Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Ma...

By YourMother72

209K 3.6K 2.4K

Anakin Skywalker has been best friends with Jedi Knight (Y/N) (L/N) ever since he joined the Jedi Order. Now... More

I- Cat and Mouse
II- The Hidden Enemy
III- Battle of Christophsis (Part 1)
IV- Battle of Christophsis (Part 2)
V- Assault on Teth
VII- Escape to Tatooine
VIII- Returning the Huttlet
IX- Ambush
X- Rising Malevolence
XI- Shadow of Malevolence
XII- Destroy Malevolence
XIII- Rookies
XIV- Downfall of a Droid
XV- Duel of the Droids
XVI- Cloak of Darkness
XVII- Lair of Grievous
XVIII- Dooku Captured
XIX- The Gungan General
XX- Jedi Crash
XXI- Defenders of Peace
XXII- Trespass
XXIII- Blue Shadow Virus
XXIV- Mystery of a Thousand Moons
XXV- Storm Over Ryloth
XXVI- Innocents of Ryloth
XXVII- Liberty on Ryloth
XXVIII- Holocron Heist
XXIX- Cargo of Doom
XXX- Children of the Force
XXXI- Bounty Hunters
XXXII- The Zillo Beast
XXXIII- The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
XXXIV- Duel on Coruscant
XXXV- Weapons Factory
XXXVI- Legacy of Terror
XXXVII- Grievous Intrigue
XXXVIII- Investigating
XXXIX- Voyage of Temptation
XL- Death Trap
XLI- R2 Come Home

VI- Duel in the Monastery

5.7K 120 73
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(L/C): Lightsaber Color (try not to use red but whatever!:))
(H/C): Hair Color
(S/T): Skin Tone
(F/F): Favorite Food
(F/D): Favorite Drink
(H/L): Hair Length
(E/C): Eye Color

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Narrator: A galaxy divided! Striking swiftly after the Battle of Geonosis, Count Dooku's droid army has seized control of the major hyperspace lanes, separating the Republic from the majority of its clone army. With few clones available, the Jedi generals cannot gain a foothold in the Outer Rim, as more and more planets choose to join Dooku's Separatists. While the Jedi are occupied fighting a war, no one is left to keep the peace. Chaos and crime spread, and the innocent become victims in a lawless galaxy. Crime lord Jabba the Hutt's son has been kidnapped by a rival band of pirates. Desperate to save his son, Jabba puts out a call for help. A call the Jedi are cautious to answer...

On the landing balcony of the B'omarr monk monastery on Teth, clone troopers were walking around and making sure that no more battle droids were around. Rex was leading them.

Clone: No sign of any more droids, Captain.

Rex: All right, Sergeant. <to comlink> General Skywalker, the castle is secure, and it's nearly midday.

In the monastery, (Y/N) and Anakin were watching Adrian and Ahsoka playing with Rotta the Huttlet.

Anakin: <to comlink> Thanks, Rex. We've got Jabba's son. Any sign of General Kenobi yet?

Rex: <comlink> No, sir.

Ahsoka: Master, my Jedi training didn't prepare me for this. <looks at Rotta> What are we gonna do?

(Y/N): Someone has to carry the Huttlet to the landing platform.

Adrian: Not it.

Ahsoka: Who's going to carry it?

Anakin: Well, since you think that smelly larva is cute, you're gonna carry it.

(Y/N): All of you are rude. Why are you calling the Huttlet "it"? He is a male, remember?

Anakin rolled his eyes and left the prison cell. Ahsoka looked at Rotta, who started whining.

The four of them walked out of the monastery just as Obi-Wan arrived on the Republic cruiser just above Teth. Ahsoka was carrying Rotta.

Anakin: How do you like your little buddy now? Still cute?

Ahsoka: You know, he's reminding me of you more and more.

She held Rotta, who looked at Anakin, smiled and lifted his arms.

Ahsoka: See? You're two of a kind.

(Y/N) and Adrian laughed.

Adrian: <laughing> General Skywalker has a twin, now!

Anakin: <to Ahsoka> Maybe you should carry both of us then.

(Y/N): Don't be weird, Anakin.

Ahsoka looked at Rotta, who started whining and coughing.

Ahsoka: Master, I think this little guy is sick. He's burning up with a fever.

(Y/N) put a hand on Rotta's head.

(Y/N): She's right, Anakin. We've got to get him back to the ship immediately.

Anakin: <to a Clone> Trooper! Get me a backpack!

As the four Jedi struggled to get the wailing Huttlet into a backpack, Ventress and 4-A7 watched them from afar. 4-A7 was recording the scene.

Ahsoka: Will you just let me do it?

(Y/N): No, let me.

Adrian: I can do it better than all of you!

Anakin: I hate Hutts.

Ventress walked into a dark room and contacted Count Dooku on a hologram.

Ventress: My lord, I have the recording you requested.

Dooku: <hologram> Transmit it at once. Your new objective is to recover the Hutt.

Ventress: And deliver him to Jabba's unharmed?

Dooku: Precisely. Do not fail me.

On Tatooine, Dooku showed the hologram of the four Jedi attempting to put Rotta into a bag. However, to Jabba, it looked like they were planning on killing Rotta.

Anakin: <hologram> I hate Hutts.

Everyone in the room gasped.

Dooku: As you can see, it is the Jedi who have your son and are plotting against you.

Jabba: <Huttese>

Dooku: My droid army has already initiated a rescue. Rest assured, mighty Jabba, your son will be saved.

Jabba: <Huttese>

TC-70: Mighty Jabba wishes to know what you ask in return.

Dooku: Perhaps you will consider joining our struggle against the Republic.

Back on Teth, the four Jedi were talking to Obi-Wan on a hologram.

Obi-Wan: <hologram> Anakin, did you locate Jabba's son?

Anakin: We have him, but it looks like the Separatists are behind his abduction.

(Y/N): This smells like Count Dooku to me.

Ahsoka: <holding Rotta in the backpack> I think it's little Stinky you smell.

Adrian: Yeah. Why don't you give him a bath, Ahsoka?

Ahsoka: Ew, no. By the way, do Hutts even take baths.

Adrian: That's a good question. How does Jabba take a bath? Or is that why he smells bad all of the time?

Anakin: Focus, you two.

Obi-Wan: <hologram> I'll bet Dooku is using us to get Jabba to join the Separatists.

Ahsoka: Master Kenobi, we have another problem. This Huttlet is very sick.

(Y/N): If he continues to get worse, I'm not so sure we can get him back to Tatooine alive.

Adrian: How did he even get sick in the first place.

(Y/N): Well, the Separatists don't really give their prisoners medicine, don't you think?

Anakin: This whole rescue may backfire on us. I still don't think dealing with the Hutts is a good idea.

Obi-Wan: <hologram> Anakin, you know they control shipping routes in the Outer Rim. Jabba's cooperation is crucial to the war effort. If you let anything happen to his son, our chances of a treaty with him will disappear.

Suddenly, Separatist droid ships enter Teth's atmosphere.

Ahsoka: Master? We've got trouble!

Rex: <to Clones> Defensive positions!

Adrian: Great. Just what we needed.

Obi-Wan: <hologram> Anakin?

Anakin: We'll have to call you back, Master. We're under attack. We could use a little help here if you have the time.

Obi-Wan: <hologram> I'll get there as soon as I can. Protect the Hutt, Anakin.

Vulture droids began to shoot at the clone troopers and the Jedi. (Y/N), Adrian, and Anakin activated their lightsabers to block the lasers.

The clones shot back at the droids. However, spider droids and super battle droids landed on the landing platform and began to march over to where the Jedi were.

Clone: We've got spiders inbound!

R2-D2 jumped out of Anakin's ship just as it got blown up.

(Y/N): We have to get inside!

On the landing platform, Ventress oversaw the battle droids marching out of the Separatist ship.

Anakin turned to Ahsoka, who still held Rotta.

Anakin: Get inside!

Ahsoka ran to the entrance with R2 following her. The droids then destroyed one of the Republic walkers.

(Y/N): Fall back!

The three Jedi backed towards the entrance deflecting the droids' lasers. The clones also ran to the entrance.

Clone: Fall back! Fall back!

Everyone made it inside just as the gate closed. The droids stopped shooting as Ventress walked over to the closed gate.

Battle Droid: Mistress, the Jedi have barricaded themselves inside the main vault.

Ventress: They have nowhere to run.

Inside the monastery, Anakin was talking to Rex.

Anakin: Captain, we'll stay here until General Kenobi arrives with reinforcements.

Anakin turned and saw Ahsoka glaring at Anakin.

Anakin: What?

Ahsoka: Master, do you honestly think we can hold them off? We've got to find a way out of here.

(Y/N): Our mandate is to protect the Hutt, Ahsoka.

Anakin: Exactly, so that's what we're going to do.

Ahsoka: Our mandate was to get this Hutt back to Tatooine, and time is running out.

Adrian: She's got a point.

Anakin: I suppose you have a plan.

Ahsoka: <looking at R2> Yes, or I think so, R2 willing.

(Y/N): I'm sure R2 is willing. It's not like he's going to have a choice. <winks at R2>

R2 started beeping.

Anakin: All right, Snips. I'll trust you on this one. <turning to Rex> Captain, hold them here as long as you can.

Rex: Will do, sir. <to clones> You heard the General! Get ready to turn those clankers into scrap metal!

The four Jedi and R2 left the clones and walked into the throne room of the palace. R2 found a switch and began to work with it.

Ahsoka: If there's a way out of here, Artooie will find it.

(Y/N): Artooie? Giving people nicknames already, Ahsoka?

Ahsoka: Yes. What nickname should I give you?

(Y/N): How about Incubus?

Adrian: You have to be joking.

(Y/N): <laughing> Of course it's a joke, Adrian. <whispering> Maybe.

Anakin: <rolling his eyes; looks at R2> Make it quick.

Adrian: <sitting on the throne> I don't know about you, but I could use some time to rest.

(Y/N): That's sounds like a plan. <sits on the throne>

Anakin: <looks at Rotta, who is asleep in the backpack> Finall asleep, huh? <to Ahsoka> Put him down. Get some rest yourself. It's been a long day for you, little one.

Anakin sits down next to (Y/N).

Ahsoka: I can hold him, Master. I'm not tired.

Anakin: Okay, suit yourself. I don't see why you won't just listen to me.

Ahsoka: I do listen to you, Master. I just don't like being treated like a youngling.

Anakin: You must have patience. What are you trying to prove anyway?

Ahsoka: That I'm not too young to be your Padawan.

(Y/N) and Adrian just looked at them, awkwardly.

(Y/N): <whispering to Adrian> I feel like we should've gone with Obi-Wan. I feel like I'm just here and not doing anything important.

Adrian: <whispering to (Y/N)> That's exactly how I feel.

Anakin: <standing up> Ahsoka, a very wise Jedi once said, "Nothing happens by accident." It is the will of the Force that you are at my side.

(Y/N): <interrupting> Very inspiring, Anakin. And I'll give you even more praise for quoting Qui-Gon Jinn.

Anakin: <smirking at (Y/N), then turning back to Ahsoka> I just want to keep you there in one piece.

Ahsoka looked at Anakin and put the backpack down. Suddenly, there heard a rumble. The droids had broken through the gate!

Adrian: That sounded bad.

R2-D2 began to beep and showed the Jedi a map of the monastery with a red light showing a landing platform at the back of the monastery.

Ahsoka: A backdoor landing platform!

Anakin: We'll call for a gunship when we get there. Lead the way, R2.

(Y/N) and Adrian got up. Anakin began to walk but noticed that Rotta wasn't in the backpack.

Anakin: Guys, wait. Where's Stinky?

Ahsoka: You told me to put him down!

Anakin: Yes, but maybe you could have put him down where you could watch him.

Ahsoka: I did, but the rumble kind of distracted—

(Y/N): <interrupting> Oh, for the love of— just find the damn thing!

The four Jedi heard whining coming from under the throne. Anakin looked under it and saw Rotta trying to slither away.

Anakin: <grabbing Rotta and pulling him out> Come outta there, you grubby little slug.

Rotta started squealing as Anakin put him in the backpack which was on Ahsoka's back already.

Anakin: Let's see you get away this time.

Adrian: Can we finally go now?

Suddenly, Rex's voice was heard coming from Anakin's comlink.

Rex: <comlink> Anakin, come in.

(Y/N)/Ahsoka: "Anakin"?

Rex: <comlink> We've held the droids, sir.

Anakin: That's not like Rex.

Rex: <comlink> What is your location.

Adrian: Ventress.

Ahsoka: Dooku's assassin?

(Y/N): She must've used a mind trick on Rex.

Anakin: She's here to kill the Hutt. Come on.

As they all tried to run out of the throne room, Ventress and a few droids blocked their path.

The four Jedi ignited their lightsabers. Ventress did the same as she slowly walked towards them.

Ventress: Master Skywalker, Master (L/N), and young Adrian, I've been so looking forward to another encounter with you. <notices Ahsoka> Skywalker, I see you've found yourself a pet.

Anakin: <to Ahsoka> Careful, she bites.

Ahsoka: I'm no pet!

Ventress: Just give me the Hutt, Skywalker. I'll finish you first, that way you won't have to watch your silly youngling die.

(Y/N): I feel like I'm being forgotten here, Ventress.

Ventress: Should I make the same offer to you? I know you don't want to see Adrian fall before my blade.

Adrian: You're delusional if you think that I'm going to be killed by you!

Unknown to everyone, R2 went back to the switch and activated the trapdoor that everyone was standing on. The four Jedi, Ventress, and the droids all fell into the Rancor pit. R2 followed them.

The four Jedi landed in the pit first, followed by Ventress and her droids. She leapt at them, lightsabers ready.

Anakin: Ahsoka, Adrian! The droids!

Anakin and (Y/N) ignited their lightsabers and clashed with Ventress, while Adrian and Ahsoka ran towards the droids.

(Y/N): It's nice to duel you again, sweetheart.

Ventress: I feel the same way. It'll hurt my heart to ruin that handsome face of your's.

(Y/N): That's sweet of you, Ventress.

The two Jedi jumped away from Ventress. (Y/N) used the Force on her, pushing the assassin over to Anakin, who clashed blades with her.

Anakin: Surrender now and save yourself the humiliation.

Ventress jumped away from Anakin and landed behind (Y/N).

Ventress: I've learned much since we last met. Allow me to show you.

She connected her two lightsabers together. She swung it around and leapt at (Y/N). He swung his blade as well, locking blades with her.

Meanwhile, Adrian destroyed a few droids, while Ahsoka was busy deflecting their blasts.

Ahsoka sliced one battle droid's gun in half.

Battle Droid: Hey!

Ahsoka sliced the droid in half as Adrian destroyed two super battle droids.

(Y/N) avoided an attack by Ventress and locked blades with her again.

(Y/N): That's a nice trick you've learned. Now I want one.

Ventress: Then allow me to end you with this blade.

Anakin ran up to them and helped (Y/N) push back Ventress. Anakin pushed her back even more, allowing (Y/N) to kick Ventress's lightsabers, separating them. Anakin then knocked one out of her hands.

(Y/N): Oops. You dropped something.

Ventress grinned and used the Force to push Anakin and (Y/N) to the ground. Anakin's lightsaber flew out of his hand and rolled away.

Ventress walked over to Anakin and held her lightsaber over him. (Y/N) looked and tried to get up.

Ventress: <to Anakin> Prepare to join with the Force, Jedi.

Suddenly, Rotta squealed as Ahsoka and Adrian ran up to Ventress and locked blades with her.

Adrian: Not so fast.

Ventress: You act much like your master, my dear.

She turned and kicked Adrian into Ahsoka as (Y/N) got up and charged at Ventress. They clashed.

(Y/N): Are you ready to give up?

Ventress: Not yet.

Ahsoka ran towards Ventress again. Ventress used the Force to bring her other lightsaber back to her. She ignited it and fought both Ahsoka and (Y/N) at the same time.

Meanwhile, Anakin grabbed his lightsaber and rushed to Ventress as well. Adrian followed. Soon, all four of them were dueling Ventress.

Anakin: You're outnumbered, Ventress. I think you should give up.

Ventress didn't respond. She closed her eyes and shouted. She began to spin around with her lightsabers pushing back the four Jedi. She kicked Anakin into (Y/N) and narrowly missed Ahsoka's head. Ahsoka ducked backwards, causing Rotta to fall out of the backpack.

Ahsoka: Stinky!

She rushed over to Rotta as Anakin locked blades with Ventress.

Anakin: <to Ahsoka> We'll handle her. Get the Huttlet out of here.

Ahsoka picked up Rotta.

Ahsoka: Easy for you to say.

(Y/N) and Adrian joined Anakin. They fought Ventress, pushing her back a little.

Ahsoka ran over to where two buttons were. She pushed the bottom one, causing a gate next to her to open.

Ahsoka: Oops.

A flawed hand grabbed the open door and soon a Rancor came out of the gate!

Ahsoka: Oh, not good!

The Rancor walked over to the three Jedi and Ventress. They all looked at it.

(Y/N): You have got to be kidding me.

Adrian: How is that thing still alive? Who has been feeding it?!

The Rancor looked at them and roared. It reared its head at them. They all jumped out of the way.

Anakin moves just as it tried to stomp on him.

Ventress ran to (Y/N) and fought him as they avoided the Rancor's attacks. Anakin joined (Y/N).

One of the Rancor's attacks hit (Y/N), causing him to fly into the wall.

Anakin: (Y/N)!!

Adrian ran over to (Y/N) as Ventress continued dueling Anakin. They jumped onto the Rancor's back to avoid its attacks.

The Rancor started to move towards (Y/N) and Adrian until it heard Rotta's cries. It turned towards Ahsoka and glared at her.

Ahsoka: Quiet, Stinky. We're in trouble here.

The Rancor walked over to Ahsoka, while Anakin and Ventress were fighting on its back.

Ahsoka: Oh, boy.

Anakin noticed the Rancor looking at Ahsoka, so he slashed its back, causing the Rancor to grunt in pain. The Rancor bit at its back, narrowing missing Anakin.

(Y/N) got up and ran towards the Rancor along with Adrian. Suddenly, droids started to shoot at the Jedi from above.

Battle Droid: Fire!

The Jedi deflected the lasers, sending them back at the droids that shot it, destroying them.

(Y/N) jumped onto the Rancor's back, helping Anakin fight Ventress. Adrian kept on deflecting the droids' lasers.

The Rancor stomped next to Ahsoka. She ignited her lightsaber and stabbed the monster in the foot. It roared in pain and leaned backwards, causing Anakin, (Y/N), and Ventress to fall off its back.

The Rancor kicked Ahsoka, sending her flying back with Rotta still in her arms. The Rancor stomped over to Ahsoka.

Adrian ran and joined Anakin and (Y/N) as they continued to duel Ventress. (Y/N) kicked Ventress backwards, causing her to stumble a little while R2 destroyed the last battle droid, by sending it falling to its death.

The Rancor tried to chomp at Ahsoka, but she used her lightsaber to stab it in the nose. The Rancor cried out and grabbed its nose. It stumbled backward and fell on top of Ventress.

The Jedi put away their lightsabers and ran over to Ahsoka and Rotta. Ahsoka put Rotta back into the backpack.

Anakin: Let me take the slug for a while.

Ahsoka handed him the Huttlet.

Ahsoka: Be careful, Master. He's not feeling well.

Anakin: He'll be fine.

Rotta suddenly threw up, narrowly missing Anakin.

Anakin: Ugh!

(Y/N): That's just disgusting.

Adrian laughed.

Ahsoka: I'll bet he's feeling better now.

Anakin: <to R2-D2> Come on, R2!

R2 joined the four Jedi, and they ran out of the pit.

Suddenly, the Rancor felt something stab its behind, causing it to jump up. Ventress put away her lightsaber and ran after the Jedi and R2.

The Jedi and R2 ran into the backdoor landing platform. Anakin got out his comlink.

Anakin: <into comlink> Skywalker to air support, mark my position. I need a medical ship immediately.

Clone Pilot: <comlink> Acknowledged, General. I'm on my way.

Rotta grumbled a bit. Ahsoka put her hand on Rotta's head.

Ahsoka: Hang in there, Stinky. We'll have you fixed up real soon.

(Y/N): I can't wait to leave this monastery.

Ahsoka: You know, Skyguy, that wasn't so difficult.

Anakin: We're not out of this, yet.

Adrian: Don't jinx us, Ahsoka. Now probably a vulture droid is going to come and shoot down the gunship.

The gunship arrived and landed on the platform. There were a few clones on the ship. The Jedi and R2 began to walk towards it.

(Y/N): We'll get the Huttlet here to the docks on the transport.

Anakin: Then we're coming back to Rex.

Clone: Come on, hurry! Hurry!

Suddenly, a vulture droid came out of nowhere.

Anakin: Wait!

The vulture droid shot at the gunship, destroying it.

Adrian: Me and my big mouth!

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