I Scratch Your Name In My Bon...

By bloodynessy666

111 4 0

Life has many Ways to go. but Papyrus choose his life to be a little twisty. and His friend Nessy is the only... More

part one orange blush
part three. why papyrus
part four i scratch your name in my bones.

part two kill after kill

21 1 0
By bloodynessy666

Papyrus woke up. Before Nessy did. So he make her favorite breakfast. Beacon and eggs. With black coffee. " Nyeh heh heh good morning myself. By the way " Say Papyrus. And smile. Even he always smiles. But today is a good day. For the gentlemen. Then Nessy go downstairs. " morning papyrus. Did you sleep well gentle-skeleton? " Ask Nessy. And go up to him. And sit with him on the table. " I sleep like an boney-Angel. And you my night-cat " Say Papyrus. " I sleep good thanks " so what are you gonna do papyrus " Say Nessy." Well I don't know " Say Papyrus " well. Lets go training. With undyne " Say Nessy. " well. I was thinking about how about we you and i. Go to the echo flowers? " Say Papyrus " sound beautiful " Say Nessy. And smile " so it's a date again " Say Papyrus " I think. But why again? " Say Nessy. And drink her coffee " you don't remember? We had our first date in this house! " Say Papyrus. Then Nessy become red " oh yes. When you almost got me. " Say Nessy " true. And you are not even an Human. " Say Papyrus. " heheh thanks papy " Say Nessy. And smile. " can I call you night-cat? " Ask Papyrus " sure why not Sexy-bones? " Ask Nessy " oh okey Yay Nyeh heh heh " Say Papyrus. As he clean up. And Nessy help him with it. " I hope that mom. Aren't real worried about me. Lolz you know how she is when I get late or not text her. She's going nuts! " Say Nessy. And text her goat-mom. " so I text my mom. And she still don't say anything " Say Nessy. Then Papyrus hugged her. " Wha. Papy. What's the matter? " Say Nessy " just want to hug you. Because you mean to much to me " Say Papyrus "that's sweet. Papy. Well let's go to the blue beautiful ego flowers. " Say Nessy. " yes with my bff sexy beautiful night-cat Nyeh heh heh!" Say Papyrus. " oh shut up. You gentle-skeleton " Say Nessy. As they go to the ego flowers. But first a bunny looking girl. Goes to Nessy " Nessy did.. Did you hear the bad news ?" She said " what's wrong lilhunny? " Ask Nessy " five monsters where killed. " Say Lilhunny " what. I hope that the bullies are.! " Say Nessy " what?" Ask the bunny. " papyrus and I where attacked by five bullies. Who kicks papy. And call me bad word's " Say Nessy " What. O my. Why should anybody hurt the great papyrus. And his great girlfriend. Oh I mean the powerful Nessy..? " She said. As Papyrus become orange. And Nessy blue. " I don't really know. Maybe they are jealous or something else.... " Say Nessy " I don't know. " Say the bunny " okey well we need to go. Sorry lilhunny. " Say Nessy " it's okey. " Say Lilhunny. As the Skeleton and Cat goes to the blue spirit flowers. Aka the ego flowers. " so pap? What are you gonna do if you grow up? " Ask Nessy " be one of the royal guard. And be an amazing husband to my future wife Nyeh heh heh " Say Papyrus. " oh. Okey. But who will be you wife?" Ask Nessy " She's always be on my side. " Say Papyrus. " okey. I I don't know. It's not that important." Say Nessy. " but I want to know " Say Papyrus. " fine. I really Want to be an artist. " Say Nessy " oh that's good. " Say Papyrus. " but Papy. What do you think about the bullies. Who was murder? " Ask Nessy " I don't know how to feel. About someone who kicked and bullie us Nessy. I'm a little happy with that. Sounds weird. But I'm. " Say Papyrus. And looked into her red eyes " okey papy " Say Nessy. And look away. Then an monster walk to them. " hello. NESSY. Nice to see you again. " Say The mistry man " Go away. Asshat. You fucking psycho " Say Nessy " no " Say He " just go Away please" Say Nessy. Then the mistry person. Walk away. " who was that? " Say Papyrus " someone who was claiming that he where my husband. But he's not. I hate him. " Say Nessy. " okey. Do I need to do something about it ????" Ask papyrus " I don't know what to do " Say Nessy " okey" Say Papyrus. " Anyway. Let's eat at grillbillys." Say Nessy. " good idea Nessy Nyeh heh heh" Say Papyrus. And they go to the bar. Then they arrived at grillbillys. Then they sit down on the chairs. " what will you Nessy. I pay for my favorite " Say Papyrus " oh. May I have a famous billy burgen. Please. Papy or do I have to say Daddy like yesterday?" Say Nessy. And Papyrus blush. : o my god she's so beautiful. And I'll do everything. For her : Was He thinking. And order the burgers. " so Nessy. I need to ask You something. " Say Papyrus. Then Sans walked in. " heya folks." Say Sans. As he sit next Nessy. : he usually sit next me.: Was Papyrus thinking. " hey girlls. Can I have some dinner " Say Sans. And grillbilly put something to eat on Sans plate. " thanks gillbeas " Say Sans. And looked at Nessy " so are you two dating already? If not. I'm going to take Nessy out " Say Sans. Then Papyurs become angry. " But BROTHER! I THOUGHT YOU AND FRISK ARE TOGETHER. " Say/scream Papyrus. " it's okey paps. I'm just joking " Say Sans. " you better be " Say Papyrus. " Pap are you okey??? " Ask Nessy. Fully confused about what the hell is happened " it's okey Nessy. " Say Papyrus. " anyway. I'm going to the kings and queens home. Would you like to go with me? " Ask Sans. " no I have something to do " Say Papyrus. And go up. And go to the exit. " he's acting weird. " Say Nessy " yeah. " Say Sans. " but I think he has a reason why " Say Nessy. And eat her eggs. " so how are you doing Nessy? " Say Sans " well after the murder on the kids who bullied pap and me. It's okey. " Say Nessy " oh ? I didn't her about that. And how's toriel ?" Say Sans " Well mom and dad are together. Again. And they are going to Re-married." Say Nessy. " What that's so amazing. " Say Sans " I know you know everything. Sans. So don't play like you don't know anything. You even fucking know my genocide side." Say Nessy " true. But I didn't know about torie and asgor." Say Sans. " okey. Well I need to go papyrus see you soon " Say Nessy. And go look for her friend. " okey just go... " Say Sans. Then in the meantime. Papyrus walked around. " I need to kill the aashole. Psycho " Say Papyrus. And go to waterfall. Then he walk around until he found him. " Hey psycho" Say Papyrus at the boy who claimed that he's a husband from Nessy " You again? What do you want " Say The guy " your blood " Say Papyrus. Then his right eye changed in to a orange glow. " my blood huh. And my name is jackruku! " Say Jackruku " leave Nessy alone! " Say Papyrus. Grap a big sharp bone. " what are you gonna do?! " Say Jackruku " Kill you silly! Nyeh heh heh" Say Papyrus. And Make a bone Cage. " so you are willing to die for the who you claiming that you are her husband? " Say Papyrus " no. You fuck" Say Jackruku. And kick and punch him . then. Papyrus killed him. With his sharp bone. And die immediately. " Nyeh heh heh Nyeh heh heh Nyeh heh heh Nyeh heh heh Nyeh heh heh Nyeh heh heh. I did it again. But it's for her. My night-cat " Say Papyrus. And the bone Cage disappeared. As He walked away. Then someone was watching him. " Why did he do this?? " Say The person.

✘Time skip✘

papyrus walk to Nessy. " Nessy. What do you want to do? " Say Papyrus " oh heyyy. And I don't know" Say Nessy. " okey. But Nessy. Would you like to do a puzzle ?" Ask Papyrus " eh no not this time. Sorry. I don't feel like it" Say Nessy " What's wrong ?" Ask Papyrus. " is just. It's a kind of weird. That since the bullies bullied us. And the night after that they were killed. And now the psycho is stalking again. " Say Nessy. And cry a little. Then Papyrus hugged her. " it's okey Nessy. I'm here for you." Say Papyrus. Then Nessy notice that he's has something red on his shirt. " Pap what's with the Red spot there " Say Nessy and point it " oh it's just paint. " Say Papyrus. " okey. And thanks for the hug. " Say Nessy. And hug Papyrus. " Heh
Nyeh " Say Papyrus. " Papyrus I need to go sorry. " Say Nessy. And go to her home. " I don't know why she's like this. Is it me? Or something else? " Ask Papyrus. Then He Saw his brother " Hey Sans! Do you know what's wrong with Nessy?? " Ask Papyrus " no paps " Say Sans. " okey. Let me know what's happening okey." Say Papyrus. " OK " Say Sans. And go to grillbillys again. " Maybe Dr alphys and undyne. Knows where she's been up to " Say Papyrus. And go to the girl's.

✘Time skip✘

So papyrus talked with undyne and dr alphys . And they don't know ieder. Then he go home. " where did Nessy go. I'm so worried. " Say Papyrus. And lay down on his sofa. " Paps. Why are you so worried?" Ask His brother. " I'm worried about Nessy. I may be stupid. But I'm support Nessy. And I... " Say Papyrus and looked down. " you like her. Don't you.? " Say His brother " yes. I do so don't take her away from me Sans " Say Papyrus." Don't worry paps. I'm with Frisk. Don't worry okey Little bro " Say Sans " it's okey bro. Is just I love her. Since she stand up for me. When those bullies bullying me. And her. And I just cannot believe how much I love her " Explain Papyrus to Sans. " that's why you been acting like this. Paps. " Say Sans " Yess.. " Say papyrus " okey. " Say Sans. " oh well. I'll go look for her Again. See you soon Bro. " Say Papyrus. And go look for Nessy.

✘Time skip✘

" Nessy!? " Scream Papyrus and look around ruines. " Nessy god damn you. Where are you " Say Papyrus. " Hey papyrus. How can I. Help you " Say Toriel " I'm looking for Nessy. Do you know where she mind be? Highness? " Say Papyrus" no. But I'm guessing that she's just hunting for blood. You know what kind of monster is she really ?" Ask Toriel " A cat?" Say Papyrus. " no a vampire. She's a vampire. Her real grandfather. Is Dracula. But he was killed by the zombie qween. But Nessy avenge her granddad. By killing every Zombie what exist. On the upertale. Then the doctors the human doctor's. Experiment on her. And even tho she's already a cat/vampire. But it's still hurt her. Then Nessy fell down here. To escape the doctor's. " Say Toriel. And Papyrus looked down. " I didn't know. Really.. I'll do everything to make her happy. " Say Papyrus " good Papyrus. Good luck . And did she already told about Agor and me? " Ask Toriel " Yes. I'm very happy with that. And thanks for the information queen toriel " Say Papyrus. " okey. And thanks." Say Papyrus. Then He walk away " oh papyrus.? " Say Toriel " yes highness?" Say Papyrus " don't worry about her. She can help herself. " Say Toriel " oh okey highness " Say Papyrus. And go to waterfall. Then He Saw a blue haired cat woman. " NESSY!!! " Say Papyrus " Pap. Hey " Say Nessy " WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN. I THE GREAT PAPYRUS. WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU.! " Say Papyrus " I'm sorry. I. Had to do something. " Say Nessy and clean ger paws with the watet from waterfall. " What have you done??? " Ask Papyrus " Hunting. Blood. Humans. You know that vampire stuff. What I didn't want to tell you about. I'm sorry. But I have to tell you that I'm a vampire. And I drink blood. From humans. Except for frisk is like my family. Don't worry pap. " Say Nessy " it's okey. THE QUEEN told me. About you before you know us. " Say Papyrus " Hehe. Mom tell always the true haha " Say Nessy. " true. Well it's like night. Let's go home. Please " Say Papyrus. " Sure I'm.... Yaaaaawn tired " Say Nessy. " well. Let's... Oh. Nyeh heh heh .you already are asleep. " Say Papyrus. And lift Nessy up. And go with her. To his home.

✘Time skip✘ at Papyrus and Sans home

So Papyrus and Nessy got home. So Papyrus lay Nessy down on his bed. Then He looks at her. And Lay down next her. Then he kisses her on her lips. Be very very smooth and slow and soft. And go to sleep.

Hey there it's was fun to make this chapter. seee you in the next chapter. DIKKE DOEI. 😘

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