A/B/O || Jinkook

By Krydolf_tha_kin

423K 30.2K 11.2K

"Maybe a miracle happens and I wake up as a beta like the others?" Jungkook finally presents as an alpha and... More

1. A bothersome feeling
2. Mr. 8 to the rescue
3. An unexpected change
4. Pure heaven
5. Adjusting
6. Nightly appointments
7. Picture from the past
8. Awkward interactions
9. Family meeting
10. A discovery
11. Lost control
12. Family meeting nr. 2
13. Why are you here?
14. Hot
15. The solution
16. Let the training begin
17. Touchy feely
18. Planting ideas
19. Stepping up the difficulty
20. The laundry incident
21. Hate
22. Heartbroken
23. Not meant for each other
24. Unintentional stage four?
25. Give it to me
26. Strange behaviors
27. Family meeting nr. 3
28. Join me
29. Willpower of an anime protagonist
30. Heat
31. Take off my pants, bro
32. Trust
33. Mysterious package
35. Stuck
36. A painful sight to see
37. All or nothing
38. I love you
39. My boyfriend
40. This is what a real family does
41. Game Over
42. Life goes on
43. Betrayal
44. The mistake
45. The reason
46. I don't need you
47. Family meeting nr. 4
48. Again
49. Moving on
50. Getting things sorted
51. One more step
52. There's no way
53. Let me go
54. In solitude
55. Clingy
56. Give me your... attention
57. Time out
58. Back from the depths
59. Midnight adventure
60. Omega and Alpha

34. A helping hand

8.7K 545 189
By Krydolf_tha_kin

 Seokjin can't seem to believe what I just said. He blinks at me with his mouth agape and his body is very tense.

"Y-you what?" he asks.

"I said I'll help you with your heat."

"...But why? You didn't think it was a good idea earlier, that I wasn't in my right state of mind, which I can agree on. You shouldn't force yourself to do this, JK. I don't want you to get in trouble. I-I can find another solution. You've already done more than enough for me."

He shies away a bit as I reach out to caress his cheek. I try my best to be gentle and he eventually relaxes into my touch. His skin is so smooth and warm. I want to feel his entire body pressed against me this way.

"I'm not forcing myself, Hyung. I want to do this. I want to help you. We've been able to have a conversation, so I'd say we're both able to agree to this, right?"

"Look, I get that you want to help, and I appreciate that, but there's more to this than just... doing it. I really don't want you to be in danger because of me. Just the fact that you know that I'm an omega is bad enough. I really care about you and that's why you shouldn't-"

"Whatever the risks are I'm willing to take them. I already ruined the drug for you, so there's no other option. I'll take responsibility for my actions."

I run my hand down to the crook of his neck and gently rub against his scent gland. It's such a small act, but Seokjin shudders from it nonetheless. He must be highly sensitive at the moment. I like that. It'll make my every move more intense. His reaction makes me want to do something more, but he grabs my hand and holds it in his own to stop me.

"No, JK, honestly. I can't do this to you, it's not fair," he says quietly. "I'll find another solution. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

I don't believe a word he's saying. Clearly his only plan was to use the drug and without it he definitely won't be fine. I can see he's in pain right now, and it'll only get worse as time goes on.

"And what would this other solution be?" I ask, thinking that he probably doesn't have a backup plan.

He lets go of my hand and hugs himself instead. That action alone makes me dislike where this is going.

"You know, I could just ask... another alpha," he whispers.

That's his plan? Another alpha? No. I think the fuck not. Just the thought of it makes me burn with fury. Another alpha getting to see Seokjin naked? Another alpha getting to touch him and hear his moans? Another alpha getting to stick their dick in Seokjin and knot him? No. Never. I won't let that happen.

"Over my dead body," I growl and pull him down so he lies flat on the bed.

He looks a tiny bit scared, but his eyes turn blue from my actions. I take off my shirt and he lets out a shaky breath while also unconsciously relaxing his muscles so he's completely limp.

"But, JK, I really don't want you to force yourself. I can find someone else," he says weakly, but at this point he's probably given up on that idea already.

I can feel the scent of his arousal. He wants me. I want him. And finally I can have him.

"There won't be anyone else but me," I say firmly. "You are mine, at least for tonight. Do you understand?"

He nods while looking at me with dreamy eyes. We haven't even started yet and I'm already starting to harden. Just thinking about being able to touch, hear, smell and taste him excites me beyond belief. I've wanted this for so long. Possibly even since before I found that picture in his car. I'll make him mine for real.

"Condoms?" I ask, and he blink a few times before even realizing I asked him a question.

"Oh, uh... I have them right here," he mumbles and opens the drawer to his bedside table.

His hand shakes as he takes out a condom. He gives it to me and whines when our fingers touch. I can smell his slick and he rubs his legs together a bit.

"Damn, JK, stop being so fucking hot. It's not fair."

"I haven't done anything yet though?"

"Just seeing you standing there is more than enough. You're always gorgeous, but right now it's just too much."

He licks his lips and he reaches down to press his fingers against his leaking hole. He moans softly and I can see that the fabric of his pajama pants is wet. I want to fuck him already, but there's something I must confess to him first. It wouldn't be right if I didn't. I nervously feel the condom through the wrapper and Seokjin watches my every move.

"I have to tell you something," I say.

"Mhm? What is it?"

"I've never... I-I've never done this before."

Seokjin stops fidgeting for a moment and just looks at me in silence. His gaze makes me feel a little guilty and a sudden urge to justify myself appears out of nowhere.

"I mean, I'm only 19 and I've never been in any real relationship, you know? Until I met you I wasn't even sure of my sexuality and then I've never gotten the chance to do it. Also I'm a very shy person when I meet someone new and sex is something very personal and I wanted the first time to be with someone special, preferably you, and I've never been in any sexual situations so the option was never really there and it's not like anyone has ever asked me and even if they did I probably would've said no because-"

"JK," Seokjin says and I stop my rambling to listen to him. "It's OK. You don't need to have a reason not to have had sex. It's totally fine."

"I-it is?"

"Of course. In fact... I'm still a virgin too."

A beautiful blush colors his cheeks after his confession and my heart actually skips a beat. Seokjin is a virgin? I thought that was impossible. Everyone wants him. But never mind that! What's important here is that he's willing to give his first time to me! ME! Out of all people! Is this a gift from God? Did I do something good in my past life to deserve this honor?

"B-but I have a reason!" he says.

"You just said a reason wasn't needed."

"I know. I don't care that I'm a virgin, but I think you should know the reason as to why I am."

"Alright. Do tell."

He opens his mouth to explain, and the blush on his face intensifies tenfold.

"So... like... you know how I can't let people find out that I'm an omega?"


"The thing is that even though I took the drug I wasn't 100% convinced that it was working. I was terrified that I would get intimate with someone and suddenly start producing slick or that my eyes would turn blue or something. That would blow my whole cover right away, so in the end I just gave up on the whole idea out of fear. But... since you already know the truth about me I guess it's fine to do this with you. I've told you so many things I shouldn't, so you might as well get to know everything at this point. Also... I trust that you'll treat me nicely."

If I wasn't convinced before, I sure as hell am now. Seokjin is a virgin. No one has had him before me. I'll be his first and last. I'll make him mine.

With a pleased smile I slide off my pajama pants and Seokjin gasps when he sees that I'm not wearing anything underneath. He quickly looks away, but if anything I can tell he got wetter from seeing my dick even if it was just for a brief moment. From the increasing smell of his slick I assume he isn't disappointed by my size at least. His body is preparing itself for me.

"T-that was unexpected," he says, more to himself than to me.

"Well, I have to get undressed at some point and it's easier if I do it before I get on the bed. You should do the same... unless you want me to tear the clothes off of you."

He moans from the thought of it and presses his legs together again.

"Please do."

"You sure? I'll ruin your cute pajamas," I say with a smirk as I start crawling onto the bed.

"Rip them to shreds if you so wish. I don't think I have the strength to take them off on my own either way."

He doesn't have to tell me twice. The buttons of his shirt fly all over the place when I pull the garment apart. He lifts his body just enough so that I can get it off his arms and I toss the shirt off to the side. I marvel at his flawless chest. His skin is so smooth and silky. Could he be any more perfect? I don't think so.

Seokjin turns his head to look at me again and his eyes slowly slide down to my privates. He moans just from looking at me and he presses himself against the bed.

"JK, lick me like you did before," he says needily. "I liked that. I want you to do it again."

"On one condition."

"What condition?"

"Don't call me JK. My name is Jungkook. I want you to say that. I'll do anything you want as long as you call me Jungkook."

A smile spreads on his face and he pulls my arms so I'm hovering above him. I thought seeing him like this could only happen in my wildest dreams, but here he is right in front of me, and it's a million times better than I could've imagined.

"OK, Jungkook, in that case I want you to do the same to me," he says, and just hearing him say my full name turns me on so badly. "I want you to call me Seokjin when we do this. No honorifics or anything. Just Seokjin. Now please lick me before I go crazy."

"Alright, Seokjin, your wish is my command."

I put my hand on his back to lift him up a bit before running my tongue over his nipple. His hand automatically goes up to the back of my head to push me closer. I leave wet kisses all the way over to his other nipple before licking that one too. He moans and I want to hear more. Much more.

I stop for a moment to make sure I have eye contact with him before I rip his pants right down the middle. He gasps and just stares at me while I easily take off the torn pieces of his pajamas. Once he's completely naked I take my chance to examine every part of his body. His waist looks tiny compared to his wide shoulders and I understand now why he tucks his dick to the right in his underwear. It's slightly crooked, but somehow I like that even more. My eyes continue lower and stop at his wet hole. He's dripping and the sheets underneath him are starting to get covered with his slick. The scent when he's not wearing anything to block it is overwhelming. I can barely contain myself. The only thing stopping me from going ballistic is that I know he's not going anywhere. He'll let me have him. 

"You're staring too much..." he says quietly.

"I can't help it when you're this beautiful."

My compliment makes him shy and I see his hole clenching, making his slick ooze out right in front of my eyes. Fuck, that's hot.

I notice that I still have the condom in my hand and I should probably put it on before I snap and fuck him without it. I tear the wrapper open and very quickly realize that I don't really know how to put it on. It shouldn't be that hard though, right? I try just rolling it on, but Seokjin reaches out and stops me.

"Wait, it's inside out," he says and takes it from me.

"O-of course. I knew that," I huff, but he just chuckles at me.

"You're cute, Jungkook. I hope you never change."

I feel myself blushing from his comment, but I can't dwell on it for very long because Seokjin starts rolling the condom on me. My breath gets caught in my throat and I don't dare to move while I stare at Seokjin's hand around my dick. His long fingers look so pretty around me and he gets the condom on without problem. Just like I expected it wasn't that difficult, I was probably just too nervous.

He lies back down and his face twitches a little. His hands press down on his stomach and I realize he must be in pain again. I run my hand over his belly and he relaxes a tiny bit.

"Could you maybe just hug me until this contraction is over?" he asks.

Who am I to say no to that? I wrap my arms around him and pull him towards me until our bodies are flushed together. He hugs me back for all he's worth and I feel his heart racing against my chest. It certainly doesn't go unnoticed to me how our dicks rub against each other. The condom reduces my ability to feel and I just hope that I'll someday be able to have sex with Seokjin without one.

After a while he lets go of me and his arms fall down to his sides. I pull back and see that he looks exhausted. Being in heat must be awful. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that.

"You good now?" I ask and run my hand though his slightly damp hair.

He takes a deep breath and nods his head.

"Yeah. Go ahead and work your magic on me. I'm ready for whatever you want to do."

What I want to do? That list is too long to be able to fit everything in one night. I'll just try my best to go easy on him since it's his first time... and also because I don't actually have any idea what I'm doing. As long as he feels good and gets knotted in the end, then I'd say I did a good job. 

I reach down and take both our dicks in my hand, effectively rubbing them together. He seems to like it, but I know I can make him feel even better. I lean forward and lick his nipple again, but this time I also take it into my mouth and suck on it, earning very loud moans from him. It's amazing hearing his lewd voice like this. I still have one ace up my nonexistent sleeve though. I take my free hand and slowly slide one finger inside of him. He arches up from the bed and his hands run up and down my back as if he's trying to grab a hold of something. I want him to leave deep scratches on my skin just so I can remind myself later that this actually happened.

"Jungkook, hurry," he whines. "I can't take this much teasing right now."

Teasing? I wasn't teasing, but OK. I let go of our dicks and I pull away a bit to look at his face when I insert another finger. He bites his plump bottom lip and his eyebrows knit together beautifully. It's very slippery inside of him and it's so incredibly warm. I quickly put in a third finger and it fits without any problem. I think he's ready.

I take out my fingers and he willingly parts his legs widely for me so I can get in between them. I'm not sure what to do with my hands, so I put them on his hips. He tilts his head to the side and looks at me with heavy lidded eyes. I can't hold back anymore. 

I place my tip at his entrance and thrust myself inside. He bites back a scream and I'm too blissed-out by the feeling of his warm walls around me to make any sound at all. He feels so good I'm scared I might come right away.

Seokjin whines and grabs my shoulders to pull me down towards him. He looks at me for a moment before kissing me. My senses are overloaded and I feel my knot swelling a little bit. I have to fuck him at least for a while before my knot comes into full action. It'd be embarrassing if I didn't.

I gently try moving my hips a bit and Seokjin whines into my mouth. I can't tell if it's because he likes it or if it's because it hurts, but either way I can't stop myself from moving a bit more. His hole clenches a bit around me when I slide out and it makes it feel even tighter when I move back in again. I groan in pleasure while Seokjin whimpers and has to stop kissing me to get some air. I keep sliding in and out at an increasing pace and his whimpers get louder and louder. I'm starting to think it's because it hurts for him, but there's no stopping me now. My instincts are taking over. It feels too good.

I lock our fingers together and press his hands down against the bed before capturing his lips again to dampen his sounds. It's something I thought I'd never want to do, but I can't stand hearing him in pain, especially when it's because of me, and it's only going to get worse. I'm about to go all out.

I try to increase the pace little by little, but eventually I end up just throwing that idea out the window and I fuck him so hard the bed slams against the wall every so often. He squeezes my hands for all he's worth and wraps his legs around my body, possibly as a sign for me to slow down. The only thing that actually makes me makes me slow down however is when I accidentally slip out of him and have to pause so I can find my way back in. It's humiliating, but I tell myself it's something that must happen all the time during sex, and not at all because I'm inexperienced. 

My knot swells faster than I want it to and it makes it harder to move. Seokjin definitely notices it too because he thrashes his head around to break away from the kiss. Once he's free I can clearly hear the mix between moaning and pained whimpering that leaves his mouth. He breaks away from my hands next and instead puts them on my back to pull me in for a strange hug. It makes me happy when I feel his nails digging into my skin. I really hope he leaves marks.

"Jungkook... please... slow down a bit. It hurts..." he pants and when I hear him say it out loud like that I have not option but to comply.

I slow down so much that I'm barely even moving at all, not that I really could move much more than this because my knot is almost fully swollen at this point.

"I'm gonna come," I say, and my voice is not at all as smooth and nice as his. I literally just sound like I'm about to come.

He nods and hugs me tighter. I pull back just enough so that I'm able to kiss him before I slam in so that I'm balls-deep inside of him for my release. My whole body tenses up and when I see white stars flashing in front of my eyes I'm a little scared I might pass out. Actually... I think I just did.  

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