A Bit of Warm Comfort (A True...

Per wisedec4u

938 74 17

Follows after Season 2 finale then AU. Tara is grieving over Egg's death. Sam is there to give her the love a... Més

Chapter 1 - Warm Comfort
Chapter 2 - Hot Fury
Chapter 3 - Dark Fantasies
Chapter 4 - A Simple Plan
Chapter 5 - Strange Behavior
Chapter 7 - Talk to Me
Chapter 8 - Catch a Detective By the Toe
Chapter 9 - Truth or Die
Chapter 10 - King of the Beast / Epilogue

Chapter 6 - Puppet on a String

101 7 4
Per wisedec4u

Tara stared up at the red neon sign that read "Fangtasia" in big fancy letters over the dimly lit nightclub.

Jesus Christ! Could they have picked a cheesier name?

Tara had no problem finding Eric Northman's place of business. Once she arrived in Shreveport, which was approximately a forty-five minute drive from Bon Temps, she pulled into a gas station and asked the clerk where she could find the nearest vampire bar. Fangtasia happened to be the only one in town and was a big draw for many tourists visiting the area.

Techno bass filtered outside through the open entrance. A tall blonde woman, clad in a black leather corset and long flowing skirt, stood as gatekeeper at the tinted-glass double doors. Her hair was pulled back in an elegant chignon and her lips were painted a bright red. Tara waited patiently behind a gay couple dressed in atypical goth-vamp gear: black leather, spiked collars, and dark makeup. One of the men, a bit on the pudgy side, actually had on a pair of strategically ripped fishnet stockings. Something her cousin Lafayette, wouldn't be caught dead wearing.

When it was Tara's turn to enter, the blonde woman eyed her with open interest.

"My, my," she said, looking Tara up and down. "Aren't you a hot little number?" The woman gave her a sardonic grin, revealing white, slightly elongated canines.

Tara nervously fidgeted with her hair. It was swept into an updo hairstyle with a few braids hanging loosely to frame her carefully made-up face. Considering the predatory look in the vampire's eyes, Tara was now wishing she'd wore her hair down to conceal what this vamp probably considered serious neck cleavage.

"I-Is Eric Northman here?" Tara stammered, trying to regain her composure. "I need to speak with him right away."

"You and every other fangbanger here. I'm sorry, honey, but Eric's busy. You'll just have to wait like the rest of them."

"My name's not 'honey.' It's Tara Thornton from Bon Temps, and I have important information for your boss. Something that could seriously affect his business, and I don't mean in a good way."

"Fangtasia is quite profitable as you can see, and we operate everything on the up and up."

"I ain't talking about Fangtasia," she said. "I'm talking about his other business."

The woman gave her a long, appraising stare. "You do look familiar," she said finally, then sniffed the air in front of her. "You smell familiar, too."

Tara didn't know what to say to that.

A flash of recognition appeared in the woman's unnaturally blue eyes. "You're Sookie's friend, aren't you? The bartender at Merlotte's?"

"Yes," Tara answered cautiously.

"I assume you know Lafayette?" the blonde vampire asked.

"He's my cousin."

"Interesting. And how is my pretty little pet?"

"Your pet?" Tara asked with a raised eyebrow. The vampire smirked. "Lafayette is so adorable. I wanted to keep him for my own, but Eric wouldn't allow me. He thought your cousin was too valuable for what I had in mind."Her grin grew wider, giving Tara an unobstructed view of her sharp fangs. "It's a pity. I could've had a lot of fun with that one," she said.

Tara frowned. This bitch is really starting to piss me off.

"Last time I checked it was illegal to own people."

"So I've heard."

"Look, I drove all the way from Bon Temps to talk to the vampire who owns this bar, and I ain't leaving 'til I do."

The woman gave her another thoughtful look. "Perhaps Eric will make an exception since you are a close personal friend of Sookie's and kin to our Lafayette. Follow me."

Tara sighed with relief as the female vamp turned away to enter the bar. She followed close behind, taking in the painted red walls and black décor. It looked like—well, exactly like what she'd imagined a vampire bar would be. Plenty of people dressed in leather and dark clothing, several vampires standing around, doing their best evil and mysterious Dracula impressions for the tourists. There was also an overpowering scent of sex in the air, probably from all the pheromones being released from desperate fangbangers.

There were two exotic dancers, one male of Latino descent and compactly muscled, and a female with long sandy brown hair and generous curves. They stood on two small stages, separated by a larger one in the center. The dancers gyrated and contorted their bodies in ways that told Tara they weren't human while a crowd of spectators threw money at their feet. One man even tried joining the woman on stage. A female bouncer with dreds, half the man's size, moved towards the stage faster than the eye could see, putting a quick halt to his overzealous behavior.

Tara's guide continued man euvering through the crowd with ease, only looking back once to see if she was still following. A waitress walked by, nearly bumping into Tara, carrying a tray of drinks and wearing a tight black t-shirt that said, "Fangtasia, the bar with a bite" across her chest. Tara watched the waitress approach a booth filled with young co-eds out for a night of debauchery. Tara wondered if those girls knew what they were getting themselves into, then she thought of Lafayette. He'd said as much to her about getting involved with Eric. For a brief moment, she had the urge to turn around and flee the bar, but told herself she'd come too far to turn back now. She had a mission and needed to see it through for Eggs. He deserved that much.

"Wait here," said the vamp, pulling Tara from her thoughts.

Tara nodded, her eyes trained on the man sitting only 20 yards away. Eric Northman was the most beautiful male she'd ever laid eyes on. Even while sitting, she could tell he was very tall, lean, and powerful. His blond hair was cut short and combed back from a broad forehead and startling blue eyes. His classic Nordic features seemed chiseled from granite, like the marble statues scattered among the gardens at Bon Temps Natural Preservatory. He was wearing a black silk shirt, unbuttoned at the collar, under a dark brown snakeskin jacket, with black jeans and matching snakeskin boots. He was like a king among his subjects, looking observant and unattached.

The female vamp bent down to whisper in his ear. His head turned to look in Tara's direction. Their eyes locked and she felt a chill run through her body. She fidgeted with her hair again. It felt like a hundred butterflies were doing jumping jacks in her stomach. The woman stood up and signaled for her to approach. Tara forced her feet to move forward.

Eric's intense gaze traveled down the length of her body and slowly up again. Gooseflesh rose on her skin as if he'd physically touched her.

The female vamp stood beside Eric's chair, giving her a devilish grin. "I just love that dress on you, Tara." She said. "It reminds me of chocolate covered cherries."

Her lascivious stare was making Tara self-conscious. It seemed her fangs had grown even longer. No female had ever looked at her that way before. Tara had the impulse to look down to make sure the dress she was wearing wasn't transparent.

"I used to love eating cherries dipped in chocolate. It was one my favorite human vices." The vamp's suggestive gaze traveled lower. "In a way, it still is?"

Working at a bar, Tara had heard a lot of come-ons, but that one actually made her blush. The woman licked her lips as if sensing the blood warming Tara's cheeks.

"That's enough, Pam," Eric said abruptly. "Leave us."

Pam gave her sire a slight nod then walked away. Tara watched her disappear among the throng of people.

"Come. Sit here," Eric commanded. Tara took the seat directly to his left. Being so close, she could smell the spice of his cologne and the citrus-based shampoo he used. His eyes were fixed on her. "You are Sookie Stackhouse's closest confidante, correct?"

Unable to find her voice, Tara just nodded.

His gaze sharpened. "Is Sookie in trouble?" he asked. "Has Bill Compton gone to his final death?"

"I-I don't know. I haven't spoken to her since yesterday."

"If she were in trouble I would have sensed it. So if you're not here with news of Sookie then you must be here about your cousin, Lafayette."

"Yes… well, sort of."

"Sort… of?" He said the words as if he never heard them before.

"It's about this crooked detective in Bon Temps. He's already killed two people I know."

"And why would that concern me?"

"This cop is a racist asshole, crooked as fucking snake, and…" she crossed her fingers under the table. "He's selling V."

She waited for a reaction. When there wasn't one she added, "I think Lafayette might be next on his hit list, and I know how valuable my cousin is to your operation. I know—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Eric's large pale hand was wrapped around the back of her neck and her face pulled so close to his that their noses were practically touching. Her heart pounded hard against her ribcage.

"You know nothing about my business with Lafayette," he sneered. His fangs were fully extended.

Tara's breath caught in her throat. He put his other hand under the table and pressed his fingers against the pulse of her wrist. Tara feared he might break it or snap her neck at any moment. There was a feral look in his eyes like an animal locking on to his first kill of the night.

"You're scared and shivering," he said. "I can feel your emotions through the call of your blood. Not as strongly as the blood bond I share with Lafayette, but I do feel you because of your kinship to him." His eyes lowered to stare at her mouth. "Your fear… it excites me."

His hand moved from her wrist to her arm then slowly up to her shoulder. "You are right about one thing; Lafayette is valuable to me in many ways." He finally released her, and she took a shaky breath.

"Then you must protect him," she pleaded, tears stinging her eyes. "Andy Bellefleur needs to be stopped."

Eric leaned back in his seat. "I'm just a bar owner, a handsome and highly successful one mind you, but this is a matter better suited for your law enforcement."

"The police in Bon Temps can't solve a fucking murder to save their own asses. Besides, they're not gonna send one of their own up the river over two black people being killed. Mr. Northman, we both know you're a lot more than just a bar owner. I heard you're some kind of boss over the other vampires in this area. I know you have the power to get things done and make sure certain people disappear without raising any questions."

He studied her face for a long time. "You want this detective to disappear permanently, I gather."

"Yes, you damn right I do."

She saw a slight quirk in his full lips.

"Would you like something to drink?" he asked all of sudden.

"Jack Daniels. Thank you."

Eric looked in the direction of the waitress nearby and signaled her with a nod. No more than five minutes later, the waitress returned with Tara's drink and a bottle of Trueblood for Eric.

"Will there be anything else, Mr. Northman?" asked the pretty brunette waitress.

"No, Sharon. Thank you," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Looking somewhat disappointed, the woman returned to her waitressing duties.

Tara took a sip from her glass then set it down. Either he was going to help her or not, but she wasn't leaving until she got an answer.

"Mr. Northman—"

"Call me Eric."

"Eric, Lafayette has no idea I'm here tonight and he'd be real upset if he found out. I love my cousin and I'd do anything to protect him. I just need to know if he's important enough to you to do the same."

Eric steepled his hands at his chin and gave her a thoughtful look.

"My position is too high profile to handle this matter personally, especially with your government officials breathing down our necks. However, I may know someone who can. He's very discreet and specializes in these types of special projects. He's in town looking into another matter for me."

Tara scanned the crowd. "Is he here, tonight?" she asked.

"Yes. There, sitting at the bar," Eric said. "Dark curly hair, brown t-shirt, jeans and black cowboy boots."

Tara was skeptical. "Him? He sure don't look like much. Andy's a big guy."

"Tara, do not underestimate the strength and ruthlessness of my kind. The weakest vampire can overpower the strongest human within seconds." He wasn't being arrogant. She knew what he said was true.

Tara studied the man at the bar with more interest. "Will he have a problem killing a cop?"

"Franklin Mott would not care if I asked him to kill the Pope as long as I paid him enough."

As if sensing he was being watched, the vampire turned from the bar and looked directly at Tara. He then got up and walked towards them. Tara's heart began to speed up as he came closer. His dark eyes never left hers.

"Hello, Eric," he said, smiling. Tara immediately noticed the British accent. "Please, introduce me to your lovely friend."

"This is Tara Thornton from Bon Temps. Tara, this is my associate, Franklin Mott."

Tara almost offered her hand, but quickly withdrew it when she remembered Sookie telling her that vampires didn't like to shake hands.

"Nice to meet you," she said.

"The pleasure it is all mine." He bowed his head then looked to Eric. "Mind if I have a seat?"

"Please," answered Eric.

"I heard my name mentioned earlier."

Tara's eyes widened. She'd forgotten that vampires have extraordinary hearing.

"Yes, there's a matter Miss Thornton has brought to my attention, and I'm going to need your expertise in resolving it."

Franklin's grin grew wide. Tara thought that made him look even creepier, but then again she thought all vampires were creepy.

"Let's hear it, lad."

Eric deferred to Tara, allowing her to recap their earlier discussion.

When she finished, Franklin was eyeing her with an intensity that was unnerving.

"So you want me to rid you of this detective, and in return what will I get?" His question was directed at Eric, but his gaze was pinned on her.

"Your usual fee," answered Eric.

"There's one other thing," Tara interjected.

"Yes?" asked Franklin as Eric just stared.

"I want to be there when you do it."

"No," said Eric. "That would be unwise."

Tara glared at him. "That sono'bitch has to answer for the pain he caused. I want to be there to see that he does."

Eric looked ready to object again, but Franklin intervened. "I don't mind taking Miss Thornton along for the ride. In fact, I find it quite…intriguing. I've never worked in front of an audience before."

"Very well," Eric said. "But there can be nothing that leads back to Shreveport or my establishment. Understand?"

Tara nodded. Franklin's gaze continued to be fixed on her.

"May I walk you to your car?" he asked.

Tara was rising from her chair. "Thank you, but I think I can manage it." She had enough of being around vampires for one night. She couldn't understand how Sookie tolerated it.

Franklin rose to face her. "But I insist. You're a very beautiful woman alone at a vampire bar. You'd make way too tempting a morsel for any vampire or human male. Please allow me the honor of escorting you safely."

Tara eyed him cautiously. He sounded like Sir Lancelot.

Well, he is gonna help me kill Andy and he does work for Eric. I guess it won't hurt to let him walk me to my car.

"Alright," she said before turning to Eric. "Thank you, Eric."

"No, thank you."

He then returned to looking like the sexy vamp he was. As Tara and Franklin started to leave, two eager fangbangers approached. The Viking vampire honored them with a fangy smile. The women both squealed with delight.


The parking lot was packed when Tara first arrived, so she was forced to park at the far end of the lot near a wall of bushes. She was now glad she had an escort. The badly lit area would be a prime spot for an attack.

"Thank you," she said, digging in her purse for her keys. "I appreciate you walking me to my car."

Franklin gave her a good-natured smile. "It was a pleasure, my sweet."

He's not so bad, Tara thought. He's actually kind of cute.

She turned her back to insert her key into the door. Within a split second, Franklin had turned her around and pinned her to the car. His fangs were fully distended and his hand was clamped over her mouth. She tried struggling against him, but he was much stronger than he looked. He used his lean body to keep her immobile.

"Do not scream," he commanded. "You'll be dead before the sound leaves your throat."

Her heart raced and tears welled up in her eyes. She nodded her obedience. He slowly removed his hand from her mouth.

"Tell me the real reason you want this detective dead," he said.

"I told you. He's selling V and killed two people I know. He's now after my cousin because of his connection to Eric."

"You're bloody lying."

"No, I'm not! Let me go!"

"You are lying, Tara. I could sense it right away. Your motive has nothing to do with Eric or your cousin. And this detective is definitely not selling V. Which means you must have a personal vendetta and want vampires to do your dirty work?"

Tara stared at him, stunned.

"How did you…"

"Know?" he finished. "Call it my gift. I'm what you might think of as a vampire lie detector. I can immediately sense when any human is lying."

"Then why didn't you rat me out to Eric?"

His finger trailed lightly down her throat and the curve of her shoulder. She shivered from his touch.

"I'm intrigued by you," he said softly. "There is a darkness inside you that speaks to me. It grabs and holds me. You are ruthless, cunning, and without mercy for your enemies." He pressed the palm of his hand over her heart. "Everything I've been searching for."

Tara swallowed hard as he leaned forward, pressing his lips against the hollow of her neck. They felt cold on her heated skin. She let out a gasp when his teeth scraped over her pulse.

"I will kill this man for you, Tara, but you'll have to give me something in return." His hand moved under the short hem of her dress, caressing her inner thigh.

"Please, don't," she said, but her body was already responding to his touch.

He raised his head to look her directly in the eyes. His nostrils flared.

"Mmmm, you're so responsive too," he said with a self-satisfied smirk.

"Eric already said he would pay you."

"I'm not interested in money, Tara. What I want is far more valuable."

His hand moved to the apex of her thighs and stroked.

She moaned, "Oh God…oooh."

His long fingers slid beneath the dampened swatch of lace shielding her cunt. What his fingers did next made her eyes roll to the back of her head.

"Fuck! Oh my God! What are you doing to me…oohhh." Her eyes fluttered closed. It felt like a hundred tiny tongues were stroking her clit, tapping into every nerve ending in her body. It was unlike anything she ever experienced.

"Look at me, Tara," he commanded. Tara opened her eyes and was hypnotized by his gaze. His pupils had grown darker, almost black.

"I want all of you, blood, body and soul. Once I take care of the detective, you will be mine for all eternity."

His fingers sped up their pace and the heat coiling at her center intensified. The sensation was almost too much. She cried out, "OH FUCK!FUCK! I'm…about…to…to…come."

"Yes, come for me, Tara. Give it all to me, my sweet."

He stretched his mouth wide, exposing his large fangs. Tara's eyes widened and her fear and lust collided, fighting for dominance. He bent his head, grazing his teeth along her skin. Before she could react, he clamped down. She felt a sharp pinch on the curve of her neck where he penetrated her. As he fed, Tara felt the wave of her orgasm building higher and higher, taking her over the edge. Her body exploded, and she cried out once more before going slack against his chest.

Franklin held her up, smiling down at her with that creepy little grin of his. "So, my sweet, do we have a deal?"

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't want to answer, but her mind and body were no longer hers to control. Franklin Mott was pulling all the strings.

"Yes," she said in a tight voice. "We have a deal."

Continua llegint

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