By Ntsiyonce

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Notorious 14 year old Bennett Williams is always getting in some sort of trouble at school and back at the or... More



600 12 9
By Ntsiyonce

Shawn POV

The nerve of that woman. She's been gone for hours leaving me all alone to take care of myself. She's the one who should be taking care of me, that's why I married her, so that she can take care of me and cater to me. Now she's telling me to make my own damn sandwich. To hell with that, I don't even know how to make a sandwich. I don't even know what goes in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Now I'm all alone in this mansion. Beyonce better start pulling her weight around here and do her wify duties. She lucky my boy Ty spared me some of his cornbread. At least I can chaw down to that while I wait for Bey to show up with the pizza.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," I said as I heard a notification text and saw that its from Ty.

Ty: We received the package from the Mexicans. Shall we execute our plan?

Jay: Nah man, just distribute it to our usuals.

Ty: Cool

"Where is this woman?" I said flipping through the channels as I sat in the living room couch. I could hear my stomach growling. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7:40 p.m.

"Jay! I'm home!" I heard my so called wife yelling on top of her lungs like she owns the place.

"Damn it Bey! What took you so long?" I said charging towards the pizza box and taking it from her hands. "Where are the plates Bey?"

"The kitchen Jay where else," she said rolling her eyes as she removed her jacket and heels.

"I know that. I meant where are they kept in the kitchen?" I said walking behind her as we entered the kitchen then placing the box of pizza on the kitchen counter.

"You are unbelievable Jay," she scoffed. "They are in the cabinets. Where they always were and will always be. You are just something else. How can you love food so much but don't know your way in the kitchen? Well, excluding your way to the fridge."

"Whatever Bey," I said rolling my eyes. "Yoh Bey! Remember to bring wine too!" I shouted as I went to the living room and made myself comfortable on my recliner.

"Here you go. I'm gonna take a shower now."

"Do you need my help?" I said licking my lips eyeing my wife from top to bottom.

"No thank you. I'm a big girl, I can do it myself and I ain't a baby. Unlike you," she said.

Damn! What's up with her? Anyways let me enjoy my pizza in peace and quiet. She can be such a buzz kill at times but let that not stop me from enjoying my evening. I sat there enjoying my own company for about an hour until I heard footsteps pounding on the wooden floor.

"What are you watching Jay?" Bey said as she sat on the couch wearing her silky pyjamas.

"TV, what else," I said taking a sip of my red wine with my eyes still glued to the TV screen.

"Thank you for that Captain Obvious," she said rolling her eyes.

"Right back at ya Sargent Sarcasm," I said raising my glass. "Cheers, let's drink to that babe," I continued taking a sip of my wine. My phone kept on ringing in my pocket but I ignored it. This is my TV time and I don't want it to be spoiled by anyone.

"Jay, answer the damn phone before I answer it for you!" Bey said finally snapping.

"Imma let it go to voicemail babe," I said slouching on my recliner.

"Damn it Jay!" She charged towards me and frisked me until she found it and answered it. "Hey Ty... Yah his here... OK," she handed me the phone with a raised eyebrow. "Its for you and give me the remote, Black-ish is on."

"This better be good man... WHAT!... I'm on my way man."

"You can go Jay," she said.

"I wasn't even gonna as you. Why you gotta make everything about you? Girl please" I snapped my fingers and with one hand on my hip then topping it off with my head toss.

Bey bursted out laughing, "Work it girl," she said snapping her fingers. Acting all Sasha Fierce on me. "Now go before Ty gets mad."

"Honey please you don't want all of this!" I said swaying my hips from side to side in a girly way. "This is too much sauce for you child," I said posing like one of those girly super models as I was approaching the door.

"Whatever brother. Everyone knows I'm the real deal," she said sipping her wine.

Ya know, we may not see eye to eye sometimes but she sure is fun when we goof around and act childish.


"Jay man, some of this Mexicans don't wanna meet us half way," Ty said as he sat on the passenger's sit. He rubbed his hands together trying to get some warmth. "Jay, crack up the A.C I'm freezing," he said cranking up the heater.

"Its alright Ty. Tell them to meet us at the spot for a short meeting," I said smirking.

"I see you haven't lost your touch. I'm proud of you. You a smart man. Give me some man," he said opening his arms.

"You must have lost your God damn mind! I ain't doing that shoulder-to-shoulder nipple-to-nipple shit! That's nasty Ty. Fuck off me man! I ain't hugging you," I said starting the car. "Nigga gonna make me hug him, nigga please," I mumbled under my breath as we are about to reach our destination.


"Buenas noches Señoir Carter. Nosotros tenet el efectivo execepto, nosotros eres no to dar to vosotros."
(Good evening Mr Carter. We have the cash, except we are not going to give it to you.)

"What he say?" I said staring at Ty next to me nonchalantly.

"I don't know man," Ty said shrugging.

"The hell you mean you don't know fool? You the one that said we should deal with them and now you don't know? Man, I thought you knew Spanish," I said knocking him upside his head. "The fuck we going to do now?"

"I apologize Señoir Carter. I can also speak English and understand it. I just thought you spoke Spanish too," I heard the Mexican say.

"Man! Why didn't you say so?" I said stomping my feet in a fit of rage then aiming my gun at him as I locked and loaded it. "Shut the fuck up Dora the Explorer," I said pulling the trigger and shooting him then killing his entourage. "Ty go get the cash and let's bounce!"

I ain't tryna' play, when it comes to money I'll put a bullet in you in just a blink of an eye. That Mexican dude had it coming. We had a deal and all of a sudden this motherfuckers don't wanna hand me my money. This just how I do business ya'll.

Most of my boys are stationed around New York for easy distribution. I train them to be brutal and show no mercy to whoever refuses to pay up; whether is by going after the buyer's family or going after the buyer himself or herself, I don't care, as long as I get my money.

This how I have been balling ever since I was twelve. I've been selling coke for that long man. I'm thinking of adding variety into my business like also dealing with molly and heroin, I don't know yet. I haven't made up my mind yet.

I better get home before Bey starts getting suspicious. Wait, better yet, imma holla at her and tell her I'll be sleeping over at Ty's and make up some lie why I'll be there.

"What's up babe?... My bad,I didn't know you were asleep... Yoh, I'll be home in the morning... I gotta help Ty work on this beat in the studio coz the album is due soon... Aight, sweet dreams."

Thank the heavens she bought that lame excuse. Now I gotta gather my boys and tell them to be more cautious when dealing with the Mexicans. They may be boasting the business but they sure are sneaky. In the meantime imma let Ty go and deposit this money into the bank. Its so fun to have connections, I got myself a banker who helps me deposit and withdraw money anytime. As long as I paid him the dough, he will do it.

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