Is it right? UNBELIEVABLE ||...

By fangkeyyyyy

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[complete] [victon fanfiction] Main Characters: Subin x Seungwoo Support Characters: Seungsik, Chan, Sejun, H... More



738 33 2
By fangkeyyyyy

Half of the Sunday passes by with Subin sleeping in till the afternoon. He wakes up to his roommate laying on his stomach playing game, with the sound on. It is not that the sound of the game disturbs Subin's sleep, but he wakes and jumps up from the bed, blaming the older for not waiting for him to start playing the game. Sejun laughs and rolls onto his back, eyes still focused on his game screen. Subin rolls his eyes and goes to grab himself a sandwich from the kitchen. Seungsik makes sure to have more than enough food for the dorm, as usual. Soon, Subin quickly joins Sejun back in the room on the game.

When the two finally have their phone batteries almost flat, it is already the evening and almost time for dinner. In their chat, they receive a text from Seungsik saying he is out and unable to prepare dinner for the crowd. Sejun then suggests that the two go outside to get their stomachs filled, which Subin agrees to. They walk a bit out of the dorm, leaving their charging phones back in their room. While they are out on the street in front of the school, they decide to settle for a jjimdak restaurant nearby.

The duo chat about school and their days while having dinner.

"So... How's everything with Naeun now?"

Sejun asks slowly and softly, and he lifts his eyes from his bowl a bit to check on Subin's expression as he asks. Subin only shrugs and pauses for a while.

"I guess it's the end for us. I haven't seen her since the last time she said to take a break. And, we haven't texted either."

"Just like this? No proper ending?"

"Maybe that's it. We didn't actually have a proper starting too. We just started going out since everyone kinda wanted us to. At least that's how I think it was."

"Do you feel bad or anything?"

"Surprising enough, I'm pretty much okay right now. Or maybe I feel better than before. I get more time and I feel more productive these days."

Subin recalls that he is currently ahead in his studies, and he may even ace all his subjects this semester. Sejun smiles as he sees Subin gets excited at talking about school. Subin also talks about his tennis club and the members, and how the new member turns out to be his teaching assistant in one class. And this new member is a really handsome guy with a nice build.

"Oh? There's such a person around?" Sejun questions when Subin starts to go on and on about Seungwoo.

"Yes yes! You won't even believe it when you see him. I didn't at first. I thought his shoulders were really nice. And then when I got to talk to him, he's actually approachable. Though he's actually my teacher. But he's all that!"

Sejun just smiles and listens when Subin talks about how Seungwoo is as a person. It is almost the first time he sees Subin so excited when talking about a man. Very interesting. Or surprising. Sejun thought it is quite odd for Subin to think of a guy like that. But he shrugs off the idea as soon as it forms, thinking Subin may just be looking up to an older man as a role model.

"Wanna get some dessert?" Sejun asks when the two finishes their meal.

"Yes of course!"

The older does not need to ask further, and leads the way to the nearest convenient store. They both have stayed together long enough to know that their favorite way of getting dessert is at the convenient store, since it is the cheapest and tasty enough. They go straight to the fridge section, and Sejun picks up a strawberry cake. Subin also picks up a small mochi dessert, with three flavors that are in different colors. During warmer days, the boys in the dorm like to grab ice cream as after meal snack from the convenient stores. Now that the days are much colder, it is safer to get desserts like cakes or just sweets, just so the cold outside does not get unbearable.

The two quickly get back to their dorm as the sky gets darker and the temperature drops exponentially. Back at their dorm, they settle in the small living area to finish the desserts before bringing out some school work to complete. Subin enjoys how he had already finished his soon due project, and a couple of other assignments. He wraps up his night early, and goes to wash up and prepare for bed.

When he is all wrapped up in his blanket against the wall on his bed, Sejun pops back into their room after he call it quits on whatever subject he is studying.

"Anyway, Suub... When time allows, let me meet that Seungwoo guy you were talking about?" Sejun is careful when he says, he does not want Subin to become suspicious about anything. Though they have been living together for almost two semesters, they study different majors, and are in different year. They have their own groups of friends, and they never seem to care more about each other's circle of friends.

"Well... We'll see about that; though he's friendly, but he's still my teacher. I don't want to be accused of bribing my teacher." Subin jokes, and shrugs it off, and curls into a ball, while hugging his bolster.

"Cool then. Goodnight!" Sejun goes to turn off the lights before heading out the room.

Subin then falls asleep. He sleeps so heavily that he does not even know if Sejun ever come back to the room that night, or he spent the night out like he usually does. The next morning, Subin wakes really energetic for a Monday morning.

Seungsik sees through the maknae immediately as he comes out of his room humming in the morning. Seungsik had pre-packed some kimbap into aluminum foils for everyone in the dorm to bring out. He predicts that everyone will be rushing around on the first day of the week.

Though ahead of time, Subin still grabs a kimbap and left the house quickly after washing up. But his cheerful smile definitely says otherwise about him being in a rush. He wants to get to school on time, if not early, to get a good seat in class. After all, it is the first class of the week. And it is a class taught by Seungwoo. He does not want to miss out a single bit of the class.

When Subin walks into the class, some of his classmates have already been there and seated all ready for class. Most of them are not bothered by the arrival of a classmate, but a few girls at the corner of the class stop their chatter for a while, and look toward the door as it opens. One of the girls even smiles at Subin, but she did not get a response as Subin is too busy glancing through the class for a good seat. He chooses the front row seat that is on the side that is nearer to the lecturer's desk. And he casually opens up his packed kimbap, and starts munching on it.

Just one minute before the class official start time, Seungwoo walks in. He is surprised as he is greeted by a smiling Subin on the first row, right in front of his desk. He sets up his laptop and mouths "You're early" to Subin, to which Subin sits straight and returns a few brow-lifts. Subin is proud to be punctual for his Monday morning class. And he is prouder to have Seungwoo notice his change.

For the first time in this class, Subin is not in a daze, but attentively listening and participating in class. Seungwoo comments positively whenever a student speaks up in class, and he does no different to Subin. Subin's good spirit becomes even better with a few compliments from Seungwoo, but he remains attentive to the rest of the class, he tries hard not to get distracted by the man standing in front of him. Each time he feels like his mind has drifted to lala land, he pinches himself on his thigh. Though he cannot even reach his flesh over the thick layers of clothing, but the action alone helps Subin bring his attention back onto taking notes for the class.

After class, for the first time, Subin stays behind to gather around Seungwoo with a few other students to ask questions. He seems to be politely letting others go first with their questions, but little did they know he is just trying to stay back for a longer time, just to steal more glances at the tall man. He gains a lot from the short session after class, and also gets his questions answered from the class. He never does this, because he always gets distracted during class, either texting or just day dreaming. But in this class, he can confidently say he has taken in and digested up to eighty percent of the content. This also explains why he has queries that needs to be answered after class. Subin is finally the last student left in class, and he packs up together with Seungwoo, and the two leaves the classroom together.

"Want to get some lunch?" It is almost lunch time when the class ends, and Seungwoo is heading to the cafeteria.

"Nope! Or even if I am we cannot be eating together! Remember I said I don't want to be thought to be bribing my teacher!" Subin laughs.

"Your excuse to not eat or go out with me is getting boring, think of a new one." Seungwoo shrugs and laughs as he teases.

"Not excuses, just truth." Subin scrunches his face altogether before talking a few steps forward of his teacher, "I'm off! See you at tennis!" He bows before skipping off in the direction of the library.

Seungwoo smiles, in a very fatherly manner as he watches the younger male speed off into another building. Adorable. He can only find one word to describe the boy he sees disappearing. The last smiling face of Subin clearly remains in his mind. And it may remain this way for the rest of the day.

The rest of the week is especially productive for Subin. It may be because he has a great start to the week, or it may just be his determination has overpowered his laziness. But he is glad for himself being this way. He can soon start revising for his final exams and look forward for his holidays.

Finally, the last period of the day ends for Subin and he sneaks out in a flash as soon as the class ends. When he walks out of the changing room, he sees a familiar figure approaching from the end of the corridor. Seungwoo's here. He contains his excitement in within, and bows with a big wide smile as Seungwoo comes near.

"Hey! Early for class, and now even early for tennis?" Seungwoo teases.

"Well it happens that my class ended early before this," Subin pretends to act fine, though he feels the blood pressure building up inside, making his heart pump more furiously. He then says briefly, "see you on court!" The boy then disappears into the path to the court.

Subin reaches early on court. But since it is outdoors, and the temperature is dropping, he feels a little cold. Subin starts to jog the perimeter of the court to warm himself up. Soon, someone joins his warm up session. The person is tall, and his presence itself warms Subin a great lot. Seungwoo does not say much, and just smiles at the surprised Subin. Subin gets a hold of himself quickly and the two continue with their jog. In a little bit the tennis members all gather and their official practice soon starts.

During rotations when Subin gets a break and sits on the bench, his eyes always find their way to lock gaze on the court Seungwoo is on. Thoguh Seungwoo has long limbs, his moves are fast and swift, hiding a tiny bit of gracefulness. Subin finds enjoyment in watching Seungwoo play tennis, and he likes it especially when Seungwoo scores.

Before he realizes, the tennis training has come to an end. Subin complains in his mind that time passes too quickly. He tries to drag out time spent with the tennis members as long as he can but he knows he has to rush off for work soon. After saying goodbye when he has maxed out his stay to chat with the members, and Seungwoo, Subin rushes off to the café.

His high spirits continue to show on his face and his actions. Even if Subin gets busy as soon as he reaches the café, he shows no signs of tiredness. Opposite to the expected behavior, Seungjun observes that Subin is pretty cheerful the whole night.
"What's up with you today Suub? Something good happened?" Seungjun finally asks when the business quietens down as it is approaching closing time.

The question catches Subin off-guard. He does not know exactly what happened to himself, but he knows for sure he is in really good mood the whole day.

"Nothing exactly happened, hyung. Why do you ask?"

"You just seem really happy even though it should be an exhausting day for you."

"Maybe, I've just been looking forward to today the whole week. And today is a good day!" Subin says without much extra thoughts while he cleans the tables."

"So something good happened today indeed huh?"

"I was just looking forward to play tennis!"

"Tennis? Don't you have that every week? Something special with it today?"

"Just..." Because Seungwoo is on the tennis team. Subin does not complete his reply, but smiles.

"Alright, keep it to yourself." Seungjun chuckles as he disappears into the kitchen.

It is not that Subin does not know, but the short chat has pin pointed the fact that Subin's good mood is definitely connected to Seungwoo in one way or another. It is also not that Subin wants to deny it, but he has just yet admitted it to himself inside his mind. Because Seungwoo is on the tennis team. Subin is reminded of his previous reasoning once again. Is that right? Subin questions the thought. Not in the way to deny it, but he does not know if it is the full reason. Or is it because Seungwoo...? Subin is unable to complete this thought. There are too many things that Seungwoo does, that can lift his mood. When Seungwoo stands in class, when he teases, when he smiles, when he walks, when he plays tennis and when their eyes meet. Maybe it's this or that, maybe all... Subin remains silent while they clean up for closing. But he does not realize, the corner of his lips are slightly curved, upwards in a positive manner.


Sorry this part took really long to come. But I did publish a one-shot in the mean time. (And more one-shots to come!)
This chapter kind of swayed from my previous planned chapter, I got distracted trying to bring Sejun to the light. And it dragged too long that I cannot write the main thing that should happen this chapter, so it's gonna be in the next. But we can see Subin is kinda catching on his feelings. ;)

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