By lahnistersden

38.5K 1.4K 988

❝If I were you I'd stay away, chasing chaos is never the right thing.❞ in which a forbidden one night stan... More



1.5K 72 17
By lahnistersden








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JOSEPHINE SPENT THE LAST WEEK THINKING ABOUT WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN. What could have been different if she had just shut her mouth and didn't confess to Becky's face regarding her feelings. Maybe things would not have been so awkward between them and instead of the usual hostile tension that surrounded an area that they both occupied, there was unsettled tension. Both ladies thought that if they both ignored each other, the root of their problems could disappear but it just left a unsettled feeling in Josephine's stomach.

She did not know if Becky had felt the same awkwardness surrounding them. The unsaid words that both bothered them hung in the air, begging to be told but both of them too prideful to say anything. ( It was more so Becky, that was too full pf pride )

They ignored each-other during the press events that took place before the pay-per-views and only interacted with each-other mildly when it was needed during the signings. Whenever either of them had been making their way down a hallway during house shows, the other would retreat down a different hallway.

Becky was too afraid that if she did stand in-front of the blonde, that she would do something that her mind didn't want to do. What her heart had been craving the most but her pride would not let her cave.

   It was Sunday Afternoon when Becky had arrived to the arena for the pay-per-view Tables, Ladders, and Chairs, her arms guiding her suitcases into the building as her best-friend, Seth Rollins trailed closely behind her. He was one of the few that understood her perspective in the business and they were always good friends.

She would have been able to focus on their dying conversation if her mind wasn't already preoccupied with a certain blonde haired wrestler already, and Seth expressed his annoyance. "What's bugging you, Becks?"

Becky turned her face towards him. "What'ya mean?" she shook her head while displaying a face full of confusion while they walked through the hallways of the busy arena. "Nuthin's buggin' me expect ta fact that I'm main eventing." she expressed her nervousness for the main event.

And it was not because of whom she was up against, she could care less about competing against Josephine. Becky knew she was better than the blonde could ever hope to be.

"I bet Josephine is nervous about her first main event." He pointed out carelessly, not noticing the way that Becky's eye twitched with just a mention of her. "No one has been able to reach her all week." Seth expressed his worry for the young inspiring architect. He knew exactly what she was feeling.

Becky scoffed at the mention of her name before replying bitterly, "probably still recovering after the beatin' I gave her last week." the Irish woman commented with amusement written all over her hardened features.

The red-head could remember the beautiful display of revenge that she served Josephine within the ring. She could remember jumping through the middle rope to collide against an unaware Mad Hatter and how delicious her facial expression was when she had picked up the win for their team. "Poor thing was almost in tears." Becky smirked over at Seth Rollins, who looked on with an unimpressed look on his face.

She was quite satisfied with how that match had wrapped up, but she did not forget the earful she had been given by Vince McMahon afterwards. 'you pull something like that again, Rebecca and you can kiss your title goodbye.' he threatened her and she had almost flinched at his words. almost.

  "I never bid you the type of person that would hold onto so much hatred for another person just trying to make it within the business." Seth looked down upon the orange haired woman with furrowed brows. "You were once her or have you forgotten?"

This made Becky's cocky smile vanish within seconds, and her lips were pulled into an emotionless line. Her facial expressions were rock solid and Seth could no longer read what was really going on within her mind. "I've changed." she admitted, turning to look into Seth's judging stare. "Titles make monsters of us all, firepants or are you forgetting when you sold out to Stephanie McMahon?"

Seth's gaze hardened with the mere mention of what he had been trying to forget about his whole career. It was staged of course but there was still the gnawing at his heart that he did it to further his own career down the path to success, leaving Dean and Roman behind. "That's different and you know it. We all agreed to the terms as a team, but you did it without consent. You did it for another motive and god only knows what that motive is."

"My motive has always been the people." Rebecca didn't sugar coat her words into a lie but they weren't the whole truth. She wanted to make sure that the universe watching would be on the edge of their seats whenever she performed, and once again, her ideas delivered but watching Josephine suffer was a side benefit.

"Your motive is looking a lot like revenge." Seth let his tone of voice go down a few notches so the people around them wouldn't hear. "Why are you so interested in this girl, anyway?"

Becky turned her head to look into his curious brown eyes, "Because she hurt me." she simply put it which made Seth pause with his next words.

"And hurting her is going to solve your own problems? It's not." Becky decided that she had heard enough of his words, because this conversation was not going the way she wanted it to go. She wanted to be right, and if she wasn't right, Becky threw a fit. She tried to walk away but Seth shook his head and hung onto her shoulder as she tried to leave. "You're digging your own grave, Becks."

"She wont forgive the things I've done and I cannot forgive and forget what she had done to me." Becky confessed which made Seth take a hard breath through his nose.

"Sometimes you surprise yourself. It might not be too late to talk things through." Seth patted her on the back before making his way down the hallway, desperately needing to get ready for his match later tonight with Dean.

Becky had watched him leave for a few minutes longer, pondering his words in her own mind. She had been blaming Josephine for so long for her own mistakes, and not owning to what she had done. No one forced her into bed with the blonde, she had just had a bad night and Josephine was the only person who gave her the attention she needed. She was her gateway to forgetting, and she was present. She was there.

━━━━━ •:•☾☼☽•:• ━━━━━

AJ STYLES OPENED THE DOOR FOR JOSEPHINE AS THEY WALKED INSIDE THE ARENA. The doors to the back entrance was surrounded by fans, the only distance that were between the superstars and the universe was a simple metal barricade. The fact that it was not sturdy enough to hold anyone back, and the thought that someone could jump over and tackle them had Josephine feeling uneasy as people screamed her name.

Josephine turned towards the brunette with an nervous smile on her face, "Are the fans always that crazy?" she questioned.

AJ shrugged his shoulders in response since he never thought of it. It never bothered him that fans would scream their names when they were arriving to work, shoving papers into their faces or their phones. It was something that he became used too over time.

"They like you." he simply replied as he switched his luggage to his other hand, holding his coffee in the other.

Josephine grinned while shaking her head, unable to wrap her head around her whole life. "I'll never believe this is what my life is." she told him as she placed her coffee cup on her lips and together, they began to walk down the hallway.

They came a bit later in the night because the traffic on the way here delayed their arrival, which AJ called and expressed his disappointment to Hunter. He understood though, those things are bound to happen and it was not like their matches were early in the night.

Josephine's match was on card twelve; the main event. Which in all honestly, she was both excited and nervous for it. She hadn't spoken to Becky since they performed last week and had no idea what to expect going into the match tonight.

"I'll meet up with you later." Josephine tucked her arm under AJ's to stop him in front of the hallway that split in opposite directions. "going to go grab my gear for tonight." she then added and the brunette man nodded his head, ruffling the ponytail she had in her hair.

"Alright, see you soon." he said before they began to walk their separate ways, and Josephine made her way down to the Women's locker room to drop her suitcase off before finding the seamstress to pick up her gear.

  Josephine made her way back from the seamstress after grabbing her finished attire for tonight, and continued towards the Women's locker room as the fifth match card was currently beginning. The deafening sound of Braun Strowman's music was blasting through the backstage of the arena, making it hard for the blonde to hear anything going on around her.

 Josephine entered the Women's locker room which was occupied with a distraught Paige. With furrowed eyebrows she quickly closed the door up behind her, reaching for her best-friend with concern in her voice. "Paige, what's going on?"

 Paige turned to the sound of someone coming into the room, unaware as her teary eyes were buried within her text messages. The raven haired woman quickly wiped at her face, "Nothing. It's nothing." she sniffled as Josephine grabbed onto her friend's forearms.

 "Hey, c'mon." Josephine turned her head to maintain eye contact once Paige tried to turn her eyes away from her. She didn't want her to see her in such a state. "You know you can tell me anything."

 "The McMahon's are relieving me of the General Manager position." she confessed with a bit of sadness left in her eyes. Paige knew eventually that this would happen, she was not going to be the General Manager of Smackdown forever, but the people liked her. She felt like her new position within the wrestling business was just getting started and now she was going to be relieved because the Authority was taking over.

 Josephine looked at her with disbelief written all over her tired features. The blonde shook her head. "What? but you're doing so good." 

 "I know." Paige agreed with her. "But the Authority is going to take over Smackdown now. They have new plans for tonight as well." she confessed which she shouldn't of since this was disclosed information but she could always trust Josephine. "I overheard Vince talking about your match with Lynch this morning before I went in for the meeting."

 Josephine's nerves were going haywire ever since she had the conversation with Paige in the locker room. Now, she had no idea what the result of the match was going to be. The backstage was busier than usual with being near the end of the show, and Josephine sat in the hair and makeup chair with a frown on her face. 

 She was expecting to see a text message on her phone in any minute from Vince but as time went on, her phone never lit up with any notification. Josephine breathed out anxiously as she flipped her curly hair out of her face, her eyes connecting with Becky's as she walked in her direction. 

 Her brown eyes had some hesitation within them as Josephine met her gaze, and it almost looked like Becky was going to turn around and walk the other way but she continued on after a brief pause. Josephine's lips went into a thin line as the Makeup Artist finished her makeup with a highlighter just as Becky stood beside her, her hand holding onto her title belt.

 "I just wanted to come over here and say good luck." Becky had trouble getting the words out in one entire sentence, and even stumbled on her words slightly which had Josephine's perfected brow rising on her forehead.

 "You haven't talked to me for a week and now you want to come over here and say good luck?" Josephine snorted in her chair, uncrossing her legs as she stood up from her seated position.

"I'm just tryin to be nice, Josephine." Becky sighed out but her gaze hardened with annoyance as she fought within herself to remain civil.

 She let out another scoff with had Becky's brown eyes twitching. "You don't have a nice bone in your body, Rebecca." Josephine decided to leave Becky behind as she began to walk towards the locker room, only to have the ginger follow behind her. "What's your angle? Trying to butter me up before throwing me off a ladder tonight, because that's not going to happen. I'm giving you a war out there."

 "There's no angle, and I wouldn't expect anything less from you after what I've done." Becky froze when Josephine turned around to face her after she closed the door behind them. 

 "I told you I was done with your sick games, Becky." The Australian spat back at her with a suspicious gaze. 

 "God, can you just accept my apology?" Becky yelled back after she started to get annoyed. "I'm trying my best here."

 Josephine licked her lips as she grinned back at her. "'Good Luck', that's your so called apology?" She snorted before she took a step towards the ginger, her gaze going over Becky's muscular frame before meeting her face. "You think a sorry excuse of an Apology is going to make me forgive the shit you put me through?"

 Becky could feel her hands shaking against the hold on her belt as she tried to keep her gaze on Josephine's gaze. She was so close that she could feel the heat from her body, smell the sweet scent of her perfume, and feel her hot breath fanning her face. "No, but I at least tried. Doesn't that count for something?"

  Josephine gazed back at her in thought as she sucked on her teeth. "You're going to have to try harder than 'good luck'." she whispered before Becky's eyes left hers, and her gaze stopped on her pink nude colored lips.

 Josephine rolled her eyes as Becky went mute, which rarely ever happened to the Champion. She was about to push past her before Becky caught onto her wrist, holding onto her tightly that her grip almost hurt her. "I don't know how to do this." 

 Josephine turned her head to look down at her with disbelief in her eyes. "What do you mean?" Josephine then turned to face the ginger with pursed lips as Becky didn't want to meet her gaze.

 She saw the way she struggled with her words. "This. I can't get you out of my mind. You're eating me alive." her words were an internal struggle to get out because Josephine knew that Becky wasn't a woman who openly admitted her feelings. ( She was even shocked that this was happening in the first place. )

 Josephine stared back at her. She shook her head as Becky didn't even bother to turn her head to meet her heated gaze. "Don't say those things when I know you're going to go back on them tomorrow."

 Then, Becky's grip on her wrist softened because part of her believed that she might do just that. She was always the one running away, too afraid to bruise her pride. "Why did you even follow me in here? Why say all these things before we both go into that ring and beat the crap out of each other?" Josephine questioned her. 

 Becky finally looked up into Josephine's hardened stare but her face was lacking emotion. Becky wanted to read what she was thinking, usually that was easy for her but Josephine's walls were built high. "Because I wouldn't have the guts to say it later." she told her, still holding onto her wrist.

  Josephine wanted to cave. She had wanted this for so long but the fact that her trust in Becky's words were fruitless, and she couldn't let herself fall for her lies. "I wish I could believe you, Rebecca." Josephine whispered, letting her eyes fall onto the red head. "I really do." she then took her hand back from Becky's hold, shedding her over sized sweater and switching it for her jacket.

 All Becky could do is watch her leave with a desperate expression, her mouth wouldn't open to say anything else or maybe that was her conscience telling her to not plead for her forgiveness.  Once the door closed behind Josephine, Becky sucked in her cheek and sat down on the bench. She felt defeated and rarely did she ever feel like that, but tonight, she would know what that felt like in another way. 

  Josephine's mind was swirling after she emerged from the locker room and started walking to the gorilla position while the movie of her and Becky's rival started playing throughout the arena. Her breathing was irregular as she started pacing back and forth while looking at herself in the big mirror.

 ( Why would Becky say those things when she was just going to go out, knowing that their conversation would be the only thing on her mind?

 Did Becky hope she was distracted tonight so she could pick up an easy win over her, or were her words the actual truth? Josephine wished she had the answers for those. 

            "In this match, there are no pin falls, submissions, count outs, or disqualifications. The only way to win is by climbing the ladder and retrieving the championship which will be hanging above the ring."

 Josephine clasped her jacket together in the front while taking a deep breath, and exhaling harshly through her nose. She saw Becky's reflection in the mirror behind her, her brown eyes were now void of any emotion she had shown just a few moments ago.

 Josephine pursed her lips and then her gaze left hers when the start of her music had started up, and she took one last look at herself in the mirror. 

  Josephine walked onto the stage while the arena lights lit up her frame, her blue eyes looking at the ladders set up around the stage and continued on down to the ring. The crowd was a mixture of boos and cheers for her, but the crowd were on their feet at the sound of her music even if they didn't like her.

 Josephine let her fingers skim the surface of the brown table on her way down to the ring, her eyes falling on every object surrounding her before entering the ring. As soon as her music had died down and all that was left with the crowd cheering Becky's name, Josephine was left with the realization that this match, this was all new to her and all she had was AJ's teachings to remind her how to open and use the ladder safely.

 The nerves only grew when Becky's music had blasted through out the arena and the crowd popped. Josephine watched her as she began walking down to the ring with an emotionless expression on her face, her full body attire and the championship held up for everyone to see.

 Josephine couldn't understand how Becky could remain so calm, so balanced and grounded.  She had trouble putting the red-head's words deep back in her mind, unable to focus but Becky, she was ready for action. 

 When she entered the ring before she rushed to the ropes, Becky smirked her usual cocky grin towards her before lifting herself on the second rope, getting lost in the cheers of the crowd. All eyes were on Josephine once Becky's music had died down. 

  ( Could she prove her words that she had been chanting for weeks now, and defeat The Man? Or would she get lost in her flames like the many before her? )

 Josephine swallowed hard as her eyes connected with Becky's and they kept their gaze locked as she began to unclasp her jacket, letting the material slide off her arms while Becky's eyebrow rose on her forehead, her smirk growing even wider. 

 Josephine watched as the Championship was taken off of Becky's shoulder after they had been introduced to the crowd, and now it was making it's way high in the air, out of reach without a ladder. The Mad Hatter flickered her gaze towards the championship that now hung still in the air and her eyes turned to ice; a soulless gaze staring back at Becky as she grinned like a Cheshire cat. 

 Josephine watched as Becky jumped back and forth on one foot to the other before they started circling each other, and Josephine lunged forwards to initiate the lock-up. She heard Becky huff from the impact and the girl chuckled. "Feeling brave now, aren't ya?" 

 Josephine's blue eyes smiled but her gaze was focused on the turnbuckle behind Becky, "I was always brave, Becky." She then pushed her with all her might, driving her into the turnbuckle behind her and holding her there before the referee broke them apart. 

 Becky held up her hands above her head with a smile, nodding back at her. "Okay, you wanna play that way, huh?"

 Josephine stuck her tongue out towards her teeth, holding her head to the side as Becky stepped forward and Josephine lunged once again. Becky went flying to the turnbuckle and hit her head off of the pad, knocking herself onto her butt. 

 Josephine looked back at her with confidence in her eyes, taunting Becky to try her worse. Her chin rose as Becky looked out into the crowd, panting since all of her energy had been used trying to overpower the blonde which came out fruitless. Her tongue was stuck to her teeth as she directed her gaze towards the blonde who had her fingers gesturing to come and get her. 

 Becky held onto the second rope to pull herself back up and Josephine smirked back at her, her hand taking her over-teased curls out of her face. Just as they were about to lock up again, Becky lunged with an forearm to her face, knocking her back towards the turnbuckle and delivering a few kicks to her stomach. She had obviously pissed Lynch off with the little stunts she pulled at the beginning in the match, and expected this sort of reaction from her anyways.

 Becky grabbed a handful of Josephine's blonde locks and dragged her over towards the next turnbuckle but Josephine turned it around and sent Becky flying towards it instead, her face going in first. She repeated her actions a few times before Lynch turned to sit on the second turnbuckle for a breather, but the bottom of Josephine's boot connected with the bottom of her jaw, stretching her upwards as Josephine tugged on the second rope, Becky clawing at her thigh to try to relieve the pressure.

 Josephine then kicked her in the abdomen before she was pulled out of the corner, turning back around after she reached the other side of the ring, to hit her with a high knee but Becky moved out of the way and grabbed her hair, pulling her down for Josephine's head to bounce off the mat below.

 The first ten minutes of the match were them going back and forth with assaults, either of them willingly to give up easy. Josephine was crawling to the side of the ring after getting thrown into the barricade from Becky, lifting up the curtain to fish a kendo stick. The crowd was already off their feet as Josephine stood on both knees, her chest rising and falling as she breathed, but a wide satisfied grin adored her face. 

 Josephine got to her feet and walked to the other side only to be looking back at Becky with a Kendo stick as well, and the crowd cheering before she even had one finally made sense. She looked back with a surprised look on her face as Becky sliced the kendo stick through the air, only to have Josie duck under it, feeling the wind from how hard Becky thrown it.

 Josephine then threw it at Becky's feet, only to have The Man jump over it but both of them had the idea of hitting each other in the mid-section and a huge whipping sound echoed through the arena as both kendo sticks collided on their bodies. Josephine hunched forward in pain, her feet moving on it's own away from Becky. She could hear Becky's yelp of pain behind her, and Josephine still holding onto her stick, launched once again but Becky caught the other end of it.

 "Put it down!" Becky yelled at her, her hold strong as she tried to yank it towards her. 

 Josephine shook her head, "I'm not putting it down until you put it down!" 

 Becky kissed her teeth before she brought her boot up and launched Josephine and the Kendo stick backwards, then Becky grabbed onto Josephine's locks to hit her face off the side of the ring.

 Josephine held onto her stomach as Becky looked behind the curtain for another weapon, until she heard the universe chanting, "WE WANT TABLES!" like a mantra which immediately made Josephine cringe.

 ( Her back was already pulsating from Becky's kicks, and now they wanted Becky to put her through a table? She didn't even need to look back to know the smirk was already growing on Becky's tired face. )

 Becky moved around the ring, listening to what the crowd wanted. She looked under the curtain as Josephine was crawling to the opposite side. Josephine grabbed a steel chair from under the ring, just as Becky did across from her. Becky watched as the chair was thrown in the ring, bouncing off the white mat as she stood there, chair in hand.

 Before long the ring was covered in steel chairs and all that was left on Josephine's side was a table. The crowd roared when she reached for it and started to pull it out only to have Becky running, climbing the steel steps to deliver a flying fist.

 Josephine's breath hitched as she hit the ground, and Becky held out her arms as she taunted the crowd. Becky turned back around and grabbed Josie by the hair, and the blonde punched her in the jaw before countering it with a German Suplex.

 It was not long until Becky crushed Josephine's momentum with a steel chair, hitting her off the back. Josephine arched in pain as she yelled out, and then Becky delivered another one and another. Josephine was groaning out in pain as Becky walked back to the ring, pulling out a table and sliding it under the ropes. 

 Becky set the table up by the top rope as Josephine worked on getting to her feet, her mind was hazy and her legs began to feel like jelly but she really did not want to go through that table. Josephine lined up Becky with her position behind the ropes for the springboard forearm and when she began to turn, Josephine jumped and delivered it on top of the steel chairs.

 Josephine and Becky were now flat on their backs in the center of the ring as exhaustion began to finally set in for the both of them. Becky had trouble staying on her feet without wobbling, and Josephine's lower back had taken a lot of damage throughout the match. Both of them hadn't even thought about getting a ladder into the ring since either of them could stay down long enough for the other to set it up. 

 Josephine turned onto her stomach to gaze over at Becky who was still flat on her back, not even bothering to move. Her chest was rising and falling frantically as Josie began to get onto her feet with difficulty. She went straight for the ginger, grabbing hold of her hair as Becky leaned against her mid-section. 

 "Are you even alive?" Josephine whispered down to the ginger as she began to move Becky towards the table, lifting her on top of it.

 Becky coughed in an attempt to get some air into her lungs. "Barely." Josephine looked down at her before delivering several weak forearms to her chest before even attempting to climb the top turnbuckle. 

  Becky watched her as she started climbing it and when she reached the top rope, Becky had launched herself off the table to hit Josephine with a fist, sending her down to the mat, between the table and the turnbuckle. Josephine's scalp was on fire as Becky yanked on her hair once again, forcing her upwards and onto the table. Becky repeated what Josephine had done before climbing onto the turnbuckle herself. 

 Becky barely went to the top rope unless it was necessary but she couldn't keep Josephine down, so maybe this would be the key to her climbing a ladder and retrieving her championship. When Becky launched herself off the rope and collided with Josephine below, the table cracked in half and all of Becky's weight hit her like a truck. 

 Both ladies were not moving as Josephine's arm was resting over Becky's abdomen, and Becky's face was leaning against Josephine's thighs. All Josephine could think about was the pain of the wood digging into her back, and wondering if Becky was alright. The Man was barely moving and the only thing that indicated she wasn't knocked out was the hot breath against her leg.

 Becky was the first to stir as she bumped her cheek off of Josephine's thigh, which made the blonde begin to move her arm. Josephine's blue eyes flickered open and her gaze was staring up at the championship hanging from the chain. 

 ( How much more do I need to do to keep Becky down? )

  Josephine felt Becky roll off of her body and now she felt like she could breathe much easier without the extra weight that was laying across her body. Her whole body was aching all over as she tried to get off the crushed table, looking over at Becky who was sliding a ladder into the ring.

 Becky struggled keeping still on her feet, almost falling over several times while trying to get the ladder into the ring. Her hair was a mess and was sticking to her forehead but Becky pushed through the exhaustion to get the ladder into the ring, and set it up in the middle.

 Becky had started to climb the ladder rather slowly as Josephine struggled to get onto her feet and grab hold of the ladder. Josie pushed the ladder and both Becky and the object came flying down. With a second glance towards the title hanging above her head, Josephine made the split second decision to bounce off the ropes and do a suicide dive onto Becky Lynch in hopes to keep her down long enough so she could climb the ladder, but at the cost of her own stamina. 

 Josephine's body rolled off of Becky's as she breathed heavily, but Becky barely held onto her arm, trying not to make it noticeable to the audience. Josephine's head rose to look over at Lynch who was already staring at her, eyes closing and opening in exhaustion. 

 "Climb da ladder and get the belt." Josephine didn't even know if she heard the words correctly or if it was just her mind playing tricks on her. 

 "What?" she whispered over to her, making sure her arm was in the way of her mouth so the camera's couldn't pick her voice out or the fact that they were talking to each other. 

 "There was a change. Go get the belt before I change my mind." Becky said before she moved her head and coughed. 

 Josephine, unsure what to do, began to stir on her jelly like legs. She crawled towards the ring with all her strength. She didn't even know there was a change in the direction of the match, and the certainty that she was getting the championship tonight. She tried to keep the shocked expression undetectable as she reached the ropes and climbed inside, rolling towards the ladder. 

 Becky was just beginning to stir as Josephine began to climb slowly. She didn't know if she could make it before her legs gave out but what seemed like ten minutes, were in a matter of seconds that she reached the top of the ladder. People were screaming, on the edge of their seats as Josephine reached for the belt and with struggle, unclasped it from the metal rod keeping it in place. 

 And just like that, with the shock of the universe and her, Josephine was crowned the new Smackdown Women's Champion. She rose the belt in the air with a look of triumph on her face, taking a look at Becky down below with a look of admiration masked with sadness. 

 There was a pout on her pretty mouth as she sat against the barricade, looking up at the Mad Hatter but her eyes shined as their gazes met. 

 Josephine's body fell forwards as her face fell onto the championship, trying to mask her tears away from the universe but she couldn't stop her shoulders from shaking as she began to climb down. 

 As Josephine got to the bottom and stood on her two feet, she glanced over at Lynch who was still sitting down, her arm guarding her stomach as she winced in pain. The adrenaline was gone for her, but Josephine never felt better. 

 What surprised Becky and the WWE Universe was when Josephine got out of the ring, and stood in front of her offering her a hand.

 ( Was it a mutual feeling of respect or was Josephine mocking her? Becky didn't know the answer. )

 When Becky's hand fell into her's, Josephine guided her upwards and Becky almost fell on top of her, but Josephine managed to hold her upwards. When Becky had enough strength in her legs to hold herself without falling, Josephine held onto her forearm and they gazed at each other. 

  The WWE Universe had expected her to burn and turn to ash as she collided with Becky Lynch, whom was known to leave chaos in her wake, but Josephine Icy touch calmed her flames and her chaotic nature. 

 The Mad Hatter VS The Man disguised as the battle of Ice and Fire: A match that was worth getting a front page, or even The Match of the Year award.

 Josephine pulled her hand back from Becky's hold and began to climb the stage with the belt dangling from her hand as Becky watched her leave with a look of disappointment that she had to give her most prized possession up.


I know this took soooo long to get out. It's taken me like a week just to write. I'm sad to announce this, but this book is coming to an end folks, and it's been such a wild ride. I love Josephine and Becky's story to death and it's been such a slow burn. I might have a hard time saying goodbye, so we will see about it ending in a couple chapters.. Bare with me, this isnt edited. It's 2 in the morning and I wanna sleep lol.

 Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for being so patient with me, and please, if you like the chapter. Leave a comment. It helps to motivate me. :) 

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