Closing Time

By SydCarv

150K 10.4K 2.3K

The entrance of a stranger into her bar brings Ryleigh a flood of problem- Demons, Angels, Hunters... and an... More

50. (End of Part 1)
Part 1 - Epilogue
51. (Part 2)
69. (End)
Sneak Peek
Epilogue II - Unwanted Flashbacks
Extra Content: Q&A Call!


2.6K 176 19
By SydCarv

That smug piece of shit.

I want to kill him.

No, I need to kill him.

How do you kill an angel? If I poison his dri-

"Hey, will I ever get my drink?" The object of my anger spoke up, cutting through my raging thoughts.

"You can drink your own piss for all I care." I snapped back before I could restrain myself. The regulars left in the bar looked up in alarm. I pretended not to notice them.

"There is..." Lou had a curious note in his voice. "... something interesting going on here I'm not a part of."

"Good. Stay out of it." The angel replied without hesitation. God, I wanted to wring his neck so bad.

I glanced up from the bills to glare at him, and meet Lou's raised brows as well. After I held his gaze for a few moments, I exhaled loudly in an attempt to get rid of my anger. "Later." Was my only reply to his silent question.

The regulars left one by one, and the view outside darkened at the stroke of midnight. I almost felt like Cinderella... but not really. There was no fairy godmother. Just a demon, who'd trapped me in the bar for a quick glug. And an angel who liked to gallivant through my apartment after I was finally allowed to go home. Just the thought of Mike around my room— opening my drawer, checking my things... that apartment wasn't mine to sell but at the moment, I sure wished it was.

Lou watched me drag my feet and a stool over. Mike tapped the counter as a subtle reminder about a missing drink he wouldn't get as long as I was alive.

"I'm waiting." Lou sang.

I gave him an irritated look before I took my seat. That's all I ever did nowadays. I was either annoyed, angry or scared. It felt like I hadn't relaxed or had a good laugh in days. At this rate, I'll get wrinkles early.

My hand rose to rub my forehead as if already smoothing out those wrinkles I was worried about. I let it fall back down before meeting Lou's eyes. "Mike broke into my apartment yesterday."

Lou's eyes widened slightly. He whistled lowly as he turned to look at Mike. "That's low, man. Even I haven't done that yet."

"What do you mean 'yet'?" I scowled. "Don't you da-"

"I never broke anything in your apartment." Mike cut me off, eyes shifted to the side to meet mine. "Besides, I had to check if you were saying the truth."

"Truth about?" Lou replied in my place.

"You." Mike turned to meet Lou's eyes with a challenge in his. "I went there to hear the truth about you and your presence here, demon. The human doesn't matter, but I wouldn't be surprised if you're hiding something from us."

Lou smirked back, a fire ignited in his eyes. "You're rather cocky for a brat, aren't you?" His eyes darkened, veins appearing under his skin. A crushing pressure appeared on my chest as the lights in the bar dimmed. "Your strength can't match mine when it comes down to it, feathers." The more the veins darkened, the harder it got to breathe.

My hand tightened on the stool, words to defuse a fight stuck in my throat. This was on a level I couldn't comprehend. This wasn't my place.

"And you think age defines strength, old-timer?"

"In my case, it does." Lou's skin had started to lose colour, the air was cold. I need to stop this. I need to-

"Breathe, Ryleigh."

My eyes moved to Mike as he said my name. His eyes were still glued to Lou's. What did he mean by that? I-

His eyes moved to meet mine once again. He turned his head as well. "Ryleigh. Breathe."

As he held my stare, I felt the pressure around my chest crack like the vice around it had been broken. Air flooded into my starved lungs, my fingers relaxed on the stool as the cold was dispersed by a gentle heat surrounding me. The lights returned to their original brightness. Warmth infused my body from within. I exhaled softly as I felt colour rise in my cheeks. What was this?

Mike glanced at Lou and broke eye contact with me. "I shall not fall for your taunts, demon. My priority here is the human. I have to make sure that no harm befalls her."

"I'm sure she won't get hurt because of some missing oxygen." Colour rose up his body, veins retracting into his eyes as the black drew back into the iris. Lou turned to face straight as well. "Look, she's fine."

I felt my senses slowly crawl back into me. I moved my head to glance between the two. "What... happened?"

"Nothing that matters to you." Mike replied immediately.

I heard his fingers tap the wood again. A drink. He wanted a drink.

I slid off my stool, and headed to where the gin was. I might not fully understand what had happened, but I did understand that Mike had helped me. He'd released whatever power Lou had over me. That heat was familiar. It was similar to what I'd felt after he'd vanished in my apartment, and to some extent what he'd made me feel while he tried to get me into bed.

"Thanks, I guess." I mumbled under my breath as I slid the tumbler into his waiting hand. The angel didn't reply. He nodded quietly as he raised it to take a sip. "It's... on the house." I added as I sat back down.

Lou raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's all it takes for a free drink?"

"Shut up." I hissed, slightly embarrassed. "You've done nothing but harass me ever since you came here."

"Oh, come on. " He groaned loudly. "Get over it already. I'm here to stay."

I leaned forward, my chin in my hand as I gave him a dry look. "And I'm supposed to be happy about that... why?"

"You aren't really convincing me a lot about your tip tonight."

"Keep it. I'll live." I rolled my eyes, and paused slightly as I realised Mike was staring off into the distance. "By the way... what's going on between you two?"

"Nothing." Mike replied curtly.

I clicked my tongue. "No. I mean between demons and angels. Aren't you guys supposed to always be at war?"

"Who told you that?" His blue eyes slid to the side.

"It's common knowledge... in a mythical kind of way."

"There's a truce." Lou replied for Mike. "And that's all you need to know about that?"

"Oh... has any side ever won?"

"Ours." The two chorussed.

I raised an eyebrow at that. There was a short moment of silence followed by a drop in temperature on the left where Lou was sitting, and a sharp increase on the side Mike was on. I didn't know whether to shiver or strip. It seems like a touchy topic.

"I'd advise you to avoid this topic, human." Mike spoke into his glass. "These are delicate times. You're lucky this bar is empty right now."

I know that. I haven't seen the bar this empty in a while. Makes me feel almost lonely.

The mood had dropped again. The tenseness between the two had returned. Seems like it's up to me to break it.

I pouted, shifting my arm to face Mike. "Hey! You just called me by my name. Why are you calling me 'human' again?"

"Studies have shown that it's easier to grab a human's attention by uttering their name. Don't trust me to repeat it."

"He's right." Lou snickered. "Don't trust him in general."

"I don't trust you in general either, Lou." I straightened in my seat as I felt both the heat and the chill lessen. "You're an asshole."

"And I'll drink to that." Mike mumbled into his glass.

Lou raised an eyebrow as a surprised laugh escaped me. "That's the most human I've heard you say yet, feathers." I nodded in agreement. Lou raised his hand, a glass slapped into his open palm a moment later.

Placing it beside Mike's gin, he tipped over some of the whiskey from his own tumbler into it. "Here, you're now ready for a big boy drink."

Mike didn't even look at it. "No, thanks. I prefer gin."

I sighed. "He's not offering you a drink, he's offering an olive branch."

"Never." Lou replied immediately.

Mike turned to eye the glass sceptically. "I don't see any plant life in that."

Letting my eyes fall shut, I exhaled loudly. It was worse than dealing with a toddler. These two had more consciousness and an ego problem. A very big ego problem. I'm never going to get through to them like this, it's best to leave them up to their own deeds with minimal supervision... just like a toddler. Actually, I don't like kids, I don't really know.

My eyes opened at the sound of the bell. The demons from yesterday walked in, the ones who'd stayed behind after most of them left. The guy who talked to me saw Mike's back and sneered, eyes darkening in an instant. "Why's this guy here again?"

"To keep an eye on me." Lou replied as I just gave a simple agreeing shrug. "He won't bother any of you as long as you don't pose a threat to him or Ryleigh."

I glanced at Mike. My words dry. "You should know the only threat these guys have posed to me so far is increased timings."

"Is that so?" Lou asked, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I felt my eye twitch. "You don't count, Lou. I mean the other, nicer demons."

"You break my heart, Ryleigh."

"I'd rather break your neck."

"You don't have the physical prowess, human."

"And you do?" I countered, taking down the orders of the newcomers.



I paused as I heard their chorussed answers once more, feeling the temperature difference form around me once more. The demons in front of me raised their guard. Two of them turned to face the angel, and bared their teeth as they crouched. I tapped the counter to draw their attention back to me. "Ignore those two. This keeps happening. Now, should I repeat your order?"

They didn't seem to be fooled by my smile, but atleast they didn't make any noise about Mike's presence while they waited for their drinks.

I walked back to my usual seat in front of Feathers and Freakshow, and crossed my arms as I sat down. "So, Lou when were you going to tell me you're the biggest man among demons?"

I'd said it mockingly, in a attempt to resuscitate the conversation. I was also waiting for a reaction, but all he did was lazily look over at me. "Does it matter?"

Playing it cool? "Not really." I shrugged, as I spotted one of the demons behind him watching me carefully. She looked away as I met her eyes. "I figured you're someone important because no one ever sits with you... either that or you're some kind of weirdo demon the others don't like."

Lou raised an eyebrow. There was a short snicker from the table behind him, cut short as Lou turned his head to the side. I recognised a silent warning when I saw one. "I'm not a 'weirdo demon' as you put it. I'm just strong."

"The strongest." Mike corrected.

Lou's focus shifted to Mike. "And I'm guessing you're the one who told her?"

"It slipped out." Mike replied casually. Poker face, eyes straight— a perfect mask. I didn't know he had the capability to say anything but the direct truth. I'm lowkey impressed.

"How does something like this slip out?" Lou cocked his head, that simple action dropped the temperature once again and added pressure on my chest. He was so fickle. I should carry a shawl to cover up in moments like these.

Mike was unfazed. "Just like that. Pillow talk." He shrugged. The way his shoulders rose and fell under that jacket was a very interesting sight. "What can I say? I'm quite pliable in bed."

"Hm-wait, what?" His words took a moment to land while I was distracted admiring his biceps. "Huh?!"

"You're quite pliable..." Lou turned back to face me. "Ryleigh, you-"

"NO!" I cut him off, my shock came out as a yell as I shook my head vehemently. The other demons in the bar had given up pretenses and now openly watched the shit show I had created. "No! That's-I-Nothing happened!"

Lou licked his lips, a sure sign of him plotting my humiliation. "So... Ryleigh... what else did he reveal during his so-called pillow talk?"

"Nothing!" I pointed at Mike. "He's lying!"

"Everyone knows angels don't lie, Ryleigh." His smirk widened. "But I see you have a type. Muscled, with feathers, and a bit of a dick, I see."

"You're both dicks!" I snapped. "And I haven't slept with him! I don't sleep with customers, Lou."

"Maybe you just don't sleep with me." He pouted, still mocking me. "Brunettes not your type, Ryleigh?"

"Oh, shut up." My face burned. The other demons laughed. Lou teased me all the time, but I never expected Mike to start drama like this in the first place. Wily fucker, I'd underestimated him.

I looked away from Lou, and refused to say another word as he chuckled while the other demons and Mike enjoyed the show. I thought those two aren't supposed to be on the same side, but the demons seemed to enjoy this way too much. Even if the demons hadn't yet relaxed, they had tiny smiles on their face. A mix of pity and amusement at my respect being thrown around like a ping pong ball.

Their eyes stayed in their original form around Mike the whole night. A few other people walked in, I didn't know if they were demons or angels this time. My guess was hinged mostly on demon as they would often step in, throw a glare at Mike's muscular back and walk out... after a little hissing and sneering. Lou had had his fun, he was barely responsive for the rest of the night. Mike followed Lou out when he left, except he did pay for himself immediately around. Maybe he was getting used to the social constructs made by us humans.

I reached home around the usual time and stepped into my own apartment cautiously. I looked around every corner, and switched on every light. Then I did it twice just to be careful. It didn't matter much when they both could come and go in the blink of an eye. They could be at my back when I turned away and I wouldn't even know. The simple thought of that happening sent chills up my back. The hairs on the back of my neck were on edge.

I exhaled harshly to calm myself, and headed into my room with the lack of an appetite. I'd always had a problem with eating... the problem being I never did eat enough. All this demons and angels bullshit meant I was eating lesser than normal. I'd fall sick again at this rate... but I just can't force myself to eat. Sasha would probably get pissed if he had to rush me over to the hospital because I fainted again.

Luckily enough, I was hungry in the morning. The breakfast was welcome to my growling stomach. I think I'd only had a sandwich yesterday for an evening snack.

Mike followed Lou into the bar again that night. He seemed kind of disgruntled as he sat down beside Lou again. I placed his drink in front of him. My eyebrow raised in a silent question.

He seemed to take the hint. "Doesn't he ever go anywhere else?" His ice mask seemed to be crack with irritation.

Lou laughed, a teasing note in his voice as he spoke. "You could always stop coming here, you know." He tilted his glass towards me. "I bet Ryleigh would appreciate it too."

"She needs someone to keep her safe from the likes of you."

I frowned at that. "Excuse me, I didn't ask for you-"

"She likes me." Lou smirked. "She likes me more than you. And she'd rather you leave, because you're costing her customers."

My frowned deepened. "But I never-"

"She has no attraction to a demon." Mike narrowed his eyes. "No human in their right mind would. If she does, it's probably because you tricked her."

There is attraction, but I know how to control myself. "Can you two-"

"Oh, and you didn't?" Lou raised an eyebrow. "You joked about her sleeping with you, but I know for a fact that angels are faster than demons to resort to more physical means of information extraction." Lou scoffed. I saw Mike's hand tighten almost infinitesimally on his tumbler. "Because you guys aren't willing to hurt humans."

"And that's a bad thing? It doesn't involve blood, and violence is such a... vulgar thing."

"You're wrong there. There is blood involved in some cases."

My frown shifted to a grimace. "Blood... sacrifices?"

"That's so Dark Ages, Ryleigh." Lou rolled his eyes. "Get with the times."

"Right..." I met Lou's eyes in confusion. "I am... uncomfortable."

"Understandably so." Mike scoffed this time. "He has no understanding of boundaries or even manners."

What... What is this fight?

"You know what, atleast I didn't break into her house the day I met her."

"That's not a standard, g-"

"I needed information on you. Demons are untrustworthy."

"I told you I don't know anything a-"

"And you say I lack an understanding of boundaries and manners? Have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately? You're like a physical description of the word 'hypocrite'."

"How dare you?" Mike slammed his glass down on the counter, blue eyes blazed as he turned towards Lou. I felt the heat in the bar shoot up. "I'm not a hypocrite!"

"You're nothing but a hypocrite." Lou wasn't in the least bothered. I could see he didn't enjoy this. "You should leave. Hypocrites don't belong in this bar."

Ouch. "Guys, can you-"

"Demons are the bane of existence. Do you really think you're allowed anywhere?!"

I felt my shoulders slump forward in resignation as I was cut off for the umpteenth time. So far the fights between the two hadn't been too wild, but it seems like the pent up irritation from hanging around each other for a few days was catching up.

I sighed tiredly, watching the two as their voices kept rising. So, this is what I have to look forward now for who knows how long?


Absolutely fucking phenomenal.


Heeeey, sorry for the delayed upload. I had two Christmas parties to attend this weekend so I was kind of busy... well, not writing, you know.
I like writing this story. It's fairly more light hearted than HU... or is it?
Vote and Comment! Hope you enjoying the story!

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