Danganronpa: Sixteen Despairs...

By Rekrah_

51 13 0

Good day everyone! I, Monokuma, am back for another killing game! It's Christmas time and everyone's READY to... More

C.1 - Followers: Daily School Life
C.1 - Followers: Deadly School Life
C.2 - Two's Company: Daily School Life
C.5 - Two's Company: Deadly School Life
C.3 - Transformation: Daily School Life
C.3 - Transformation: Deadly School Life
C.4 - Accidents Happen: Daily School Life
C.4 - Accidents Happen: Deadly School Life
C.5 - The Grand 'Finale': Daily School Life
C.5 - The Grand 'Finale': Deadly School Life
C.6 - Merry Christmas: Deadly School Life


21 1 0
By Rekrah_

Exhausted, I walked outside of the school.

Suddenly, my vision blurred as green swirls took over my eyes.

It feels like something was taken from me.

There's a strange... gap in my memory.

It seems I've... forgot who the mastermind was.

I continued walking from the school, leaving behind the hellish place where all fifteen of my friends died. I was the only survivor.

But the mastermind, I forgot who it was.

Maybe now that I'm outside, someone from Ultimate Despair wiped my memory so I couldn't tell people?

Wait, how am I the only survivor?

Did... did I kill someone? Did I get away with it?

Suddenly, I collapsed.

I don't know how much time passed, but I woke up to three people.

One had a hunting rifle, one with a bow and one with a knife.

They were carrying me to a helicopter.


Man With The Hunting Rifle

Thanks for coming along with us this time. It's nice to see you both.

Man With A Knife

It's fine, how are you all over at Haven?

Man With The Hunting Rifle

It's all good. Taneki's Ultimate Researchers are really cracking down on something

Woman With A Bow

Oh really? - Wait, the survivor is awake.


W-Who are you people?

Man With A Knife

My name is Alden. The girl is Kinnie and that man is Isamu. We're here to transport you to a safe place called Haven.


We heard of a killing game going on here.


We arrived and found you on the floor. What's your name?


G-Gasho... Gasho Ena. I'm the Ultimate Reporter.


Are you the only survivor?

Gasho Ena



Kinnie and Alden are from a different base so they'll be leaving soon. We're taking you to Haven. That's where I work.


Haven? I've heard of that place before... And that name they mentioned: Taneki. It rings a bell.

The helicopter lifted off.

After a few hours, we landed at Haven.

The leader came out with a huge smile on her face. She ran up to Isamu and kissed him, then hugged Kinnie and Alden tightly.







It's wonderful to see you again Taneki.


You too! It's been over a year!


I'm glad you accepted to go on that killing game raid with us.


I'm just happy we were lucky enough to work something out. Our people don't like us wasting the helicopter's fuel.


I'm shocked you were able to find a working helicopter! I'm jealous, Haven would worship me if I got one for them!


Unfortunately, we only found one surviving Ultimate. The game was already over when we got there.


Damn it.

Gasho Ena

H-Hello. You're Taneki... right?


Yeah, that's me. I'll see you and Isamu in my office. Kinnie, Alden - it really was so lovely seeing you again. What about Lucinia? Heard from her?


She sends us emails from time to time. She seems happy.




Well, we better be going.


Okay... good luck guys.


You too.


Taneki hugged them once more as they got back on the helicopter. Taneki shouted 'Let's do this again soon!'

Taneki and Isamu lead me to her office.



You already know Isamu. He's the Ultimate Hunter/Nurse.


Well I prefer the word 'doctor' but whatever.


So yeah the Ultimate Nurse. I'm Taneki, the leader of Haven.


She's the Ultimate Lucky/Hope.


Ultimate Hope is just a-


Fact. We're both survivors of a killing game, like you. How are you feeling?

Gasho Ena

I'd rather not think about what happened.


Who was the mastermind of your killing game? The Ultimate Despairs talk about the Ultimate Leader of Despair who is conducting killing games themselves. If we find out who that is we may just be able to stop the Ultimate Despair.

Gasho Ena

I don't know. After I walked outside of the school, my memory of the mastermind just vanished.


Fuck... that must be because you knew who it was. The Ultimate Despairs didn't want you leaving with that information.

Gasho Ena

I'm sorry... I had notes but... I think I remember them being destroyed in our last... c-c-c-class... t-trial....


Are you okay?

Gasho Ena



Look... me and Isamu will introduce you to some of the other Ultimates. There are multiple hotels in Haven. You will be staying at Hotel D.


This is too surreal. I just survived the worst experience anyone could go through and now I'm in some safe space, away from Ultimate Despair?

This can't be real. This can't be sustainable.

As we explored Haven, I noticed Christmas decorations everywhere.


Gasho Ena

What's the date?


Oh! It's the 4th of December! I love Christmas, so we decided to go all out!

Gasho Ena

Christmas... work was always busy around then. I could never do real reporter work, it was always some Christmas stuff like interviewing CEOs trying to be jolly just to sell their garbage product.


You seem passionate.

Gasho Ena

I am. I want to report on real stories - get to the truth.


Maybe you'd like to join our team in finding out the leader of Despair.

Gasho Ena

I'll interview the Despairs.


That'll be helpful.


We reached Hotel D.



Hello everyone!


Fourteen Ultimates looked at her and greeted her.



I'd like you all to meet Gasho Ena: The Ultimate Reporter.

Gasho Ena

H-Hey. Does anyone have a notebook?

Gentle Voice

i sense a notebook to your left.

Gasho Ena

What? Oh- weird.


Well, I'll let you get to know everyone. Talk to me once you're done.

Gasho Ena

Do I really have to? I'd prefer some rest.


It would be best. We are trying to fight of despair after all. This Hotel is kinda dysfunctional too. A lot of arguments between a few of them, you could help with that.

Gasho Ena

Yeah. Whatever.


Good luck.


I decided to talk to the weirdo who showed me where the notebook was.


Gasho Ena

Hey. What's your name and what are you.

Gentle Voice

i am shikha yubi. I'm the ultimate psychic. i knew this day would come.

Gasho Ena

Did you now? I'm not much of a believer in psychic abilities. Actually, not at all a believer.

Shikha Yubi

that is quite fine, not everyone believes - but i assure you. it is very real owo

Gasho Ena

Yeah, okay.


She seems so sweet and innocent that it annoys me. She talks so softly, it's like some ASMR shit. I noted her down - 'Calm and possibly insane'.

Ah let's see. I'm gonna go disturb the guy peacefully listening to music through his headphones.

As I got closer, I could hear the music. How loud is he playing it?


Gasho Ena


Boy Wearing Headphones


Gasho Ena

Take out your headphones!

Boy Wearing Headphones


Gasho Ena

What were you even listening to? Sounded like some shitty dubstep.


It was! I mean, it wasn't shitty but-

Gasho Ena

Just introduce yourself.



Gasho Ena



Oh. I'm Tama Uta, the Ultimate DEEEEE JAYYYYY MAN! Want me to play you some sick beats?

Gasho Ena

If it's dubstep, no.

Tama Uta


Gasho Ena

H-How deaf are you? Music THAT loud can't be good for your ears.

Tama Uta

Heck yeah music is good with beer!


'Deaf and stupid - avoid at all costs'. This notebook is gonna be filled very fast.

Who next, maybe the lover's quarrel happening near the sofas.


Fierce Man

God damn it, you stupid bitch!

Woman In Police Outfit

Hey! You can't call me that!

Fierce Man

I can do what I want, dishwasher.

Woman In Police Outfit

If only I could just f-f-f-fUDGING arrest you! Once Ultimate Despair is over you're going to prison!

Fierce Man

I'm protected by Hope bastard. Even IF Ultimate Despair ends, I get a free pass.

Gasho Ena

Well you two are petty.

Fierce Man

Oh great, the new guy. You getting nice and cosy with us yet? I'm Kenji Monterio, the Ultimate fucking Mob Boss. Fuck with me and you're dead, got it? This crazy bitch is Rei Daijun.

Rei Daijun

The Ultimate Sheriff! You better follow the rules young man!

Kenji Monterio

You're delusional.

Gasho Ena

Well I've only said one thing but I think I've gotten quite the introduction. Thanks.


'Mob Boss: Huge asshole'.
But probably not a bad friend to have. Either way I'm just gonna stay out of his way.

'Sheriff: will probably annoy you to death if you break the rules.'
But, she's kinda hot. Her police outfit really brings out her... lower half. Too bad she's completely unbearable.

Speaking of a stupidly noticeable ass, and no not Kenji, I spot a woman with quite a large set of 'personalities'. Probably fake. They're so exaggerated that I'm not even into it.


'Big' Woman

You staring? <3

Gasho Ena

Only because they're stupid.

'Big' Woman

Hey! People looooooove these ;)

Gasho Ena

That's great. What's your name?

'Big' Woman

I'm Ume Toyo. I put the ASS in Ultimate Assistant ;) Would you like my room number too? <3

Gasho Ena

Wow you really don't give up do you? I'm not interested.

Ume Toyo

Ohhh don't you worry. I'll catch your attention some time ;)


'Stupidly sexual, constantly horny.'

Okay, Rei is hot, but this next person is beyond hot. God, please don't be a dick, please don't be a dick.


Hot Guy


Gasho Ena

Hello, how are you?

Hot Guy

I'm g-good. T-Thank you.

Gasho Ena

You gonna tell me your name?

Hot Guy

I-I'm Makuzai Orokana, the Ultimate Woodworker.


He could work my wood.


Mokuzai Orokana


Gasho Ena

Sorry I zoned out a sec.

Mokuzai Orokana


Gasho Ena

... Are you okay?

Mokuzai Orokana

... y-yeah.


'Unfortunately awkward as fuck.'

Hey, people can climb out of their shells, right?


Strict Man

God that's annoying as fuck! You remind me of the damn paparazzi!

Gasho Ena

Excuse me?? I'm not some dumb, desperate paparazzi, I'm a reporter! And what is annoying you so much?

Strict Man

The note-taking! Stop that!

Gasho Ena

And why should I?

Strict Man

It's creepy! You're gonna be living with us and you're noting shit down? Why?

Gasho Ena

Because it's how I work! What the fuck is your name and Ultimate ability so I can note it the fUCK DOWN!

Strict Man



Instead of telling me, the man stormed off.


Drunk Sounding Girl

Oh don't worry about hiiiim. He's ALWAYS like that! He's Yoshinori Leiko, the Ultimate Director. Isn't that right, Venus?

Gasho Ena

W-What? My name isn't Venus.

Drunk Sounding Girl

Huh? Oooooh no, silllyyyyyyy. Venus is my venus fly trap buddy. He's the only talking plant in the world!

Gasho Ena


Drunk Sounding Girl

Yeeeeeeeess! Listen to him! Venus, what do you think of ol Gasho, here?



Gasho Ena




Gasho Ena




Drunk Sounding Girl

Good boyyy!

Gasho Ena

He didn't say anything.

Drunk Sounding Girl

So now that you've met Venus, meet meeee! I'm Azami Bunko, the Ultimate Gardener!

Gasho Ena

Are you... under influence?

Azami Bunko

Under the influence of SOIL!


'Probably smoked some of the plants she's been gardening.'

Okay my ears are bursting, I'm gonna go shut up that screaming girl talking to that very annoyed looking guy.


Screaming Girl


Annoyed Looking Guy

Peesa, can weh not do thees? It joost happens to be that you language is th onlee one I cannot speek that well. I can speek everery other language well.

Gasho Ena

EVERY other language? That's pretty impressive, besides, your English isn't THAT bad either. It's still understandable, how do you remember how to speak all those different languages?

Annoyed Looking Guy

Beecus I amm the Ulteemat Foreign Exchangge Stoodant. I've been to undreds of schools throoout the world!

Gasho Ena

Hundreds of schools? Did that not get lonely?

Ultimate Foreign Exchange Student

I was ablee to keep in tooch with the ones I liek. And I'm sure I am goong to liek yoo. My name is Hiroki Erity.

Screaming Girl

Aaaaaand MY NAME ISSS Satoko Nani! I'm the Ultimate Matchmaker and I can already tell you got a little soft spot for TWO of us!

Hiroki Erity

How cann yoo possiblee even knoww that?

Satoko Nani

Because it's my Ultimate Talent! I won't say who to avoid embarrassing you.

Gasho Ena

Yeah I'll test your skills some other time. Wow, I thought you two would be the most annoying but you actually seem to be the most interesting.


'Exchange Student: Really cool talent, seems like a great person.'

'Matchmaker: Interesting, I want to find out how she knows what she knows.'

I then spotted two girls. One was using a sewing machine whilst the other was... talking to her about her favourite dog's personality?


Animal Lover

And he's sooooo cute! He's a border collie who may be a little dumb at times but he's very loyal and protective! And he. Has. Got. Floof.

Sewing Machine Girl

I know exactly what to make!


After a couple more seconds of sewing, the girl stopped and took out a wonderfully made wooly coat with a black paw on the back of it. The coat was small, assuming it's for the dog it would make sense. It looked like a biker's jacket.


Animal Lover


Gasho Ena

That looks pretty cool actually.

Sewing Machine Girl

Oh hi! Sorry, when I'm sewing I really get in the zone! I didn't notice you!

Animal Lover

Oh hah, it's the same when I'm talking about my animals! I'm Torena Ineko, the Ultimate Animal Trainer!

Sewing Machine Girl

And I'm Shishu Shizu, the Ultimate Embroiderer.

Gasho Ena

How many animals do you train?

Torena Ineko

Too many to count! I train all sorts of animals from dogs, cats, birds, lions, elephants. You name it; I train it!

Shishu Shizu

That should be your advertisement motto!

Torena Ineko

You're so right! Look at us working together!

Cheerful Girl

Who woulda thought? Not me!

Gasho Ena


Cheerful Girl

Oh, I'm just walking around! Trying to join in on conversations!

Gasho Ena

Isn't that a little... rude?

Cheerful Girl

Oh really? I'm sorry! I just want to brighten your day!

Gasho Ena

Are you the Ultimate Nuisance?

Cheerful Girl

W-WHA? Man... You're not very nice. I'm Tori... Tori Hiroyuki. I'm the Ultimate Comedian!

Gasho Ena

Tell me a joke.

Tori Hiroyuki

Not being able to be nice...

Gasho Ena

Wasn't funny.

Tori Hiroyuki

I'm not using my good ones on you! I- Uh- Sorry! Let's just be friends!

Gasho Ena



'Animal Trainer: has trained fucking lions, probably scary.'

'Embroiderer: seems harmless, just wants to make stuff.'

'Comedian: annoying but, I guess she really does just want to keep the mood up.'

Last and probably least, the token emo. Well, he doesn't look emo, he's just by himself and seems to be ignoring everyone. Time to bother him! Hah, I'm such a hypocrite.


Gasho Ena



Hi. You're the new one joining our hotel, right?

Gasho Ena

That's me, the Ultimate Reporter.


Wonderful. I've always been quite fond of reporters. They help me get the information I need.

Gasho Ena

Oh really?


Yeah. I'm the Ultimate Criminologist. My name is Akihiro Daisuke.

Gasho Ena

Criminologist? That must have been a handy talent to have during the... the...

Akihiro Daisuke

PTSD, huh?

Gasho Ena

I can't be the only one... right?

Akihiro Daisuke

You're definitely not. Others just have a better way of controlling it or, well, hiding it.

Gasho Ena

Thing is... I was the... o-only survivor of mine... But my memory of how I escaped was wiped. I don't know if I k-killed my friends or...

Akihiro Daisuke

That doesn't matter. You're alive now.


'Criminologist: Seems like a very intelligent and smart person, a good ally.'


Rei Daijun

Are we talking about the killing games?

Gasho Ena


Azami Bunko

There's some prettyyyyy sad ones out there. The Ultimate Botanist Michi was killed... I really looked up to that guy. Didn't I, Venus?

Yoshinori Leiko

Well I doubt you guys saw your close friend get killed! The Ultimate Movie Star Brock was killed by some French bitch! I cast him in so many of my movies...

Gasho Ena

M-Michi rings a bell, I don't know what happened during th-that g-g-game but... I know G-Goman was apart of it. I k-knew him.


Okay guys that's enough. We don't need to dwell on the killing games, okay?

High Pitched Voice

Puhuhu! Are you suuuure about that my old friend, Taneki?


Suddenly, my head started aching. I grabbed it in agonising pain and fell to the ground. That fucking voice!


Kenji Monterio

What the fuck is going on, Taneki? We all know that voice! This is a safe place! A safe fucking place!


Sit down you piece of shit, we're on it.




Just then, a wall fell from the ceiling made of glass, separating us from Taneki and Isamu. I got up and ran to the wall.


Gasho Ena

Taneki you bitch! YOU HEAR ME??


Y-Yes! I don't know what's going on! This shouldn't be happening!


Isamu pulled out his hunting rifle and shot at the glass wall - completely unbreakable.



The fuck?

Gasho Ena

You took me here just to get me trapped in another fucking killing game?!


Gasho, please!

Gasho Ena

'Ultimate Hope' my fucking ass!

Tori Hiroyuki

Gasho! Guys! I'm sure this is just a glitch or something!

Shikha Yubi

i sense a great danger - taneki, isamu, behind you.


Taneki and Isamu turned around to see a bunch of Ultimate Despairs flooding in with... that... fucking... bear.



Puhu! Long time no see guys!


Taneki, I'm going to have to shoot these.


Isamu, no! We can't just kill them!


You haven't seen what's out there, Taneki! They aren't people!


With that, Isamu aimed the rifle at one of the Despairs and shot. Blood squirting out of their neck. Another Despair pulled out a pistol and shot Isamu twice in the side.





She ran up to his body, lying on the ground.





I said keep them alive dammit!


Save him!


Then, the glass wall was covered and Monokuma appeared on our side.



Don't worry! They can still see us, we just can't see or hear them!

Tama Uta


Akihiro Daisuke

Gasho, are you okay?

Gasho Ena

... g-wa-d-b-a-w-r-v-a-s-d-

Kenji Monterio

You made him sound like fucking Hiroki!

Hiroki Erity

Screw yoo, there's biggr prooblems now!

Mokuzai Orokana

This has gotta be a joke, right?

Ume Toyo

Whoever is controlling Monokuma, why don't you get down and dirty with me instead of trying to kill me ;)


What an offer! But no! Hello everyone! I know you're all familiar with me! Oh Rei, you didn't hurt a single soul but you followed every one of my rules! Torena! I'm still scared of that tiger you had! I'm sorry for killing it.

Torena Ineko

I hate you!


Puhuhu! With that attitude, I take back my apology! Oh my is that Akihiro!

Akihiro Daisuke

Don't you talk to me.


You solved every case! You were the one that figured out who your mastermind was! But unfortunately for Taneki, that mastermind wasn't the Leader of Despair. But here's the plot twist bomb! The Leader of Despair is one of you!

Gasho Ena

S-So, whoever YOU are... you're the one w-who... wiped my memory... BECAUSE I KNEW WHO IT WAS!


Indeed, indeed!

Gasho Ena


Satoko Nani

Now, now! He could be bluffing!


Puhuhu! Well, let's all cut to the chase! You all know the rules. You've all been in a killing game, you know what to do and what not to do. It is currently the 4th of December! This killing game will be wrapped up on Christmas day! And by that I mean, if there's no winner then I'll just kill you all on Christmas!

Tama Uta



Woo! After that, I need a break! You all talk about what just happened whilst I get myself a drink!

Gasho Ena

Fuck this.

Azami Bunko

What are we gonna dooooo? Venus, tell meeee!

Shishu Shizu

A killing game. Monokuma. Not to mention we're surrounded by Ultimate Despair.

Satoko Nani

More importantly, is Isamu okay??

Shikha Yubi

he seems to be breathing... for now úwú

Kenji Monterio

You creepy fucking bitch.

Yoshinori Leiko

For once I agree with the hard man with daddy issues. What a stupid cliffhanger.

Kenji Monterio

The fuck did you just say about me?


Haha! What the FUCK just happened?

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