The Step brother! || h.s

By Emma_OneDirection_01

252K 4.6K 704

Lily Jackson is a 16 year old girl and she gets bullied every day by a 18 year old boy named Harry Styles. H... More

Ch.2 another day at school Aka Hell
Ch.3 Movies with dad!
Ch.4 oh hell no
Ch.5 another day at School
Ch.6 Netfix with Niall
Ch.7 Dinner with my bully
Ch.8 clubbing with Niall
Ch.9 I cant believe what happening
Ch.10 im sorry
Ch.11 church with Niall
Ch.12 leave me alone
Ch.13 dinner and Suprise
Ch.15 Apologize
Ch.15 gasp!
Ch.16 Wedding!!
Ch.17 2 weeks alone
Ch.18 night alone with Harry
Ch.19 OMG Thankyou!!
Ch.20 Alone and Lazy Day!
Ch.21 Starbucks! And jealousy!
Ch.22 Date night!!!
Ch.23 shopping with Niall
Ch.24 The Truth
Ch.25 Meeting Eleanor
Ch.26 Prank
Ch.27 Prank Wars and victory!!
Ch.28 Are you asking me out on a date Styles?
Ch.29 Telling mom and dad
Ch.30 The Boys Concert!!
Ch.31 Where am I?
Ch.32 Rescued
Ch.33 Going home
Ch.34 food fight
Ch.35 Oh my God!!
Ch.36 I could treat you better.
Ch.37 family night
Ch.39 Plane ride
Ch.40 the special concert!
Ch.41 wedding Dress shopping!
Ch.42 Wedding!!!
Ch.43 Epoilgue
50k guys!!!!!
I was 13 when I made this.

Ch.38 Tour?!?

2.4K 57 1
By Emma_OneDirection_01


The boys are over at the house again and so is the girls and I don't know why but louis spoke up and said "you are probably wondering we are here we just wanted to tell you something" "okay tell me" they all smiled and said "we are going on tour!!" "OMG!! This so so cool!" "Yeah and you get to go with us!!" Harry said and I got up and hugged him and then I said "Thankyou guys! This will be fun!" "Yeah more girl time" Eleanor said "yeah!!"
I replied and I said "so when are we leaving?" "Tomorrow" "what!! I gotta go pack!!" "Okay I will help you!" Perrie and Eleanor and Sophia said.

We were packing and we were almost done and Eleanor said "oh I bought you something" she pulled out a black bra and patching panties and I said "oh hell no I'm not bring those" "you will need them" "no I won't!" Eleanor gave me a 'yes you will look ' and put them
In and
I zipped up my 6 suitcases. "Thankyou guys so much I can't wait!" "Me either!"
The girls said and then they left and I went back downstairs and harry was there I said "I'm all packed and tired can we go to bed" "yeah babe we go a big day a head of us" "okay!"

We got inside the bed and harry put his arm around me and pulled me close and said "I love you Lily" "I love you too harry"

Then I went to sleep and I can't wait for tomorrow.

Hey I hope y'all liked it!!


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