I'm Sorry, Who Are You?

By cryingstal130

54.8K 1.4K 265

Sequel to Broken That's What I Am "Um, I'm sorry who are you?" I ask to the 6 boys infront of me. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Finale)
New Story

Chapter 4

3.5K 106 38
By cryingstal130

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm afraid so," Namjoon stated.

"Why would she wanna escape?" Yoongi questioned.

"I dont know," Namjoon answered. "Jungkook do you know who we're talking about?"

To our suprise he nodded. "I do actually, I remember Rose and Lisa telling me about my sister, Jenna. They said that she was in jail, but I don't have actual memories of her,"

"That's okay, but all you need to know about her is that she is really dangerous," Jimin stated.

"Why? What did she do that would make her dangerous?" Jungkook asked.

"Well she-" Jimin was cut off.

"You don't need to know Kook, plus Jimin is overexaggerating we'll figure this out okay Kookie?" Tae answered.

Jungkook just nodded but I can tell he wants to know a lot more about his past.

"Kook why don't you head home? It's getting late," I say and he leaves.

3rd POV
As Jungkook left all Jungkook thought about when he was walking home was more about his sister, his friends, and his past. He was so in his thoughts, he didn't even realize he was heading the wrong way.

Jungkook felt a hand on his shoulder. He turns around to see that there was a group of masked people.

"Um excuse me," Jungkook spoke a little scared and wanted to start walking but then one of the masked people steps closer to him and knocks Jungkook out. Jungkook falls onto the floor unconscious.

Jimin POV
"Why did you cut me off when I was about to tell Kook about his sister," I say annoyed.

"Because you called her dangerous, she isn't," Tae responded.

"She is though. Remember she kidnapped Jungkook and was also charged for dealing drugs," I state.

"She only wanted to see her little brother who was told she was dead," Tae explained.

"She'll be dead soon," I mumble.

"Jimin, what is your deal?!" Tae exclaimed.

"It's just we try and we try to forget about the past but I just can't. Jungkook was kidnapped by his own sister, who was in prison. And now she escaped. I just feel like she wants to take Jungkook away from us again," I explained.

"Chim, we found him. We're gonna make sure he's safe," Tae states.

Everyone came around me and we had a group hug until someones phone rang. Man I feel like everytime someone's phone rings something bad just happened. Anyway it was Jin hyungs phone.

"Hey Rose, what's up?" Jin hyung answers.

"Hey Jin, is Jungkook with you?" Rose asks.

"No we sent him home since it was getting late," Jin states. "He should've been home by now,"

"Guys he hasn't come home yet, me and Lisa are getting scared guys," Rose explained.

"Oh no, call the police, we're gonna be there soon," Jin hyung hung up the phone.

"Not again..." Yoongi hyung mumbles.

Jungkook POV
I wake up to see that I'm tied to a chair in a very dark room. No one is in here so I try to break free. But I stopped when i hear the door open.

"It's so nice to see you again Jungkookie," The masked person states.

"Do I know you?" I ask.

"Well you should but you're not very good with remembering things right now huh?" They say.

"Who are you?" I question. When they didn't answer I accidentally yell "WHO ARE YOU?!"

"Hmm you'll find out soon enough, my little bunny," And they walked outta the room.

I'm scared I dont know what to do. I start to cry but then fell asleep from crying too much.

"Hey hyungs!" I say as I skipp towards my hyungs.

"Kook please be honest with us," Namjoon hyung asks.

"I've always been honest with you guys," I state but I feel the tension between me and my hyungs. "What's going on you guys are scaring me,"

"Kook is your sister actually dead?" Yoongi hyung questions.

"Of course she is, why are you asking? You guys know how uncomfortable I am talking about my sister now," I answer.

"Kook please just tell us the truth," Hobi hyung pleads.

"But I am telling the truth," I say.

"Cut the bullshit Jungkook. We know that you've been lieing to us this whole time," Yoongi states annoyed.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I ask.

"Jungkook we know that your sister is alive," Jimin states.

"How? Because last time I checked she was gone," I say.

"Your sister came up to us to apologize and told us that you were lieing to us and knew that she was actually alive and wanted to make a prank or somewhat a joke," Jin tells me.

"And you guys believe that?" I ask.

"Of  course we do, Jungkook she even showed us a picture of you and her when you guys were younger," Tae states.

"And you're not gonna believe me when I say that I never knew she was alive because trust me she's dead," I tell them.

"Jungkook just stop! We know the truth! And since you're not gonna confirm it and continue to joke around I'm sorry but I can't trust you anymore,"  Yoongi states.

"I can't either Jungkook," Namjoon agrees. I start to hear everyone agreeing and I feel tears rolling down my eyes. I see them walk away and I grab Yoongi's arm but he "accidentally" pulled out his arm from my qrip and hit me in the stomach. I fall to the ground with tears streaming down my face and I look up to see that all of my hyungs are gone.

They left me.

They don't trust me.

They hit me.

They didn't believe me.


What did I do?

I just lay there on the ground crying with pain coming from my body.

I wake up to see that I was in the room before but with blurry eyes. I still feel tears streaming down my face.

Was that a memory,? Why was it so bad? Why did Yoongi hyung hit me? Why did they leave me? My head just fills with so many questions.

I finally gain a memory, but it was a bad memory, a really bad one.



Hehehehe I'm not dead yay! Well i apologize for not updating. I was moving away, and it was the holidays, and I wanted to spend time with my friends before I left. Hopefully you liked this chapter. Sorry it was pretty rushed, but I wanted to do sorta a flashback chapter so hopfully you enjoyed it!

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