Love is a complicated thing.

By MorganSamone8

12.7K 335 40

Rachel has always been certain she would make it to Broadway. Certain that she is a vegan. Certain that she l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Not an update
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author understandings
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

452 14 2
By MorganSamone8

Rachel laughed when she saw Mike hanging around outside trying to look in inconspicuous. It was obviously clear that he was waiting for someone. She just deliberately walked in front of him so that he would follow her out to her car.  As soon as she made it to her car the passenger side opened and the Asian got in. "So what are we going to do tonight? I feel like hitting up the fight club or maybe we could go see the stars and drink ourselves to death until we're silly or maybe we-" Rachel cut of his rambling with her hand. "I can't do any of those things. At least not tonight anyway." Mike whined, "Why? I mean come on I feel like getting into something tonight." Rachel waved off his childish remark. "The unholy trinity asked me to come over for a sleepover at Brittany's tonight. It was a chance I couldn't and can't pass up mike." Mike quickly switched over to being serious at that and then sighed loudly. "Rachel, what in the hell makes you think that this is a good idea? I mean they have been cruel to you for all these years and your just jumping at the chance for this supposed sleepover." Rachel turned and looked at the tall boy. "Mike I appreciate the concern, but I want them. I want them and I will have them. Regardless of the past this is a new start of me just being me. Plus if it is a prank then I'll back off but my intuition is telling me other wise."

Mike just looked at her for a couple of minutes. "Fine, I believe you but don't think that I am not sympathetic to your feelings. They can not possibly just change over night. So be on guard and I will be at Tina's if you need me." Rachel laughed "Of course Mikey! You aren't telling me anything I do not already know." With that said the dancer slid out of the car and made his way back to the school to find his girlfriend. As soon as the door shut Rachel let out a breath, "Well that was close. Now I just have to get my stuff packed and head to Brittany's house." After that was said the tiny brunette pulled out of the school parking lot.

Meanwhile the unholy trinity were trying their hardest not to panic. Quinn kept checking her make up, Santana kept switching pajamas, and Brittany couldn't decide what type of style her hair should be in.  In the end Brittany was the one to calm every one down. "Guys we really shouldn't be panicking like this. I mean it's just going to be a sleep over not a date." Santana replied," I know Britt but I want to be in my most sexiest pajamas so she can see what will soon be hers." Then Quinn jumped in " And I want her to think I'm pretty." The tall blonde sighed in frustration" But San you are already sexy and Quinn you have had boys kill to be with you, so why don't we all just chill out. We don't even know if Rachel will want to see us like that, it actually might make her uncomfortable to see us come on to her so strong." Before she could say more her phone started ringing.

Running to her bed she picked up the call, "Hi this is Brittany! How can I help you?" Rachel smiled from her side of the phone. "It's uh me Britt. I wanted to ask what house is yours again." Brittany let out a breath before deciding to put her on speaker. Hey Rachel are you already in my neighborhood or..." Rachel chuckled from the other line, "No, I'm just getting in my car I couldn't decide what to wear over so I just brought two pairs of pajamas with me. If that is alright of course?" Brittany raised her eyebrow at her other two companions. Santana and Quinn looked at each other before shrugging and turned back to the conversation. "No that's cool Rachel but I will tell you again." The blonde dancer preceded to tell Rachel the address in great detail before hanging up.

"Well she said that she should be here in ten to fifteen minutes. Apparently she doesn't live that far. Quinn just raised her signature eyebrow at that while Santana was just curious to know where Rachel does live. The three girls then went downstairs to set up board games and movies for the night. Quinn soon went into the Kitchen to start cooking. Not to long after the door bell rang. Quinn wanted to get it but she had to watch the food. Brittany and Santana were having a staring contest before it was decided that Brittany should be the one to do it. As soon as Britt opened the door all's she could think was "Holy Shit".

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