What Rule 12?

By Hoodle2000

7.9K 95 29

Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop works as an NCIS special agent and prior to that she worked at NSA, but she then got a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Epilogue)

Chapter 5

506 5 0
By Hoodle2000

*Ellie POV*
Today is Monday. The day Nick and I go into work and try out our relationship without telling people. All last week we spent almost everyday together after Nick got back. Right now I'm waiting for him to pick me up. Just as I think about it I hear the door open.
"Hey Els you ready" he asks
"Yeah. Let's go. Remember we need to make it seem natural" I say
"I know. So a kiss now before we leave" he asks
"Sure" I say
We share a kiss and then head to his car. We get in and he drives to the navy yard. We arrive and go inside. We ride the elevator up to the proper floor and walk in to  the orange walled squad room.
"Nick, Ellie good morning" Tim says
"Hey Tim" I say
"What up" Nick says
"What's wrong with him" Tim asks
"I don't know." I say
"Yeah okay well we have paperwork to fill out" Tim says
"Joy" I say
I sit down and start going through the paperwork.
"Agent Bishop, Agent Torres my office" we hear
I look up and see director Vance. I get up and go to the stairs. I see Nick following. We walk into his office and the director closes the door.
"You two good" he asks
"Yeah why wouldn't we be" I ask
"I'm just making sure because you both seemed very distracted last week and the week before" he says
"No. We are all good" Nick says
"Good now don't let it happen again. I also want you both to check in with Jack and have her clear you two for field work" the director says
"Yes sir" we say
We leave his office and go to Jack's.
"Hey guys what's up? Are you two having trouble already" she asks
"No Jack. The director wants you to clear us for field work" I say
"Ok" she says
She closes the door and we sit down. After conversing for a bit about random things we stand up and walk out of her office.
"Give this note to Gibbs and I'll go let Director Vance you two are good" She says
"Okay. Thank you Jack" I say
We leave her office and go downstairs. We get down there and Gibbs is at his desk. I hand the note to Gibbs and then both Nick and I go to our desks. Tim looks at me and gives me a questioning look. I ignore it and start on my paper work. After a few minutes I look up and Tim is looking at me and Nick again. Nick leave and walks off so Tim follows. I look and see that no one is around and I follow too. I follow them all the way into the men's room. Don't judge me.
"Why were you staring at us Timothy" Nick asks
"Because something seems different" He says
"McGee how can it seem different if we've only been here for half a day and you've barely seen us" I ask
"I don't know. It just seems different" McGee says
Before Nick can say anything there's a knock on the door.
"If you three are done your little powwow there's a case that needs our attention" Gibbs says
We walk out and Gibbs slaps McGee and we all follow after Gibbs to grab our stuff and then get on the elevator.
"Where are we going boss" McGee asks
"We caught a case so we are going to it McGee. Why? Do you have somewhere else you need to be" Gibbs asks
"No I don't. What's the case" McGee asks
"You'll see when we get there." Gibbs says
We get off the elevator and start heading to the car.
"Oh yeah Torres you need to stay here. Ducky needs your help with something" Gibbs says
"What" Nick asks
"I'm sidelining you. Go to ducky's office or your desk. I don't care which one but you aren't coming" Gibbs says
Nick walks off and we get in the car.
"Gibbs what was that about" I ask
"Rule 10" Gibbs says
"How is Nick involved in this case" I ask
"You'll see" Gibbs says
The rest of the ride is silent. We get to a crime scene and get out of the car.
"Alright I'll go and find out who the victim is" McGee says
"I already know who it is" Gibbs says
"How?" McGee asks
"Because it's the reason we have this case. Normally this would be FBI but they told Vance who this was and we got jurisdiction" Gibbs says
"Then who is it" I ask
"Marian Torres" Gibbs says
"Torres" McGee asks
"Yeah. FBI ran background on her and she is Torres' mother" Gibbs says
"Nick has never mentioned anything about having family" I say
"That's because he and his father had a falling out and his father basically disowned him from the family. That was when he was thirteen. He lived on the street until he was 16. then he heard word that his father died. He went to the funeral and reconnected with his mom. Then a few months later his mom fell into depression and started doing drugs. Nick left his home, joined the academy and then joined NCIS. Last time he saw his mom was when he was 16 and he doesn't like talking about her. I only know this stuff because most of it was in his file and then I made him fill me in on the rest. This information stays between us three he does not need to know that you know" Gibbs says
"Understood boss." We both say
We disperse and start trying to see what all is going on.
*Nick POV*
I go inside once I see the others drive off and go straight to Director Vance's office. I knock on the door and he grants entrance. I walk in and go up to his desk.
"Agent Torres what can I do for you" he asks
"Why am I not allowed on this case" I ask
"Gibbs rule #10" he says
" 'never get personally involved in a case' Gibbs burned that a while ago" I say
"Yeah well I didn't so to me it still stands in certain circumstances and this is one of them" he says
"Can I at least know what the case is about" I ask
"No you may not" he says
"Hey Leon" Jack says coming in
"Yes" he asks
"If I tell Nick and then make sure he doesn't do anything to work on the case can he know? I think he deserves to know" Jack says
"Fine I guess. Agent Torres I need your gun and shield just until this case is over. You know you cannot do anything without the shield" he says
"Yes I know" I say
I give him my things and then follow Jack to her office. We go in and she closes the door. We then take a seat on the couch.
"Are you still in contact with your sister and niece" Jack asks
"No. Once we dealt with the case they moved far away and cut all ties off with me just like my dad did. Why? Is Lucia and Amanda in trouble" I ask
"No. They are fine. It's someone else in your family" she says
"The only other person is... my mom... what happened" I ask
"Your mom was found dead early this morning. It looks to be an overdose. We just aren't sure if it is suicide or murder. That is what the team is looking into. I'm sorry Nick" she says
"It's okay. My mom didn't care about me anyway." I say
"Nick it's your mom we're talking about. I know that she has done a lot of things that are not right with the law, but she is your mother and I know you care  about her a lot. It's okay to be upset" Jack says
"I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm not anything. I'm going home. Let the director know for me" I ask
"Sure" she says
I leave her office and leave the building. I get in my car and drive home. Once I get home I pull out my phone and text Bishop.
N-Jack told me about my case. You guys don't have to look into it at all it was probably suicide and if it was murder who cares. It was probably because she couldn't pay for the drugs so they get rid of her. I'm not really in the mood to hang tonight so could you get someone to give you a ride home tonight. Please.
E-will do. We already ruled the case as a suicide so we are just heading back to do paperwork. If you need to talk just know that I'm willing to listen.
N-I know and I appreciate it.
E-I love you Luis
N-love You too Charlie.
I go over to the small bookcase in my living room and grab the three books that are on there and start flipping through them. Soon there's a knock on my door. I walk over and look out the window to see Gibbs. I open the door and let him in.
"What are you doing here Gibbs" I ask
"I came to return your shield and gun" he says
"I don't want them" I say
"So you're quitting" he asks
"Maybe" I say
"Why" he asks
"I don't know. I just don't feel like I should be a part of NCIS anymore" I say
"Have you thought about this at all? What are you going to do for the rest of your life" he asks
"I don't know Gibbs. I never had a life in the first place. First I always did the things my dad wanted so that I would look perfect in his eyes. Then when I went against him once he disowned me. I lived on the streets. Then I return for his funeral. I stayed with my mom for a bit then she was getting out of control again and I went to the academy because I knew if I couldn't make my dad proud while he was alive I'll make him proud while he's dead and show him that I can actually make a difference with my life. I can't always be doing these things for him. I can't be doing things to please other people I need to please my self" I yell
"Torres shut up and sit down now" Gibbs yells back
I sit down and he sits down too.
"You are doing something for yourself. You have found love even though that love is forbidden. I'm proud and happy for you both" he says
"Wait you know about me and Bishop? How" I ask
"I could just tell. Now you can stay on the team or you can quit and not know what to do with your life but it is up to you" he says
"What about rule 12" I ask
"You mean this one" he asks holding up a piece of paper
"Yeah. No dating a co-worker" I say
"I wrote it because I wrote it for myself. I was protecting myself. I've seen plenty of co-workers dating and it has worked well for some so this rule is done" he says
He grabs his lighter and burns it.
"Grab your coat and let's go" he says
"Where are we going" I ask
"My place. I need some help with my boat" he says
"But Gibbs..." I start
"No buts. Let's go. Also grab what you need for work tomorrow you're spending the night at my place so you don't do something stupid" he says
"Yes boss" I say
I run to my room and grab my bag for work and throw some stuff in another bag and go back to Gibbs. We walk out and I lock my door. We go to his truck and he drives to his place. We get the and Bishop is sitting on the front porch.
"Did you know she was coming" I ask
"No. I never know when any of you are coming" he says
We get out of the truck and go to the door. I look down in hopes of Bishop not talking to me. Gibbs unlocks his door and we go in. I take my stuff up stairs to one of the rooms with an open door and then go back downstairs where Bishop and Gibbs are sitting. I go over to them and sit next to Bishop. I grab her hand but she pulls away.
"Ellie, he knows" I say
"Oh okay" she says
She grabs my hand and we all sit in a comfortable silence for a while.
"Not that I don't mind you here Bishop, but why are you here" Gibbs asks
"I was coming to ask you how Nick was doing." She says
"Ok. Yeah well you two need to tell Casey, Palmer, and McGee about your relationship tomorrow" Gibbs says
"What about Vance?" I ask
"Yeah him too. I'll be there for that. I don't want him trying to fire some of my best agents" Gibbs says
"Okay. Thanks Gibbs. Well I better go" Ellie says
She gets up and heads to the door.
"Bishop where are you going" Gibbs asks
"Home" she says
"You can spend the night if you want. I know you have an overnight bag in your truck" Gibbs says
"Ok" she says
"Ellie you can have the room my stuff is in. I'll bunk on the couch" I say
"No. She'll have my room and I'll bunk in the couch" Gibbs says
"Alright boss" Ellie says
She goes outside and returns not too long later with a bag. We say goodnight to Gibbs then head upstairs. Once there we say goodnight to each other and share a kiss then go out separate ways. Once in the room, I change into pajamas and then crawl into bed. I turn off the light and drift off to sleep.

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