To Love Marie

By sadloveletterssigned

154K 6.4K 1.6K

Marie knows she is beautiful and she just thought men couldn't handle her. She was too much for them. Until... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30: End

Chapter 29

2.5K 126 52
By sadloveletterssigned

 Somehow, someway, Ryler survived that fall. She didn't burst like a human water balloon she fell on a person who had a wine bottle. They waited until she healed physically and mentally to take her to court back in the US.

She walked in the court with names being called at her.




Back on that day...

"MARIE!" Tanner felt his voice cracked as he called for her. Randall screaming in madness and paramedics who had her on a gurney to the hospital. "Baby, please don't do this. Don't give up."

"FUCK!" Randall cursed. He felt himself falling apart that would forever haunt his memories. The dead look in her eyes, feeling her go limp, hearing her repent, her skin losing warmth. It haunted him.

Trudy started to grab Marie's things and picked up a glass of wine for a swig it was going to be a long night but her head cocked back. The wine didn't taste like wine at all. That's when she realized.

Victor made sure he got in the surgery room, he would be the one to save her knowing he was trained for the best. It was a good thing he knew French too, he demanded blood and other things to make sure the surgery ran smoothly. That's when he saw it.

Randall and Tanner paced and paced not sitting down once. Trudy was too lost in thought at what she had found out. Was it the night she was going to tell them tonight? Truman just held her hand and Villa held her other hand.

That's when Victor came from the back speechless.

"Don't just stand there say something," Randall said. He didn't let him answer fast enough. "Please, don't tell me she's gone."

"Victor what is going on!" Tanner said getting impatient.

"Marie is going to live," Victor said confidently. Randall felt a breath of relief flow from his body. Tanner felt like he could fly. Trudy praised God but then she paused. He had to finish. "Before I say this, did you know?"

"Know what?" Randall said still smiling from hearing that she would survive but that slowly went away. "What's happening."

"I guess congratulations would be an order but I'm sorry," Victor said. "Marie was 5 months pregnant with twin boys. I guess you really couldn't tell on her."

"WHAT!" Tanner screamed. "No, No, No, No, NO." Tanner quickly realized what happened.

"She was carrying our babies," Randall said. "Wait you said you're sorry..." Randall felt the tears burn his eyes again. Both the twins fell to the floor. Randall threw up his stomach couldn't take it.

"She lost both the babies," Victor said. "They were found in the weirdest way, they held hands a came together as if they knew she was in danger. The bullets hit them and not one organ of Marie's."

"We were going to be fathers!" Randall cried.

The whole hospital could feel the pain radiating from them. Fathers of twin boys they were going to be. Trudy cried for both of them and Villa passed out. Victor watched them unravel.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Victor said. "We've put her in a room and she should wake up soon. They are going to allow you to sit in until she wakes up. So, get your tears out now you have to be strong for her. All of us do." Victor said went back to change into cleaner scrubs.


Marie was in this space again, no Tanner or Randall, from what she could see she was there by herself. She remembers getting shot by Tanner's jealous ex-girlfriend Ryler. Now she was in this space.

She had news to tell them but that got cut short.

Did she die? Is this God's waiting room.

"There she is." She looked up to see the twin girls again. This time accompanied by twin boys. "Isn't she so pretty." It was the one that called herself Madeline that spoke.

"We fell in love with her voice first." One of the twin boys spoke. "She is beautiful though."

"It's too bad." The other one spoke. "Our time together didn't even start."

Marie went wide-eyed. They took notice and walked to her.

"Don't worry mommy, I'm sure God will put us back together soon." They both smiled.

"Don't tell me, you were going to be my babies, and you died," Marie said her voice broke. "My children."

"Did we really truly live yet?" The little boy said. "We'll be back soon."

"How do you know?" Then they started to fade she screamed at the top of her lungs as they both disappeared before her eyes. The twin girls came to comfort her.

Marie slowly opened her eyes.

Here she was alive.

And the first thing she felt was warmth from her hands.

Both Tanner and Randall felt her stir around and looked up at her. Who was staring straight up at the ceiling. They both stood up and looked down at her.

"There goes those beautiful eyes," Randall said and smiled at her. "Marie, baby how do you feel?" She let go of Tanner's hand and felt her stomach that warm feeling that was usually there was gone. No butterflies. No anything.

"I'm so sorry," Marie instantly started to cry.

"Marie, honey," Tanner kissed her on top of her forehead.

"I lost our babies," Marie said feeling the burn in her throat. The twins didn't say anything it broke their hearts. "Tanner, They were-"

"Shhh..." Tanner said calming her down. Then he thought about it when he touched her stomach earlier that day it was warmer than usual. Was that the indication? Those babies biologically belonged to him? "We can get through this together."

"We love you so much," Randall said. "It's not your fault," Randall said and kissed her on top of her forehead.

"I was going to be a mom," Marie said. "I saw them, they were a spitting image of you two. I thought I was dead and they told me—they told me—-" Marie couldn't finish she went into shock. Tanner pressed the button behind the bed and nurses and doctors rushed in and pushed the twins out. They just held on to each other. To see her like this was their worst nightmare.

"Those twin girls in the dreams that we had, we haven't seen them lately but the boys we never saw," Randall said.

"This is God's punishment towards me." Tanner said. "How I treated her in the past when we first interacted. This is his iron fist to me, there is no saving them like Grandfather did, they saved her before they were even born. They protected her more than I could tonight." Randall watched as he slid on the wall. He couldn't cry any more tears he just looked dead in the eyes. Randall sat beside him and comforted him. Two people that he loved dearly was dealing with so much pain. Marie especially, they were going to be his brother biological sons yet they were stripped from him like a ranking on the highest organization. Randall felt his heart clenched in pain.

Trudy kneeled in front of him and begin to pray for them. They both clutched on for dear life this night couldn't get any worse. Thank God that it didn't. When everything calmed down Marie, Tanner, and Randall somehow laid in bed together. They held on to her and she held on to them.

It was a traumatic day for all of them but it pulled them closer together as a family. Randall and Tanner catered to her all night making sure if she needed help that she had it. Trudy and Truman rotated turns with Randall and Tanner. Then, of course, Villa and Victor would rotate with Truman and Trudy. Everyone watched over Marie there wasn't one moment that she felt alone.

They made her want to live more, see the rainbow after the rain. She tried to do the same for them. Especially to the twins, she knew that the situation hurt them more than anything. They always said that they would protect her and in that moment they felt that they didn't. Maybe they didn't realize that it was the same thing for them as well. She would protect them if possible and give her life for them. She would do it a million times over if it meant both of them were safe. That's how much she loved them.





Ryler sat in the courtroom chained up like a wild beast. After a while everything drowned out until she saw the judge come in the court. This was the first time she felt scene in a long time. This time in the wrong light.

"Ryler Gout, you are being charged with two counts of attempted murder and two accounts of murder." The judge stated. "How do you plead?" It's a shame daddy got the best lawyer in the world.


"What changed your mind Ms. Gout?" The judged asked.

"I do not plead insanity, I knew my intentions when I followed them," Ryler said. "I don't beg for forgiveness, your honor. I only ask that we get this over with." She said.

Tanner, Randall, and Marie sat first row to look at Ryler's punishment. Execution by injection rung throughout the whole court. They felt no satisfaction hearing that. It had been a year and some months after that incident. They've been through their anger and their crying and they're thirst for revenge all they wanted now was closer. And now that they had it they could finally move on with their lives.

The world knew now the reason that Tanner wasn't on the bachelor and it was because he had found the woman of his dreams. Not only had she stolen his heart but stole his twin brother's heart as well. The media wasn't surprised by the throple they were surprised that this plus size black woman managed to pull two good looking twins who were white and somehow were both billionaires. Maybe the world hadn't changed in some ways.

It didn't matter though, the didn't care how the world felt. They had each other to love, look to, and depend on. And that's all they needed in this life. 

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