The Inheritors [editing]

By fab_moon

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My flight was being called on for the last time. I turned to have one last look at Noah, or more properly to... More

First author's note evaaa!
1. Meet our Plain Jane
2. LA, here I come !
3. Meet the anonymous dude.
4. Rachel who !?
6. A day to remember
7. Goodbye it is.
8. Home sweet home
9. Good news. Or not.

5. He's totally gay.

418 70 48
By fab_moon

Noah's POV:

   As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted ever pronouncing them. I knew Rachel would've been more than glad to annouce it, but I wanted to be the one who tells Ivy. Maybe then it would sound less shocking. Who am I kidding? Her facial expression showed more shock that I had expected. Her eyes grew extendebly wide as soon as she apprehended what I had said.

I didn't like seeing her like that.

  I wanted to comfort her, tell her that it's not true; that I wasn't actually engaged to Rachel. Alas, I was.

  The engagement took place about a year ago, right before I moved here. Only, I didn't have a say in it. My father, being the diplomatic person he is, arranged this whole thing without bothering to ask for my approval.

   This commitement, according to him, would be so beneficial for the Empire's group. In fact, it would raise our gains to the limit. You see, Rachel is the heiress of a highly famous international clothing company. And me, well I'm the possible heir for the Empire's Group. You can only imagine the financial success that will result from the marriage of those two. My father says that anyone would be a fool to turn his back to such an opportunity. I would have agreed with him. Only, I wasn't blinded by money; yet.

I was angry with my father for quite a while. But then I tried to view things from his perspective. Eventually, I decided I will obey him and accept the fact that I'm marrying Rachel. She couldn't be that bad, I thought at that time.

  It wasn't long before I was proven wrong. Rachel turned out to be annoyingly unbearable. I can't seem to stand her. Her prickly personality are exceedingly aggravating and obnoxious. She is extremely imperious, haughty and pretentious. In other words, she was fake, a plastic kind of chick.

That said, I could never develop feelings for her; she wasn't anywhere near my type.

  Back in Korea, Rachel was known as the Empire High School's Paris Hilton. In actual fact, she was one of the main reasons that I'd left my homecountry.

I thought that after I'd move here, I wouldn't have to come across her frequently since we'd be leaving in different continents.

Obviously I was wrong.

   "- Why did come here ? "

I ask her in a sharp cold tone, sounding more harsh than I had intended. Whatever. It's not like she doesn't know how I feel about her. She's fully aware that I have absolutely no feelings for her. In fact, I really dislike her. Unfortunately I couldn't say the same about her. Rachel liked me very very much. She had litteraly admitted it and, well, it's not that hard to guess.

   "- It's been half a year since we've seen each other and that's all you've got to say?"

She says in response, looking slightly offended, and I instantly wish I had spoken to her in a nicer way. If only the hatred I have for her was mutual; then I wouldn't have to worry about hurting her feelings and those kind of stuff..

I might as well try to be nicer.

   "- You've gotten prettier! " I suddenly blurt out.

What? That was my attempt to being 'nice'.

   "- I know! " She merely answered, with an overly confident attitude. Her cockiness was really unbounded. "Well you could've at least came to the airport!" She adds, rather raising her voice.

I had a feeling she would bring that up. Thus I didn't see any reason why I should have went to see her; she'd eventually show up at my house anyway. 

"- It was too far and too hot. " I lie in defense, not wanting to reveal my actual excuses. 

"- Seriously Noah, why did you agree to this engagement in the first place? "

"- Oh trust me, if it was up to me, I would've never agreed to that. I'd rather be ugly than choose to marry you willingly. " 

  Now although the thought of being ugly was scary, it would definitely be more beareable and could be endured unlike  having to live with Rachel and constantly seeing her and interacting with her. The latest part is the scariest one. Rachel wasn't the slightest bit smart. Her IQ is probably lower than her shoe size. Not that I was a genius but her lack of intellect was way too remarkable.

I would have more meaningful conversations with a brick wall than with her.

   After I had made Rachel leave -yes, she would never spend the night, not in a million years- I was surrounded by an empty silence. It was strange and totally unfamiliar, like something was missing. More like someone. Oh God! Ivy.

I looked around the house but she was nowhere to be found. I checked her room and unlike what I had expected, her suitcase and backpack were still in there, lying on the solid wooden surface of the floor. I sighed in relief, knowing that she hadn't left for good as I had thought. But then where had she possibly gone ? I'm sure that she has no relatives nor friends here, otherwise, she would have gone to their house at the first place. Maybe she just went for a walk. But then again she could get lost. What's worse, she couldn't speak English very well!

Shit. What happens if she gets lost ? What am I supposed to do then? 

  Whoa wait, why did it matter to me ? As far as I know I'm not her guardian or anything. She's a grown girl who can take care of herself. I really needed to chill.

An hour later, I had settled on my couch, my eyes directed to the tv that hung further ahead. My attention however was elsewhere. I couldn't keep myself from peeking at the Royce watch that embraced my wrist, wondering when will Ivy return. Despite all my attempts to convince myself that there's no reason to worry about her, she has gotten me concerned.

  Although it was just a little past 4 in the evening, she's been gone for a while now.

What was taking her so long? She could've at least warned me. What if she comes across those gangsters from the other night and they hurt her? She would never see her family again and I would be held responsible. Shit. How could I have not seen her when she walked out?

Right, I was too busy arguing with Rachel.

Panick was getting the best of me so I took deep breaths and tried to calm down. Everything was going to be alright, I silently comforted myself.

Just then, my phone whistled, signaling that I had recieved a message. I slided to unlock, and moved my fingertip to the Facebook app who held a red notification at the corner. The app opened revealing a profile. Only it wasn't mine. The name read 'Ivy Simmons'. Oh right! I totally forgot that I had let Ivy use my phone once. And obviously she hasn't logged out. The message had to be for her then.

Should I read it? Should I not? I probably shouldn't but it won't do any harm either, so why not. I quickly opened it in fear that I would have second thoughts. The message was from a certain Jason, it read:

"Hey Iv'  :)  I was wondering when you'd come back, you've been gone for a while. I've missed you. I'm so glad you came to me tho. I hope you're staying at a friend's. You just give me the address and I will have a ticket sent to you (and some cash) right away. If you need a hotel reservation, anything, let me know. You know you can always count on me ;) Take care V "

So this is the boy  and friend  best friend.

I went to his profile to get a better view of him and clicked on his picture.

He was wearing a red t-shirt and blue denim shorts. His outfit held a feminine touch. On his pale face was pulled a girly toothy smile that made him look.. cute.

This could only mean one thing. He is gay. Yup he's totally gay! You can tell by the looks of him.

I decided to forget about the dude for now. I had much more important stuff to think about. Like whether to show this to Ivy or not. If she finds out that her friend did reply she'd want to return home for sure.

   Did I want her to leave ? No.

Then would it be better if I don't tell her ?

For me, yes. But definitely not for her.

I'd be selfish if I kept this from her. She has family. She wouldn't just abandon them. Plus she has no reason to stay here.

She has barely known me for a couple of days.

Why would she possibly want to stay?

Why am I even considering this !?

  Eventually I made my mind. I sent my house's address to the Jay dude. I was  aware that by doing this I was rushing her departure time, but this is what Ivy would want me to do, I guess. Besides, the delivery is going to take some time. Thank God for the distance between Korea and the US.

Meanwhile, we had to profit from the remaining time, which probably consisted in a day or two. That if her majesty  decides to show up.

She must have heard my thoughts because seconds later she walked through the door.

Ivy's POV:

Yes! I reached home safe, I mean Noah's palace. Luckily for me I have a good memory. Otherwise, I would have gotten lost in this huge city. I wasn't planning on getting that far though when I left, but my feet had somehow dragged me down to the sea shore, and I just couldn't resist its charm and get enough of its magnificent sights.

I hope that Rachel girl, Noah's fiancé or whatever, would quit extorting me. She's acted like a bitch earlier and I wasn't in the mood to facing her now.

I'll go straight to the room I'm staying in and leave them two to do whatever they're doing. Sure I wasn't expecting that Noah would be engaged, he's only 17 and still hadn't graduated from high school.

Appearently he couldn't wait to get older fearing that he'd loose her. I couldn't blame him though, such beauty was hard to come across. The girl's attitude however was a different story. Did he aprove of her behavior ? Probably not, but he didn't appear to be bothered by it either. I mean why would he? Guys only cared for looks. And that's one thing Rachel had.

However I had no right to judge. If they loved each other that much and wanted to have kids then I don't see why they shouldn't commit theirselves.

I pulled the door open and made my way to the living room. As soon as I stepped in Noah had gotten up from the couch and jumped to his feet. His stern frown told me that this day wasn't one of his bests.

  -" Where the hell have you been? " His tone held some kind of frustration that confirmed my theory. He was certainly upset.

-" What do you mean? I was just- "

-" Just what Ivy? You've been gone for two whole damn hours without a previous warning. You've never been here before, you could've got lost or worse get attacked! Do you know how dangerous the streets are at night? "

  His blast of words had definitely taken me aback. I didn't have to ask for his permission before heading out. Especially not when his fiancé is around. He wasn't even making sense right now. It was a little past 4p.m and he was calling it a night. Weird, I know.

-" Just calm down Noah! I only went for a walk because I thought you would need some privacy", I said, refering to him and Rachel.

He must've found this somehow amusing because he chuckled and snored lightly at my response. The tension had now eased and he had obviously gotten over his anger. The frown on his face had been replaced with a smug grin that was capable of making smart girls stupid.

-" No we don't, actually." He said like it's no big deal, before adding: "I hope she doesn't return anytime soon".

Ouch. That crosses the thought of them being in love. Well I don't know about her, but it was definitely not the case for him.

He's just using her.

Normaly I would feel sorry for a girl that is being used as a toy or should I say body. However I didn't sympathize with Rachel. I'm sure she and her barbed tongue can take care of herself.

Before I could comment on what he has just said, Noah spoke up:

-" Your friend has answered by the way".

-" Jay?! Oh my God, Really? What did he say? Show me! " I got so excited that I must have scared him off. He had a difficulty getting his words together.

-" Er.. yeah that one. Um.. he said he's going to send you a ticket immediately. "

-" Oh my god! Did you reply to him? "

-" Yup, I gave him the address. I thought you'd want me to do that ".

He guessed that right.

-" Yeah I would. The sooner I get home the better. Thanks Noah. You've done a lot for me, I honestly have no clue how am I going to repay you for all this." I spoke with all honesty.

-" It's fine, really.  It's not that big of a deal."

-" Yes it is. I never thought I would live to visit the US, let alone seeing Los Angelos, Hollywood and its incredible beach. It's been sort of a dream for me. And if you hadn't found me the other night, none of this would have happened. "

As sad as it appeared, it was true. I don't know if I would have made it alive through night if Noah hadn't rescued my ass.

-" Well thank God I was there. And about that dream of yours, trust me when I say you've seen nothing yet. "

-" You're mistaken. I've been to many places and I've seen too many things in the last few days. " I told him, recalling my first day at the seashore, when I saw him for the first time and I thought he was a stalker. He seemed pretty creepy back then.

-" Yeah but still, you didn't have a guide, so you must have missed so much stuff. Also, you didn't carry on any money! Touring without money is no touring. "

He was right in a way. This journey was likely to never occur again. Therefore, I must enjoy every second I have left.
I would love to go sight seeing with him, or to the movies, or anywhere, as long as he's nearby, because in a few days I will no longer be able to see his angel like face, or his lightly tanned body, or his six pack..

Easy there hormones!

-" Let's go out! " Noah's sudden statement took me by surprise and shook me out of my deep thoughts.

-" What? Why?"

Seriously V, 'why?'  That was the dumpest question ever. My subconscious said mockingly.

  -" You're going home soon. I thought I'd take you on a proper tour so you'd accomplish your dream. "

-" Right. So where are we going ?"

-" I dunno. Think of something you've always wanted to do. Or maybe somewhere you've always wanted to go. Come on, name a place. "

I didn't have to think long about that. There's one place I have been wanting to go to.

-" Starbucks! " I announced excitedly.

Noah grinned, looking satisfied with my choice.

-" Aright. Let's go. "

Starbucks was everything that I had imagined. The shop was well organized and filled with a pleasent scent of coffee. The diversification of the plates was unbelievable. I hesitated long enough before I made up my mind. I ordered a big salted caramel hot chocolate with a Cheesecake brownie and Oatmeal cookies on the side.

  It was safe to say that it was the most delicious food I had ever tasted. After my order had arrived I had dipped into my plate and focused on the food and nothing else. It was until my dish was clean that I lifted my head up and averted my attention to Noah, who I had completely ignored. I couldn't help it though. Food can make you forget stuff.

He had a wide smirk on his face, probably amused by my appetite. Normally I wouldn't feel this comfortable eating around people, but this is American food we're talking about.

-" It's good isn't it?" He asked.

-" Good is an understatement. This is freaking delicious." I replied.

We kept the conversation going for a while until it finally came to an end. Noah stood up and before I could even apprehend what was he doing, he had paid both our meals. I would have protested but we both knew I didn't own a single penny. So instead, I just stood and followed him out of the shop.

-" What's next? " I curiously asked.

He gave me on of those big grins that left me wonder what motives could there be  behind it.

-" You'll see. " was all he said. And that made me eager to know what was he planning on.

                     ******  -M  *****

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! ♡

I'm really sorry for the long wait but you guys wouldn't vote :(
Anyways I'm making it up for you with this longiiish chapter.
You happy? Nah? :(

VOTE, COMMENT. I really appreciate those kind of stuff.
Also, let me know if you spot any mistakes. All of my chapters are UNEDITED. Maybe I will edit them one day. Maybe..

The dedication is for the sweetest girl, a friend whom I have gotten to know recently. She's an amazing person and one of my readers. God Bless her ♡ Make sure you read her books they are amazing! :)

Till next time, dear readers.
-M ♥

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