Charting The Stars' Path (Var...

By E_Helm

200 9 11

As you venture through life in the medieval times, you find a kindom, called "Corona". There, you meet new ac... More

Author's note


71 4 5
By E_Helm

The rays of the sun shone in your eyes as you walked down the long dirt path. You had been traveling for about a week, only to stop five times. As you were looking out in the distance, trying to scope out the upcoming terrain, you noticed something glimmering in the distance. As you walked further, you squinted your eyes, straining for a clearer view of what you saw. Finally you got close enough that you could see the shape of a tower like steeple, the trees covering the rest of it. As you neared the "thing", you saw a break in the trees, revealing more of it. You concluded that this indeed was a castle. Your face lit up as you thought about maybe staying in a nice village that was part of a kingdom for a few days. You had heard about the kingdom around here, but you would never have imagined that you'd actually see it. You walked briskly for about 15 minutes until you arrived at the gate of -what you saw on signs referring to it as: Corona. As you walked through the gate, guards were standing near it, watching you suspiciously. As soon as you had time to look around you, music and laughter flooded your ears, ringing out through the streets. You walked down the street, seeing little shops all selling different things. You kept on walking until you saw a sign on a shop that intrigued you: "Monte's Sweet Shop" it said. You walked into the shop, hearing the bell on the door jingle.  "Good afternoon, young lady.... What would you like?" Uncle Monte asked. You smiled at him shyly and replied with an, "u-um I-I'm not sure yet..." He smiled warmly and said, "Just tell me what you want when you decide." You just nodded in response. You looked around the shop at all the delicious sweets, but there was one that caught your eye. It was (chocolate/gummy/any other candy you like) in the shape of a really short and flat cupcake. You looked at it inquisitively, then said, "u-um, may I please have this?" "Of course, I'll get one for you right away." He takes the sweet out from behind the counter, puts it in a small paper bag, and hands it to you. "Thankyou, um, how much is it?" You start opening your satchel. "No, no, don't worry, you can have it for free, it's your first time here." You smiled at him and said, "Thank you!" You were walking out of the shop, looking through your satchel for something when you bumped into someone and you both fell over. The person quickly got up and started apologizing while holding out his hand to help you up. "I-I was just looking for Rudiger, my pet, a-and- oh have you seen a raccoon running around here by any chance?" You took his hand and pulled yourself up. "U-uh no, I haven't, sorry.... Also, I'm sorry, I should have been paying attention to where I was going." "N-no, it's my fault, I'm sorry..." He replies. "U-um, well, I guess it was both of our faults... Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)." you held out your hand for him to shake. He shook your hand and said, "Nice to meet you too, my name is Varian."

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