Is it wrong for these eyes to...

By TactitionPumpkin

27.2K 616 270

Kekkai sense x Danmachi Leonardo Watch, holder of the All Seeing Eyes of the Gods has a tussle with a blood b... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

6.6K 103 59
By TactitionPumpkin

Hello everyone. My name's Leonardo Watch. Member of the organization called Libra, and current user of The All Seeing Eyes of The Gods. Yup, nothing too special if you're from Hellsalem's lot. Maybe not something special in this weird fantasy world either.

Oh, I'm rambling aren't I? Why don't I explain myself. It started this morning, in my world that is.



Currently driving down the road on my scooter with my morning coffee and a burger with Sonic is me. Planning on going to work today and hopefully avoid any trouble.

I park outside a tall building. More specifically the building the headquarters is located on. For how tall the building is you wouldn't expect us to have a small school office equivalent in space,to be our HQ.

Walking to the back alley, i spot the door that leads to an elevator. Opening the door and entering the elevator, I press the top main button as it starts to lift.

'It's incredible how no one that works in this building other than us hasn't found that elevator. Guess that's Libra for you.'

Once the vibration stops and the doors open I can see Chain, Klaus, and... a dust cloud? I try taking a sip of my coffee, but I end up slurping air. I feel something drop in my shoulder. It's too heavy to be Sonic. I have good idea who's on my shoulder.

Zapp: Hey, pubes! Nice of you to bring me coffee. Blegh! How can you drink this creamy sweet crap!

I chuckle knowing how Zapp hates cream and sugar in his coffee. He usually takes my coffee, so this is my little way of getting revenge.

I take a seat on the opposite side of Chain on the couch. Unwrapping the burger and preparing to take a massive bite out of the juicy, greasy, grilled patty. Luckily Zapp is too distracted by the coffee to take my breakfast.

Sadly before I can take my first bite, Steven bursts through the doors.

Steven: Another blood breed has been spotted in downtown district.

Everyone follows him to the elevator to leave, me being last due to my reluctancy of putting down my burger. When we reach the bottom Gilbert was there in a limousine ready to drive us.

We all got into the car preparing ourselves for the fight. Actually all I had to do is turn my phone on and go to Kluas's number for texting.

When we arrived at the place I could see road blocks and smoke. Everyone got out of the car and ran into battle, I stayed back of course.

A solid minute of me trying to read the blood breed's name for Klaus to seal. I can hear the slamming and slicing of my acquaintances fighting the vampire.

Finally recognizing the name... Le Cheeze Faun. I text it to Klaus. After sending, I get a call from Klaus. I answer and put it on speaker


Klaus: Run Leo! They're headed your way!


Before he could answer, the entire building to my right collapsed. I was able to put my goggles on in time, while Sonic hopped on my head. Once the dust cleared I could see a large bulky figure.

It disappeared and in the same second it did, I felt a heavy presence behind me. Before I could turn to face it, I got grabbed. I was getting raised into the air and I could hear the deep laughter of the thing holding.

Zed: The blood breed has Leonardo!

Blood breed: So, boy, you're the one that's been helping them fight me, I presume. It doesn't matter, if you're associated with them, you must die!

"AAH! Help please! Klaus, his name is Le Cheeze Faun!"

Klaus: Thank you Leo! Le Cheeze , Faun! Brain grid form technique!-

Blood Breed: It's too late, Fang Hunter! The boy is finished!


A portal opened below both of us. We both started to fall through, luckily I was still held onto by the blood breed as it's too half was stuck. But I was on the wrong side of the portal. The blood breed was still struggling to get through.

Klaus: -Form 999! Eternal Prison!

Blood Breed: W-What?! No! It doesn't matter, the boy will die!

The blood breed cackled madly before becoming a small cross. But since nothing could hold me up, or hold the portal open, I fell.

Klaus: Leo!

Zapp: Pubes!



Then the portal closed. I was in the wrong end of it too. I hit the floor hard on my back. I laid there in pain and shock of the situation. The only thing that snapped me back into the world of the living was the chirping Sonic made.

"Sonic! You're here too! Uh, where is here anyway?"

I got up, and Sonic climbed my leg and sat in my shoulder. I take a look at the place around me. A dark, brownish, poorly lit cave. Only two ways I can go, the cavern in front of me, and the one behind.

"What am I gonna do?"

Flashback end

Yup. That's the story of the situation. Not too bad by Hellsalem standards actually. I'm stuck here, wherever here is, with Sonic. I didn't even get to eat my burger.

"I guess we'll just stay here. I'm sure Klaus will come get us. He has to, right? Someone at least."

Sonic chirped in agreement. I sat down on the side for a moment while Sonic nuzzled into my hair. I picked up the blood breed Klaus sealed. I took my goggles off and let them hang on my neck. When I sat down I felt something in my back pocket. I thought it was my wallet, then I felt a shock.

"Yow! Eeeeeeh!"

I jumped forward and landed in my back. Once I calmed down, I reached into my pocket to see what just assaulted my behind. When I felt some sort of rod, I was confused.

'Did someone slip... a thing in my pocket? I've been pickpocketed by people before, did someone put this in while I was alleyway traveling?'

I pulled it out of my pocket and in front of me. Once I could see it completely I was in relief. It was my shock baton. Never was good at it. I started to just swing it around and flick it between my hands while getting into a battle pose. Somehow Sonic didn't mind and just nuzzled deeper into my hair.

'How has someone stolen my wallet time and time again, but this was able to stay safe within these pants? Well, I guess you don't steal a sword if you steals some gold.'

I stood there in. In the same battle pose, determined look on my face, and Sonic monkey in my hair. Then I sighed so very loudly, relaxing my position.

"Nothing's gonna happen if I sit here, will it?"

Sonic coos in agreement, but doesn't bother to really move. I walked to the left cavern with my baton still in my hand. I kept walking. Yup, lots of walking. The entire thing lace is a maze. 4 paths, okay let's for right, 3 paths let's go straight, dead end, turn around go back to where I just was now it's 4575445665564311 paths.

"My head hurts now. Uh, let's go far left 27. Long corridor. This is fine. Huh? Eh?!"

The wall to my left started to crumble. A massive red eyed ant crawled out of it. More of them started to crawl out of the walls and ceiling. I was trapped. Sonic is awake now. Only 6 came out.

I jump into a battle pose I saw in a movie once. I was standing in the middle of these giant ants, shock baton in hand. Then the first one leaped at me.

I smashed the baton into its skull. It hit the floor, twitching before turning to dust and a small crystal. I jumped past the smoke and ran for dear life.


The constant echoes of my screams ran throughout the cave, along with the rapid tapping of ant limbs coming towards me. Eventually the echoes of ants died down with my screams, but the echoes of stomping grew.

I turned left and to behind me and saw a white haired boy running at me, with a massive monster coming behind it. A Minotaur of ancient mythology. Now the screams of both of us roared inside these caverns. Sonic held tight on my shoulder.

We just ran and screamed. Well, until we hit a dead end that is. We were backed against the wall. We both turned to face it, I stood against the wall while he sat down. It roared before charging us.

"This way!"

I grabbed the white haired kid and ran left while it charged head first. I was able to get both of us to evade. After we jumped behind it we both tripped. I snapped out my baton to defend myself, but before it could turn back and hurt us I saw some blonde girl cut down the Minotaur.

The kid was in too much shock to do anything and got doused in blood. I was able to roll to the side and stay dry. It fell to the floor, letting out one last cry before turning to dust and a crystal. Sheathing her blade she came to us.

Blonde girl: Hey...Are you alright?

She tilted her head in a cutesy way, looking at us with a pretty bland face. The white haired kid got up in a hurry and ran off yelling. Both of us saw him run away, covered in blood. Something I know from getting beat up in Hellsalem. I saw some guy with... wolf ears and tail. Won't question it.

Wolf guy: What's up with tomato? Tomato! That's a great name for that guy. Hah.

Blonde girl: ... Oh, are you alright sir?

"Oh, yeah. Thanks you very much. I gotta go now, bye!"

I bowed to her and followed the fresh footsteps the boy made. I don't my eyes though, to the extent I can control that is. I feel selfish doing it for myself. So I don't, and I kept following the footprints out of here. Also, Sonic materialized in my hair. Again.

Timeskip Fun fact: Eina could be considered a pedophile because she is 19 and loves Bell, a 14 year old.

Finally I made it out of that place and into a... old medieval era city? The building were made of stone bricks, wood, and clay roof tiles. Wherever I am, it's not in America.

I start walking around the city, crossing some sort of Demi-humans I guess, vendors, and people with sorts of different melee weapons. There's no cars, no areas big enough for a functioning driving system, no lamp posts, nothing modernized really. I got some strange looks from passerby's, probably because of my clothing, it is somewhat different.

I could see some little girl working at food stand. She had a white dress thing, two ponytails, and a blue string holding up her... assets. I can read the words potato croquettes, but their in no language I've ever seen. Not even the weird names that need to be translated to Klaus to seal a blood breed.

'I hope they come for me soon.'

I decided to walk up to her. Ask for directions maybe. Where I'm at mainly. To be honest, anything is possible, I could be in another world seeing as Hellsalem's lot was made from the convergence of two worlds in one place. So walk up to her I did.

Little girl: Hello! Would you like to order a croquette?

"Oh, no. Actually I need some help, I'm kinda... lost and I'm new to this city. Could you tell me where I am?"

She looked at me for a bit. Concentration scribbled on her face. She let out a sigh and smiled.

Little girl: Lucky for you my shift just finished. Come with me, 'cause this kami-sama is gonna help you!

"Thank you so much! Wait, Kami-sama? Goddess?"

Little girl: That's right! I am goddess Hestia! What's your name?

"Oh, I'm Leo. Leonardo Watch."

I said bowing. She led me to a small park to talk. We sat down on a bench when she started.. She told that this city, Orario, is the city of a dungeon and divine beings. Gods and goddesses started familia's here so people, adventurers, could go into the dungeon and get monster stones to exchange for valis, money. Why did I even suggest a new world?

Hestia: So, where are you from? What's it like? And why is your hair twitching?

'Oh. What do I say?! I can't just say another world?! That's stupid?! Uh, uh. Oh, I got it!'

"I come from a small town called... Hellsalem's lot. It's a very chaotic place, but there's still a lot of incredible and kind people. The answer to my hair is Sonic. He's a sonic monkey, and my friend."

I said as he popped his head out chirping. He nuzzled back down to sleep again. Couldn't blame him, no matter where we are chaotic is still chaotic and you'll need some rest.

Hestia: Why did you come here?


"Well I like to venture around. Go place to place."

Hestia: So you're an adventurer. Like a REAL one.

"By definition, yes."

Hestia: Doesn't going to new places scare you?

"I fear for my life, but I doubt anything the world can throw at me that Hellsalem hasn't already done twentyfold."

Hestia: So it really is that chaotic. If you don't mind me asking... please join my familia!


I shouted loud enough to have the birds nearby flee. Why would a goddess want someone like me in their group? I mean, Libra took me, but they know about the eyes.

"I d-don't know if I should. I mean, I'm kinda- uh."

Oh no. The eyes! Hestia started to give me puppy eyes. I can't resist it. I can't . Give. In. I groan loudly laying my back against the bench looking up.


Hestia: Yay! I knew you'd do it! Thank you so much! Come with me, I'll show you where the familia lives.


She dragged along as I limply let myself get pulled. To anyone else this would seem comical. I admit that it is, but it wasn't intentional and I got scraped on the knee.

The sun started to set some lights started to glow in the city. This park had a nice view of the lights. She kept dragging me along until we made it to some ruin district. Lots of rubble was laid across the area.

'Where is this place gonna be?'

Eventually she stopped dragging me. I was just sitting on the floor with a child holding my collar.

Hestia: Here we are!


I looked left as she dropped my collar. I let my head lay against the floor while I looked at the place she was facing. It was a small, old, practically ruined church. Everything that was wood had slowly been losing mass.

'Maybe ya like the Libra HQ. Ugly on the outside but beautiful on the outside.'

She ushered me to follow her inside. I did as such. When the door opened I could see hit right I was. Which was not at all. The inside seemed just as bad as the outside, worse if that's even possible. She led me into the basement. It was well lit with candles and remaining sunlight. It had a cozy feeling to it. A bed, couch, and coffee table were the most promising furniture there.

Hestia; Welcome to my familia home!

"... Is it this entire church or just the basement?"

Then I noticed a basket in her hands.

'How-What? How didn't I notice that?'

She set the basket down on the table and opened it revealing potato croquettes. She sat down and patted the seat next to her. I sat down where she patted and we talked some more. Sonic jumped out of my hair and sat on the table.

Then the door on the basement started to open.

???: Goddess! I'm back!

Hestia: Nyuuuuuuu-hahah! Welcome back, Bell! You're home early today.

He looks so familiar. White hair, red crimson eyes, brown coat. Wait... is he?

Bell: Yes. I kind of almost got killed in the dungeon today..,

Then he noticed me. We stared at each other for a solid minute. We both jumped forward pointing an accusing finger at one another.

"You're the guy that I saved!"

Bell: You're the guy that saved me!

Hestia was just looking back and forth at us in confusion.

Hestia: I take it you met.

Bell: Yeah, if he hadn't helped me I would've been skewered by a Minotaur.

Hestia: Minotaur! You never said anything about that. Oh thank you for saving my child Leonardo.

"I-It's fine. I'm sure he would've done the same. Oh, by the way, just call me Leo. And, Bell was it? Nice to meet you."

I bowed to Bell. He became a little flustered. Though he did bow back.

Bell: It's a pleasure to meet you to. What are you doing here though?

Hestia: He's going to join our familia! He said he'd love too!

"Actually, you kinda forced it on me. But, yeah that's why I'm here."

Hestia: While I'm at it, Bell let's update your stats too.

Bell: Okay.

I saw Bell take his shirt off and lay face down on the bed. Hestia went up to Bell's back and pricked a drop of blood onto his back. That's when it started to glow brightly while numbers flashed.

Hestia: Bell, you're too idealistic about the dungeon. You're not gonna pick up girls that you're imagining in a brutal place like that.

Now that I look at Bell, I can see an odd aura around him. Purely clear. Just a white glow. She closed her hands on his back and placed a paper over him.

Hestia: You need to pay more attention to what's around you. The girls you're looking for might be right in front of you! In fact you've already met a wonderful girl who'll love you and hold you gently. I'm sure of it. You should forget about that Wallenstein girl and look at the happiness in front of you.

She says as she passes the paper to Bell. Bell got off the bed looking at the sheet with a casual happy expression.

Hestia: You do the same, Leo! Come here!

I took off my jacket and shirt and laid down on the bed face down. I felt the blood drop onto my back. I heard all these weird sounds.

Hestia: Done! Let's see your stats. Hmm... Strength is 27, Endurance is 134, Dexterity is 81, Agility is 212, and Magic is 0. Not bad for someone just starting out. Hmm... oh you have a skill too! It's called, uh. I, I can't read this.

"Hmm? Let me see.... EEEEEH?!"

The paper said under skills:
Skills: All Seeing Eyes of the Gods
It just revealed the one aspect and ability to the the entire world. Good thing they can't read it, it's in... I think bold Lobster cursive font, English.

Bell: What is it?

Hestia: I don't know, I can't read what's down on the skills. I'm sure my finger didn't slip. Do you recognize it Leo?

"Uh, y-yeah it looks like this ancient writing that I once saw in Hellsalem. I thought I recognized it but I was wrong, heheheheh."

Hestia: Well, lets get to some rest. I'll have Bell register you into the guild.

I saw Bell go brush his teeth with what I would use to marinate beef. Hestia stares at him blushing making the sounds "muh muh muh muh" again and again. It was adorable. I laid on the floor to sleep as Sonic snuggled in with me.

'What a day. I hope Klaus can find me soon. I can't imagine being in another world without Libra and without... without my sister.'


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