The Quarterback, Outcast and...

thebookchatter द्वारा

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Chloe Martin, Jace Jones and Caleb Constantine are on completely different ends of the High School hierarchy... अधिक

Read This First
Chapter One - Hell Awaits, I Mean School.
Chapter Two - Are You Ready For Torture?
Chapter Three - Ice Cream Bribes Are the Worst
Chapter Four - We Can't Keep Meeting Like This
Chapter Five - The Problem with Teenage Hormones
Chapter Six - Weird is Another Word for Strange
Chapter Seven - Bad Excuse for a Gory B-Movie
Chapter Eight - Just Pack Up Your Life and Go
Chapter Nine - Caution: Fragile - Part One
Chapter Nine - Caution: Fragile - Part Two
Chapter Ten - Living With the Jones'
Chapter Eleven - Earthquakes and Dates
Chapter Twelve - Team Spirit Is A Must
Chapter Thirteen - One Drink Too Far
Chapter Fourteen - The Fault In Our Drinking Habits
Chapter Fifteen - Riddle Me This
Chapter Sixteen - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter Seventeen - Playing Dress-Up - Part One
Chapter Seventeen - Playing Dress Up - Part Two
Chapter Seventeen - Playing Dress Up - Part Three
Chapter Eighteen - Trick or Treat - Part Two
Chapter Eighteen - Trick or Treat - Part Three
Chapter Nineteen - Forgive and Forget?
Chapter Twenty - A Date With the Outcast
Chapter Twenty-One - Fancy That Dress
Chapter Twenty-Two - Gobble Gobble, I'm in Trouble - Part One
Chapter Twenty-Two - Gobble Gobble, I'm in Trouble - Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Three - Jingle Bell Hell
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Chapter Twenty-Five - Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells - Part One
Chapter Twenty-Five - Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells - Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Six - Answers for Christmas
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Fireworks
Chapter Twenty-Eight - A New Year

Chapter Eighteen - Trick or Treat - Part One

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thebookchatter द्वारा

"Ugh, stupid zipper," I growled, trying desperately to reach the zipper on the back of my marionette costume. I was standing in my room in front of my full-size mirror in my Halloween costume. I was glaring at my reflection as my fingers fumbled for the little slip of metal on my back.

The numbers on my alarm clock behind me read 6:43 pm. I had seven minutes before Caleb was due to come pick me up and take me to the Halloween dance at school. Shifting my gaze from the clock to my face made my scowl soften. The doll-like makeup I had done looked stunning and I was quite satisfied with it, not counting the dress at the moment. I had done my hair up in pigtails with big curls and layered my eyelashes with several coats of mascara and surrounded my eyes with eyeliner and dark eye-shadow for the extra dramatic effect. I had also painted dark lines from the corners of my mouth and down to my chin, making me almost look like a ventriloquist doll.

"Dammit," I groaned deeply as I yet again missed the stupid zipper that was just out of my reach.

"Need help?"

I turned to look at Jace leaning against the open door of the bathroom. He was already in full costume and I couldn't help but to stare, possibly with my mouth open a little. He looked like utter perfection in his fitted dark blue pilot costume, complete with hat and pins. He was holding the aviator glasses in his hand, but I had no doubt in my mind that once he put them on, he'd floor all the girls at the dance. Heck, my knees suddenly felt a little wobbly, though I managed to keep myself upright.

"Yeah, uhm, it's my zipper," I said, demonstrating my problem as I tried again to grab hold of the zipper. Jace crossed the room in two strides and came to stand behind me. Our eyes locked as he gently placed a hand on the small of my back, the other finding the zipper and ever so slowly, pulled it up. It was all so intimate; I was afraid to say anything, to even breathe. We just stared at each other.

Jace cleared his throat and with an odd look on his face, took a step back.

"There, all set." He smiled casually at me, but it looked forced somehow. The whole situation suddenly felt forced.

"Thank you, Jace." I hoped my makeup concealed the heat that was building up in my cheeks.

"You look beautiful, by the way," he said.

"Thank you," I said, again, making me sound like a broken idiot. "You look quite handsome yourself."

Jace took a bow like a true gentleman and I grinned. The awkward intimate moment evaporated.

"Thank you, milady." He straightened himself and started swinging his glasses around.

"So, when's your date coming?"

I checked the clock again. "Any minute now." The thought of Caleb outside my door had my stomach churning in delight. He had insisted on keeping his costume a surprise, but during the week in school, Carrie and I had come up with several possibilities for what he might go as. Quite frankly, the choices were endless.

I grabbed my clutch and smiled. "I'm going downstairs. Are you coming?" Jace shook his head, so I left him in my room as I headed out in the hall and down the stairs. Our parents had decided to go out for the night. I had showed my mom the costume earlier today and she had loved it. The large house seemed so ominous even with the lights on.

I entered the kitchen and sat myself on one of the bar stools by the island.

Minutes ticked by; five, ten, twelve. The wall clock chimed seven and Caleb was still a no show. Anxiety was beginning to climb up my throat and I thought back to the night he had stood me up at the football game. Was this going to be a repeat of that? I opened my clutch and grabbed my phone, sending him a text asking him where he was. Five more minutes went by with no reply. I plucked up the courage and dialed his number. It went straight to voice-mail. So his phone was turned off. There could be several rational reasons for that: his battery had died and. And what? He wouldn't turn off his phone if he was going to be late, would he?

Footsteps reached my ears and I braced myself. Jace entered the room, but stopped dead in his steps when he saw me.

"Why are you still here?"

"Isn't it sort of obvious?" I asked, feeling how the anger towards Caleb slowly started to build as I stared at Jace. His face immediately hardened as realization struck him.

"That dick," he huffed.

"Don't call him that," I said, trying weakly to defend Caleb. I wasn't ready yet to admit defeat.

"Well he is. I mean look at you." He gestured towards me and my breath got caught in my throat. Suddenly tears threatened to spill and my bottom lip quivered. Jace soon caught on and rushed towards me.

"No, Chloe, don't you dare start crying. He is not worth ruining your makeup for." The fact that Jace took my makeup into consideration had me smiling, but my chin was still trembling. Why did Caleb keep doing this to me? Had I done something to deserve this treatment? I searched my memory for any indication that he would bail on me, but we had texted just this morning and he'd sounded excited to see me tonight.

Out of habit I tried calling him again, but as before, it went straight to voice-mail. I didn't even bother to leave a message. What was the point anyway? A thought occurred to me. What if something had happened to him? Maybe he'd been on his way and he'd been in an accident? Maybe that was why his phone was off. Millions of thoughts rushed through me and I voiced my worry to Jace, but he shook his head.

"Chloe, you got to face the facts. He ditched you." His words were like daggers slowly digging into my chest. I heaved and prepared myself for a full on cry session.

"Deep breaths," he said and I did as told. It helped a little.

"You deserve the best night you can get, and it certainly isn't with Constantine." Jace reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me gently off the stool.

"What are you doing, Jace?"

"I'm taking you to the dance."


"What?" I looked at him, searching his face for any indication that he was joking, but all it showed was the sincerity and affection. Oh boy.

He had me outside and by his truck before I could form two words in my head.

"Buckle up."

"Aren't you going with Taylor and Keith?" I asked as Jace pulled out of the long driveway.

"Already texted them to go ahead without me." huh.

We arrived at the school twenty minutes later, the parking lot full of cars, several people in various costumes making their way towards the gym.

I felt super conscious as I stepped out of Jace's truck. Some people glanced our way, but by now they had gotten quite used to seeing Jace and I together in the mornings, but still, this wasn't quite the same situation.

I had been scouting the road on the way to the school for any signs of Caleb or any indication that there had been an accident, but there had been nothing to confirm my worry. Which led me to believe that Jace was right.

Upon entering the dance I was overwhelmed by the sheer difference of costumes that was displayed before me. Everything from Bugs Bunny to a blue Avatar was out on the dance floor, moving to the music provided by a DJ standing on a raised stage.

"I wonder if anyone has managed to spike the punch yet," Jace said, his voice close to my ear, making me feel his hot breath on me. "Care to try?" I grinned and nodded and he grabbed my hand, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do, and we found the refreshments table.

With a cup of seemingly safe punch, I took another look around the room. Several of female predatory eyes were glued on the guy standing right next to me, but somehow I didn't feel worried that Jace would abandon me to get lucky. The way his shoulder brushed against mine, and his reassuring gaze told me that he was not leaving me in my vulnerable state.

"Chloe!" I turned and saw Carrie hurrying towards me, dragging a guy from her student council, dressed in an Aladdin getup behind her. Carrie looked flawless in her cop costume, her blonde hair curled around her shoulders.

She reached us and immediately stared at Jace, then spun around once, and I knew who she was searching for.

"Where's Ca..." Her voice was cut off by my hand covering her mouth. I didn't even want to hear his name mentioned. Carrie quickly caught on, looking from Jace to me and back to him. I dropped my hand and grabbed hers.

"Chloe, I can't believe this!" She sounded outraged and full of shock. I had told her the basic details, ending with Jace offering to take me instead.

"Honey, I feel awful on your behalf." She huffed a little. We were standing in one of the corners of the gym, the music still loud, but there weren't as many people around us. Jace had found his friends, but I kept seeing him look my way and my stomach did weird flips knowing that I was being looked after by him.

"Despite his dick move, we can't let him ruin your night." Carrie was confident and it somehow managed to rub off on me. She was right. I was all dressed up and I deserved my share of the fun.

"Let's dance," she said and I grinned, following her onto the crowded dance floor.


Four songs later and several glasses of punch, which I was now assured, had been spiked, and I was having the time of my life. Carrie's date, Jonathan, had joined us and we were making complete idiots of ourselves with our goofy dance moves. I was feeling the affect of the spiked punch, but it was loosening me up in way that I welcomed with open arms.

Someone tapped me on my shoulder and I turned to see Jace, smiling like he had been watching my moves for a while.

"You look like you're having fun," he said, leaning over so I could hear him above the noise.

"I am," I replied. "Thank you for convincing me to go." He nodded and then grabbed my hand.

"How about a dance?" His hand was warm and I inhaled his scent. I knew it was the punch talking, but I didn't care. I didn't want to listen to the rational voice in my head, telling me to stay with Carrie.

"Of course," I said and allowed him to pull me closer. Just then the song ended abruptly and was replaced by a much slower one. I recognized it and couldn't help but to smile. The Fray's "Look After You" was one of my favorite songs. Jace pulled me in and placed a hand on my back, taking my right hand in his left.

If I don't say this now I will surely break. As I'm leaving the one I want to take. Forget the urgency but hurry up and wait. My heart has started to separate.

Jace stared down at me with intense eyes, and I felt as if we were the only two people around. I listened to the lyrics and felt how they applied to us.

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go. Will you, won't you be the one I'll always know?

I knew it was wrong to feel this way, towards this person in front of me, but it was so hard to deny what was going on.

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh,

Be my baby

I'll look after you.

The lines were getting blurry. It was hard to know which was up anymore.

It's always have and never hold

You've begun to feel like home

What's mine is yours to leave or take

What's mine is yours to make your own

As the song was coming to an end, I tried to pull away, but felt Jace tighten his grip around me. Our faces were so close to each other.

"Jace, I..."

"Shh. Please don't, Chloe." He leaned his forehead against mine and I closed my eyes.

We were moving into dangerous territory.

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