Alpha Autumn

By write_sins-tragedies

22 2 0

In a nature reserve in Montana, nestled between two mountains, a forest lays contained one of the most evolve... More



11 1 0
By write_sins-tragedies

Autumn's POV

He carefully removed the cuff and helped me up as I lost my balance because I was light headed. I grabbed onto his arm for stability as best as I could. I grip his t-shirt the best I can as I finally feel my head clear once the silver stops making my head pound. I sigh and stand up straight rolling my shoulders back into a confident stance. I limp past him and open the door. I take in the smell of the forest. It seems closer to the mountains from the scent alone. 

He gently ushers me forward to a street. It had the format of a campsite with a twisting path with little homes in their own space. The forest seemed to be the barriers and walls between homes. He seems to now what I am thinking and explains, "this used to be a campsite. My brother's family fixed it up and made it into a pack territory. I've bought the forest as our territory."

I nod and we walk down the path when a man comes up to him and hugs him. He smiles at him and says, "Thank you Alpha Elijah. Your carpenters and builders fixed my house right up. This is the first time someone helped me in a very long time since well..James." Another guy which I assume is James, takes his hand and grins. 

I let out an "aww" making the couple realize I'm there. James looks at me and says, "Aren't you cute. Are you his mate?"

Elijah nods and looks at me as I go quiet. James nods with realization as Elijah politely says farewell and we continue walking. Finally we reach the pack house and he ascorts me to his office. I sit down in a seat in the corner and sit comfortably while he does his work. 

I wake up to shouts from the hallway. Elijah glances at me before he stands up. I get up as well but he sends me a firm look. I send him a "fuck that" expression and grab a pocket knife from my pocket. He looks at me with confusion until he realizes the pocket knife he took from me and kept in his pocket was missing. I smirk and slowly approach the door. 

The door bursts open and I lunge forward only to stop with shock. I hug Daniel as he winces in pain. I let go and as he explains, "I just got here to kick this asshole's ass. He kept me in a cell all this time."

He glares at Elijah as he protectively puts his arm around my shoulder. "Did you kidnap my sister too? If you touched her I will kill you." I glare harshly at Elijah. "Is that why you wanted me to follow you around all day? Is that why you almost killed David? Is that why you kept my brother from me?"

Daniel growls out some curses as I yell, "don't come back to find me!" I help him walk out of the pack house. I stumble on a rock and land on the pavement popping my stitches on my calf where Elijah dug his claws into my leg. Daniel cries out in pain as he struggles to get up. I let out a frustrated groan and try to lift him. 

"Hold on, I can get you up I just need to-" I flinch as I hear the booming sound of a fierce growl. Elijah strolls in front of me and crouches down to my level. "You won't get far. You're bleeding so its going to leave a trail. Plus, your brother here will probably pass out soon. You can't carry him all the way back to your pack." 

I bite my lip as I assess my options. Either stay here and beg him to take Daniel back, or struggle us both home. Neither are great options. Standing up, I look at Elijah sternly and say, "I will cooperate ONLY if you take Daniel and I home. Then, I can show you MY pack. " Elijah chuckles and stands up. "Do you really think I would do that? Aren't you scared I am going to assess your pack's strengths and weaknesses for an attack?" 

"You took a risk bringing me here. You should know I found 12 weak spots in your defenses along with multiple ways for my pack to overthrow yours in about, I don't know, 15 minutes or less?"

His gaze turns cold. "Do you really want to play this dangerous game?" I glare at him in silence. He huffs and crosses his arms. "Fine." 

He bends down and easily picks up Daniel. Daniel gasps in pain as he is getting handled. Elijah's eyes glaze over and a couple minutes later a car pulls up and stops in front of us. He sets Daniel down in the back seat and switches spots with the driver. I plop myself into the passenger seat.

He starts driving for about 40 minutes before he stops in front of my pack's wall. The wall only states the beginning of our pack's land. I step out of the car and look around. My dad runs towards me and scoops me up into a hug. "When your brothers were attacked I was more focused on them than making sure you were safe. I'm so sorry Autumn. I should have gotten a detail on you." 

I pat his back and smile. "Its alright. I'm okay." The car door slams on the driver's side and Elijah walks silently to the other side and pulls out Daniel. My dad growls sharply and walks towards Daniel. Elijah helps him walk towards my dad before my dad grabs him and pulls him into a hug. 

"Oh thank the Moon Goddess. I was worried you were dead." Daniel chuckles dryly and responds, "so did I, dad."  Some of our Medics rush over and get Daniel on a stretcher and carry him back within the safety of the pack land. My father looks at Elijah. "And who are you?" Elijah inhales sharply responds, "my name is Alpha Elijah. My pack is on the other side of the North Mountain." 

My father growls sternly, "and it correct that your pack attacked my children? That your pack members went after my sons while you, alone, breached the walls of my land and dragged my daughter out of MY land and took her away to YOUR land?"

I try to speak, "dad-" He cuts me off with a "not now Autumn!"

He reaches a shouting tone and yells, "IS IT ALSO TRUE THAT YOU HELD MY SON AND DAUGHTER CAPTIVE?" Elijah goes pale and looks down in shame. I cut in and say, "DAD! Elijah is my mate." My dad goes quiet. He turns around and says, "out of love for my daughter I will allow you in my land. BUT, you will follow my rules. You are no longer the alpha. I AM. My daughter is important to me just like my sons. If you hurt her I will launch an attack on your land within the night." 

Elijah nods solemnly. "I understand." I turn to Elijah as my dad walks away to talk to the warriors. I motion for him to follow me. He walks silently next as the cold glares of the guards seem to rain down on him. "As you can see there are privacy stalls in front of the wall. The former alpha put them up off the design of out houses. They are big enough for an alpha to come in, and change and get out comfortably."

He hums and walks up to one, opening and checking it out. He steps out of it. "What if they don't have clothes?" I chuckle and step into the changing room. I flip a protective case up and press a button. Smiling, I comment, "that was my idea because I forgot my clothes this one time and I ended up pacing as a wolf outside my locked house for hours until my dad found me." 

He chuckles and watches as someone puts a black bathrobe through a slot. Finally, I walk him into the town. I show him the stores and small businesses around. 

"The town square is almost like a safe haven. Everyone is allowed to live anywhere on the land, within reason of course, but they all have a small secret tunnel to the barracks underneath."

I point to the candy store, dentist, laundry mat, cafe, apartments, houses, offices and infirmary. "These businesses are the lifeline to us. I remember as a child I would be friends with the little boy who's dad owns the candy store and got free candy." As if on cue, Alex steps out of the candy store and opens the door for us. 

Alex beams at me and hands me a pre-made bag of my favorite sweets. He turns to Elijah and says, "I may have personal options about you, but the alpha wants us to be respectful so I will hold my tongue. ANYWAYS, what do you want?" Elijah points to the dark chocolate and some gummy worms. Alex bags it and hands it to him. I elbow Elijah in the stomach when I feel his alpha command come off in waves. He was trying to get Alex to submit. The second I elbowed him it stopped. Alex stopped looking tense and relaxed. 

I lead Elijah out of the store and head to the Wolf Den.It is a large arena that is underground with viewing areas all around. Two stairwells are on either side for competitors. I grin as I wave to the owner and walk down the stairs to the underground  locker room. I walk to my locker and put my shoes and socks in it before locking it. I step into the peek proof rooms with a door to the arena. Elijah walks behind me. I turn around and stop him. "Nah, you got to go back to the surface, I got a match. Go." He pauses and I roll my eyes, "down the hall and take a left to the staircase. There are some benches. It's free so enjoy."

He nods and disappears to go upstairs. I lock the two doors and strip. I shift into my dark brown wolf. I see the green light and press the button to unlock the door with my nose. The light pours into the arena as I see the shadows of the viewers. 

Settling my gaze onto the other wolf I begin to circle them. I set out a snarl and the other wolf launches towards me. I dart out of the way last minute making them run into the wall. The wolf gets up and turns back to me but I take a moment and launch for their neck. I pin them down until they stop fighting. 

After I finish I get applause from everyone. Walking back into the privacy room I shift back and pick up my clothes and change. I grab my shoes and socks and meet Elijah at the top of the stairway. He looks at me and says, "that was.."

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