She's A Fighter

By raevynsagale

2.8M 87.3K 18K

(SAF IS BEING EDITED) I was kidnapped when I was 8 years old. Taken from my home. From my family. From everyt... More

Chapter 1-Last Fight
Chapter 2-My Escape
Chapter 3-Home
Chapter 4-21 Questions? More like 50.
Chapter 5-School?
Chapter 6-A Run In With An Old Friend
Chapter 7-Barely Holding On
Chapter 8-One Step At A Time
Chapter 9-I Can Take Care Of Myself
Chapter 11-Friday Fight Night
Chapter 12-She Can Fight?
Chapter 13-Unexpected
Chapter 14-Back to Normal
Chapter 15-To The Stars And Back
Chapter 16-An Invite
Chapter 17-Getting Back To My Roots
Chapter 18-Done Running
Chapter 19-Party Time
Chapter 20-Betrayal
Chapter 21-It All Comes Out
Chapter 22-Fight It
Chapter 23-The Rain
Chapter 24-Cleaning Up Old Wounds
Chapter 25-Luke
Chapter 26-I Hate Hospitals
Chapter 27-Dr.Winster
Chapter 28-Apologies
Chapter 29-The Truth and A Goodbye Kiss
Chapter 30-Go Get Him!
Chapter 31-What. The. Hell.
Chapter 32-Jason
Chapter 33-Savage
Chapter 34-A Life For A Life
Chapter 35-Skylar
Chapter 36- Once Was And Always Will Be

Chapter 10-Reminiscing

80.9K 2.6K 683
By raevynsagale

I stepped out of the car and closed the door. I walked onto the sidewalk, a smile still lingering on my face. I couldn't help it. This park, was special to me. Still is. After all these years, I can't believe I forgot about the one place where I felt safe. When I was here I felt like I had nothing to worry about, I was just a carefree little kid, running around with her best friend. 

Jason stood next to me but I didn't look at him, my eyes glued to the park. I walked forward, going towards the swings. That was my favorite in the park. After that it was the slide. Man I haven't been on a slide in so long, it felt like forever. I walked onto the sand and touched the swing, memories flooding my head. I could feel Jason somewhere behind me. 

"Do you remember when I fell off the swing, and right before I hit the ground, you caught me," My smile got bigger. "I had the biggest rush of adrenaline running through me and I didn't know if I should cry or if I should be happy that you caught me. So i just laughed." And there was something else I wanted to tell him-like how that kiss we had was the best- but I wasn't sure If i should. I know I was only eight when this happened but, I felt safe. But we were kids then, full of emotions. 

Now it was different. I shook my head, trying not to ruin my mood. 

Jason chuckled and walked over to the swing next to me. We sat down. "Yeah I remember. I was playing with your brother and for some reason I looked over at you, and I don't know, i kind of knew or got this feeling like you were about to fall. And i remember feeling like I didn't want that to happen, so I ran before you actually fell back, and then I caught you." Jason smiled. 

I pushed my feet on the ground and started to swing slowly back and forth. "I never did thank you for that did I?" I asked, smiling at Jason. 

He shook his head. "No, you were too busy laughing. Then you ran to Jazz." 

"Oh. Well thanks." I said, looking at the sand. 

"It was no biggy. I'll always be there to catch you when you fall." Jason said, his tone serious.

I turned my head towards him but he was looking straight ahead, his face serious. I don't know why, but I felt something inside of me jump at his words. I couldn't explain it but it felt...nice. Like the wind blowing, his words were calming. We sat in silence for a moment and my eyes shifted to the slides and I smiled again and soon, started laughing lightly. 

"That's a beautiful sound." Jason said. 

I stopped abruptly and turned to him, ignoring his comment. "Do you remember that saturday on the slides? When we were playing with the kids from our block." 

He smiled. "How could I forget?" 

Heat rose to my cheeks and I turned away from him, looking at the slides again. That was probably the best day of my life when I was younger. We played spin the bottle on the bouncing bridge with everyone and when it landed on me and Jason well, let's just say we kept good on our promise. We walked to the top of the slides and slid down together while we kissed. Weird I know, but I thought it was cute. And like I said, that was my first real best kiss ever. I know some girls and guys like to forget about those embarrassing moments from their childhood but I wouldn't. 

My eyes wondered over to a tree near the slides. I squinted to try and focus my vision on what was on the tree. 

"What is that?" I asked, getting up. 

I walked forward, my eyes on the tree. I heard Jason shuffle behind me. 

"What's what?" He asked. 

We were already on the sidewalk, out of the sand and walking to the tree where something was carved in it. 

"That on the tree." I mumbled.

We were about five feet away and suddenly Jason was in front of me, blocking the tree. 

"Its nothing." He said quickly. 

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him questioningly. "Jason?"

"We should probably go. It's kind of getting cold, don't you think?" He asked, trying to change teh subject. I was not budging. 

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him. "Why don't you move out of the way." I said calmly. 

"You didn't say please." He smirked. 

I rolled my eyes. "Can you move out of the way. Please." 

He thought for a moment. "No." 

I gaped at him. "Jason Mathew Jones, if you do not get out of the way I-"

'You'll what?" He smirked. "I'm twice your size babe." He said proudly. 

"So, what's that supposed to mean?" I asked incredulously. 

He leaned back on the tree and crossed his arms over his chest, still smirking. "I can take you, very easily." 

I looked at him for a moment, contemplating beating his ass until he moves or just giving up. But then again, I don't give up that easily. And evil smile crept up on my face and I decided on a bold move. I dropped my hands and walked two steps forward, slowly. Jason's smirk faded slowly as I walked a couple of more steps towards him. His eyes widened when I stood right in front of him. I laid my hands gently on his forearms and then slid them up his broad chest, my eyes never leaving his. He seemed to shiver under my touch but didn't move away. I wrapped my hands around his neck, pressing myself into him. His hands slid and snaked around my waist, holding me. But his breathing was erratic. He was looking down at me, something strong that I couldn't decipher in his eyes. Inch by inch, i brought my face closer to his. When our noses were almost touching, he closed his eyes and I slowly brought my lips to his ear, skimming them on his cheek before. His hands on my back scrunched up my shirt, pressing me to him more and more. For some strange reason, this felt good. Felt really, really good. Something I haven't felt in a long time. But I couldn't let myself get distracted. 

"Can you take this?" I whispered in his ear seductively. He shuddered lightly and I smiled when something similar to a growl and a moan escaped his lips. 

I don't know what possessed me to be like this, maybe the challenge from him and the fact that i love a good challenge because I've been in one my whole life? I don't know. But the more heated this was getting, the more confused and out of focus everything was becoming. I had to act quick. 

"What about this?" I asked and in a flash I brought my knee up and suddenly he was on the floor groaning. 

I smirked and shook my head. Times like this, i feel sorry for guys because the most sensitive and weak parts of them, is their manhood. While Jason was on his knees groaning in pain, I looked up at the tree. 

There, carved  on the tree was a big J+S. The smile dropped from my face and my eyebrows pulled together. J+S. Jason plus Skylar? No. No way. It can't be. Can it? I mean, it could stand for anything or anyone right? But the way Jason was earlier, trying to hide it, confusion and denial filled me. I backed up, not wanting to see this anymore. It was stupid to come here. 

"Take me home." I said and walked towards Jason's car.

I heard footsteps behind but the movement was a little off. 

"Sky wait." Jason said, a little breathless. 

He must still be in pain. Good. 

"It's not what you think." Jason said. 

We were already by his car, on the sidewalk so I stopped and turned to him, my expression impassive. 

"Then tell me what I'm thinking, because right now, I don't even know what to think." I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest. 

He stepped towards me and winced a little. I must have kneed him really hard. A part of me was feeling very guilty I did that. 

He sighed. "Its stands for James and Samantha."


"You probably don't remember them but they were some kids from your block. They dated in middle school and Samantha wrote on the tree the initials of their first names. Apparently, that was the thing to do back then." Jason said and rolled his eyes. 

"Oh." I said in a small voice. I ran my fingers through my hair as we stood in an awkward silence. 

"Well, this is awkward." I said. 

He scratched the back of his head, his eyebrows pulling together. He looked like he was in deep in thought but then he laughed lightly and humorlessly. "Yea. Awkward." 

"We should get going. I have tons of homework." I said, walking to the passenger side. 

Jason unlocked his car and I hopped in, mentally slapping myself for making a big thing out of nothing. I jumped to conclusions. There was no way that J and S meant Jason and Skylar. Thank God because I honestly don't know what I would have done if that's what it meant. I wouldn't even know how to feel. That's just....weird. Impossible. And besides, I'm unlovable. Unworthy. Jason deserves better than me. 

Jason hopped in and winced again. I bit my lip,feeling guilty I kneed him for nothing. 

"Sorry for, you know. Kneeing you." I said shyly. 

He stuck the key in the ignition and started the car. He turned to me with a small smile. "Its cool. No blood no foul." He said. 

I nodded and turned forward. My life's been all about blood and invisible chains. 

We were driving in silence for majority of the ride. Then we pulled up at my house and he put the car in park. I opened the door.

"Thanks for taking me to the park. It was....nice." I said slowly. 

I was halfway out the car when Jason told me to wait.

"Whats up?"

"Can I ask you something?" He said in a small voice. 

"Shoot." I mumbled. 

"Just out of curiosity, what if it was our names on that tree. Would you have reacted the same way you did today?" He asked. 

My eyes widened at his sudden question and I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. Dammit. Help?

"Hey, where the hell were you guys?" I heard Luke's voice from behind me and I jumped a little. 

"Um, I should go." I said and quickly got out of the car and walked past Luke and into the house. 

I nodded to my mom and dad who were sitting on the couch cuddling and ran up to my room. Right when I got in, I shut the door and leaned up against it and slid down. The room felt like it was spinning and something loud was pounding in my chest. It was annoying and i was already hating it. Damn! I need to work out. 

I quickly got dressed in sweats an old t-shirt and I was out, heading to the gym. My mind was beyond trying to distinguish my thoughts. If felt like there were relay racers running around my whole head in circles and I didn't know who the hell to root for. Damn that Jason Jones for making me feel this....whatever it is. I hated it's unfamiliar traits. 

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