By okaharreh

58K 1.2K 288

In which a small town girl gets herself involved with the biggest popstar. She has no idea what she got herse... More



3.5K 70 20
By okaharreh

¡trigger warning! - this has a mention of suicide, if you are easily triggered please don't read this chapter.

"He was a plain asshole. I think he even had a few beers before we got there. He's a complete opposite compared to the pictures we've seen." I ranted to Hannah who was sat on the other side of the couch.

Right after our meeting, I went straight to Hannah's house. I really had to rant off to her because there is certain things I want her to know and this was one of them.

"But the main question is; do you still want to do this?" She asked.

I thought for a second. I don't know if I really want to work with someone like him because of how disrespectful he is and the amount of alcohol he consumes. But, $5000 is such a good deal, even if I have to work with someone like him.

"If you don't want to, you really shouldn't. I can help you pay everything off, I told you that and I will tell you a million times over." She said.

"Hannah, I told you I don't want you to do that. You're my best friend, not my personal bank account" I told her, and it's true. She knows I don't like her paying for stuff. I only allow it on Christmas and my birthday but that's it.

"I know but I have plenty of it. 5,000 isn't going to make me go bankrupt" She shrugged.

Her family has always been very very wealthy. Her dad sends her checks every other week to make sure she has enough to pay for essentials and food.

"That is very kind of you but I think I will do the music video. I mean, how bad could it be right?" I shrugged and she nodded her head agreeing with me.

"And then afterwards you can pay off those bills." She said, little does she know that there is no "paying off" the bills.

"What's wrong?" She must've noticed the look on my face, when I became worried again. I totally forgot about my apartment.

"Nothing." I reassured, shaking my head.

"You're lying. What are you not telling me?" She asked with furrowed brows as she looked at my lying face.

The echoing of the door bell went off turning her attention away from me.

"We aren't done talking." She said and got up to go answer the door.

I turned around when she opened the door and seen her mother standing in the door way. Oh god.

Her mom has always hated me. I personally didn't understand because I've always treated her with respect but I'd never receive the same back.

When Hannah and I were kids, we'd always have our sleepovers at her house and at dinner time her mom would always make my plate and give me very small portions. I would go to bed starving all the time. Looking back at it, I don't know why I didn't tell my mom.

That's only one of the things she has done to me. She didn't only treat me like that but my family as well.

"Mother," Hannah said, shocked.

"Hello Darling, how have you been? I've missed you so much." She walked past Hannah and into the house.

She had a wide smile on her face until her eyes landed on me.

"Hello Anna." She said looking me up and down then turned back to Hannah.

"We should chat in private, hun." She said and sat down on the chair next to the couch I was sitting on. "

"Whatever it is can be said in front of Anna." Hannah said, coming over and sitting beside me. Her mom turned her head and rolled her eyes thinking I didn't see her but I did.

"Fine, your uncle Don has passed away a couple days ago and we are having the funeral tomorrow so I need you to come with me." She said.

I looked over to Hannah, noticing her lip quivering. I scoot closer to her and wrapped my arm around her. She then put her head into her hands as her elbows rested on her knees, and began to sob.

Her uncle Don was like her best friend other than me. He always took her places that she wanted to go when her mom wouldn't. Her mom never would let her have ice cream yet her Uncle Don would take her to the nearest ice cream shop and let her get whatever she wanted.

He was a great person. It doesn't feel real to hear that he isn't with us anymore. I can't even remember the last time I seen him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Her voice cracked when she looked up, her eyes were bright red and her cheeks were stained with her eyeliner

"Darling, I was grieving myself" Her mom said. Bullshit. She didn't like him at all.

"And you didn't think to just give me a call?! I have work tomorrow! I needed to make a plan!" Hannah said, getting more and more angered.

"Don't shout at me like that" Her mom said.

"Can I talk to you outside?" Hannah asked. "I don't want Anna to listen to this."

They both walked out to the back patio and I could still hear them shout at each other, I couldn't understand a thing they were saying. I don't think I wanted to.

That went on for about fifteen minutes when they finally came back in.

"I'm going to go with my mom." Hannah said sniffling, as her mother shut the back door.

"Okay Han. I'll take care of the house and I'll cover your shift tomorrow."

She smiled at me. "Thank you Anna. You're amazing." She said and gave me a hug.

"I'm going to go back and I'll give Ryan a call." She walked upstairs and into her room leaving me with the devil herself.

"I can't believe Hannah is still friends with you." She looked me up and down, once again.

I didn't say anything back. I didn't know what to say.

"You are like the total opposite of her. She's beautiful and fit, you are neither of those things." She takes a seat where Hannah was sitting prior to when she got here.

"She got a college education and a scholarship, you didn't even go to college."

I still didn't say anything. I don't understand why she is telling me all of this.

"Do you just stick around because you need money? Is that why you're here?"

I shook my head. "No ma'am."

"Bull" She whispers under her breath.

I felt the strong urge to just ball my eyes out.

"I can see you've gained a few pounds since the last time I saw you." She looked down at my stomach that was squished together from how I was sitting.

"You're just like your mom. Disgusting and poor."

That's it.

I got up from my seat as a stray tear went down my cheek. I headed out the front door as she still said terrible things towards me. My feet began walking down the sidewalk, I didn't know where I was going I just wanted to get away from that woman.

I knew I should've drove here. The building I went to wasn't to far from my apartment building so I just walked to it. Afterwards I asked Hannah to pick me up.

We were going to have another girls night but that clearly isn't going to happen.

I walked for about a half an hour and ended up in front of the building I was just at to meet Harry. I decided to walk in to look around and ended up in the elevator. I looked through the buttons and clicked on the one that said "ROOF", the one that interested me the most.

Once the doors opened I walked out and kept walking across the concrete till I reached the edge of the building.

It looked so pretty up here. The sun was setting and the sky was pink and orange, while stars slowing began to shine.

My mind slowly began to think about what Hannah's mom said. I felt so disgusted with myself for feeling so hurt about the words she said. Her words don't matter, so why do I care so much?

Without thought I climbed up onto the ledge that was supposed to help me from falling. I looked down at the cars and the people moving below. They all looked so small, like ants in the sand.

I put my foot closer to the edge till I heard a deep voice coming from behind me.

"Are you going to actually jump?"

I looked behind me and low and behold it was Harry. He took a puff at his cigarette as he watched me.

"I don't know. Maybe." I shrugged. My self conscious was telling me to just jump, then it will all be over in a snap. It sounded very appealing.

"I don't think you should." He said.

"Why? You don't care." I said.

"You're right. But there's someone in your life who does though. Am I right?" He asked.

Landon came to my head. So did Hannah.

"Yeah.." I trailed off.

"So why are you going to leave them? Take the easy way out? I don't know what you are going through but jumping off that ledge isn't the answer to it." He said

I stood in silence taking in what he just said. I guess he is kind of right.

The thought of Landon coming home and finding out that I jumped off a building breaks my heart. He wouldn't have anyone else.

"Maybe you're right." I said quietly but loud enough so he could hear me.

As I was about to step down, a huge gust of wind blew me over the side of the building causing me to scream.

I expected to just go over, to just fall but then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a tug so now I was no longer over the edge.

He saved me.

When I turned around to look at him he stood up and wiped himself off.

"Thank you." I said. I really didn't know what else to say.

"Please think these things through before you do that." He said, then turned around to walk into the elevator without saying anymore.

Maybe he isn't the biggest asshole. Maybe he does have a big of good in his heart.

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