Klance Smut OneShots

By KlanceWRLD

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... your goin to hell bro I guess i'll see you there๐Ÿ˜Ž More

Rain (smut) Part 2
Sexting (smut)

Rain (smut)

6.6K 50 26
By KlanceWRLD

Lance P.O.V.

It was pretty musky on this planet. The humid weather causing my hair to curl at the ends, only slightly. The weather was always strange on the alien planets we were assigned too. By 'we' I mean Keith and I. I preferred not getting paired with the hot headed paladin but Shiro keeps saying how we should try working together more hoping we could have another "bonding moment", that I'll never admit really happened. Its all Keith's fault. If he just wasn't so...so...perfect all the time. With his great training, great comebacks, great combat skills, great piloting skills, and great ass. I mean damn that ass!? Eww no Lance stop that. Its not all my fault he's the one who wears tight pants all the time. Whatever. I huffed as we continued trekking through the strange looking field. The clouds above us were swirling at a quick pace looking sort of familiar to the clouds back on Earth. I held out my hand waiting for what I prayed would be some sort of normal, unlike the last planet that rained yellow rocks, water rain. Rain reminded me of Earth, back home. Back when me and brother would jump in water puddles and splash the muddy water on my older sister Veronica. I could hear Keith's footsteps stop as well.

"Lance, what are you doing?"

I ignored him, coming to a stop, still waiting for a drop too hit my hand. I was starting to think it wouldn't rain which made me a little disappointed. I sighed shaking my head letting my footsteps pick back up.


I turned to face him only to feel a small thud of water hit my nose. He raised a brow at my shocked expression. I looked up and saw the small rain droplets falling slowly.

"It's raining."

I smiled taking of my jacket holding it in my hands letting the rain soak me.

Keith P.O.V.

What's up with Lance? I mean its just rain. Maybe he just really likes rain. I sighed crossing my arms as he continued to hold his tongue out trying to catch the rain in his mouth.

"What's the big deal s'just water."

He placed a hand on his hip.

"Yeah water. Not rocks."

Laughing quietly to myself, I noticed a drop hit his nose making him groan. Alright time to get back to work. This infestation won't destroy itself.

"Alright c'mon Lance the rain isn't going anywhere...by the looks of it."

I stated, gesturing to the purplish clouds gathering in the sky. He nodded throwing his jacket over his shoulder.

As we trudged through the unbearably long field I noticed Lances shirt was getting drenched from the rain. The water causing his shirt to stick to his tan skin defining the outlines of his fairly built chest and back muscles. I felt the small blush dust across my cheeks so I looked away hoping he wouldn't notice. Unfortunately, from the low chuckle I heard from him, he did notice only making my blush darken from embarrassment.

"You good there buddy?"

He mocked nudging my shoulder. I rolled my eyes swerving past him. He only laughed harder but I kept ignoring him. Finally I could see a cave opening in the distance.

"Exact coordinates leads to that cave. Hurry lance its probably getting worse!"

I demanded beginning to run towards the cave. Lance followed close behind pulling his, oversized, jacket back over his shoulders.

Lance P.O.V.

When we reached the start of the cave Keith was first to go in pulling out his weapon holding it close just in case of an unexpected attack. He was always prepared for stuff like that. It was so annoying. I walked close behind him looking around cautiously. It was surprisingly really beautiful deep inside this cave. The walls were glistening with small diamond...or glass shards. I couldn't tell. Water was dripping down the sides of the rocks in little streams. I was too off guard by the bueaty of it all when I didn't notice a fairly large rock in my straightaway path. Next thing I new I had stumbled over the rock causing me to fall face first onto the cold damp ground. I groaned rolling on my side pressing my palm to the side of my head. Luckily I wasn't bleeding just light headed from the hit. Keith quickly was by my side moving my hand away inspecting the cut on my forehead. He huffed extending his hand out for me.

"Its only a cut. C'mon you gotta be more careful...idiot."

He mumbled that last part, loud enough for me to hear. I rolled my eyes pushing his hand away getting up by myself. Once I was up I noticed something green glowing against the hand that I had used to get up with. It looked like it was glowing and had a thick slimy texture to it. I grimaced at its smell. Something like burnt rubber and ladybugs.

"What is that?"

I looked up to see Keith glaring at the slime on my hand.

"I don't know?! Let me whipe it off on your jacket its starting to run over my wrist."

I grimaced again holding my hand out towards his red cropped jacket. He immediately backed away.

"What no way its probably poisonious you dummy!"

I rolled my eyes shaking my hand trying to get it off somehow. 'Unfortunately' some accidentally flung onto Keith's lower lip making him freeze in place.


I laughed nervously trying to wipe it off with my finger only causing it to smear making some go into his mouth hitting his tongue. Oh god what if it is poison?! Not that I like Keith or anything but we do kinda need him...to y'know...not die and all. He was spitting and whipping at his mouth with his sleeve trying to get it off his tongue. I got a little worried when I noticed a bright green, somewhat like the color of the slime, overtake the purple color of his eyes. He looked up at me in a bit of haze.


I didn't respond still confused by how red his cheeks were getting and how he was stumbling closer to me. What in the quiznak is going on? I should call pidge. She'll definitely know considering her being the brains of the team.

"Hold on Keith I'll call Pidge for help"

I said frantically holding onto his shoulder with one hand trying to keep him from falling. By how wobbly his knees were getting I could tell he was getting lightheaded.

"Lance please..."

I tilted my head looking down at him confusion laced in my voice as I questioned him but he only groaned loudly gripping onto my damp white shirt pulling me closer to him. Our chests were touching and his face was nuzzling into my neck. I reach down cleaning the slimey green stuff off in a puddle of water. Should have done that in the first place. Pressing a button on the side of my helmet I called in Pidge.

I gulped waiting for my receiver to reach pidge. When static took over the audio I cursed under my breathe. The cave must have cut off our signal. We'll have to abort mission. Grabbing one of Keith's arms I slung it around my shoulder holding him up. His face was still snug in the dip of my neck. I could feel his heartbeat going nuts and his quickened breathes against my skin. Here I go, pulling another 'Lance' as Hunk called it.

"How you feelin' bud?"

I genuinely sounded worried but I had a reason to be by the way he dragging his feet and gripping my shirt so tight I thought it would be ripped by now.

"MmmMm...the storm...we ca-"

He voice broke off into lazy slurrs but I understood. The storm was getting bad and I was not about to find out what an alien lightning bolt felt like. I nibbled on my lower lip trying to think of something. My thoughts were interrupted when Keith began rutting against my thigh. Oh my god. Is he hard?! What kind of goop could giver him that bad of a boner in like 0-60. Calm down Lance, its just the guy of your dreams grinding against your leg! Oh boy.

"Keith, you can't...just um, here"

I grabbed his waist and forcefully pushed him down against the cave floor, causing some water to splash around us, holding him there. He continued to push his hips up but it was more secrete due to my hold on him. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do.

"Let-let gooo..."

His voice came out whiny and broken and his back arched. The pale skin of his lower stomach heated against my hands.

"..it hurts Lance...s'too much-"

He interrupted himself with a high pitched gasp from an unexpectedly hard thrust causing my hand to slip and grip his inner thigh. Lord his thighs were so squishy. I definitely had a thing for thicc thighs now. I kept trying to keep him still but he started to lean towards me and I stumbled back losing my grip.

"Jesus Kei-"

I lifted my upper body up with my elbow struggling to twist my legs free from Keith's body. He took advantage of my position and scooted closer plopping himself right down on my upper thigh.


He hissed as his hips started to move in a circular motion getting more friction than earlier. If I just moved up a little our dicks would align perfectly- no! He's not in his right mind. If he knew what he was doing right now he would kill me. I quickly placed a hand on his hip again stopping him from moving. He let a loud whine that echoed against the cave walls. Fuck that was beyond hot. I was hard. I knew I would be as soon as he first started pressing himself against my thigh earlier. It got worse when he twisted his hips on my strong grip letting out little pants and whines when he wouldn't succeed.

"Stop that right now Keith. Can you even hear me?"

He nodded biting down on his lip nearly drawing blood from the pressure.

"Good. Look I need you to control yourself till the storm dies down. Can you do that for me?"

I moved one of my hands off his hips rubbing it soothingly against his arm. He looked away, his face a bright red, and nodded slowly. I gave a relieved sigh when he rolled off my lap resting up on the cave wall.

"Is this a um...galra thing?"

He shoved his face in his arms, his knees were bent so he could lay his head there, and shook his head. I leaned back against the opposite side and grabbed my helmet again. I clicked the call button holding it up searching for some signal. There was a loud crack from the speaker then static echoed against the walls of the cave.

"Just fucking great!"

Throwing my helmet down I plopped down on the cold cave floor. I still could see how Keith's ears were red and his breaths remained erratic. His thighs shifting against each other as he searched for some friction. I could feel the guilt in the pit of my stomach. He said it hurt. This poor hormonious teenage boy, did I mention drugged by some alien slime, was achingly hard and managing not to jerk off right here in front of me.


He didn't look up at first so I said his name a bit louder. His head shot up and once our eyes met I noticed the green color was still glistening there but more faint now. I sucked in a breathe at the look he was giving me. I knew that look all too well. It was the look I would give my mom when I wanted something really really bad or the look a dog would give when you were eating. He was begging. Not with his words but with that look. That look was giving me goosebumps.


I blinked a couple of times getting my thoughts back together. He had to stop saying my name like that. Breathless and needy.

"Does it still hurt?"

That's not what I wanted to say at first. I was going to tell him to hang in there and the storm would be over soon but I couldn't stand hearing another whimper coming from him. I had to do something.

He looked away for a second before meeting eyes again.


Deep breaths Mclain. I got up and hesitantly walked over to him sitting in front of his huddled up knees. I gently laid a hand on his head combing the messy strands between my long fingers. He leaned into the touch.

"How many fingers am I holding up."

He looked down at the four fingers I held up. Curiosity written on his flustered face.

"What ar-"

I shushed him.

"I need to know your in somewhat of your right mind. Just a couple of questions ok?"

He nodded and looked up at my fingers again in a silent question.


I nodded carding my free hand through his hair again. His hair was so soft. Never thought I would be jealous of a mullet. I grabbed a hold of my momentarily disregarded helmet holding it up to face Keith.

"List all the main tools we use on this helmet."

He huffed in annoyance before pointing his finger at the smal button just below where my ear would be.

"This is the communication button,..."

He trailed his finger down to the inside and pulled out the small wire of a mic.

", and this is the microphone, also there's a screen enhancement switch here."

He motioned to the right side, opposite of the communication button. I patted his head setting the helmet back down.

"Great. Now one more."

He groaned grabbing my wrist placing back on top of his head. I chuckled. Of course he would be the touch starved one. I let my fingers ruffle in his hair again. I almost retreated when I heard a quiet rumble coming from him. It sounded oddly familiar.

"Keith are you purring?"

He glared at me but didn't argue back.

"Yea. Its a...galra thing I guess."

I couldn't help the smile the spread across my cheeks. That the most adorable thing in the universe.

"Cute. Now I need you to tell me the full names of everyone on our team including you."

He thought for a second before clearing his throat.

"Keith Kogane, Lance McClain, Pidge Holt, Takashi Shirogane, Hunk Garett, and I'm not sure on Allura or Coran."

I shrugged patting his head one last time before pulling away. He leaned in chasing my hand and instead fell onto my chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist cradling him against my chest and neck. The weird rumbling sound started back up but that only managed to boost my ego as I let my fingers tend to the knots left in his hair.

"I-is this okay?"

I questioned as my other hand roamed the built muscles of his chest.

Part 2 ⬇

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