Burn la fire | Male Leo Reade...

By GunslingerDeath101

69.2K 787 671

Name was Y/n Gaza, You were more sometimes a friendly chap who could have bad attitude awhile back depending... More

Chapter 1 If only I had flames like a dragon
Chapter 3 The Junketsu and truth
Chapter 4 Miserable morning and burning needles
Chapter 5 Back to Tennis in shark week
Chapter 6 Sticks or fists are on the whim
Chapter 7 1st rule in fight club is never talk about fight club!
Chapter 8 I will cool my own flames
Chapter 9 The burning sensation of a lifetime chance
Chapter 10 The fire in your eyes
Chapter 11 The fire gets crazy as ever
Chapter 12 The fire can't help it
Chapter 13 This is not a normal cultural festival..
Chapter 14 Trailer
Chapter 14 The blood is lava...
Chapter 15 The Gloves are off and The Fire Rises!
Chapter Finale Light It Up!

Chapter 2 Tennis balls vs Fire balls

6.9K 82 102
By GunslingerDeath101

(Right forgot to mention but I've added Ragyo to be part of the harem, why? Intense ara ara)
I've been walking around trying to find the apartment in the slums Alpha is making some bacon as today is bacon making Wednesday meaning he's making a stacks of fucking bacon what an absolute lad I'll say considering we live in a shit hole cause I'm a "No star" which I swear this place got a fucking fashion sense bull shit. Walking by an alleyway hearing something I looked seeing somebody surrounded by those brats again, Taking a deep breathe slowly getting out my chains they started hearing the rattles some looking familiar got scared as it was the boy n his kids group

???: "Y-You! what you think your d-doing!?" he said trying to sound brave until the other spoken making me wonder WTF?..

??? 2: "T-Trying to g-get her first we found her!!!" one said, I was quiet but just wrap the chains round my wrist realizing who this might be

Y/n: "Look I am trying to get her home so bout ya bastards get" I said, knowing if I leave Ryuko shes probably gonna be molested in this weird town. I mean back at home hanging with the poor were always chilled being incredibly fun

???: "Not this time! You've insulted me n my own mother making me cry, now fear me the great lightning speed Mataro Mankanshoku-" before he even was able to finish I used my chain whip grabbing him then pull him close to me, forming my face into evils, my hair now glowing bright blue with burning pupils to having sharp teeth with a creepy smile

Y/n: "Ya know I got something to say if ya wanna have friends again better make them stop or else there bout to be hanging onto poles with the ropes being their own organs....." He was scared shitless as he tried to send the attack but nothing happen, we turned seeing all the boys ran off with the weapons on the floor making me chuckle forming back normally. Putting him down he seemed a little confused for what i'm doing and started putting Ryuko over- Jesus! fucking wish I wasn't short she is fucking light! After that I notice the kid named Mataro trying to sneak off

Y/N: "OI! Over here ya goon!" Shouting louder making him stand front center

Y/n: "Last name mankanshoku right? I sit by your sister at school. Me n Ryuko are her uhhh....."thinks a little then say something  "were...her best...friends...."

Mataro: "Oh really!? Why didn't ya say so?!" bows "Forgive me I really didn't mean to cause you trouble!" he apologized as I just nodded not really up for it

Y/n: "Mind letting me take her to your house?" i asked he smiled and nodded

Mataro: "Just follow me!" he said and I slowly followed while carrying a fucking heavy ryuko, I swear does her outfit make her heavy? theirs like barely any clothing!

I've been calmly drinking tea as I met Mako n her family they forced me to stay over, it was annoying but I tried to keep my best smile until hearing a loud bang in the room then shouting from Ryuko making me rush to kick open the door seeing Ryuko holding her half scissors out towards Mako's dad making me sigh

Ryuko: "Y/n! so glad to see ya, help me beat this pervert up" she said as I face palmed it was just Mako's dad which I explained to her causing her to profusely apologize while he gave his introductions to her with Mataro as well

Mataro: "It was so freaking badass you fighting half naked with your scissors!" he shouted sounding perverted only to receive a fist from a blushing Ryuko

Ryuko: "Shut up I didn't have a choice to even dress like that!" she shouted as Mako's mother just explained bout how she could just belt her husband then more bout him being the back-alley doctor which definitely doesn't sound like a rapist name. Then explained how he killed more lives instead of saving them....what is my life right now?

Ryuko: "Y/N!!" I heard her yelled making me get outta my head as I looked at her confused

Y/n: "What?"

Ryuko: "Thanks for the help..I appreciate it" she had a blushing smile slowly nodding

Bazuro: "To be honest I thought he was a nice orphan child but he says he has a family and plis he almost did break my nose" he told her nervously chuckling then having his wife explain how he tried groping her. Ryuko stared at me, I just rolled my eyes annoyed with this family while being on my phone bored


Y/n: WYD?

Apha: eating some bacon with the others W,A,Y? (where are you)

Y/n: im at makos place forced to stay better save me some!

I just chuckled a little as I looked seeing a plate in front of me then turn wondering bout it

Sukuyo: "Please help yourself! Must be awfully hungry!" she told me as I chuckled nervously shaking my head no

Y/n: "Look I appreciate the hospitality n all but I really should get going. So uh Ta-Ta for now" I got up trying to leave only for me to get a hand on my shoulder turning to see Ryuko while I had a thought in my mind

Y/n mind:

Ryuko: "Mister I am coming with ya, I have some questions to ask" She told me as I sighed

Y/n: "Yea? well I got a question for ya, why were you in that alleyway and for how long? were you actually gonna do what I just guessed by you sucking your way for money?" I said jokingly, she raised a fist up making me put mine up defensively

Y/n: "You wouldn't hit a child would you?" I told her she just growled making me sweat drop, swiftly n regretful I grabbed her boobs squeezing them causing her to blush and moan giving me time to run out fast

Ryuko: "HEY!!! GET BACK HERE YA LITTLE PERVERT!!!" she screamed at me making me run faster back home...jesus this is not a good Wednesday. Suddenly I saw her blade hit almost my head as she was glaring at me

Y/n: "you wouldn't kill a child right?" I asked nervously, she does seem pretty pissed...

Ryuko: "No...but I'm gonna fucking break your legs after that perverted move!" She screamed making me instantly run away

Y/n: "I just wanna have a educational time at school and sense of joy!! Please let me just go home!!" I shouted back at her, she still kept chasing me causing me to panic more till I started noticing the props round meaning- wait speak of the devil there's bravo smoking out on the balcony!

Y/n: "Bravo!!! Let me in and lock the doors or I'm gonna die!!!" I screamed towards him he seemed to noticed me but also a angry Ryuko chasing me. Causing him to panic as he threw his cigarette going inside, worried for what she'll do Jeff opened the front door motioning me to hurry which I quickly ran faster

Ryuko: "Get back here Y/n!!!!" She shouted until I finally Made it causing the others to barricade the doors n windows blocking the entrances fast. I panted heavily the adrenaline kicking in...this...this feeling! The blood rush n lust! Having adrenaline kick in making you have the urge-..any further I got hit with a bucket of cold water turning to see delta hold a bucket shaking his head no

Y/n: "R-Right..sorry but thanks for the quick save you guys" we had a little laugh till the door started banging

Alpha: "damn, boss what the hell did you do?" He asked, I slowly scratched to back of my head nervously then told them bout what I did...they stared at me with Jeff snickering

Y/n: "what's so funny?" He looked at me smiling wider..suddenly grabbing me. He went out to the balcony seeing the angry Ryuko tryna get in

Jeff: "Oi! Ryuko ya want him?" He called out to her noticing us I panicked

Y/n: "Jeff you fuck don't!! She's gonna kill me!!" panicking not wanna get cut up he only laugh

Jeff: "hey you should be thanking me, today you finally get a girlfriend already!" He said out loud, we looked seeing Ryuko finally stop who only just stood there frozen with silence then started blushing hard

Ryuko: "Ehhhhh?!!!!" Yep...goddamnit Jeff done it again, god why does life hate me

Satsuki P O V
Theres been lot of production for the Goku uniforms as I was with the captain of sewing club Shiro Lori watching as the sewing goes

Satsuki: "There such fools with the masses when they are all led by me, I say that you n the sewing club do have such an important role for our system with the academy, keep up for the work" I appreciated for Lori as he thanked me for it I hear someone but already assumed who it be

Satsuki: "Tennis club Captain Omiko hakodate" I called her for her as she replied back

Hakodate: "Third year class T reporting for order!" she said as I snapped my fingers causing a container lower down from the ceiling, others showing it to be a 2 star Goku uniform. When she seen it shiro started to explain it to her being so a gift continuing on I asked her to carry her mission out for something important. After that I return to my chair with Soroi pouring in some tea

Soroi: "Lady Satsuki, why do you not wear the Goku uniform?" he questioned me while I slowly sipped my tea then replied

Satsuki: "I have my sword, it is best for all I need" I answered to him, making him nod then continue

Soroi: "No uniform is worth for the lady Satsuki" he told, I slowly nodded while I stare at the monitors showing many picking n cameras staring all at Y/n with at least 4 people in cloaks. It was very hard getting to see their faces making me wonder..

Satsuki: "This is no ordinary child...." i told myself knowing this can't be right, he seems so weak like a useless pig but after what I've witnessed with him n Fukuroda. He seemed to actually gained my interest

I was rushing towards the no star tram whatever, jesus this place has different trams too!?! How do people live here? I heard multiple footsteps turning to see the others with me shockingly

Y/n: "What ya doing!? why are you guys without your cloaks!??" I shouted worried with them as they pointed at jeff who just shrugged until he grabbed me

Jeff: "Sorry boss but I can't take it much cause First off its boring so sorry boss, secondly your not gonna be late not even on my watch! YA YEET!" he threw me like a football towards the tram before it even closes I managed getting it inside while hitting couple of people out the windows. I groaned but slowly got up seeing everyone staring.....awkwardly....it was pure silence as the tram moved on I heard the voice killing me, is death coming- no wait its just Mako...and Ryuko...shit...I looked around for any spares seats but the people shoved me around pushing me closer to them while I tried moving back but no prevail. Finally I was in front of them trying to leave I noticed at least a spot far off them quickly taking it too sigh in relief

Y/n: "ahhh... peace at last..." I pulled out my earbuds bout to listen to my ordinary life by tombstone till I felt someone scoot towards me, turning to see it be Ryuko with mako on my other side

Ryuko: "look Y/n bout-" she was cut off seeing me scoot down a seat for a gap between us

Ryuko: "Oi!" she instantly closed the gap as Mako gave me a tight bestie hug making me groan annoyed

Ryuko: "Look i wanna apologize bout last night, you should know that it wasn't very good of...touching my assets...anyway, I wanna say my thanks with you carrying me n all"

Y/n: "Ryuko I think you need to lose weight, you were fucking heavy..." I told her jokingly, she was quiet then just punched my arm making me snicker so just nodded a little, bout to put my earbuds back on I noticed....shes just staring at me.....menacingly...do I hear JoJo music? Nope that's just my imagination

Y/n: "So ya gonna say something or uhh do I have to apologize with that insu-..." before finishing she finally spoken with a question

Ryuko: "What are you?" were the 1st 3 words outta her mouth

Y/n: "A child" I replied making her face palm

Ryuko: "No I mean Like what kind of person are you or who are you?" she tried again

Y/n: "I'm Y/n Gaza, I would say I'm just more energetic to be honest" Mako giggled while Ryuko groaned sounding upset

Ryuko: "Smart ass!" She said making me snicker

Y/n: "My ass is quite smart, maybe better then yo dumbass" I replied back with her insult making me and Mako laugh a bit, causing Ryuko to groan in annoyance

Ryuko: "Alright stop! Enough with this just what are you suppose to be Y/n? You don't seem normal when we first met I thought you just some nerdy kid whatever who wouldn't survive in 30 seconds being here! Yet you seem chilled n fine like whats your deal with this? Are you really 11? Are you really who you say you are?" she asked me way too many questions! I didn't know what to say till from the corner of my eye I seen the guys out from the window they must be on the roof of the tram since they were waving at me. I sighed but she turned wondering what I was staring at making them quickly hide then turn back at me

Y/n: "Uhhh...I'm a autistic special child?" I lied hoping that'll work as she gave a really look making me sweat drop

Ryuko: "You really think I am that stupid to believe that?" she asked me as I started thinking a bit

Y/n: "To be fair you dressed like a whore during that boxing ring n have a weapon as a half pair of scissors while stupidly challenging the rock lee wannabe. secondly, you chased me down last night trying to break my legs whatever or how Mako told me you ate lot of weird shit that she calls food. Basically my answer be yes" I explained to her, she was now replying with a glare. Finally dropping the subject she looked out the window seeing as there's a big area with the poor n rich....Mako started explaining bout how those Goku uniforms work with the stars you get or to how you do in school. Meaning if I am at the 3 star whatever I'll be very close to the school, seems kinda alright but I rather prefer no star to be honest its better then up there in my opinion

Mako: "Pretty cool huh?!" she asked us all cheerfully, I mean I used to live in a rich life but the family was pretty shit, poor kids is a little better to be honest in my opinion at least. Chilling, no rules whatever the fuck. Finally we were at school now trying to walk to classes until Mako stopped us

Mako: "By the way, Ryuko my mom said if ya need a-" SMACK "if ya-" SMACK "wanna-" SMACK she's been getting interrupted by ton of tennis balls hitting her in the face. Her face was so fucked up I wanted to be making a face palm but it felt too funny so wanting to laugh but dunno so instead Trying walk pass her, only in a blink of eye catch another tennis ball coming right at me. I looked at it then towards a group of girls, sighing at em

Y/n: "Which one of ya little goons or slugs tried hitting me!?" I yelled making them flinch with my hair glowing little bright red with Ryuko following in. Sometimes I do got a small temper..

Ryuko: "Whats your guys problem!?" we seen a ton of tennis players in a line while the one had a big ass racket with a telescope in her...eye...? with a weird sharky grin...do I see tennis balls in her dress?...I'm sensing maybe trap...nah its a def female.

???: "Why I am the captain of tennis club Omiko Hakodate

you 2 must be the transfer students, Ryuko you for trying to be attacking and you Y/n insulting lady Satsuki. But You should probably stay outta this if ya wanna live..." she threaten, what I do? simple follow her order I had enough bullshit last night I wasn't in the mood for it so walking away, making my walking walking walking sounds only for someone managing to be hitting another tennis ball at me hitting me in the face falling down

Ryuko: "Y/N!" Is what I heard while holding onto my eye closely...Ryuko rushed towards me grabbing my face she gasped meaning them little pricks gave me a bruise...

Mako: "Oh my god Y/n your face got a brusie!" she shouted all worried while I growled more

Y/n: "WOW another observation, thank you captain obvious! Your such a great help to society" I told her sarcastically, starting to get annoyed with this

Mako: "Lets get outta here!" She said worried helping me up

Y/n: "Nah lets just stand around here for 2 fucking hours be there dummies why not" with more sarcasm she grabbed my arm dragging me while I held onto my face wincing a little in annoyance. Before we could've made it to out class tons of one-star tennis players surrounded us

Hakodate: "Club member Mako! For dare skipping yesterdays practice you shall receive your punishment! You as well Transfer for your horrible way of manners!" she yelled making me take my arm back from Mako growling more

Y/n: "Listen here ya telescopic jaws looking motherfucker!!! I dealt with a ton of bullshit haven't had a good sleep n just wanna go to school not deal with idiots like you having such a bitch fest whining while being fucking lapdog servants with some random princess being Miss Rock Lee! So your group got one last chance to let me leave otherwise I am bout to make this club shut down while you all Gag on some balls!" I screamed outta "pure rage" my hair glowing brighter red, my mouth breathing bits of fire while my hands are in flames...some of the students backed off a bit while looked surprised

Hakodate: "so, what's your star for goku uniform?" She asked outta curiosity, making me growl n slowly form the tennis ball I held in my hands turning it into a fireball

Y/n: "how bout you try hit this!" I threw it fast like a baseball as she ready herself only for the fireball hitting through her racket shocking her. Before any further I got picked up by Ryuko making me struggle

Y/n: "let me at em!! I'm gonna teach these bastards what for!!!" I screamed in well barely much anger, to be honest it's all an act really, acting class helps a bit so I just wanted some action because, it's been boring after kicking boxer boys ass. So kicking n screaming trying to fight till this time I got a little mad...

Mako: "wow, seems like y/n gots a short temper" she slowly giggled at the joke..doing so slowly snapping my neck at her creepily making her freaked out. With that she quickly ran off to her class while I pushed Ryuko off me chasing her 

Y/n: "come back here ya bellend!!!" Screaming at her, while chasing her all of sudden tons of 1 star tennis players blocked our path I noticed Ryuko probably failed to cover our backs. I mean I'm a little glad cause for christ sake that outfit is just too much a child could see

Hakodate: "As I have said, Club Member Mako! You are going to take your punishment with transfer here joining you whether your going to like it or- huh?" After we've been grabbed from the other tennis players. We all started hearing a faint sound then a loud voice from someone

then like an engine or tire...but I already know what it was...suddenly we all seen a wheel of hay with spikes attached towards it. It was a Rip-tire! The tennis players were confused till it got close causing a explosion giving me time to bite one of the players hand getting off their grasp to be running. From the corner of my eye, slightly I noticed Jeff waving from afar giving a thumbs up while I kept running

Y/n mind: "I love my guardi-" I've been cut off from my mind due to smashing into a wall hitting head first to passing out

Jeff P O V
After seeing that I slowly snickered as Y/n just ran into a wall then started laughing at his mistakes, I did try to save him but guess this could work of his failure anyway getting up I suddenly heard a shout

Gamagori: "You there! What do you think your doing here!?" some bulky guy shouted as I turned smiling widely

Jeff: "Oh ya know, just hanging around say, tell Y/n I said don't be late for your burning rates, Ta-Ta for now!" shouting quickly throwing 2 mines then rocket boosting out of there flying off before he could've stopped me

I've been tied up, struggling like crazy while biting onto the chains for fuck sakes man I just wanna go home!! Is it that hard?! should've just fell down the stairs to put myself in a coma...anyway the tennis balls were hitting us- well mostly Mako, they kept missing me since basically every time they tried. With all my might I slide through making them hit Mako, I mean hey ain't dealing with no tennis players so she gotta take the hit. Take one for the team

Mako: "Y/n they!!" SMACK "keep!" SMACK "hitting me!!" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK

Y/n: "Probably because I am basically using you for meat shield, this is pretty much that boxer boys fault. I would say its yours because you joined a club n didn't tell us about it so pretty much its maybe yours or that goon-a-jaws fault. Am I right lads or am I right lads?!" I shouted making LEGO lad appear

Lad: "You are right lad!- GAHHH!!!" he got shot from a tennis ball making me flinch

Y/n: "NO NOT LAD!" I shouted a little upset

Mako: "Y/n what!?" SMACK "Was th-" SMACK "That tiny voice shouting!!- huh?" we noticed Mako hasn't got hit with a tennis ball as we seen Ryuko blocking them with her case

Ryuko: "Don't worry guys, this time I got your back!" she said in confidence, until I finally get out the bindings cracking my bones n joints

Y/n: "UGH! FINALLY! the satisfying cracks! Jesus them players made these fucking tight! I was just rethinking my life with this future permanent spine damage!" I shouted, finally better now until Hakodate cleared her throat

Hakodate: "So... ready for number 2 Ass whooping?" she asked Ryuko sounding cocky while giggling making Ryuko do something with her glove, turning her to her sexfit. it's like a sexy outfit you get the picture

Ryuko: "As if! This time I'll be kicking your tennis ballsy ass now!" she shouted causing her to smirk widely

Y/n: "Wait can I join on this? I kinda wanna get revenge for that tennis ball to the face..." I asked Ryuko, before she can even declined Hakodate agreed making me think. Seeing she has a big ass racket So might as well decided to make my own, so slowly taking a deep breathe, breathing out fire as I tried forming it into something and the with the results my own racket!

Wow to think playing tennis back at home with all the snotty bastards with joining the country clubs a lot having the hardcore tennis matches actually paid off in my life, I was also good in tennis really I hated it yet it kinda helped me with my boredom after school. Anyway we heard Mako cheer us on for the match starting while I've noticed the guys up afar waving a flag or whatever. Anyway I've been making shots, but for Ryuko? Her goddamn racket always kept breaking like every time shes tries to hit back the balls

Ryuko: "This is bullshit! Y/n how come your racket hasn't broke yet?!" she asked me wondering how come when I do this its fine despite it sometimes burning but it don't really hurt or not at all period actually yet I wanna feel like it burns for boredom

Y/n: "Ryuko, ya gotta be creative look at my racket its fucking on fire. Maybe try make your own" I told her trying to hit most of what she'll throw at me

Hakodate: "Time for 110 million serve!" wait...WHAT?! WHO THE FUCK CAN DO THAT?! I dealt worse in matches but not a tennis match with someone hitting that fucking many! Before I could even meet my fate slowly doing a cross towards me, Ryuko got in front of me using her scissor blade except the handle was covered little bit by strings causing me to smile

Y/n: "Atta boy Ryuko!" I cheered as she managed to overpowered her hitting her up into the sky doing so she finally landed no clothes, naked- WAIT, NAKED?!..GODDAMN..I was so sure a child shouldn't be witnessing this madness...anyway, after that finally Ryuko said something as it felt weird no one is gonna take her away...

Ryuko: "Well well, seems like this match was pretty easy just for creativity, huh Y/n?" she said, sounding a little cocky while I only shrugged

???: "Don't think your gonna win that easily!" we heard seeing some deku looking motherfucker all mad n shit before any further Ms rock lee finally came in

Satsuki: "That's enough sanageyama, I think we have our winners" she descended like jesus, not really just maybe an elevator from her tower? I'm not even sure anyway they seem liked they were having fun until Ryuko charged at her only for her getting knocked back

Ryuko: "Nope i'm going this way now!" she said, rolling then quickly got up, now she started ranting how she'll try fight her next time n what not. All of sudden smoke came out, I felt someone grabbing my arm pulling me through the smoke till they hit something dropping me. When it finished up I looked around seeing....all the people staring but Mako n Ryuko are gone with a person hitting a wall left a mark, meaning Ryuko must've tried get me but failed...Goddamn my life

Y/n: "So uh I appreciated a good game, maybe you guys should care of Hakodate..." I said hopefully they'll be distracted, trying to run until a sword threw right near my groin between my legs making me yelp

Y/n: "That's a big yikes.." I told myself until looking up seeing Satsuki

Satsuki: "And what do you think your doing right now?" she asked, making me slowly pull out a piece of bacon then munch on it

Y/n: "Were all eating mushrooms and making fun of you" I told her snickering a bit making her give a death glare

Satsuki: "What do you mean, were? Do you mean Ryuko?" she asked, making me slowly back up until I bumped into Deku hair or sanageyama

Y/n: "uhhh....Y-Yea! Of course Ryuko..." I tried lying, I was getting little uncomfortable with this since god damn her bushy brows she need to back up my space

Satsuki: "I think I like to have a talk with you in my office..." she said sternly

Y/n: "Yea? Well I think I like to go back home n try get smashed drinking beer" telling her bored, she now just got confused when I said beer so that within a instant, I ran

Y/n: "Aight I'mma head out! CYA!" I shouted running out the campus fast as ever with things being thrown at me, finally noticing the gang waiting by the car making me start cartwheeling towards them till they noticed me coming in fast

Delta: "Yo boss! watch yo jet bro- WATCH YOUR JET!!!-" he then got smashed in with me as we hit a wall, mostly starting to be dizzy with the others laughing while I slowly got up gaining my composure

Y/n: sighs then smile "Living life" I told the others as we got in then finally left off while slowly looking back at the school...tomorrow is another day after all...

to be continued

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