Seven Heroic Sins (Book 1, Ri...

Autorstwa Stillwell03

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It's been about 2,000 years since the battle of Britania and the defeat of the revived demon clans 10 command... Więcej

Impending Doom
Character analysis
Life of the Sins
Sword in the Well
The Entrance Exam
Cold Hard Truth
Project Holy Knight and the Druid Trials
Ochako the Fox Sin
Nejire the Goat Sin
Mina the Grizzly Sin
Momo the Boar Sin
Kyoka the Serpent Sin
Himiko the Dragon Sin
Itsuka the Lion Sin
Their Return
Lust and Gluttony vs Truth and Faith

A Reason to Fight

2.3K 58 29
Autorstwa Stillwell03

Before we start, I should point this out for this chapter. When you see a text that has *this* between it, it's a flashback conversation. Anyway, onto the next chapter.

age 10 Inko POV:

"Common Inko, you need to get better at this." "I can't dad! I don't want to hurt anyone!" I began to cry at the fact dad wanted me to hit him with everything I had. "Meliodas! If she doesn't want to, then don't push her!" "I guess your right." "W-why can't people just talk instead of *sniffle* fight?" Dad comes down on one knee. "Not everyone is willing to talk Inko. I don't like it when I have to fight either." "*sniffle* Then why do you?" "To protect you and your mother. You both are two of the most important things in my life and would do anything to keep you in it." I stop crying to look at my dad who was smiling. "One day, you'll hold some people in your heart that you'll treasure over everything else. Just know that when the time comes, you will need to fight to keep them in your life."

Fast forward to a few minutes before Inko's declaration

Me and Hork start to return to the Boar's Hat with it unlocked. Since the only people that have the keys are the people in the resistance, I expected people to be inside. "I'm back." Once I enter into the tavern area, I see nobody in it with the area showing people were inside the room not that long ago. "Where did they go?" "WHAAAA! Inko, I just saw a power level of over 60,000 pop up!" '60,000? That's gotta be Izuku or one of the girls. Did they come back?' Before I could find out, I felt 8 different beings with insane power come from the other side. "Hork, look behind us!" He does this and starts freaking. "*squeal*! Who's coming this way!?" I immediately grab my shield, a small dagger, and a spell bead before running out the door.

"Inko, wait up!" Hork starts running to me to catch up. "Hork, take this and give it to Momo when you get the chance!" I toss him the spell bead before we get to a clearing with everyone there. "Inko, good to see you agai-" "Aport!" I immediately teleport everyone including Hork out of the area before getting into a fighting stance. Not long after, 8 of the Commandments come down with Zeldris leading them. "Your Meliodas's daughter, am I correct?" I nod before speaking. "Estarossa of Love, I challenge you to a one on one match!" 'What am I doing right now!?' Estarossa walks up while smiling.

"If it isn't the spawn of Meliodas. What do you think you'll accomplish with fighting me one on one like this?" "A way to save my loved ones! If I win, you and all the Commandments must leave this world and never come back or face the wrath of the Commandment of Truth!" He starts to smirk at me. "You know what, I like you woman. You have spunk. But what do I obtain if I win?" "....You get the right to kill me and take down one of the two barriers keeping the Demon King from entering this world. But I must ask you if you do, please spare the children that are the Seven Heroic Sin's." "Fair enough. Very well, I accept your challenge Ms?" "Inko Midoriya. Guardian of the Sin's." "Good to know, now lets begin. But first because I don't trust you, Grey Road."

The demon of pacifism floats over to me before activating a magic spell. "Curse Chains of Binding" I felt chains wrap around me before disappearing. "That spell will keep you here Inko. Also, nice idea doing this in front of the Decree of Truth." Estarossa takes a fighting stance with me doing a similar with my shield in front. For his first move, he moves too fast for me to even see and knocks me in my side to send me flying. 'Damn. I knew he was fast, but I couldn't even see him move.' Before I could tell what was going on, Estarossa knees my stomach to push me back to the ground and make a crater. "And here I was expecting more from Meliodas's spawn." I slowly get up with blood coming down my head to glare at him. "*ptew* I was thinking the same thing about you. If that was the best the Commandment of Love can do, my family was weak when they first fought you." 'I took too much damage there. This guy is a real monster.'

Estarossa heads towards me full force for me to hold my hand out to attack. "Omega Arc!" I encase Estarossa in an orb of light with some confidence I had him. "Impressive, both the powers of the demon and goddess race exist in you perfectly. However." in an instant, he breaks my barrier and slices my arm off. "That move is useless on me if you can't put the power needed into it." I start to panic a bit before using my darkness to attach my arm back on. "Shield of the Druids, release!" I use my shields strongest barrier to protect from anything with a power level of 41,800 or lower. "*tap* *tap* That shield is interesting. If it was Galand, you may have beaten him at his max power. Too bad it's me and not him." He smirks before breaking the barrier, my shield, and puncturing one of my seven heats. "You know, I feel bad for you traitors spawn. You have to atone for your own idiotic father's sins in his place. But don't worry. When we find your son, he'll suffer the same fate as you will." Hearing this, I immediately stab my blade into his arm for him not to even flinch. "Keep my family out of your filthy mouth! My father did what he did for the woman he loved and never turned back! I respect him for willingly going into a living hell just for my mother and will stand by his decision to my death if I have to! You will meet your end here Estarossa, not me!"

Meanwhile Bakugo POV:

We watch as Inko gets impaled by a sword in her chest with her main means of defense completely shattered. "I can't just sit here and watch this! Momo, teleport me there now!" "I can't Ochako, I don't have enough magic yet." Uraraka starts looking around before going to Jiro. "Kyoka, throw me in the direction of the fight!" "But if you do get there, what can we do? One extra fighter isn't gonna do much from what we've heard of Estarossa. Also, wouldn't you get stricken with the Commandment of Truth's curse?" "IT'D BE BETTER THAN SITTING HERE AND WATCHING INKO DIE! NOW THROW ME!" Before They even got the chance though, Yaoyorozu activated a Perfect Cube around us within seconds.

"I thought you said you didn't have enough magical power to teleport!? This takes more magic than teleportation!" "Hork gave me a spell bead for this. The power is strong enough to make it impossible for any of us to break it until I can use Absolute Cancel again." "SO YOUR OK WITH WATCHING INKO DIE!?" "OF COURSE I'M NOT! BUT RUNNING IN THERE LIKE A MADMAN WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING!? Inko knew the risks and is at least willing to get us another day before the Commandments come after us if the unthinkable happens. No matter what the outcome is, she's giving us a chance to run and hide. If we go in now, we'll only be causing more trouble for her and accomplishing nothing."

Uraraka looks at the barrier before punching it with all her might. "So were just supposed to sit here and watch Inko fight a death match!?" "I know you don't like this. None of us do, let alone the Sin's. But Inko knew this was coming and played the cards she had the best she could. This world needs us and she knows that. If we fall, this worlds final hope falls. All Might can't even beat what we have no difficulty with, what do you think would happen if we are no longer around?" Uraraka starts to grit her teeth with her hands clenching so hard that blood is dripping off of them. "Inko isn't a fighter though. She won't last long against this bastard." "I know, that's what makes me want to punch myself in the face for saying this." We turn our attention to Inko rushing in to try to attack Estarossa and cause any damage she could.

Inko POV:

I begin to try to slash Estarossa with my dagger to try and do some damage if any. He easily dodges me every time without even showing a hint of difficulty. "How pathetic that your the daughter of Meliodas." After dodging another attack, he slams another blade into my rib cage to destroy another one of my hearts. I fall to the ground to spit up a little blood with him kicking me out of the way. "Is this really all you can do? I was hoping for a challenge." I get up and try to attack him again. He evades with two more blades going into two more hearts. The pain was unbearable for me to let out a blood curdling scream before falling to the ground. "That's four now. Only a few more and your dead." He starts to tap me with his foot for me to barely move. "Seems your out of steam, this'll be easier than I thought."

He brings out three more blades with one dangling right above another heart. It slowly goes in with it puncturing the heart with me screaming in pain again. To try and get up, I roll away with Estarossa not phased in the slightest. "What's the point of fighting now? Most of your hearts are gone and your one foot in the grave already, so just give up." "If I do, then who's gonna watch over the Sin's or my son!? I refuse to let them lose a parental figure in their lives because of some psychotic murdering demons if I can stop it!" 'That should be enough damage taken. Now it's checkmate Estarossa.'

I begin to hold my dagger in a defensive manner before taking a deep breath. "Dagger of Vengeance, RELEASE!" I start to feel massive wind pressure growing in my blade with Estarossa looking a little wide eyed at me. "Let me clarify for you what this dagger really is. This blade is called Dagger of Vengeance. Any damage taken on the wielder of it will be bounced back and amplified by tripple the damage. I must thank you Estarossa, for you have given me the tools needed to win." 'I'll win today. I'll win and save this world like I should've done before this!' "PAIN RECIPROCATION!" I send a massive slash at Estarossa with nothing standing in it's way. At this moment, I believed this was it. 'I've won.' The slash hits him with great force to keep me from seeing what's going on.

Once the force of the impact settles down,smoke covers the area with none of us able to see what happened. 'Did I do it? Did I actually beat Estarossa?' Theirs a silence before I feel a dagger stab me again out of nowhere. I look down to see a damaged Estarossa smiling at me. "Not bad. As undermining as that bastard Meliodas. Now I see the resemblance." 'I...didn't stop him.' I start to cough up blood again before falling to the ground. 'That was everything I had. It still wasn't enough.' I start to see Estarossa's last blade positioned right above my final heart with him looking down at me. "If you have any last statements, say them now. That group has been watching us for the entire time." 'They've...been....watching?'

I turn my head for Estarossa's to not block it. "Ochako." *Wow Ochako, this is incredible.* *Anythings better than your cooking Inko.* "Nejire." *You have quite the curiosity Nejire. That's a great treat to have.* *T-thanks.* "Mina." *I'm so sorry for what happened Mina. I know I'm not your parents, but I can be someone to talk to.* **sniffle* Thank you Inko.* "Momo." *I can handle the work from here on Momo. How about you go out and play. You and the others deserve a break for being big helps to me.* *Thank you Inko.* "Kyoka." *What is this?* *I thought the bracelet looked cute on you and got one for you and the others to match. What do you think?* "Himiko." *I'm so sorry you had to go through that Himiko. If we found you earlier, maybe we could've helped you better.* *It's ok, it's not that bad and you've already done more than enough. Thank you.* "Itsuka." *I promise I won't tell anyone about this Itsuka. Also, a parent should've never done that to you. I'm sorry it did happen.* *I'm sorry Inko *sniffle* for being a burden.* "Izuku." *I won't fail you mom. I'll come back stronger and defeat the Commandments myself if I have to. Then well run the Boar's hat like a family with maybe a few additions in the future.* "I'm sorry I couldn't help more." As I say this, Estarossa pierces my final heart with only darkness to take over me.

3rd person POV:

Everyone in the group watches in horror and guilt as Inko breathes her last breath. "Inko! INKO!" Ochako begins hitting the barrier in anger and rage in a desperate attempt to take revenge on her killer. "SHE WAS A GOOD PERSON DAMMIT! SHE CARED FOR US WHEN NOBODY ELSE DID! *hic* Why? Why did she have to die by those bastards." Every person held their head down with tears dropping. The Sin's however, took this the hardest seeing her as a pillar of support that would never go away. No matter how many difficult missions they had, she always was there for them with a smile to welcome them back. Bakugo was one that didn't cry, but was scarred with the image of his childhood friends mother lifeless. He did not speak or react as the image burned into his mind with only one thing repeating in it. 'This can't be real. This can't be real.'

"Grab the Decrees and lets go." They look at Estarossa and the Commandments leaving the scene with Zeldris looking back at the corpse of Inko with some pain. "Rest in peace, daughter of Meliodas." He leaves with everyone coping with this loss horribly. Ochako keeps punching the barrier until her knuckles start to bleed before letting out a blood curdling scream.

Few hours later

Once Momo was able to obtain enough magic to use Absolute Cancel. The Sin's moved lifelessly to the battlefield with Bakugo and Hork following Suit along some pros and students. As they looked upon the sight of Inko's dead body, they could only cry knowing they weren't strong enough. "We should've done something for her." "I should've been a better kid growing up with her." "I should've not asked too many questions." "I should've been a harder worker." "I should've opened up to her more." "I should've been less prideful." "I should've been the one to die instead." They all say what they believe they should've done with tears running down their faces. They knew none of this made a difference, but they wanted to say this to Inko.

Once the day had started full swing, a damp rain fell upon them with everyone that was present during the fight watching Inko's ashes be put by a tombstone next to her father and mother. In a fit of sheer rage, Bakugo finds a small rock and pegs All Might in the head with it. "You son of a bitch, your supposed to be the strongest! Why did Inko have to do a job you were supposed to be strong enough for!?" "Bakugo, throwing a rock at a pro hero is not help-" "SHUT IT FOUR EYES!" Bakugo looks at Ida with anger through tears. "SHE WAS A GOOD WOMAN! SHE WAS FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH TO SEE THROUGH THE SHIT I HAVE DONE TO ACCEPT ME INTO HER INN! SO WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIE!? IT ISN'T FAIR!"

He falls to the ground finally embracing the reality of the situation with a hand laying on his shoulder. "If it hurts that much Bakugo, then get stronger to make this never happen again." He looks up to see Ochako biting her lip to a point of drawing blood. He was surprised. Never once has Ochako said his name correctly since they met. She was irritated beyond belief before Momo finally spoke up. "I want everyone to listen good. The way things are now, the Sin's will be better off splitting up and going across the seas to handle demons and the Commandments. We need to keep this world safe in remembrance of what Inko did for us." "But how are we gonna beat them?" "We don't need to. All we need to do is hold them off until Izuku gets back. Ochako, are you in?"

Ochako looks at Momo with a serious face before nodding. "Then as of this day, the Seven Heroic Sin's will disperse to help certain parts of the world. We'll regroup when Izuku returns. The only thing I can say to you all is this. Stay alive no matter what. We are the 'last' line of defense this world has against the demon race. Do not let Inko's sacrifice be in vain." They all nodded before returning to the Boar's Hat to chart their separate courses to leave. As they left to certain areas, they had the same thought in mind. 'Inko, well protect this world for you. Please Izuku, come back soon.'

1 year later

As the day reached noon in the Druid realm, a boy walked out of a tree with the Druid chiefs looking over to him. "It seems your training has come to an end. How do you feel?" The boy smirks before looking at them with determination. "Like the Commandments should've headed my warning before all this." He reached for a Katana he had set aside and opened it. "Now it's time to show them why you don't mess with the Sin's."

Ok so this is going to be the end of Book 1 of this story. Yes, I said the end of BOOK 1! This is going to be a two part or three part book with the second not being started instantly. I'll give a discription of book 2 in Story Ideas and start that at a later date. Anyway, thank you all that have read this till the end and make sure to check out some other stuff I have on my channel. Make sure to also vote in Story Ideas since any and all new stories are coming from there. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading Seven Heroic Sins book 1, Rise of Sin.

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