Carrying the Vampire's baby (...

By ladyinspy

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STATUS: COMPLETE but UNDER REVISION "I'm Carrying the Twin Vampire Heiresses" -Beathrize Monzanto BEATHRIZ... More

Carrying The Vampire's Baby


4.2K 112 13
By ladyinspy



I WALKED down the centre of the aisle, my presence commanding respect from all who witnessed it. My disciples bowed deeply, honouring me as their Queen of the Newborns. Others, however, trembled at the mere sight of me, their knees shaking as if they feared I might devour them whole. A smirk played on my lips as I continued my stride, unfazed by their reactions.

As I approached the shrine, the atmosphere grew even more charged. There, standing beside my throne, I saw my most trusted confidant, my right hand, and my sweet lover, both waiting patiently for my arrival. Their loyalty was unwavering, and their presence only added to the power I felt surging within me.

Now standing before them, I took a moment to carefully assess our numbers. It was clear—we were still too few to overpower them. I needed more newborns, more soldiers to ensure we could crush our enemies. But for now, there was something else, something far more pressing that I needed to discuss with them. A plan that I was certain would ignite their excitement. In fact, I knew they would love it.

"Today, I have something important to discuss with you all!" They exchanged glances, curiosity etched on their faces, wondering what I was about to address. "I know the bad news has reached you, and you are aware of why I have called you all together!" A murmur spread through the crowd, a gathering of nearly five thousand newborns assembled for my crucial announcement. "I know, and you all know, about the extraordinary baby growing in the womb of an ordinary woman!”

They began to murmur among themselves, their teeth gnashing, and hisses escaping their lips. Yes, that's it—let the anger consume you, let the ferocity take hold. Do not allow yourselves to be wiped out.

"We will not let that baby live! We will not let that baby rule us! It should be me! I should be the only one to rule all of you!" The crowd erupted in noise once again, their agreement clear. Yes, we will not allow them to lead us.

I am Yvone, the Queen of Newborns, and no one can lead them but me.

"Your Majesty,"

I paused as a vampire beside me bowed deeply, a clear sign of respect. "Speak," I commanded, knowing they had good news to deliver after carrying out my orders.

"The mother of the twins is currently in the hospital, along with one of Hades' children."

I frowned, narrowing my eyes at them. One of Hades' children? "Which one of the three?”

I heard my right hand grit his teeth, knowing full well he despised hearing the names of Hades' children, especially his true son.

"Hades' daughter, Trixie, is there along with one of their friends—an ordinary woman.”

“Trixie…” I looked away, muttering, “half human and vampire.” But I quickly turned my gaze back to him as he continued to speak.

"B-but Your Majesty, based on what I see, the baby in that woman’s womb might be the one to end our lives, as they are the heir to all vampires." His assumption.

My blood boiled at his words. Without hesitation, I grabbed the knife from Reliy's hand and thrust it into his neck.


"Never presume to lead me!" I said firmly, pressing the knife deeper into his neck. "It will not be that baby who will end us!"

As I spoke, he slowly turned to ash. "Y—Y-Your Majesty…”

"That baby will not be the one to destroy us," I whispered to the fading ash of the vampire.

Fear rippled through the crowd as they saw what had happened to their comrade. Trembling, they began to back away, their terror palpable.


I turned around to the hoarse voice speaking from behind. Reliy.

"You want to have sex with me?" I said with a sweet smile, my tone playful yet commanding.

Reliy sighed deeply. "I have a hard time sowing terror to reproduce our clan. I look for a victim every full moon, without regard to age, just to enlarge our lineage. I just multiply newborns, and you kill them just like that?!"

It was my first time to witness that Reliy complaining about his job.

Should I kill him too?

"Aren't you tired of killing your own kind? Why do we turn them into newborns if you're just going to kill them later? We create terror and seek out victims to make more newborns so that we can reproduce. That’s why we do this," he continued.

I was taken aback by his boldness in speaking to me like that. "You improve right now, Reliy," I confronted him. "I can't believe you would talk to me with such a philosophical attitude." I stepped closer and, without another word, began to strangle him.

"Ack! Y-Yvone..." he groaned, gripping my hands around his neck with both of his own.

"Did I give you permission to speak like that?" I said coldly. "You must know your place, Reliy."

He nodded slightly, struggling to speak. "Y-yes... Your Majesty.”


THE NEXT day, Alexie immediately called Trixie and told her about what happened to me. In response, Trixie rushed home, clearly anxious and concerned. I could see the deep worry in her eyes, as if she would do anything to help me.

We are at the hospital now, sitting in the office after my examination. We’re waiting for the doctor who checked me to come back with the results. As we wait, I can't sit still, my restlessness growing with each passing minute.

I felt nervous about learning the results. It seemed I was dreading what the check-up might reveal.

Maybe, my imputation was right and I am not ready for this yet.

I tilted my head towards Trixie as she asked. "How are you feeling?" Her concern was evident in her voice.

She had been asking me repeatedly about how I was feeling, unable to settle down ever since we were at home. Her anxiety and concern were clear, as she worried that something might be seriously wrong with me.

Since yesterday, I haven't been feeling well, and the discomfort has persisted into today. There's still something unusual inside my tummy, a sensation that I can't quite shake off.

"Still not feeling well; in fact, I feel worse today than yesterday. It feels like all my energy has been drained away," I said wearily. My lips felt dry, and I could tell how pasty my complexion had become. It was true—my condition had worsened, and I could sense that my energy was being slowly sapped away.

Since this started happening to me, everything has changed. I'm no longer the Beathrize I once was; I’ve become someone different now.

“Trixie, what should we do?” Alexie asked anxiously, standing in front of us, while Trixie sat beside me.

Their concern for me was evident, each of them visibly worried about my condition.

"Don't worry, Alexie. Nothing bad has happened to her; just relax," Trixie reassured her. "She will be fine—" but she couldn’t finish as the doctor who examined me entered the room.

"I'm sorry for the wait," the doctor apologized to us.

"It's okay, ma'am. We just want to know the results of her check-up," Alexie asked.

She was clearly worried. I was grateful to have both of them by my side.

The doctor sat down in the chair facing us, holding a piece of paper—likely the results of my examination.

"I'm sorry in advance for whatever I have to tell you. I hope you'll understand," she said gently, sighing deeply as if the results were troubling.

"I'm not wandering anymore," she continued seriously. "Ms. Monzanto's situation is complicated, and I'm not sure if this is the cause of her condition, but it could be... potentially fatal.”

"WHAT?!" we all exclaimed in unison, shocked by the news.

What does she mean by my situation being complicated? Could this be the reason for my potential death?

The doctor flinched slightly in her seat at our sudden outburst.

We were all in shock.

"W-what are you talking about, Doctor?" Alexie asked, clearly confused by the doctor's words. "Please, enlighten us. We don't understand what you're saying!”

The doctor nodded slightly. "The baby she is carrying is very strong, which is causing significant weakness in her body. If she cannot cope with this, she could be in serious danger or even die along with the baby. The baby is draining everything from her, taking whatever is inside her…”

I was dumbfounded by what the doctor said about my situation. "H-huh?" I struggled to process her words, but gradually, it began to sink in. "H-huh, what? You’re kidding me, right?" I managed a faint smile, trying to grasp the reality of what I was hearing.

The doctor didn’t answer me, which was why my smile gradually faded. She just stared at me, as if she wasn’t joking.

I flickered my eyes at her, still unable to accept what she had said.

I shook my head, unable to believe that I was carrying something right now. I glanced at my abdomen and whispered, "No..." Tears began to well up in my eyes. "N-no..." My voice faltered.

I looked at Alexie, who seemed just as stunned by the doctor's statement. Her lips parted in shock, while Trixie remained unreadable.

It seemed like Trixie might have already known about this.

Desperately, I turned back to the doctor, "W-what... h-how could this happen?" I was confused and unsure of what to say.

I was still in shock, struggling to process the revelation. Who wouldn't be shocked to learn that I was carrying a baby?

The doctor took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eyes. "You are three weeks pregnant, Ms. Monzanto. But because of what you are carrying, your life is in danger.”

"W-why would her life be in danger?" Alexie asked. "What kind of baby is in her womb?”

The doctor looked at Alexie and explained, "The baby in Ms. Monzanto's womb is extraordinarily strong. An ordinary woman cannot sustain it because the baby is slowly consuming her energy. If she cannot handle it, she could die—”


We were all startled when Trixie suddenly slammed her hand on the table, causing everyone to freeze and look at her in confusion.

"Trixie..." I whispered, trembling. I saw the doctor's hands shaking and her swallowing nervously as she stared at Trixie.

"Trixie, what are you doing?!" Alexie shouted, but Trixie remained unmoved, her gaze fixed on the doctor.

I noticed the doctor swallowing nervously again, her eyes struggling to leave Trixie’s intense gaze before shifting back to me. Her face was now etched with fear, as if she had seen something unsettling about Trixie.

"B-but t-there is a way for her to s-survive..." she stammered, almost unable to speak, her entire body trembling.

Why is she quivering?

Trixie suddenly turned to me, and the first thing I noticed was her eyes, which were reddening and gradually turning blue. "There's still a way, Beathrize, so don't worry," she said with a smile.

I barely registered her words, as I was transfixed by her eyes, which had now returned to their normal state.

I suddenly felt something unusual about Trixie. From the beginning, I had sensed something odd about her, but I had ignored it.

I glanced at Alexie as she asked the doctor again, "In what way?”

"I-I don't know what's in her womb, but the only way she can handle it is by drinking blood, so that the baby will get its nourishment from the blood rather than from her body..."

I was almost in despair after hearing the doctor's explanation. What kind of baby is in my womb that requires me to drink blood to sustain it?

"Oh, God..." Alexie covered her face with her hands, then looked at me with a pitying expression. "You'll get through this, Beathrize. Don’t worry, okay?” She comforted me. “We're here for you."

I knew I would get through this, but I wasn’t sure if I could sustain this baby.

I don’t want to...

I don’t want to keep this child.

I don’t want my life to be miserable because of this baby.

I wiped away the tears on my cheeks and stood up. I wanted to leave this place; I couldn’t stay here any longer. "T-thank you for the information, doctor," I said, and quietly left the office, leaving the two of them behind.

Lost in thought, I walked out of the office, my mind consumed by what the doctor had said about the baby I was carrying.

I still couldn’t believe I was pregnant. I never imagined this happening, especially from that night I couldn’t remember.

"I'm sorry, milady."

I stopped walking, startled by the cold voice that whispered in my mind. I scanned the area with my eyes to find where the voice was coming from until they landed on the left corridor. At the far end of the corridor stood a man. I faced him, and we locked eyes, both of us staring at each other in silence.

As we stared at each other, images of that night flashed in my mind, and I recalled what we had done together.

I remembered the intense intimacy we shared. Overwhelmed by the memory, I stumbled backward. "N-no... it can't be..."


The sound of Alexie's voice snapping me out of my daze, echoing through the corridor. Panicked, I fled from the hospital, running until I reached the garage.


I LET OUT a heavy sigh as Beathrize stormed out of the office. I knew she was shocked by what she had just learned. But I hope she understands why we did this.

No one wanted to do this, but she’s our only hope. The baby in her womb is the only chance we have to escape this miserable life.

I stood up to follow the others who had already left the office, but before doing so, I glanced back at the doctor. "Don't tell anyone about this. If I find out you've shared it with others, expect never to see your family again," I threatened her, though I didn’t mean it.

I don’t harm innocent people.

I stepped out and quickly followed the two of them, but I only found Alexie—Beathrize was nowhere to be seen. I paused for a moment, glancing down the left corridor. He was still standing there, waiting for my signal.

I shook my head at him. “Beathrize wasn't ready for this—she was still confused and shocked by what she had just learned.”

He nodded, as if he understood, and in an instant, he was gone.

Once he disappeared, I continued to follow them.


GASPING for breath as I finally made it out of the hospital, I now find myself standing in the garage where our car is parked.

That man—I’ve seen him once before, in a dream. And it was he who touched me that night.

"Beathrize!" I turned to look at Alexie, who was now breathless from chasing after me. "What were you thinking, Beathrize? Why did you run? You know your body is weak because of what you're carrying!" she shouted at me in frustration.

"Beathrize, I know, I know what you're feeling right now. I can sense the pain you're going through, and I understand how much it hurts. But please, Beathrize, have mercy on that baby. Don’t let anything happen to it!”

I broke down into sobs at her words. "D-didn't you hear what the doctor told me?" I asked her, my voice trembling.

She started to cry.

"This baby is going to kill me!" I screamed, pointing at my stomach. "Did you hear that? You won't be the one suffering—it's me! I'm the one who will suffer! Me! Me!" I jabbed my finger into my chest. "It's easy for you to say all those things because this isn’t happening to you!" I continued, my voice rising with every word.

She wiped her face and looked at me, pleading. "Beathrize, please, calm down." She was trying to soothe me. "We're here for you, Beathrize. We're not going anywhere. I'm here, Trixie is here—we’re both here for you. We’ll help you, we’ll help you fight this battle, and we’ll help you raise the baby growing inside you." Her voice was gentle, trying to convince me with her sweet words.


She came closer and wrapped her arms around me.

"Alexie, I don’t know what to do... I really don’t know what to do anymore," I sobbed into her shoulder.

She gently rubbed my back, trying to soothe me. "Shhh... don’t worry. We’ll raise this baby together, and I’ll find the blood you need to keep the child safe.”

I nodded at Alexie’s words. "T-thank you, Alexie."

Suddenly, Trixie shouted, "Get in the car!" Her loud voice startled both Alexie and me, jolting us from our moment of calm.

We looked at Trixie in bewilderment as she hurried to the car. "Why, what happened?" Alexie asked, sharing my confusion over Trixie's urgent behavior.

Trixie glanced back at us. "Just get in the car!" She quickly opened the door and slid into the driver's seat.

Alexie and I, confused, approached the car, unsure if we should get in or not. She hadn’t said why we needed to enter the vehicle. "What’s going on, Trixie? Why are you in such a hurry?" Alexie asked, clearly puzzled.

Her face was serious, and her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. It was the first time I’d seen Trixie look so serious.

Something bad must have happened.

Trixie let out a heavy sigh. "Beathrize, this is for your safety. So get inside the car, lock the door, and put on your seatbelt.”

I didn’t fully understand what Trixie was doing, but we complied with her instructions without question. “Oh, this is it,” Alexie murmured quietly, as if trying to reassure herself.

Trixie started the engine and maneuvered the car out of the garage with a sense of urgency. Alexie and I exchanged confused glances, both of us struggling to make sense of the situation. Our faces reflected the bewilderment we felt as we wondered what was happening.

Trixie drove the car at an alarming speed, as if something were chasing us, making me increasingly anxious. "Trixie, slow down!" I shouted, my voice trembling. Her driving was so erratic that it felt completely out of control.

She abruptly swerved the steering wheel to the left, her focus intense. "We need to get to Forest House immediately, Beathrize, because your life is in danger. Even there, you’ll be safe, as will Alexie," she said, her eyes darting to the rearview mirror to keep an eye on us and what might be behind us.

Alexie and I exchanged worried glances, our concern growing with each passing moment as we tried to grasp the gravity of the situation.

“Why? What’s happening?” Alexie asked, clearly confused and anxious.

“If you want to stay alive, Alexie, just keep quiet,” Trixie snapped, her voice urgent and stern.

“You’re such a brick wall!” Alexie retorted, frustration evident in her tone.

Trixie cursed loudly. “Shit!!” she exclaimed, and with a surge of intensity, she pushed the accelerator even harder. The car shot forward, its speed escalating as Trixie’s determination to reach Forest House grew stronger. The atmosphere inside the vehicle was charged with tension, both Alexie and I feeling the weight of the urgent situation.

“T-Trixie…” I stammered, my fear growing as I struggled to understand what was happening. My eyes involuntarily shifted to the window, and outside, I saw people running rapidly towards us, some even leaping over obstacles. “Oh my God, Trixie! What’s that?!” I exclaimed in shock, pointing at the scene outside.

Alexie also turned to look in the direction I was pointing, her face reflecting the same alarm I felt.

“They’re here…” Trixie mumbled, her voice low and filled with dread.

“—WHAAAAAA!!! WHAT IS THAT?!” Alexie screamed, recoiling in her seat. “WHY ARE THEY RUNNING SO FAST?! WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE THEY?!” Her panic was palpable, and it only heightened my own sense of alarm.

Trixie cut in urgently, “They’re not people, Alexie!” she shouted, her voice strained with desperation.

“What do you mean, not people? What are they, lions? Tigers? Cheetahs?!” Alexie shouted back, her panic escalating. Both Alexie and I were growing increasingly agitated as more figures closed in on us.

“They’re not people; they’re vampires!—” Trixie yelled.

“—How can they run so fast? And they’re even jumping!” Alexie continued to panic. “Oh my God, Trixie, you’re driving so fast! Slow down!”

Trixie accelerated even more. “—Please be quiet! I can’t focus on driving with you yelling!”

“A-what vampires?” Alexie and I exclaimed in unison. “In this day and age, vampires don’t exist here!” I shouted in disbelief.

Trixie ignored our questions and instead pressed a button above us. The car's windows instantly darkened, turning pitch black so we could no longer see outside. The figures chasing us were now hidden from view.

Alexie and I were both startled. “Oh! Even the car is high-tech now? How are you supposed to drive if you can’t see anything?!” Alexie shouted in disbelief.

Alexie’s only response was to keep yelling at Trixie.

Trixie let out an exasperated sigh, clearly irritated by Alexie’s continued shouting. “I have good eyesight, Alexie, so don’t worry about it,” she said calmly, though her frustration was evident in her tone.

“Why are we being chased, Trixie?” I finally asked, having been eager to understand the reason behind our urgent situation. Was this the reason she had been rushing us earlier? Why the hurry?

I still couldn’t believe that something like this was happening in the present day. Like, what the hell!

She glanced at us through the rearview mirror. “It’s because of you, Beathrize. It’s because of the baby you’re carrying.”

I frowned, my anxiety growing. “W-why? What’s so special about my baby?” I asked, placing a hand on my stomach. I was terrified by her words about my baby.

So, the vampires are after us because they need the baby I’m carrying? Why? What do they want with my child?

“That baby is what they need. They want to kill it,” Trixie explained.

“H-huh?” I gasped in disbelief, trying to process the terrifying news. What kind of baby am I carrying that makes them want to kill it?

Alexie, equally stunned, added, “Oh, God, Beathrize.” Her voice was filled with a mix of shock and fear, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

“Shit! Hold on tightly!” Trixie shouted suddenly as we heard a loud thud from above the car. We all instinctively looked up in alarm.

Alexie, already in tears, clung tightly to my hand. “Oh, merciful heavens…” she murmured, her eyes wide with fear as she stared at the ceiling of the car.

They pounded on our car, and soon after, there was another loud bang followed by a series of impacts as they tried to tear the vehicle apart.

As they relentlessly attacked the car, Trixie seemed to be struggling but kept her focus on driving. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” she swore repeatedly. “Hold on, guys.” Her voice was tense, reflecting her desperation to keep control of the situation.

My heart was pounding heavily in my chest, and I could feel that many had now clung to the car, making it difficult for Trixie as our vehicle swayed violently.

I suddenly felt a sharp heat in my stomach, and I instinctively placed a hand over it.

“Oh, God, please don’t let us be abandoned…” Alexie whispered, her voice trembling with fear as she clung to my side.

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