Tower Of Mistakes

By Spottedfire-Windclan

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*~* SEQUEL TO HERE COMES A THOUGHT *~* It's been two years since Tord moved back to England and disbanded the... More

Just An Eddsworld Morning
New Shop
Bearers Of Bad News
Bad News To Worse News
Pack Up And Shipped Off
The Underground Red Army
Like An Anime, It's A Filler
Red Leader
It's Over, isn't it?
The Boys Are Back In Town
A Medd-ing Rampage
All Comes Crashing Down
Rise of Power
Tormedd-ing the Beast

Moving Through the Monster's Lair

201 10 6
By Spottedfire-Windclan

The door opens slowly, Tord peeking his face out to check the area. It was quiet, no sound of footsteps or anything. Coast was clear.

He gives a nod to the group and they make their way out of the basement and down the hall.

"So Tord, where exactly is your office?" asked Edd.

"It's on the top floor, but the only elevator that goes there is on the tenth floor, for some reason the guy who designed this building thought it'd be a good idea to have three elevators that only go up about five floors each." grumbled Tord.

Tom sighs, why would anyone design a building like that? Well, minus Sims players.

"Okay, so we just need to sneak past the guards and get into three elevators, shouldn't be too hard." said Tom.

"You forget the soldiers, they are trained to kill, even though Tord is the real Red Leader, they're obviously loyal to the new one, that won't save us." said Paul.

"Not to mention the fusions, they're completely under this Red Leader's control, and unless we know how the collars work, we can't risk harming them." said Patryk.

Tord sighs, there was a shit ton of obstacles to get through, but all they need to do is take down the leader and Rodrick, after that, they'll figure something out. Now to just get to the first elevator.

As the devil horned man looks at his friend's, his starts to sweat.

"Edd, where's Matt?" asked Tord.

The green hooded man looks to where his boyfriend should be but sees no sigh of the ginger moron.

"Uh, ether he walked off and found trouble, or he's found a mirror." said Edd.

Everyone panics when Matt returns, hold five mirrors.

"I found mirrors, and boy do I look good." gushed Matt.

"You idiot, you could have killed us all!" growled Tord.

"What, no I didn't, isn't that right armed robot guards?" asked Matt.

The groups eyes widen as behind the ginger man was three different armed robots.

"Dammit Edd, you didn't say Matt would do both!" yelled Tom.

"Hey, just because I'm dating him, doesn't make me a babysitter." argued Edd.

"Actually it does." said Tord.

"Oh, well this is why I have no I have kids, oh no, Matt, I lost the kids!" yelled Edd.

"NO, WHY EDD, WHY?!" cried Matt.

"Dumbasses, you don't have kids!" yelled Tom.

"But what if I did and we forgot, I'm a horrible mother!" sobbed Edd.

Meanwhile with the robots, their blasters were aimed but they didn't fire. They just watched.

"Should we shoot now?" asked Robot 1.

"No way, this is hilarious, when are we going to get this kind of random entertainment again?" laughed Robot 2.

"Honestly, I think that green guy would make a good parent." said Robot 3.

The first two robots stare at the third to shake their heads.

"You are such a bleeding circuit." said Robot 2.

"Get off my back junkhead, not my fault I have these emotional functions." said Robot 3.

"Yes it is, you were supposed to have them check, what's wrong, you scared of Ms. Cold unfeeling robot arm?" asked Robot 1.

"Shut it bitch bot, or I will blast you back to the assembly line." said Robot 3.

"Bring it on you tiny scrap metal shit." said Robot 1.

At that, the robots start blasting each other, which brings us back to the group.

"Okay, so to be clear, Edd, you have no kids and you're a man so can't be a mother." said Tord.

"O-okay, but I can still dream." sniffled Edd.

"And Matt, you aren't a father, and also, stop wandering off like you did at the store, that was an embarrassing call to the service desk." continued Tord.

"Okay, fine, but the mirrors will miss me, and so will the children, Todd, think of the children!" cried Matt.

"His name is Tord, Matt, seriously." said Tom.

"And finally Tom, we would both make terrible parents, I mean, when would we have time or even remember we own a dog, the last time we tried to be parents was to a planet and it died." said Tord.

"It didn't die, it got fed up with us and walked out, remember, it even gave us a five page essay on why we failed it." said Tom.

"Oh ya, he also sent a postcard to us from college, and now he's got a job in the Amazon." said Tord.

"Gah, okay seriously, we have a mission, now that everything's cleared up, what about the robots!" yelled Paul.

"Ya, they're standing right ther- hey, where did they go?" asked Patryk.

The group looks but see instead of robots, three soot marks on the ground where they once stood.

"Huh, maybe they got bored and went back to get an oil can." said Edd.

"Eh, whatever, let's just move on, they may still come back." said Tom.

The group moves on, easily finding the first elevator. Tord selects the fifth floor button, and they head up to the next section of the mission.

The elevator dings and the doors open to show another empty hallway.

"Okay, why is this place so empty, not to mention the lack of guards." said Tom.

"Actually Red Leader didn't get a lot of soldiers, they just got the few who were loyal to Tord's ideals, not to mention they didn't take a whole lot of Fusions." said Patryk.

"True, okay, the nest elevator is just a few turns away." said Tord.

They run down the hall, only stopping to check for any guards. Tom was bored and getting impatient.

"Ugh, this is so lame, why didn't you just keep the teleporter in your office, or better yet, make the teleporter teleport into your office?" asked Tom.

"One, that would be a stupid flaw in the design if an enemy got the teleporter and got in, plus it was another clique that I wanted to avoid." said Tord.

Tom facepalms and groans. Why did he love this genius idiot, why?!

The group moves on to the next hall where the elevator was and they notice a figure guarding it.

"Shit, I think it's a Fusion." said Paul.

Edd peeks for his eyes to widen. He knew who this was.

"'s Edon, Eduardo and Jon's Fusion." gasped Edd.

The others look and sure enough, it was the Fusion of their annoying neighbors.

"So they were captured, and they're guarding the elevator." said Tom.

"We can take them, we did before." laughed Tord.

"Ya, but before they were their arrogant selves, now they're brainwashed to be perfect soldiers who obey Red Leader's commands." said Tom.

"That's true, they won't act like themselves, they'll act like soldiers, so that means they shoot first and that's it." said Edd.

Tord nods but looks to the blue hooded man to smile. The eyeless man returns the smile and they hug to glow bright. In an instant Torm was back.

"Wait here, I'll be back." said Torm.

The group nods as the Fusion gets up and walks over to the brainwashed being.

"Halt, state business and security code 323." said Edon.

The voice was hollow, Edon was completely gone, forced back by the power of the collar. Not even his eyes held any fire or a spark of light. They were as empty as his voice.

This saddens the Fusion, but they must move on, only once the mission is complete can they save Edon and the other Fusions. Torm folds his arms behind his back with a hollow look of his own.

"Business is to floor ten for meeting with the Scientists, security code 323 is Blått og rødt gir en perfekt fusjon." said Torm.

"Correct, go on up." said Edon.

The Fusion returns to looking forward, and Torm uses his body to create a blind spot. Seeing this, Paul and Patryk get Edd and Matt to rush for the elevator.

The lift arrives and they pile in and the doors shut. Torm then turns back into Tom and Tord.

"I can't believe what happened to them, it's like they've been completely wiped from existence." said Edd.

"Don't worry, we'll fix this and then have to deal with them bitching about us saving them." said Tord.

Edd nods but still doesn't smile, worrying for the Fusion. Matt wraps an arm around his boyfriend and gives a hug.

"Hey, what was the code, I don't understand Norwegian." said Tom.

"Oh, it means Blue and Red provide a perfect Fusion." said Tord.

Tom gulps to look away with a blush. Well, it's now fully confirmed that Tord never got over him. He already knew that but this just confirms it a million times over.

The elevator dings and they walk out of the lift to look around. Once again it's quiet, no one in sight.

"Okay, let's move." said Patryk.

The group make their way down the hall, keeping their guards up and waiting for another attack. They soon reach a large window to an empty room with computers and gadgets.

"What's this?" asked Tom.

"The labs, it's where all my gadgets were created." explained Tord.

"Wait, would this possibly have information on the collars?" asked Matt.

"It would, okay, we're taking a detour." said Tord.

"Sounds good, we can get the Intel the others weren't able to get." said Paul.

They get to the lab doors to get inside. The place was pretty clean, so there has been people inside. That meant the info on the collars is here.

Tord gets to a computer to start looking through it, seeing many of his inventions, but none on the collars.

"Lots of this is old, where's the new stuff." said Tord.

"That file, it has this year written." said Tom.

Tord nods to open it, looking through pages before finding the one on the collars.

"Found it, now, they're simply called Fusion collars, the were designed by...Red Leader?" asked Tord.

"Wait, you made them?!" gasped Matt.

"No he didn't, this Red Leader did...right?" asked Edd.

"Correct, but, this info and code on Red's mine, my code was secret, no one would be able to know it but me." said Tord.

"So, how did the new leader get it?" asked Tom.

"I don't know, anyway, we need to know more on the collars." said Tord.

He pulls up the full page, and the information shocks the group.


INVENTION NAME: Fusion collar

INVENTOR: Red Leader

PRIMARY FUNCTION: The collar is designed to be two halves, each piece is placed on a person's neck. Once activated, the collar shocks the people and forces them together. Once fused, the collar blocks out the main brain of the Fusion, making them submissive and open to orders of the collars primary master. In conclusion to the moron soldiers who don't understand, the collar forces a Fusion and turns them into mindless slaves to obey the rule and ideals of Red Leader.

DATE DESIGNED: **/**/****

CURRENT STATUS: Completed and in use

"Th-that's horrible, it forces them to fuse and once it's in effect, they loss their free will." said Edd, fighting tears.

"How can anyone make such a horrible device." said Patryk.

"This new Red Leader, matey, how dare they, Fusion is a beautiful and personal thing, they can't just force it, that's just sick and wrong." said Matt, crossing his arms angrily.

"Is there a way to turn it off?" asked Tom.

"Yes, the device has an emergency override switch, but only the device creator can use it." said Tord.

"So Red Leader has it, well, we were on our way to kick their ass." said Tom.

This makes the red hooded man chuckle and he gets up. They quickly leave the lab and make their way to the last elevator.

Inside, they wait, this ride seeming to be the longest. Tord checked his gun, making sure it was in working order.

This was going to end, and once he fixed this mistake and shuts down the red army for good, he can go back to England with his friends. This has to end, no more Red Army.

'It's almost over, soon it will be over.' thought Tord.

He told himself it'd be over, but that was just what he was telling himself. Will it be over, truly over?

Or is there more he didn't think of?

And with that, I leave it here.

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, I've been on a long mental break, trying to get my life together and figure some things out.

A lot has happened to me, mainly family losses as well as saying goodbye to a friend who moved far away. So with all this going on, my friend Hollytail advised me to take a break from writing and just relax as well as talk to some people about what's been happening in my life.

And boy did I need this.

I'm feeling refreshed and looking forward to writing again. I will try to get more chapters out, but it is the holiday season, but so what, I'm writing again.

Now for an announcement: Hollytail and I will be working on Yandere-Tord again, hopefully we'll get more chapters out for it, same with Rebels of Homeworld.

But sadly, I don't think I'll be finished Edd Bow. I had gotten more written for it, like a few more chapters, but a virus on my old computer wiped it out, and I don't remember what I wrote, or even if I want to rewrite everything again.

I'm so sorry to those who loved the Edd Bow story, I will try and get motivated for it again, but I'm not too sure.

Anyway, that's it for an update and announcement. You'll be seeing more of me again, till nest time my loyal warriors.

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