Pokémon Leah's Grand Adventure

By Edgy-Girlboss14

737 22 0

Leah travels to the Kanto region with her best friends Gladion and Lillie, she reunites with Ash Ketchum as s... More

Chapter 1 Alola, Kanto!
Chapter 2 Dread on Arrival!
Chapter 3 The Mysterious Vulpix Siblings!
Chapter 4 Rock This Town!
Chapter 5 The Key To Mending A Broken Family!
Chapter 6 To Mend A Broken Bond!
Chapter 7 An Odd Rivalry
Chapter 8 The Worst Kind of Surprise!
Chapter 9 A New Ally?
Chapter 10 That Was Easy?
Chapter 11 All of Nothing
Chapter 12 A Performance of Realisation!
Chapter 13 A Flaming Encounter!
Chapter 15 An Encounter With The Past
Chapter 16 Aiming For the Ice Pup!
Chapter 17 A New Ally and Jailbreak again.
Chapter 18 A Journey Ends, Another Begins!

Chapter 14 Future and Past, Two Different Time Periods

22 1 0
By Edgy-Girlboss14

Third P.O.V

Our heroes continue their journey to Viridian City for Gladion's gym battle.  On their way there, they encountered a wild Mega Houndoom that has been causing havoc in the forest.  "There's a phenomenon where Pokémon Mega Evolve without keystones and Mega Stones, that's what I heard from my father, that is." Pascal told them.  Leah observed and analyzed Houndoom. "Hmm, it has longer horns, that Houndoom is a male." Leah muttered loud enough for the others to hear. "Nice observations, Leah." Lusamine praised.  Lillie walked calmly towards Houndoom in an attempt to befriend it. Gladion glanced at his younger sister, a worried expression on his face. Lillie and Leah noticed it, but Leah was the one to say something about it.  "Houndoom might be just as frightened as we are, what Lillie is doing is the right approach." Leah explained, when the gingerette said her statement, Lillie had managed to approach Houndoom. The blonde girl gave Houndoom a gentle pat which calmed it down and reverted to a normal non mega evolved Houndoom.  

Suddenly, a blinding light surrounded them as three arguing figures and what seemed to be Rotom Dex came into view.  "Where is Simba, Myria!?" The ginger haired boy who seemed to be ten years old yelled angrily at a blonde girl in emo clothes who is referred to as Myria.  "Why didn't that f***ing Ultra Beast brought you with it when I gave it the chance?" Myria muttered. "What?" Pyrolee asked. "You're a disappointment to our family, Pyrolee, you can't even touch Pokémon other than you're precious Litleo." Myria belittled her younger brother.  The third girl, the middle child, a blonde with slight ginger coloring and emerald colored eyes and wearing a purple t-shirt and a black skirt, she was almost invisible to the bickering twelve year old girl and ten year old boy, she later got tired of hearing them bicker. "Would you two stop bickering and acknowledge our situation!?" She exclaimed in annoyance.  "Sure, Glalia, Mom and Dad's favorite, we shall listen to thee, your highness." Myria snarled and mocked a bowing movement. "Uh, I don't think we're home." Pyrolee pointed out. "Curse Faba, I'm going to kill him when we get home!" Myria exclaimed angrily. "I don't think we are in the right timeline either, M'ria." Glalia added. "And isn't Faba already dead?" Pyrolee added.  "Shut up, Pyrolee." Myria told Pyrolee. "Yeah, you can't kill someone who's already dead." Glalia added. Leah cleared her throat while Gladion and the others looked like they've seen the weirdest thing in the world. "Mind explaining who are you and what brings you here?" Leah told the three siblings. "Uh, I'm Glalia, this is my big sis, Myria, and this little dwarf is Pyrolee." Glalia introduced as she motioned towards her siblings.  "Yeah, we were brought in this timeline, somehow." Myria explained with little to no expression. "Oh hi, auntie Lillie!" Pyrolee exclaimed. Leah looked like she was in thoughts. "A different timeline, and Pyrolee referred Lillie as his aunt, and they have a few of my features and Gladion's features. Those are Gladion and my future children." Leah thought.  "Uh why is Faba dead?  As far as I know he's very well alive." Lusamine said a bit confused.  Rotom Dex stepped in, "Faba died during an Aether Paradise raid that Leah, Gladion, Lillie and Zanero lead in an attempt to forever put an end to Demorah's planz. Zzt." Rotom Dex explained.  Lusamine glared at her children. "Uh, I don't remember any of this." Gladion stated. Lillie walked towards the three kids. "You three oddly have similar physical traits with those of Leah and Gladion." Lillie pointed out.  "Nice observations, didn't came to you're mind that we're from the future and we are your pathetic brother's children, huh Aunt Lillie." Myria pointed out. "M'ria, is it really necessary to be disrespectful?" Glalia asked her sister.  "Shut it, Princess, you're the middle child, who listens to you anyway?" Myria mocked. "Arceus forbid! I present my most sincere apologies for my disrespectful sister." Glalia told Lillie and the others. "You sound like Leah." Gladion pointed out.  "Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?" Leah asked in a slightly offended tone. "Well father dearest is not mistaken, mother dearest." Glalia told Leah. "Glalia can you speak English?" Pyrolee asked. "I am speaking English. Seriously, do thee read any Shakespeare?" Glalia shot back.  "Not everyone has your weird interest in Shakespeare, your highness." Myria told Glalia bitterly. The three kids' interactions confused our heroes, "Oh and Pyrolee, your precious Litleo has cowered in his Pokéball." Myria bitterly told Pyrolee.  

Meanwhile in the future, "Oh Arceus, Oh Lord, where are they!?" Leah panicked, looking in areas her kids could be hidden.  "When I told Rotom Dex to babysit them, I didn't mean disappear with them." Gladion told his wife. "That's why we should've let Lillie or Lusamine or Mohn or Zanero or Tim or Iryka or Mom or Dad babysit them." Leah told Gladion.  "I would've crossed Zanero off the list, he's weird." Gladion told Leah. "Yeah and he's also your brother-in-law, be respectful, Gladi." Leah shot back. Then Zanero appeared out of nowhere. "Talking about me?" He asked. Gladion didn't see him coming, whilst, Leah did.  "You gave me a heart attack!" Gladion snarled. Zanero and Leah were laughing. "Works every time." Zanero told Leah. "Yeah yeah, have you found the kids, Zanero?" Leah asked. "In a way yes, time warp, back to 2020." Zanero explained. "They went back in time!" Leah and Gladion exclaimed.  "We must find a way to go back in time and bring them back to 2039." Leah stated. "We could, but uh Celebi brought them there. Heh heh, I can't do anything about it." Zanero explained. "You can read minds, generate portals, but can't send us back in time to get our kids back home!?" Leah exclaimed angrily.  "I can't intervene when it's a Pokémon's work, Leah, we'll just have to wait for Celebi to bring them back." Zanero explained. Leah groaned in annoyance.  

Back in 2020, Pyrolee noticed Flare, the Vulpix was sitting on Gladion's shoulder.  "Wow! Is that Flare!?" He asked bewildered. "Yup!" Gladion told the extremely happy ginger haired boy, but Ash spoke up before Pyrolee can can say anything about Flare, "Can we meet your Pokémon!?" Ash asked excitedly.  Myria, Glalia, and Pyrolee glanced at each other. "Erm, sure." Pyrolee said and sent out Simba, a small brown lion cub like Pokémon appeared, "Litleo!" It said. "Wow, it's so CUTE!" Kathy exclaimed and hugged Simba. Glalia sent out her four Pokémon, an aquatic blue feline like creature appeared first.  "Vaporeon, reon!" It exclaimed. "This is Drizzy." Glalia introduced. Then a puppy like Pokémon appeared, it was brown and white. "Oh, Greetings Spike!" Glalia greeted the Rockruff. "Rockruff!" It barked. She then motioned to the Summer Form Deerling, "This little one is Bambi." She explained. "Deerling!" It said.  "And last, but not least..." Glalia turned to the Shiny Alolan Vulpix. "Elsa!" she exclaimed. "Vul, vulpix" Elsa exclaimed. Myria spoke up, "Pfft, you fools don't even have a team full of strong Pokémon, Gengy, Mickey, and Casper, my dears show them what true power is!" Myria exclaimed. Then a Gengar, a Phantump, and a Mimikyu appeared.  Mickey screeched. "Wow, a Gengar, a Phantump, and a Mimikyu, I can defeat you in a Pokémon battle as I see you don't understand the true meaning of being a Pokémon trainer. In addition, your Phantump is unevolved, like most of your siblings' Pokémon, and it's also weak to Ice types and Fire Types like Elsa and Simba here, thus just because a Pokémon is unevolved, it doesn't make it weak.  If you fail to see that, then you must be the weak one here. It must be why you attempt to murder your brother and bully your sister, you're insecure of yourself, am I not mistaken?" Leah told Myria. Myria looked hurt and shocked. "T-that's exactly what Mother told me." Myria stammered. "Well, perhaps, you went back in time, perhaps, I am your mother in her teenage years, haven't thought of that huh, Myria Iryka Aether." Leah scolded.  Glalia and Pyrolee smiled brightly as Karma was getting back at their older sister. "H-how did you know my full name?" Myria stammered. "I'm not born yesterday, I am smart enough to know those icy blue eyes are from my genes and that blonde hair from Gladion's genes, the blood red color on the tips of your hair must be dyed without mine nor Gladion's permission, a little rebellious b*tch like you would do such a thing." Leah scolded. Glalia and Pyrolee silently fist bumped.  "Karma is the rule of getting what you give, remember that, Honey, you won't get respect if you don't give it, I assure you, Karma is coming and it won't be pretty." Leah explained. Myria fake whimpered, "W-well... Gengy use Shadow Punch!" Myria told Gengy. "Eclipse use Mystical Fire." Leah casually told Eclipse. Eclipse jumped in and used Mystical Fire, knocking out Gengy in the process. Myria's other Pokémon retreated back into their Pokéballs.  

And so, a group of kids from the future appeared and met our heroes.  What will happen next? Stay tuned as the journey continues!


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