.

All Might: Hey... wake up...HEY!! Uh! Though we lost you there.

Izuku: *grunts* Ughhh!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhh!

All Might: All Might, Young man. Well, looks like you're moving around all right. Sorry about that back there. I didn't mean to make you caught up on my justice-ing. Usually, I pay more attention to keeping bystander safe. But it turns out the city sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate HAHAHA!!!

Izuku was still shock and surprised by All Might's appearance while Tevin was wondering how the hell can he generate that wind pressure on his attack.

All Might: Anyway, you two are a big help, thank you. I've capture The evildoers.

Izuku Thinking: 'The most amazing hero in the entire world... All Might, the real thing, in the flesh standing right in front of me. He looks so much cooler in person.'

Izuku Midoriya's POV

Izuku: Holy crap. I gotta get an autograph. I gotta have a pen around here somewhere. Ha! Please, sign my notebook. AAAAAH! Thinking: 'He already did it. HAAAAA!' Thank you so much! This will be an heirloom, a family treasure, back for generations to come. Aahahahaha.

All Might: HuHU! Welp, I gotta take this guy to the police so they can take care of him. Stay out of trouble. See you around.

Izuku: Wait, you're leaving?! Already?!

All Might: Heroes are constantly fighting time as well as enemies.

Izuku Thinking: 'He can't go yet. They're still so many questions I have to ask him.'

All Might: Now stand back. I'm taking off. Thanks for your continuous support. Haa? *noticing two people clutching his legs for dear life*

Izuku Midoriya: AhAhaHAHahHAHah!!!

All Might: Hey, hey, hey! What do you two think you're doing? Let go. I love my fans but this is too much.

Izuku: No way! We're flying. If I let go now, I'll die.

All Might: Oh! That's a good point.

Izuku: I just have a lot of things I wanted to ask you personally. You're my all time favorite hero, All Might, Please. *as Tevin, All Might, and Midoriya were still flying until they came to a stop*

All Might: OK, ok. I get it. Just keep your eyes and mouth shut. Huh. [coughs]

Izuku Midoriya closes his eyes and mouth burying their faces in All Might's leg*

All Might Thinking: 'Shit!'

* On top of a building*

Izuku: *takes a deep breath * My whole life just flashed before my eyes.

Izuku Midoriya inner self: Your life flashed before your eyes?! Try mine. Never been scared of flying in my whole friggin' life!

All Might: Not a very smart move. Bang on the door for a while, someone will let you in. Now I have to go, see you boys on the fifth side.

Izuku Midoriya: Hold up!

Izuku: Wait, not yet. One second.

All Might: No. I don't have any time.

Izuku Midoriya: C'mon...

Izuku: Wait, I HAVE TOO KNOW... *flashes back to the doctor as a child hoping he had a quirk *


Doctor: Sorry Kid, it's not gonna happen.

Inko Midoriya: I'm sorry, Izuku. I wish things were different. [sniffs]

Bakugō: Defenseless Izuku. The school's already crappy. You really want to embarrass it more by failing so hard.

-Flashback ends-

Izuku Thinking: 'Sometimes, I do feel like I'm a failure. Like there's no hope for me. But even so, I'm not gonna give up, ever.'

Izuku's question with a determined look on his face seeing if All Might was a true hero to give someone hope in life. He knew this feeling that he too was weak when nobody could care for him when his real mother and father died in the .

Izuku: Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk? I'm a normal kid without any powers.

*All Might stops in his tracks*

Izuku Midoriya Thinking: 'W-w-Why did All Might stop?'

Izuku: Could I ever hope to be someone like you?

*All Might slowly turns back to look at Midoriya*

Izuku narrating: Meeting All Might was a dream come true, a real miracle. Standing in front of me was the hero I idolize most of my life. I didn't realize that time, but that chance encounter would change the course of my future.

To Be Continued...

(Plays Heroes by BRIAN THE SUN)

All Might: Never fear, adoring public. I am here, for the next episode preview. That gooey villain has taken a boy hostage and is running a mook in the town? This isn't good. But I can't use my powers much longer. Ugh! You're a pathetic fraud, All Might. Next time, what it takes to be a hero. Weak youth risks our lives, though it's our duty to put our quirks to the test and to go beyond our limits, PLUS ULTRA!!!!

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