Call It Off [Boy X Boy]

By kelizabeth2002

151K 4.3K 1.4K

• Book two of Auctioned Off • Ethan is engaged to the oh so wonderful August. The eight years spent away from... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Quick Recap
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Thank you

Chapter Fourteen

5.4K 159 35
By kelizabeth2002

•Chapter Fourteen•
*Alexs POV*

"Are you sure about this?" Matthew asks for the one millionth time.

"Yes, Matty. you guys will set me up and I'm going to go out. We'll expose August and then bam. Happily ever after with the two love birds." Nadine looks at me, almost smirking.

I roll my eyes and tape the microphone around her torso.

"Where in the world are we going to put a camera where he wont see it?" I look at her.

"We got a really tiny one, Alex, no one is going to see it. Just put it on my collar."

I recall the events of yesterday where we were sitting in the store, practically yelling at one another about which camera to buy. We went with Nadines choice.

"There. Youre all set."  I smile at her.

"I'm so worried." Matthew looks at her sadly.

"You'll be fine. We already set the camera and microphone up with Alex's computer. You guys will see everything that happens. You know the location too." She smiles at him.

She looks down at her wrist, checking the time. "I have to go. I can't be late." She squeaks and hurries out the door.

I rush to my laptop and turn everything on. We can see Nadine rushing down the sidewalk on her way to the café he will pick her up at. We can also hear all the traffic. It's working perfectly.


As she sits in the car we can see the road ahead. Two long hours of us just sitting here, waiting for the action. I check again to make sure the recording sign is still going.

"Should I switch cards to make sure we have enough space?" I ask Matthew who's sitting beside me watching every move.

"Sure." He mumbles.

I quickly stop the recording, take out one card, insert a new empty one and press record again. All set.

They pull up to the weird old building. Nadine gets out and walks over to the men. She can't be at Augusts' side this time. She has to get him on camera. Thankfully we pointed it up slightly and tested it out.

"Ah..Natalie. Atticus." A man with a thick voice says.

Nadine turns slightly and gets August on camera.

"Hello Sir. Natalie has some information." August smiles down at her.

She turns fully back to the man. "Alex has a couple friends but he's relatively easy to get to. He doesn't go out much. Anything could be a weakness. He's sensitive."

I try not letting her words hit hard, knowing it an act. It's fine.

"Thats my girl" Matthew whispers beside me.

The sky is quite dark but its still light enough to make out faces. But the slight darkness makes it all eerie.

"So find a weakness and we can have him?" The man asks.

She turns the camera to August.

"We'll have Alex soon, sir. Ethan has no idea either. He won't stop talking about wedding plans though. This needs to happen fast or I'll end up in an unwanted wedding." August fake gags.

"Shut up Atticus. You came up with the idea. You met Ethan. You heard about Alex. You came rushing to me about making an 'ultimate species' this is all your idea. We're just executing it because you're human. Don't push your limits boy." The man growls.

"Yes sir." August mumbles.

"And Natalie." The man says.

"Yes?" She turns to him.

"Good work." The man actually smiles at her.

Matthew gags beside me. I feel that man.

She mumbles a thank you before turning around and heading back to the car with August. Nothing is said on the way to the car.

"Well at least he likes you." August speaks up as they begin their journey home.

"Why are you using Ethan to get to Alex?" She asks.

Please don't do this Nadine.

"Easy weakness." He says, simply. 

"But it hurts Ethan in the process, don't you feel a little bad?" Nadine says in a quieter tone.

"Not really? Sure we sleep in the same bed and kiss and I proposed. Which was a bad move on my part? I was scared he was going to leave and I wouldn't get my shot at Alex. Besides the point. I haven't grown attached to him." August looks at her and then focuses on driving.

Nadine didn't say anything so I assume she simply nodded. 

I leave it recording and walk away, I need  breather. Walking into my kitchen, I rub my hands over my face and sigh. When did my life become such a mess.

"Are you okay man?" Matthew comes in.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just contemplating." I frown.

"What about?"

"My life. Everything I guess? I got Ethan because I was drawn to him. So I wanted to save him. I knew I wouldn't treat him poorly but I also didn't want him to have contact with anyone. I didn't want him to leave me. It was like he was my prisoner. But slowly he opened up and treated me like an actual person rather than his captor. And I began developing feelings. Which, by the way, really fucked with me considering I thought I was straight. I didn't want him to know. I didn't want him to know my past. Being a vampire. What I've had to do. What I'm willing to do in extreme circumstances. But he never cared. When he started getting even hints, he never ran from me. He met my messed up family and still stayed. I thought it was Stockholm syndrome. But he left. And he fell in love. Started reaching for his goals. So it wasn't. It was pure feelings. It was so real. It made me feel so.." I trail off, feeling as though I've ranted enough.

"Alive." Matthew finishes for me.

But I break down. I cry, right there. I let go of all the feelings. The stress. The heartbreak. The heart ache of his affection towards August. And he doesn't appreciate it one bit. He doesn't give a shit. 

"Aw the big bad scary vampire is crying." Matthew makes a joke.

I raise my head to look at him, sending him a death glare through my teary eyes.

"Come here." He smiles and opens his arms.

I hug him, soaking the shoulder of his shirt. 

"Honey, I'm home!" Nadine yells as she opens and closes my front door.

When she walks into the kitchen she has a bright smile on her face but the second she makes eye contact with me, it looks like she has a thousand mixed emotions.

"Why is the badass who never shows emotion besides love for Ethan crying now?" She raises an eyebrow.

I give her a small smile. Do I really give off that vibe? I try being polite. Maybe it's the resting bitch face. 

"Over Ethan." Matthew sends Nadine a smirk.

"Why does Ethan get all the feelings. I want some love too." Nadine whines before forcibly hugging me.

"Sorry, I can love few people." I chuckle.

"So, how'd it go?" Matthew asks.

"You saw the entire thing, Matt." Nadine rolls her eyes.

"Yes but how do you feel?" He asks.

"I feel fine. As long as we got all that information on tape and I never have to do it again." She says.

We go to my room and notice its still recording. So I stop it and take the card out. 

"We got it, I think." I smile.

"Great, when do we show Ethan?" Matthew asks.

"I'll call to set up a time." 

I pull out my phone and punch in his phone number before pressing talk and putting it to my ear. I listen to the first few rings.

"Hey." Ethan says, slightly out of breath.

"Hey, are you good?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah. Just. Dealing with some shit. What's up?" He asks.

"I was wondering if there was a time we could meet soon." I begin to nibble on my bottom lip.

"Sure, tomorrow morning is good for me." 

"That's fine with me. You come here?" I ask.


"Great. See you tomorrow." I smile.

"I'm looking forward to it." Ethan says before hanging up.

"Tomorrow morning." I smile to my friends.

"Great! Do you want us to stay or go for that." Nadine says.

"Stay. He might be able to comprehend better if everyone is here. Explain everything they saw and heard."

They both nod at me.

"I just hope he's prepared." Matthew mumbles.

"Me too." I sigh and set the cards of footage together.

"Victory drink." Nadine smiles and runs to my kitchen. 

She knows I enjoy pina coladas. So of course I have everything needed.

"You do that, I got the movies." Matthew smiles and goes to the living room to set it all up.

My friends are insane.



Hey hi! I said I'd try to this weekend. And I wrote half of the chapter but then I didn't know how to progress. I finally came up with it this morning.

Also I'm sorry if this book is going by fast, I kinda hate it. Like I had no idea where I was going to go with this piece. I loved the way I ended Auctioned Off. But people weren't happy with a sad ending so I felt like I let you guys down and had to make it up with a second book. But I just hate how its turning out. 

But, since I kinda hate this book.. It's likely going to end soon. So this is like.. a short story. I have like an idea for three or four more chapters. Maybe add a couple bonus but then I'm done with this series.

Auctioned Off certainly was not a great piece. God I started writing it like four years ago and then shortly after i started publishing it for fun. But people actually kind of liked it so I kept going. Sadly, I stopped being really descriptive which made my writing a little worse. But I think it came out alright, for a thirteen year old who had no experience in writing. I'm still not that good now but that's besides the point. I'm not always fond of happy endings. With Ethan and Alexs life.. it was kind of fitting it have an ending the way they did. I liked how I finished off the book. 

I'm sorry I've let you guys down by making this sequel and its so bad and short. But I can't make it good when I'm not enjoying it.. 

I hope you guys understand... Thank you 


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