More Than You Know

By darkangel8487

11 1 0

Lauren Brown was regular girl, a high school graduate and was planning on going to college. But things change... More


11 1 0
By darkangel8487

Lauren Brown was one of those girls that got looked over in high school. She wasn't put into one of those groups every high school has either. Neither a prep, goth nor nerd. Her personality and kind heart is what got her to befriend some schools cheerleaders, football players, goths and nerds.

But being looked over also meant that she had never had a boyfriend. But you best trust and believe that there were more guy friends in her corner than girls. A good many of those guys were also football players. Which helped out some if anything ever happened.

One football player in particular she had known since middle school. Yes, all through high school she had a crush on him. They were always together, according to her friends. He'd walk with her to most of her classes, even if his class was on the other side of the school. Both had a few of the same interests, which included fishing and mudding considering they grew up in the country.

Travis Myers.

The one guy Lauren had crushed on for years. One that would break her heart without him even knowing. Also, one that would come back into her life later, and she didn't even know it.

Graduating at the age of 17, most of her classmates were already legal age, which screwed up some of her plans until she turned 18 in July. But the real kicker was when a couple of her close friends found out she was still a virgin. Yes, she had messed around a little with one guy. But that was only oral. No kissing and no fucking.

Courtney and Alexa had been two of Lauren's closest friends throughout the years. Courtney she had met the first day of her Freshman school year. They had over half of their classes together which helped them become closer. Even hanging out after school and her staying the night at Lauren's house brought them closer together as friends.

On Lauren's eighteenth birthday she went to the mall with the guy she had been talking to. Brandon Lyles was cute, according to Lauren that is. With short brown hair, mesmerizing green eyes, gauged ears and a few tattoos Lauren fell hard for Brandon. A little too hard.

Everyone Lauren had talked to about Brandon told her the same thing. Stay away and do not fall for him. He would play with you like a toy then drop you. But, Lauren didn't listen to her friends.

After meeting Brandon at the mall on Lauren's birthday, they had walked around for a while. Eventually they had made their way into the store Lauren's aunt worked at. Not long after entering the store, Lauren spotted her aunt folding clothes and setting them back on the shelf.

“Aunt Patty,” Lauren somewhat yelled as she made her way towards her aunt.

When Lauren finally stood in front of her aunt they hugged. This only happened because it had been months since they last saw each other.

“What are you doing here,” Aunt Patty asked Lauren while pulling back from their hug and going back to folding clothes.

“I came up here with the guy I've been talking to.” I state while pulling my purse strap higher onto my shoulder.

“What guy,” Aunt Patty questions while looking up from her work and to my side.

Looking to my side I mentally curse when I see Brandon isn't there. After scanning the surrounding area I spot him and frown. Aunt Patty notices my facial expression change and looks to the area where I'm looking.

“Is that him? The one that looks like a rabbit running away,” she questions me.

“Yeah. That's him,” I state with a frown still on my face.

She just nods her head in understanding. After a few minutes of talking, I bid her goodbye and go in search of finding this damn rabbit, as my aunt called him. I didn't have to go far when I spotted him sitting on a bench right outside the store's entrance.

“What the hell was all that about,” I questioned while walking towards the bench he sat on.

“I didn't want to meet her,” Brandon said while standing when I got closer to him.

“I'm not going to ask why,” I say while grabbing the car key from my purse. “Let's go,” I state while walking away to the exit closest to my car.

“Lauren,” he states while all but running to catch up with me. Grabbing a hold of my hand when he's close enough he starts again. “Come on babe. Don't be mad, please. I just don't want to meet any of your family yet. Later on, yes. But not right this minute,” Brandon all but pleads with me.

I don't answer him as I pull my hand from his and continue walking. Once we're back in my car and heading towards his house, he breaks the silence by telling me to stop at the elementary school near his house. Brandon jumps out of the car after I put it in park. I recognize some guys waiting there with skateboards in hand waiting for him.

I'm not going to lie, I was pissed. Only for the simple fact he didn't say anything before jumping out of the car to meet his friends. Putting the car back into drive I was about to leave when I heard Brandon call my name through the cracked driver side window. Pushing the button to roll it down all the way, I stuck my head out as he walked towards the car.

“What?” There was anger and annoyance present in my voice as I spoke.

Once he made it to the car, he bent down, so we were face to face. “Please don't be mad about earlier. With your aunt I mean.” I just nod my head once while never taking my eyes off him. “Be careful going home.”

Answering with, “Yeah, I will,” I thought that was it. Buddy was I wrong. Next thing I know he's leaning forward and kissing me.

At first my eyes widen with shock but then close. I'll admit that I got the butterflies in my stomach that everyone talks about. But this was only because it was my first kiss. Which, had to be at a damn elementary school parking lot.

{Time skip brought to you by Lauren's vast music collection ranging from Bob Marley to NSYNC}

The weekend after Lauren's eighteenth birthday some of her close friends, including Courtney and Alexa, decided to take her out for her birthday. No one would tell where they were headed. All Lauren knew was they were taking her to a club.

After driving 45-minutes from Lauren's house in the country to the big city, she was soon parking her car in a dirt parking lot. Lauren wasn't one of those girls that liked to dress up, wear a lot of make-up, do her hair or always have her nails done. With that in mind, she jumped out of her car wearing her low rise boot cut blue jeans, black pep toe heels and thin black v-neck short sleeved shirt.

While stashing her keys in her purse, Lauren's little group of friends made their way to the clubs entrance. When they were about half-way to the door her friend Matt turned to look at her and the other girls.

“Now when we get in here,” Matt started to talk while walking backwards, “you two are together and you two are together.” He made a V with his right pointer and middle finger and pointed to me and Courtney. With the same motion he pointed to Alexa and their other friend Angel.

With an eyebrow raised in curiosity, I looked Matt square in the eyes while asking, “what about you?”

Without skipping a beat he turned around walking the right way and stated, “I'm single,” as a smile spread across his face.

Lauren didn't connect the dots with what Matt had said until they all were inside. That's when she realized her buddy Matt had just dragged her to a gay bar.

Well, this is going to be one night to remember.

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