Our Baby Brother

By Kittymasterofall14

37K 880 1.4K

Tmnt-2012 After an experiment in Donnie's lab goes wrong, Mikey is accidentally turned into a baby! Now, it's... More

Brotherly Affections
Bath Time is A No Go!
Wan' Neeee!
Playtime With Raphie!

Spilled Chemicals

11.5K 223 618
By Kittymasterofall14

"Donnie!" Mikey whined as he bounded into Donnie's lab. "Can you fix my video game? Raph stepped on it!"

The purple-masked turtle clad in a lab coat turned around in annoyance to face his younger brother.

"Mikey, I'm busy...go away before you break something....these chemicals are dangerous." He warned.

Mikey pouted before looking in awe at the yellow bubbly mixture his older brother was currently working with.

"Ooo, what's that?" He asked. "It looks cool, can I help you?" Donnie huffed before rubbing his face with his gloved hand.

"No Mikey, just please get out of my lab!" Donnie snapped, turning back to his work in irritation.

Mikey sighed sadly before walking away. Donnie felt a bit guilty for yelling at him, but he was working with dangerous chemicals.

Shaking it off, he left the lab to get a cup of coffee. Mikey walked by the lab and saw Donnie wasn't in there. He smiled a little and walked in.

"Hmm, maybe if I can do science like Donnie....he won't chase me out of his lab all the time." He said softly.

He tip-toed over to the lab table where a bubbling beaker full of yellow liquid lay and looked at at closely.

He then grabbed numerous random beakers full of chemicals and poured them in, not really paying attention.

Mikey jumped back as the chemicals turned blue and fizzed all over the place, accidentally tipping over the entire batch of blue chemicals...

He spilled the entire thing....all over himself. He fell to the floor, trying not to let it go in his eyes or mouth.

Mikey gasped as he became covered in the chemicals. Thankfully, it didn't burn...but he felt weird all over...like he was shrinking....

Donnie ran in, holding a cup of hot coffee. "Mikey, what did you d-
Donnie paused, seeing that the lab was empty.

He walked around and saw the spilled chemicals...definitely not the color he'd left them. The mixture was blue, no longer yellow.

Donnie sighed in exasperation as he saw the orange mask on the floor. He looked at us closely. That was weird...

Huh...Mikey never takes off his mask.

"He's definitely been in here...who else could I make such a mess?" Donnie said to himself.

But...where was he? Suddenly, Donnie felt a small hand tug at his foot. He looked down to see a little turtle with baby blue eyes and freckles.

"Nee!" Baby Mikey squealed, sucking in his fingers and crawling over to his bigger brother.

Donnie looked at him in horror. "Mikey, what did you do?" He shouted. "I told you not to come in here!"

Mikey looked up at his purple-banded brother with innocent eyes. "Sowwy, Nee..." He said sadly.

Donnie sighed, seeing the tears glistening in his baby brother's eyes and picked up the turtle tot.

"It's ok...I'm not mad at you, I was just worried you'd get hurt...I'm gonna fix you, Mikey." He promised.

Little Mikey smiled a little and snuggled up to his big brother's chest. Donnie sighed, knowing he had to tell Leo and Raph....and sensei.

"Leo, Raph!" He shouted, startling Mikey who whimperd and covered his little ears in fright.

Leo and Raph ran in. "What's going on?" Leo asked, stopping in the doorway. Raph stared at baby Mikey.

"Uh Don, where'd ya get the baby?" He asked. "And where's Mikey anyway?" He added in confusion.

Donnie sighed. "This is Mikey...I left my lab for two minutes and he somehow turned himself into a baby!"

Leo took a closer look at the little turtle. "It is Mikey...but how did he get this way? Why'd you make a de-aging serum in the first place."

Donnie facepalmed. "I wasn't making a de-aging serum, it was supposed to be a new type of mutagen that would improve our life expectancy."

"Um, in english brainiac?" Raph muttered in annoyance. "It means we'd live longer." Donnie confirmed.

"Anyway, what happened?" Leo asked. Donnie sighed. "He seems to have mixed a bunch of the chemicals together, and spilled it on himself."

"Soooo, basically Mikey made a de-aging serum himself?" Raph asked, crossing his arms out of habit.

"Yes." Donnie said simply. Little Mikey giggled at the conversation, not really knowing what was going on.

"Can ya fix him?" Raph wanted to know. Donnie paused a moment. "Yes...but I don't have an antidote and it will probably take a while."

The brothers nodded, turning their attention to baby Mikey. "Hey there Mikey, I guess you really are our little brother now." Leo said.

Mikey smiled his usual smile. "Big bwothers!" He said loudly, cuddling them as best as he could.

"Do you remember our names, Mikey?" Donnie asked the tot. Mikey nodded. "Weo, Waphie, Nee!"

The brothers smiled at the pronunciation of their names. "We really should tell Master Splinter though...he needs to know."

So, the turtles went to the dojo with little Mikey being carried by Raph, whom Mikey was currently clinging to.

"Um, sensei?" Leo began, a bit nervously. "Uh, Mikey accidentally turned himself into a baby."

The wise rat looked up in shock to see a tiny Michealangelo looking at him. "P-P-Papa!" He babbled, reaching out.

Splinter took the tot in his arms. "How did this happen?" He asked, looking at  his older sons.

"Uh....well he went into my lab when I wasn't in there and mixed some chemicals together...and I guess he spilled it on himself."

Splinter's eyes widened. "Is he going to be alright? It didn't hurt him, did it?" He asked in concern.

"He's ok...he's just little and I have to find a way to make an antidote...which may take time!"

Splinter nodded, cradling the little one to his chest. "It has been so long since I have held a baby...so long."

"We might need you're help taking care of him, sensei....after all, you raised all four of us at once!" Leo said.

Splinter smiled. "That is true...one baby is a handful but you four were a little bundle of trouble when you were little."

The brothers smiled a little. "I'm going to go to my lab...I need to start working on that serum." Donnie said.

"What's the hurry?" Raph asked, looking at little Mikey with a small grin. "He's actually pretty cute."

Donnie rubbed the back of his neck. "Well...I forgot to mention one important detail...." He trailed off.

"And what is that, my son?" Splinter asked curiously. "Well, we only have 3 days to come up with an antidote otherwise he may remain a baby forever."

Leo and Raph looked at him in shock. "What?!" They yelled loudly, making little Mikey whimper and let a few dribble down his freckled cheeks.

Donnie quickly scooped him up and hugged him, shushing him gently. "Don't yell, it scares him." He said.

After Mikey calmed down, Donnie continued. "Most of my experiments last for 3 days before becoming permanent." He added.

"Well....you better get started!" Raph said a little quieter than he normally would, not wanting to upset his baby brother again.

Donnie nodded and hurried off to his lab, placing Mikey in Splinter's arms. "Hun-wee!" The tot whined.

"Let's go feed your little tummy, Mikey." Raph smiled as the there of them walked into the kitchen.

"How old is he anyway? One? Two?" Raph asked. Leo shook his head. "No, he looks about a few months old."

"18 months." Splinter immediately replied. The boys looked at him. "What? I raised you boys!" He said.

"So a year ago and a half...let's see what he wants to eat." Raph then saw some pizza in the fridge.

"Here little brother, pizza! It's your favourite!" He said happily, knowing Mikey would love the food!

Leo snatched it away. "Raph, Mikey can't eat pizza! He's a baby!" He grabbed some fruit and a spoon.

"He should eat this, it's healthier for a growing turtle." He then attempted to feed Mikey who whined and turned his head away.

Splinter laughed and grabbed some crackers with letters on them and a sippy cup of milk for him to drink.

"This was his favorite snack at that age...he loved these crackers." He said with a grin, giving it to Mikey.

Mikey immediately ate the crackers and drank the milk with a little help from his big brother Raph!

Soon, little Mikey yawned and curled up into a little ball, quickly falling asleep. Leo picked him up softly.

"He can sleep in a little bed I've made for him....he will be warm and safe in here." Splinter assured softly.

He kissed his little one on the forehead and smiled. Leo and Raph did the same, trying not to wake him.

"He's our baby brother now."

A/N: Hey readers! I hope you enjoy the new book! More fluffy cuteness on the way! Let me know what you think! Enjoy the fluff!

Plz Comment and Vote!
Thx Enjoy😘😍


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