𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞 || my inner de...

By theouroborosx

31.2K 762 335

hostile /ˈhɒstʌɪl/ adjective showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly. NOT ONESHOTS ✄┈┈ "why do... More

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

2.7K 82 77
By theouroborosx


nora's (your) pov
3095 words

i opened my eyes a few minutes before i felt a weight leave from the couch beside me, waking me up, instantly closing them again from the blinding light from the sun gleaming through the clear glass of the giant window. i kept blinking awkwardly as i sat up on the couch, the blanket falling beside me as i raised my hands up to my face to rub the sleep out my eyes, yawning heavily in the process.

i heard metal being unsheathed and my gaze wandered over to asch crouching beside noi, who honestly looked completely dead on the floor as he slept, and turned around to look at the door leading to ava's room, putting one of noi's daggers in his pocket, pierce, leif and rhys still sleeping on the chairs next to the couch.

"what are you doing awake?" i yawned, my figure slouched as i sat against the back of the couch, sleep still clouding my eyes as i looked at his blurry image.

"i could ask the same question," he huffed, turning around to look at me dead in the eyes before prancing over to ava's bedroom door, opening it then walking in like he owned the place.

i groaned and threw the blanket away and hopped to my feet and following him into my sister's room, only to be met with him holding the dagger in the air above ava, gritting his teeth and muttering something about a 'sacrifice.'

"what are you doing! put the knife down!" i whisper shouted, my eyebrows furrowed angrily as i grabbed his wrist tightly and dragging it downwards and away from her.

suddenly a black shadow collided between us, smacking into asch harshly and sending me to the ground with a thud. the creature then left the room through the door that just opened as rhys stomped into the scene, never to be seen again.

"what the-"

"your majesty put down the knife!" rhys whisper yelled, exactly how i had done when i found him with the blade above ava.

"why should i?" asch growled, twirling the dagger between his fingers as he stared coldly at rhys.

i lifted myself up from the ground, dusting off my knees and crossing my arms in annoyance as nobody tried to help me up from whatever knocked me down!

"because knives kill us, dumbass!" i looked at him, ready to spring in front of ava to protect her if he tried anything.


"ttsh-ugh," rhys groaned as he held his hands up to his face to calm himself. "your majesty, i'm all for your way of doing things but now isn't the time. one human isn't going to solve the entire magic crisis. we need to-"

"magic crisis?" i echoed, staring wildly at rhys and his eyes widened as he seen me. oh.. did he not know that i was here?

"which part is most tender to stab?" asch searched over her sleeping figure, the dagger still in his right grip.

"don't wake her up! she tried to kill me last night!" rhys yelled as i launched into asch and knocked the knife out from his grasp, the metal loudly bouncing across the floor.

asch shoved me out of the way and into the wall, running over to re-collect the weapon before he froze in place as ava began to wake.

at that moment noi, pierce and leif had woken up and they stood behind rhys. when ava groaned they all gasped, eyes wide with fear and their hands on their heads, gripping their hair in frustration except from leif who noticed me in the corner on the ground gasping for breath and quickly came to assist me.

"good job now she's going to kill us!" noi exclaimed.

"you said she seemed kind!"

"but she told us not to come in here!"

asch looked up, he looked the most scared. "she's going to wake up!"

pierce shouldered his way past rhys and noi and quickly crouched down by the edge of the bed and began to pat ava on the head gently, asch watching.

i on the other hand struggled for breath as i half sat, half crouched in the corner of the room where asch had thrown me into the wall.
i looked up to see leif push me back so that i was sitting upright so that i'd be able to breathe properly again. "t-thanks," i managed to choke out.

as ava began to fall back asleep, pierce stood back up and turned around to look at asch.

"i could've killed her you know," asch muttered.


"get out, now!" rhys hissed with his teeth bared, turning around to noi and pushing him out the door along with himself, his robe swinging around him as he left.

asch walked out of ava's bedroom along with pierce who had to crouch down through the doorway because of his height and through to the living room with the others.

leif hauled himself up from crouching down beside me and held out his arm to help me up from the ground. i wrapped my hand around his wrist and pulled myself up with the help from him.

"that was no fault of your own just so you know," he reassured me as i dusted myself off, sighing loudly but quiet enough so the noise didn't wake up ava.

"thanks. how come you were the only one to help me?" i asked him, raising an eyebrow but i was grateful for his help.

leif shrugged as he looked down at me with a blank expression written on his face. "i'm not sure.."

i realised that i never let go of his wrist so i dropped my grip and gave him a weird look, how could you not know why you helped someone?

"come on, we better leave ava to sleep and get to the others before the cause trouble," i wandered off to the door and swinging it open.

leif stood still and stared at me, his expression unreadable but he was really confused, his head slightly tilted and his dark turquoise eyes hardly blinking.

"are you coming?" i motioned for him to come over and he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and followed me through to the living room, shutting the door behind us.

"i had everything under control," asch muttered as he sat sulkily on the couch, his arms resting on his knees as the other daemos stood around the coffee table. they all turned around at the sound of ava's door closing as me and leif walked through.

"your majesty you almost had us killed! and not to mention almost killed one of the humans too!" rhys' eyes were opened wide as he couldn't believe the words that came out of asch's mouth.

"i grow tired of this charade we are playing," asch snapped.

"you and me both-" leif muttered under his breath before being cut off by rhys.


"i kind of agree. why are we dancing around here," noi said blankly. "we know the humans have dangerous weapons but we've had a lot of chances to take on these two female humans here." he tilted his head to the side as he spoke.

i looked at the young orange horned male, confused at his words. did he mean that they wanted to kill me and my sister? but why... i don't understand, what have we ever done to them? they've done more harm to us than we have to them that is.

rhys sighed deeply, closing his eyes. "prince asch, this mission is everything to you is it not?" he turned around to face the figure sitting down on the couch.

he stood up quickly at rhys' words and his eyes wide as they looked at him before he narrowed his eyes. "w-well yes..." he stuttered, taken by surprise.

i shuffled my feet awkwardly beside leif. it feels like i shouldn't be in the same room as them while they were talking about this. i tapped leif on the arm and he turned around rather quickly, looking down at me. "what?"

"i'll leave you all to discuss.." i said, more like it was a question. i then walked over to the bathroom and opened the door, shutting it quickly behind me before pressing my back against the door and sliding down it into a crouch, holding my knees up to my chin.

confusion was the only thing that came to my mind. i didn't understand any of this. i should just go to dad and pop's house but what about ava? what about her whole apartment? we can't just leave these guys in here but how do we tell them to leave? they don't even understand half of the things we even say!

as i stood back up and wandered over to the mirror, hands wrapped around the corners of the sink i decided that i shouldn't be so hysterical and just try to live my life as i normally do, just with these guys added into it.

my normal life couldn't even be considered 'normal,' no fault of my own. i couldn't help myself during my childhood being abandoned and all. i was very lucky to be adopted from ava's family. she's not my real sister by blood but she is my real sister in my heart, i could never ask for a better sibling and i love her very much. dad and pop had found me when i had passed out in a forest. i couldn't remember how i had got there. the only thing i remembered was a circle of massive flames around me in a dark green field then a flash of lilac and silvery white blinding me.

at that time it felt like i had entered a whole new world, it was terrifying.

i shook my head in attempt to erase my memories and thoughts, turning the tap around to let the water flow out from it and into the sink. i put my hands in the water and splashed it up to my face, shaking my head again to get rid of the excess water before staring at my reflection in the mirror.

my long white hair was tangled up and messy after the attack from asch and my golden yellow eyes weren't as tired as they usually are, well i must've had a better sleep than most nights last night which is a surprise. my slightly tanned skin was smooth but i still applied a light layer of moisturiser to my face. i never put makeup on so i didn't bother with that.

i looked around ava's shelves to see if she had a hair brush but i couldn't find one anywhere, she probably keeps them in her room. i took one last glance at myself, pulling down my sleeve so that i can hold the ends in my hands and walked out of the room, closing the door quietly so that the boys in the living room couldn't hear me.

"assimilate?" i heard ava ask.

"yes prince asch would-"

my little sister then started laughing very loudly. i walked up to her from behind. "what's so funny?" i ask, raising an eyebrow.

"she mocks us?" leif said to noi, who was beside him, very confused.

"no no no," she giggled, trying to hold in her laughter but failing miserably. "it's just that you said ass!" she points to rhys, still laughing hysterically.

"asch perhaps you can explain," rhys rolled his eyes.

"ugh, fine," i heard asch grumble. he crouched down to be eye level with ava, squinting his eyes. he seemed less angry now than usual, i wonder why. "teach us your human ways... now."

"asking like that isn't going to-"

"if i do will you guys leave?"

"oh my god please say yes!" i begged, swinging my arms up into the air as if i was thanking a god or something.

"faster than you can imagine," asch said, standing up to his normal height.

"really?" ava's eyes were wide.


"really really really?"

"really," asch said more irritated but still keeping his 'cool' if you can even call it that.

"really," pierce agreed.

"really!" noi also chirped in, his eyes sparkling.

"really," leif also agreed.

"really!?" ava exclaimed.

"silence!" asch finally broke and he growled, finally irritated enough to shout. so i guess he's still hot headed.

"kill joy," i glared at him.

ava cleared her throat and started to look around all five of the daemos standing in her living room as she spoke. "look when i woke up i was kind of hoping you guys would have robbed me and left me by now.. i wasn't expecting you guys to stay."

leif raised an eyebrow. "why would you hope for that?"

"because losing a few hundred dollars isn't worth the stress of- never mind." she looked over to asch then over all the rest. "y'all really about this human thing, huh?"

"assimilate us now," asch growled through gritted teeth.

ava and i sighed at the same time before ava began to speak again. "a sorceress like myself and nora, it'll be hard to teach you the ways but..."

noi gasped and his bright orange eyes began to sparkle and twinkle like the galaxy again. "sorceress!!!"

"first off, we must use our magic powers to conjure you up some human clothing," ava said awkwardly, trying to play along with these guys' 'game.'

i rolled my eyes in the background and then i wandered over to the couch and flung myself onto it, crossing my legs as i looked up at everyone. pierce met my gaze before looking over to rhys as he began to speak.

"is what we are wearing right now not suitable?"

ava looked at the ground, trying to figure out how to play this along, stuttering, "uh-uh yeah.. that's because i casted a spell that uh attracted other demons from around the world to one place, it's called a convention spell."

"a summoner?" pierce wondered aloud.

"she can conjure demons?" leif asked, one eyebrow still raised in confusion.

noi blinked, "woaaaahhh."

"enough talk." asch firmly stated, "where are these clothes?"

"ummm... right," she cleared her throat again. "well first off-" and she walked away into her room.

all the boys looked at each other, exchanging confused glances then finally settling their gaze onto mine.

i was picking at my nails in boredom, not knowing they were all looking at me before i finally looked up from my hands. "what?" i snapped.

i saw noi slightly flinch from beside leif and i started to think that he was slightly afraid of me since that was something like the third time he's done that. i don't blame him, a few people actually find me scary believe it or not.

ava then wandered back into the living room, holding a large pink pig shaped piggy bank in her hands, stopping in front of pierce and asch whilst holding it outwards rose show them all.

"this here is-"

asch then suddenly grabbed the piggy bank and held it high in the air so my little sister couldn't reach it. "your magic is mine!"

i instantly stood up, shouting a "hey jackass!"

i stood in front of him and tried to knock it out of his hands, jumping everytime to hit him in the arm for him to drop it or give it back.

"give me back my damn swear jar!" ava exclaimed, anger in her voice.

asch smirked down at me before shouting,
"pierce! smash it!" and chucking it at the very tall blue horned guy on the other side of ava.

i punched asch in the chest before leaping over to pierce, attempting to grab it from him before he gently pushed me away, placed the piggy bank on the coffee table, raising his other hand in the air then finally punching it, the piggy bank smashing into a hundred pieces.

ava gasped, her face in horror, as if her soul had just left her body. i on the other hand also punched pierce in the chest. i swear to god these two!

rhys sighed deeply at the two's actions.

"well-" ava began after she had a second to realise what happened.

"forgive us." rhys interrupted her quickly to apologise.

"it's alright, it's a small sacrifice to make as long as you guys leave as soon as possible. woah- i had 150 bucks in this thing hell yeah! wait- does that count ugh. okay 151 now."

"uhhh whom is she speaking to?" leif looked over at noi who also turned around to face him.

"spirits?" noi suggested to him.

ava picked up all the money that was scattered all across the coffee table and the floor below, standing back up when she collected it all and grabbed an extra dollar from the counter to add to the collection.

"come, i am going to take you to a very sacred place to us humans." ava waved her hand for them all to follow as she walked down the hallway muttering to herself but i couldn't pick up on what she was saying.

"I'M STAYING!" i shouted from the back of couch before slouching back down onto it.

ava didn't reply back to me as she disappeared around the corner of the hallway to the front door. back in the living room asch had turned to rhys and leif.

"rhys and leif, you two stay back and make these living accommodations more suitable for us," he commanded.

"yes," rhys dipped his head.

leif opened his eyes and mouth wide in surprise. "what! why me!" he questioned his orders.

"because you went against what i said earlier," asch said coldly, his eyes dark as he looked at leif.

"i was just kind of sort of playing around okay!" he exclaimed, most likely saying anything to defend himself that came to his mind first.

"stay." asch firmly said to leif, as if he were a dog, then turning to look at rhys. "rhys, you know what to do."

"of course," rhys said.

asch, followed by pierce and noi then walked down the same hallway that ava went and met up with her at the front door.

"b-but but ughhh," leif groaned, flailing his head around.

i can already tell it's going to feel like days until ava comes back from the mall with these two staying behind. can't wait.

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