Oleh billieachess

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the rewrite is out; read it instead please :) ============================== "I want you and you want me, so... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh billieachess

Hope's POV
Wednesday, December 16th

"Stop, bubba!" I giggled as I tried to shove Billie away from my face.

We had been in Central Park since eight pm last night and it was now about four am. I was in Billie's lap, trying to get away from her as she was trying to lick my face again.

"No can do." She giggled as she pushed my hand down and licked a line from my jaw up to my eyebrow.

"Ewwww!" I screamed. "Stop it!" I pulled my sleeve over my hand and wiped my face.

"Fine, I'll stop, I'll stop." She surrendered.

"Yeah, only because you got to do it again." I grumbled playfully.

"You're not wrong." She shrugged. I shoved her shoulder, laughing as she dramatically fell backwards, pulling me down with her.

I laid against her chest, sighing contently. These past eight or so hours have been amazing. We've goofed off, told each other little things about ourselves. I told her about my ex, which admittedly feels great to have off my shoulders. The only people before today that I had told was Lexi and Kaiden. Although I did cry while telling Bil, it still felt good to have told her.

Billie pressed her fingers into my side gently. "You ready to go back to the apartment, mamas?"

I nodded, but neither of us made the attempt to get up. I giggled as she leaned down and blew air into my ear. I sat up and watched as she did too. We grabbed the blankets we had brought to sit on and packed them into our backpacks that we had brought.

I grabbed Billie's hand and interlaced our fingers as we began walking back to the apartment. I leaned my head against her shoulder as we walked, a small smile on my face the entire time.

Friday, December 18th

^ Hope's Outfit

"I don't like this." I said as I backed away from Finneas.

"It's not gonna hurt you." He chuckled as placed the spider into its cage.

"How do you know that?!" I questioned sharply. "Spiders are fucking terrifying! I don't see how she wants one. I'm disgusted."

Finneas laugher again. "Chill out. I mean, this was your idea."

I pouted. "I know. I just forgot how much I hate spiders. She best be happy I'm getting this for her." I grumbled.

Claudia giggled. "I'm sure she'll taunt you with it."

I sent a playful glare at her. "You're not funny."

"I beg to differ." Finneas argued.

I shook my head and let out a laugh. It was currently seven am and I got Finneas and Claudia to come with me to get Billie's birthday present. I had called the place about a week ago to ask if they had a spider I could get, and of course they did. So, here we are, picking it up. I still couldn't believe that this is what she wanted, but I'm not judging.

Finneas pushed the cage towards me. "Here, you carry it. Since it is your gift."

"You're enjoying this and I don't like it." I muttered as I grabbed the handle on top of the cage.

We walked out of the store and quickly made our way back to the apartment. I set the cage on the kitchen counter and quietly made my way up the stairs and into mine and Billie's bedroom. As expected, she was still sound asleep. Half of the blanket was thrown off of her, exposing her bare thighs.

I walked over and sat on the bed beside her. I gently shook her awake. "Good morning, bubba." I smiled at her as she began waking up.

"Morning." She said sleepily. She wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her head into my stomach. "Why are you dressed already? Come back to sleep with me."

I ran my hand through her hair gently. "I had to go do something. Happy birthday."

I felt her nose scrunch up against my stomach. "Shit. I totally forgot that it was my birthday today."

I giggled. "I believe that."

She pinched my stomach. "Watch it." She grumbled. "You have to be nice to me. It's my birthday." She said in a baby voice.

"I'm always nice to you." I defended.

"Whatever you say."

I sighed. "Go get ready for the day, bub." I patted her arm to get her to let go of my waist, but she refused.

"I don't wanna. Can we stay in bed for just a little bit longer?" She begged, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, fine. Ten more minutes. Then you're getting ready, okay?" I said, sticking out my pinky finger.

She hooked her own pinky finger with mine and shook it. "Deal."


I had went downstairs after the ten minutes we spent it bed while Billie went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I pulled the blueberries, strawberries, and pineapple out of the refrigerator. I put a bit of each them into two different bowls, one for me and one for Billie.

After I finished that, I moved the spider from the countertop to Fin and Claudia's room so that Billie wouldn't see it. As I was coming out of their room, Billie came out of our room.

"What were you doing in their room?" She asked skeptically.

"N-no reason." I stuttered.

She raised an eyebrow. "Okay then?"

I grabbed her hand and changed the subject. "Are you hungry? I made breakfast."

She grinned, seeming to forget what just happened. "I'm always hungry. You should know this by now."

"True." I laughed as we walked down the hall and down the stairs.

We reached the kitchen and I slid one of the bowls to her. Her smile grew wide as she started eating the fruit. She picked up a blueberry and turned to me. "Baby, let's see who can catch the most with their mouth."

"You're on." I challenged. She threw a blueberry and I caught it easily.

We continued to do this for about ten minutes before Billie decided to stop, only because she was currently one ahead of me.

"Haha! I win, you lose!" She chanted, marching around the counter.

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed as she continued chanting, tossing a strawberry into her mouth.

"Okay, so I got you something. Stay right here." I said as I tossed my last bit of pineapple into my mouth, running up the stairs.

I quickly walked into Fin and Claudia's room, after knocking first, because I didn't want to walk in on them making out or some shit. I grabbed the cage and made sure the spider was still in there before leaving the room. I hid the cage behind my back and walked down the stairs.

"Okay, I got it." I said as I entered the kitchen again.

"What is it?" She questioned as she tried to peer around me and look.

"Hold on and you'll see. Cover your eyes." She covered her eyes with both of her hands. "How many fingers am I holding up?"


"Ha! I wasn't holding up any." I giggled as I moved the cage from behind me to in front of me.

"You trick ass bitch." She muttered.

"Okay, you can uncover your eyes now."

She removed her hands from her face and looked down at my own. She looked at them confused but then let out an excited squeal as realized what it was. "You're kidding, right?!"

I shook my head and handed her the cage. She brought it over to the kitchen counter and set it down. She opened the top of the cage and reached down, gently pulling the spider into her hand. She held her hand close to her face as it crawled all over her hand.

"It looks so cool! Like I said the other day, I hate the color blue, but it looks absolutely sick on a spider. What should I name it? Wait! I got it! Coolio!" She grinned.

I smiled. "So you like it?"

"I love it! Thank you so much, baby!" She walked over to give me a hug but I backed away.

"Don't come near me with that thing. I don't like spiders, at all."

She gasped. "Don't call Coolio a thing! That's mad disrespectful!"

"That's mad disrespectful." I mocked.

"I'll let him crawl on you at night, don't test me." She glared.

"You best not. I'll throw hands." I glared back.

"You best not throw hands. I don't wanna clean you up again." Finneas said as he entered the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the refrigerator.

"She threatened to release her spider on me, though!" I whined as I pointed at Billie, who's jaw dropped.

"You shouldn't have gotten it for her." Fin shrugged as he walked back out of the kitchen. Billie sent me a teasing smirk.

She turned around and placed the spider, who had crawled up her arm now, back into its cage. She closed it up and turned to me, walking over to me with her arms spread. I happily walked into them.

"For real, thank you, angel." She said as she wrapped her arms around my lower back.

"You're welcome."

She rocked us back and forth for a bit before her phone started buzzing. She pulled it out and smiled as she saw that Maggie was trying to FaceTime her. She clicked the green button and waited for it to connect.

Once it was connected, we could see Maggie and Patrick. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Billie. Happy birthday to you." They sang.

She shuffled her feet against the ground as they sang, smiling all the while. "Thank you!" She smiled sweetly.

"You're welcome, sweetie!" Maggie said.

"We miss you and can't wait to see you tomorrow." Patrick added.

"I can't wait to see you either." Billie smiled.

I walked out of the kitchen and onto the balcony as they continued to talk. I sat down in one of the chairs and looked out at the city. These past two weeks have been the best two weeks of my life, honestly. It was unreal to me. I got to spend two weeks straight with my girlfriend. I've had so much fun. I wish I could just relive the past two weeks over and over again, but I know that I can't.

But as much I had enjoyed my time here, I was excited to go back home and see everyone again. As much as the two annoyed me, I have was especially excited to see Aiden and Josh again.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and opened Instagram, scrolling through my feed for a while. I smiled as I saw that Jaelyn had posted a picture of her and Devvy kissing. They're so fucking cute.

I jumped up when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, but let out a sigh of relief when I noticed it was was just Billie. I turned around and pouted at her. "You scared the shit out of me."

She let out a laugh. "I see that." She walked around and stood in front of my chair. "Get up real quick."

I sat up and watched as she sat down and then pulled me into her lap. She rested her chin on my shoulder. "Look at us. We're both eighteengle."

I laughed. "Eighteengle?"

"I said what I said." She shrugged. "But, yeah, we're both adults now. What the fuck?" She wrapped her arms around my waist. "We both officially entered adulthood. Go responsibilities!" She said sarcastically, momentarily throwing one of her fists into the air.

"Don't remind me." I sighed. "I don't want to be an adult, but at the same time I do. You get a lot more freedom as an adult and are able to do a whole lot more shit than before, but at the same time, you have to do a whole lot more shit."

"I wish we could be seventeen forever sometimes." Billie agreed. I nodded my head and laid back against her.

We sat there for a while, a silence coming over us. It wasn't an awkward silence, though. Not the kind that makes you so anxious or nervous that you wanna throw up. The kind that made you wanna stay in it for a while. It was comforting, in a way. It was rare that you could sit in a comfortable silence with someone, but if and when you do find someone you can experience it with, it's the greatest thing in the world.

"Thank you, again." She mumbled. "I've said it a lot, already, but I really mean it."

"It's no problem, bubba." I smiled and interlaced our fingers. "I'd do anything as long as it makes you happy."

"So you'd beat Finneas up?" She perked up.

"Great way to ruin the moment, Billie." I giggled. "But you get what I mean."

"I do. And I'd, honestly, do anything to make you happy, too." She smiled.

I turned slightly in her lap to face her and leaned in, pressing my lips to her's. She moved one of her hand's up to cup my face, the other moving down to my shirt. She tugged at it slightly, untucking it from my pants. Once it was untucked, she slipped her hand onto my stomach. I shivered slightly due to the fact that her hands were literally colder than Elsa's fucking ice castle, but I didn't mind.

She deepened the kiss and slid her hand up my stomach, slowly, teasingly, getting to my chest.

"Hope are you ready to-" Finneas started but stopped as he looked at us. We both jumped apart at the sudden loudness.

"Fucking cockblock." Billie glared at him.

"Well seeing as you're in a whole ass lesbian relationship, there is no cock to block." Finneas pointed out.

"Shut the hell up." She grumbled. She placed both of her hands on my waist, pulling me a little bit closer to her.

"Anyways, Hope, are you ready to go... do... you know what I'm talking about?" Finneas asked, turning his attention to me.

I nodded. "I am. We have to do it now?"


Billie's POV

"Wait, what the hell are y'all talking about?" I questioned, looking between Hope and Finneas.

"You'll see later." Hope smiled.

"How much later?"

"A few hours, maybe? I don't know. It'll be worth it though, I promise. I gotta go and get everything ready, though. I'll see you then, okay?"

I tightened my grip on her waist. "I don't want you to go. What am I supposed to do while I wait?" I asked.

"Spend time with Claudia." She shrugged. "Eat, sleep, I don't know." She shrugged again, before her face lit up. "Get Claudia to do your makeup!"

I shook my head. "Why would I do that?"

"Because." She whined. "You'd look really pretty. Well, even more pretty than you are now." She blushed, looking down and avoiding eye contact. I laughed slightly at how cute she was.

"You really want me to get my makeup done?" I asked, in a teasing tone. She quickly nodded her head, grinning widely. "Okay, fine. I'll ask Claudia if she will."

She clapped her hands. "Yay! You're gonna be so pretty!"

"This is cute and all, but we gotta go, Hope. We don't have much time." Finneas rushed.

Hope leaned down and pressed a small kiss on my cheek. "Okay, I've got to go. But, I'll see you later."

She went to stand up, but I grabbed her cheeks and pulled her down, giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "Alright. See you then, baby."

She smiled as she stood up and walked over to Fin, where they both walked inside. I sighed and let a small smile come across my face. That girl is gonna be the death of me.

I sat up from my chair and walked inside as well. I walked to the kitchen, where Claudia was stood facing the other way, seeming to be eating something. "Claudia." I called.

She turned around, her mouth full of yogurt. She swallowed it and sent me a sheepish smile. "Yes?"

"My girlfriend and your boyfriend left us. And Hope me to do my makeup, but I literally can't do shit when to makeup. So, do you wanna help me with it?" I asked.

She smiled. "Yes! We can do face masks too!"


"Jesus fuck that's cold!" I yelled.

"For the last time, be still!" Claudia demanded as she tried to grab my face.

"But it's fucking cold!" I yelled again, moving out of her grasp.

She threw her head back in annoyance. "It's supposed to be cold! But if you just stop being a baby and let me put it on, it won't be so cold anymore!"

I crossed my arms and let out a huff of air, slouching down in my seat. "I'm not a baby." I grumbled.

"Whatever you say, Bil." She said as she went to apply the face mask.

I clenched my jaw as it touched my face, sending a shiver down my body. We'd been in her and Fin's room for about and hour already. She insisted that we paint our nails. She also tried pucking my eyebrows, but after she pulled one hair, I quickly put an end to that.

"Relax, love. It's not even that cold." She laughed a little.

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

"You're stressed about something. What's wrong?" She asked. She always knew when something was bothering me and I don't like it.

"Well... I..." I twisted one of my rings around my finger. "I... I love Hope."

She smiled. "Awww. But why is that stressing you out?"

"Because," I sighed. "I feel like I'm moving too fast. I don't want to scare her away, I mean we just started dating last month."

She took my hand and smiled. "Love knows no time limit. And you may have only been dating for a month, but you've known her for almost five. Hope's a nice girl. You won't scare her off, I can tell you that for sure. She might not know it yet, but I'm positive she loves you too. You should've heard the way she talked about you the other day."

I felt my cheeks go pink, but luckily the face mask that she had finished putting on covered that. "Really?"



"Oh my god! You look so pretty, come here!" Hope grinned as I walked over to her.

I giggled as she started pressing all over my face. "You're gonna smudge the makeup."

She back up and smiled. "You're right." She reached down and grabbed my hands. She gasped when she saw my nails. "You painted your nails?!" She yelled.

I smiled softly. "Yeah."

"They're pretty." She complimented.

"Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome. Okay, um so the Uber to get to the place is here, so we should get in." She chuckled.


"You did this?" I asked, my mouth hanging open. She nodded. "This is so cute."

"Their playing the notebook." She said pointing to the big screen. "I got Fin to help me with getting the right food for you. You know, since I don't know shit about vegan and gluten free food." She laughed.

"I love you- it. I love it." I felt my face flush as I looked down, avoiding eye contact. I can't believe I just said that. She's going to run away now. Fuck.

"You what?" She questioned quietly.

"I-I didn't mean to say that." I met her eyes and she didn't look scared or like wanted to run away. "I mean... out loud."

"I-it's okay." She spoke up. "I just wasn't expecting it, that's all."

"I don't expect you to say it back." I said quietly. "Can we just... not think about this right now. The movie is starting."

She gave a small smile and took my hand. We climbed into the back of the car and settled in as the movie started. She cuddled into my side, her head laying on my chest. "Happy birthday, bubba."


A/N oh shit-

Okay, Billie's turned 18 irl today and in this chapter 🤯

I can't believe she's actually 18 tho. I already wrote a big paragraph on my insta about it but happy eighteenth to my lil baby Bil 🥺🥺

If you have any questions about either me or this book, comment them right here and I'll answer them

Not Edited


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