Angel With A Shotgun (Walking...

By Monstermasha

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Everything’s food for something else. Humanity has been on top of the food chain for their entire existence... More

Angel With A Shotgun (Walking Dead Fanfic)
Chapter 1: Welcome To The Apocalypse
Chapter Two: A Whole Other World
Chapter Three: Hansel and Gretel
Chapter Four: Mrs Hood
Chapter Five: Atlanta
Chapter Six: Rory
Chapter Seven: 2 Hours, 0 walkers, 3 deer and God knows how many squirrels
Chapter Nine: The Super Nanny of the Apocalypse
Chapter Ten: Helping out Glenn
Chapter Eleven: Geeks and More Geeks
Chapter Twelve: Everything's Good.....Over
Chapter Thirteen: One small victory at a time, right?
Chapter Fourteen: Just Breathe Honey
Chapter Fifteen: Damage Control
Chapter Sixteen: Typical Daryl, Not Typical Daryl
Chapter 17: The Aftermath
Chapter Eighteen: Light of Hope
Chapter Nineteen: Never Have I Ever
Chapter Twenty: Boxed up
Chapter 21: Volviendo a los vatos
Chapter 22: The Scar
Chapter 23: Hoodies and Sweatshirts
Chapter 24: Nice Lectures
Chapter 25: What next....or rather who next?
Chapter 26: The healing hands
Chapter 27: Day Three
Chapter 28: Awkward
Chapter 29: Stuff
Chapter 30: The Silence Said It All
Chapter 31: Man periods
Chapter 32: Our Broken Moral Compass
Chapter 33: Words left unfinished
Chapter 34: Gone

Chapter Eight: 'Mr Howa- Shane, I mean Shane'

17.3K 411 46
By Monstermasha

Hey guys, 

I think this is my first Authors Note on this story...yay?

Anyway, I just wanted to apologise for how sucky this chapter is. It's a filler chapter because I don't feel like skipping heck loads of time at once is a wise choice to be honest.... ( Ah! The Walking Dead 3X01 was so awesome right? So much walker action, loved it so much but can't even talk about it to anyone since the only friend I have who watches it is still one season 2...)

Oh yeah, also thanks for reading, adding to your reading lists, votes, comments and just the overall support...keep doing what your doing pretty please ;P I honestly appreiciate it so much :)

Love Tasha  

(P.S: I know it's short :O Sorry)

Chapter Eight

'Mr Howa- Shane, I mean Shane'

▬ Third Person- No one’s P.O.V ▬

     “Damn. How come you get all the action little brother?”

     Electra looked straight ahead as her and Daryl strided back into camp after their hunting trip. Electra had learned by now that the only way to deal with Merle was to ignore him altogether. She would give anything to punch him or throw him some witty retort but she bit her tongue. She wasn’t a person who had much hate in her despite her back story but she could safely say she hated Merle, his poor attempts of seducing her, his sexist & racist comments and the way he looked at her.

     “Shut up Merle,” Daryl snapped stopping near his brother whilst Electra kept on walking straight ahead and further into camp. 

     “Squirrel, yum,” Electra stopped walking and turned her head to see Andrea who was leant up against a tree with her arms crossed across her chest. Slowly, Electra looked down at the dead squirrels she was holding before slamming them down on the green plastic table and approaching Andrea.

      “Not appetizing I know, but we’ve only been here fourteen days and we’re already running out of food. Sure Glenn’s not back from the city yet but there was barely any food the last time he went, never mind now,” she said level headedly. “Daryl says squirrels better than nothing and I can’t say I disagree,” she told her.

     “I honestly don’t know how you put up with him,” Andrea commented looking over her shoulder, Electra followed the blondes eye line to the two brothers who were conversing over by the plastic green table which she had put her squirrels on.

     “Which one?” Electra asked before sighing and turning her gaze away from the two brothers and back to the blonde who she talking too.

     “Daryl,” she stated simply. “He is the one who you go out into the woods with all the time,” Andrea said as if it were oblivious who she were talking about. 

     “We don’t talk very often and when we do it’s usually something along the lines of ‘I’ll take this one, you take the other one’,” Electra shrugged. “He’s good at hunting and tracking. Good hunting partners were hard to find in the pre-apocalyptic world, never mind this one,” Electra stated. “Plus he doesn’t look at me as if I were the prey, unlike his brother,” she spat.

     “I think every heterosexual male here looks at you like that,” Andrea said causing both of Electra’s eyebrows to shoot skyward. “You are ridiculously attractive Electra, anyone with eyes can see that…’cept maybe Daryl but then again he is related to Merle meaning he is extremely thick-”


     “But then again he does wear a sign which practically screams ‘I am a virgin’….” Andrea wondered causing Electra to stifle a laugh. “Basically all the other guys have respect for women whereas Merle does not- ergo him trying to get you into his bed at all costs,” she said causing Electra to fiddle with her nails as a faint blush rose to her cheeks. “Anyway, how did England look before you left?”

     “Fantastic,” Electra smiled at her. “Never thought I’d miss it so much, I could give anything to be back there,” Electra admitted. “Funny thing is I even miss the whole doom and gloom thing it had going on, I feel as if I’m burning up all the time here,” 

     “Wait, wait, hold up a second,” Andrea said confused at what she was hearing. “When you left England was normal. No infection? No walkers?” Andrea asked in disbelief causing Electra to return her eyes up to Andrea’s, now she was in shock and confusion. 

     “Of course it was normal when I left,” she stated, looking at Andrea as if she had lost her mind. “The infection broke out while I was on the plane,” Electra stated.

     “No,” Andrea said bluntly. “The epidemic broke out seventeen days ago whilst you were on the plane to Georgia. The actual infection broke out thirty one days ago,” she broke the news to her. 

     “Thirty one days ago?” Electra gasped. “It broke- what? Are you freaking kidding me? And they just let people in and out of the country? They let it spread?” she interrogated. “There was nothing! No news reports, no nothing! How the hell did they manage that?!” Electra demanded in a rage. 

     “The wonder of the government and military,” Andrea sighed whilst Electra took a second to calm herself down. “Amy has this idea that this is a consequence of some sort of government experiment gone wrong. I personally have no clue what it is. D’ya have any theories of how it started?”

     “Naw,” she shook her head. “I’m more interested of any cures not the cause,” Electra stated coldly placing her hand onto her hips. 

     “I hear ya,” Andrea agreed. “How’s ya girl taking all this?” she inquired out of concern rather than curiosity whilst looking over Electra’s shoulder to see Stacie talking to Daryl.

     “Not my girl,” Electra sighed. “Her parents were out of the country when all this happened, workaholics working abroad my guess is. “Stacie’s strong, I’ll give her that, not much seems to be fazing her- she’s positive. The reason I love kids,” Electra explained.

     “I’m sorry, I keep forgetting. She looks a hell of a lot like you, and you’re really good with kids ya know. She thinks the world of you, Carl and Sophia too,” she stated. “Were you a mom….?” Andrea asked, treading carefully. There was no way in hell she wanted to force anyone to talk of anything too personal, everyone had lost so many people.  

     “Don’t worry about any sobs stories cause the only family I had left is here in this camp,” Electra assured her. “Never had any kids,” she stated. 

     “Haven’t found the right man?”

      “Something like that….”

     Electra wasn’t lying to Andrea, she had never had kids and she had never found a guy who she wanted to have kids with but the fact that she could no longer have kids didn’t help the situation. She fanned herself with her hand yet again feeling the awful Georgia heat. 

     “But we can’t eat them!”

     Daryl ignored Stacie’s protests and began to untie the squirrels lying on the green table which he and Electra had caught this morning. ‘God, this kid needs to get over it’ he thought to himself as he began to prepare a squirrel. 

     “Hey,” Electra greeted as she and Andrea approached the pair. Stacie perked up at the sight of her whereas Daryl chose to ignore it. “What’s up?” she questioned looking at Stacie. 

     “Daryl said we have to eat the squirrels!” Stacie squeaked expecting Electra to support her side of the argument. “But we can’t eat them! They had friends, a fam-” Stacie argued after Electra’s silence. 

     “Listen city girl,” Daryl turned around to face Stacie. “You ever eaten meat? Pork? Fish? Beef? Chicken?” he quizzed her walking towards her slowly. 


     “Don’t y’all think that all the pigs, fish, cows and chickens had friends and families? You ate them,” Daryl retorted. “Squirrels aint no different and we can’t afford to be picky at a time like this kiddo,” Daryl stated before Stacie looked up at Electra to see her input. 

     “Daryl’s right Stace,”

     “Of course I am,” Daryl said straight after the words popped out of her mouth. “I’m always right,” he insisted before turning around to deal with the squirrels. As he turned Electra mimicked him extremely well causing Andrea and Stacie to stifle a giggle. 

     The sound of an engine caused Electra, Andrea, Stacie and every survivor in sight- Daryl the exception-  turned their heads in the direction of the noise seeing Shane’s 1987 Jeep Wrangler pulling up into camp. Automatically a select few of them sprinted over towards the vehicle as Glenn stepped out of it. 

     “Oh thank God,” Electra exclaimed speeding over to Glenn and throwing her arms around him feeling the same sensation she had always felt when he came back- pure relief. 

     “Nice to see you to Electra,” Glenn chuckled wrapping his arms around her softly for an instant before they broke out of the hug. “Hey,” 

     “Watcha get this time buddy?” Shane asked Glenn smacking him on the back. 

     “Not too much,” Glenn frowned going over to the trunk and opening it. “Bagged a few meds, toiletries, clothes and drinks,” Glenn stated searching through the trunk. 

     “Any food?” a quiet man named Jim questioned attempting to get a clear view of the stuff in the trunk. Electra couldn’t help but to look at him in shock- out of the fourteen days they had been here she hadn’t once heard him talk to anyone, or talk at all to be honest.

     “No,” Glenn frowned. “Walkers were all over the grocery store- couldn’t find a way around them. But to be honest there would probably no point anyway seeing as there was so little food last time,” 

     “Maybe next time you could take a group with you?” Thea suggested in a small voice as she approached the group timidly. 

     “That’s not a bad idea, thanks for the suggestion Thea,” Shane smiled at Thea causing her to smile back happily feeling useful. “What d’ya think Glenn? Could help with collecting the bigger stuff,” 

     “Maybe, but it would have to be a select few and I’d wait maybe another week or so?” Glenn shrugged coolly, not wanting to just bluntly shoot down the suggestion.     

     “Get my stuff?” Merle Dixon demanded sauntering over to the group with his usual arrogant smirk plastered on his dirty face, his eyes accusing and set on Glenn. Sighing, Glenn searched through the trunk before grabbing the packets of cigars before throwing it to Merle. 

     “Hey,” Electra complained squinting her eyes at the whole scene. “You can’t just bully people into getting what you want!” she spat. “Glenn risks his life going out there to go get us supplies, not your weekly shopping,” Electra  glared at him causing a grin to appear on Merle’s face. 

     “Mmmmm,” he stepped forwards cocking his head to the side and examining Electra. “And what you gonna do about it , sugar tits?” Merle snarled. 

     “What the hell did ya just call my sister?” Shane demanded with a furious expression on his face, closing the space in between himself and the pair.


     “You heard,” he snapped back at him “You wanna fight, ass hole?” Merle chuckled at Shane’s expression as he began to get closer to him. In a course of seconds Shane was charging at Merle. 

     “Woaaaah,” Electra ran in between Shane and Merle at the precise moment T-Dog and Glenn intervened the fight pulling Shane backwards. “STOP!” Electra roared at them both. “Please,” she looked at Shane and place her hand on his chest. By now everyone in camp was witnessing the scene, Lori and Carl in particular. Sighing, Shane stepped down. “Thank you,” Electra whispered to him as Glenn and T-Dog stepped back as well. “Can I have a word….in private?” she asked Shane jerking her head over to the left. 

     “Sure thing,” Shane said casually straightening his shirt before he walked with her a little into the forest so they were away from prying eyes. “Yes I know, I lost my cool. But you honestly can’t expect me to just stand by and let someone talk to you like that,” 

     “You’re our leader,” Electra stated coolly. “Leaders lead by example, getting all pissed and starting fights isn’t exactly the look you should be going for,” she laughed. “But that’s not what I wanted to talk about…” she dug her hands into her pockets. “What’s goin’ on with you and Lori?” 

     “What….what are you talking abou-?” 

     “Oh pleeease,” Electra cut him off. “Remember Mrs Kelly, I smelled that out the second after it happened,” she flicked her hair over her shoulder. “You can’t lie to me Shane, never have been able too, never will be able too. You should know that,”

     “Fine….we had sex,” Shane stated. “She initiated it, I couldn’t push her away. I- She’s my friend, her husband’s dead….I know I should feel guilty about the whole sex thing but I honestly don’t I-” he stammered through his explanation. “I think I actually am attracted to her, I’ve never felt like this about any chick before…”

     “Mmmmm,” Electra nodded trying to refrain from saying ‘Aweeeee’. If she knew anything about her brother, she knew that he had never cared for women much. “Doesn’t it feel better to let it all out Shane?” she put on a patronizing voice and made huge hand gestures.

     “Shut up,” he playfully shoved her as she did him. “You always did do a good Mr Howard impersonation,” Shane chuckled.

     “I could have been an actress,” Electra agreed ‘arrogantly’ nodding her head whilst tapping her lips with her fingertip thoughtfully.

     “Or maybe his personality rubbed up on you after all those years of-” Shane started to tease before Electra’s jaw dropped and she shoved him a little harder. “What? I was just saying…” he said innocently before he grinned at her a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. 

     “Now you come to mention it… you do kind of look a bit like him. You got that whole potbelly business going on, you could be bros,” she said before tiptoeing. “And you’re already balding, who knows? Next year you could be his clone,” she inspected his head. 

     “Shut up Ellie,” 

     “Yes Mr Howard Sir,”

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