Game of Thrones - Myrcella Ba...

By IRISHouse

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In the Game of Thrones, you win or you die; remember your allies, enemies and who you trust. Game of Thron... More

Chapter 1: Winter is Coming (XD)
Chapter 3: Family, Duty and Honour
Chapter 4: Hear Me Roar!
Chapter 5: Ours Is Fury!
Chapter 6: Growing Strong
Chapter 7: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Chapter 2: As High as Honour

178 4 0
By IRISHouse

Date: 298 AC, 18th day of the 1st month

Location: The Vale, Regional Capital: The Eyrie, at the residence of the Arryn family

Lord Robin II Arryn, was walking through the Eyrie during the day overseeing the daily affairs of the castle and its residents. He smiled at the recent tranquillity and calmness of the castle was experiencing at the moment in comparison to 65 years ago. Lord Jasper Arryn at the age of 24 took on the mantles of Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale from his father, Edward; during his reign, there were signs of instability and the start of minor rebellions from some noble houses. His father was a good man in the military arts but was inept in politics of the region. 

While his father noticed the shift in attitudes of the nobility, he was unsure of what action he should take to deter the rising troubles. After contemplating for some time he decided to hold a court session and immediately called for all the lords and ladies of the Vale to attend. Within a few hours, all the heads of the noble houses gathered in the High Hall. The nobility stood in-front of their seats as the members of the Great House of Arryn entered the hall. Finally, everyone bowed as the Lord of the Eyrie entered and took his seat on the Arryn Throne from their times of Kings of the Mountain and Vale, which was crafted with the utmost care from the finest weirwood trees in the region and is greatly maintained. The throne gleamed in the long and austere hall which, made of blue-veined white marble. Jasper's father, Edward signalled for everyone to sit down and motioned the Honor Guards to be on alert as the court was in session. He prepared to speak,

"Welcome ladies and lords, to another fine court session today I wanted to discuss the issues of the so-called rumours of minor rebellions planned by some nobles. I have noticed and it has been reported to me about the mistreatment of the common folks in recent years and I hope everyone cooperates in these upcoming initiatives," he fiercely glanced towards a specific few nobles. The people in the hall began to murmur amongst themselves about the initiatives. Edward continued,

"The first issue is about House Waxley of Wickenden, I have been monitoring the activities surrounding Wickenden and admit that Ser Edmund, Knight of Wickenden has doubly impressed me with his exceptional skills in maintaining the peace and prosperity of the area," the Lord of the Eyrie happily said. Ser Edmund stood up from his seat and walked towards his liege lord and bowed replying,

"Your praises humble me, my sire however I alone am unworthy of such great praise for its the work of everyone in my castle and the people in the villages surrounding that have cooperated to ensure the stability in Wickenden although there are the occasional robberies and thieving occurring they are appropriate measures are taking place to stop them from happening again," Edward responded,

"Well said Ser Edmund, but your character, personality and leadership skills have warranted you appropriate rewards proportionate to your services to our homeland," Lord Edward beamed at his loyal subject. The Knight of Wickenden was confused as to what rewards he can receive for his contributions to his homelands. Edward ushered the knight to kneel before him to which he complied and he continued to read from the scroll, 

"I, Edward of House Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale bestow upon you Ser Edmund of House Waxley, Knight of Wickenden to the lordship of Castle Wickenden and your family to the status of a noble house. All the surrounding villages shall be upgraded to towns shall send you income tax as their new ruler and you shall fairly dispense justice to those have committed crimes and to those that are innocent." Ser Edmund humbly replied,

"Thank you very much, my sire, you have given my family and I great honour and responsibilities to which, we shall uphold in perpetuity and never forget our ever-lasting fealty to House Arryn." Edward seemed most pleased by his subject's answer much to the chagrin of the defiant nobles that he eyed fiercely. Edward re-commenced, 

"Ser Edmund Waxley you shall arise anew as Lord Edmund of House Waxley, Lord of Wickenden," to which, he obeyed and stood up, bowed and went back to his seat. "Now to our next issue, it has seemed that some people have caused quite the trouble in the Vale that they thought would go unnoticed and abused, tormented and unjustly killed the people of this nation among other crimes," he angrily looked at Lord Lyonel Corbray, Lord Gilwood Hunter and Lord Benedar Belmore. Edward Arryn angrily boomed, 

"Lord Corbray, Lord Hunter, Lord Belmore WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE REPORTS OF A REBELLION I'M HEARING ABOUT, TRYING TO CAUSE CHAOS IN OUR NATION AND TORMENTING THE PEOPLE," he slammed his hand on the throne which had a rippling effect through the High Hall as he ferociously gazed at the trio; the reports were scattered throughout the hall. The rebellious lords ran and bowed at base of the Arryn Throne to the Lord of the Eyrie as Lyonel Corbray spoke,

"My lord, please forgive us for our belligerent actions, we swear not to commit such criminal actions but where is the proof of our crime." Lord Edward Arryn continued his ferocious gaze towards the traitors as he threw more copies of the report before them. They shockingly analysed the detailed reports and bellowed for their lives to be spared. The Lord of the Eyrie retorts, 

"You ask for MERCY after you have committed HIGH TREASON, there shall be no pardons for traitors of the nation," he signalled the Honor Guard to bring in the executioner and continued, "Each of you traitorous lords will be given punishment befitted for high treasonous crimes." Everyone was shocked about the turn of events and whispered in the background but what punishment was about to befall them as the traitors incessantly asked for mercy and pardons.  

"SILENCE," Edward boomed. All noise swiftly vanished and the traitors moved back slightly from shock. 

"If you think my rule is weak. think again and let this be a reminder to all," Lord Arryn demanded and calmly continued, "I, Edward of House Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale shall dispense justice on the nobles: Lyonel Corbray, Gilwood Hunter and Benedar Belmore for committing high treason against their liege lord." After a long pause and with a coarse tone, he began the judgement, " Lord Lyonel of House Corbary, Lord of Heart's Home step forward and receive your punishment," to which, he inched forward slightly then, Lord Edward continued, 

"Lyonel Corbray, as the instigator of a rebellion against your liege lord; your punishment consists of being stripped of your titles of Lord of Heart's Home and head of the family, being publicly executed for committing high treason...," before Edward finished talking Lyonel lunged towards his superior with the intent to kill but at the moment Edward and the other nobles sprung into action while the Honor Guards brutally restrained Lyonel Corbray. After the big scare; everyone started to settle while still being on high alert, the Lord of the Eyrie resumed talking with a merciless and death-like stare towards his murderer,

" Your foolish actions won't save you this time Lyonel; I'll make sure your family goes down with your impetuous actions; in addition to the aforementioned, Ser Lyn of House Corbray shall also pay for the mutiny you started and tried killing me your liege lord, your crime is far worse than just starting a rebellion," Edward gave a death stare at the traitor. Ser Lyn was brought in by the Honor Guards. Next, the duo was taken outside of the Eyrie followed by the nobles present, members of House Arryn and Lord Edward Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale who signalled the executioner for the punishment to be carried out.  

While Ser Lyn continually cried and hit his brother and within minutes Lord Lyonel and Ser Lyn were no more than a few corpses. Everyone present except Edward gulped and took deep breaths; as the bodies were taken away by few men of the Honor Guards, everyone walked back into the High Hall and resumed the court session. Edward began,

"Call Ser Lucas Corbray to the High Hall immediately and we will take a short recess for now," Lord Edward commanded and dismissed the session temporarily. Everyone dispersed outside the hall into the courtyard. 

Sometime later; everyone reconvened in the High Hall and Lord Edward recommenced the court session. He started, 

"Bring in Ser Lucas immediately," one guard escorted in Ser Lucas; the latter walked in-front of the Arryn Throne and bowed, Edward, continued, "Ser Lucas are you aware of what happened to your brothers and what crimes they have committed, right!" He solemnly responds,

"Unfortunately, my lord, I was aware of the crimes they were plotting but I tried my very best to convince my brother, Lyonel to stop such madness and avoid facing the steep consequences but he was convinced that his plan would be under the radar; alas I don't blame you for your judgement." Edward looked at Ser Lucas heartfully and thankfully and replies,

"It was a tough call for me but high treason must be given the greatest punishment but for the future of your family, I hope you lead them wisely," Ser Lucas was smiling so the Lord of the Eyrie continued, " Ser Lucas of House Corbray you have been appointed the new Lord of Heart's Home, head of the family and all the benefits associated as such. Rule wisely, justly and fairly ensure your fealty is steadfast to House Arryn. Take your dead and leave for your house at once and re-organise your lands." Lord Lucas stood up and bowed accepting his responsibilities and departed from the High Hall. 

Lord Edward re-focused his attention towards Gilwood Hunter but before speaking he called out a guard and tasked him with a mission in the ancient tongue; who was soon dispatched. Edward ushered for him to bow to which he complied with and harshly spoke,

"Young Lord Hunter, what was your reason for betraying your liege lord, do you think I'm infirm and ignorant of the events in my domain," to which Lord Gilwood continually asked for forgiveness and promises that he will not commit such actions in the future. Lord Arryn felt very cold and ruthless today but it was justified because when one of your principal bannermen has betrayed your trust; justice must be served thought Jasper Arryn, heir to The Eyrie. 

"Your betrayal has been personally shocking to me that one of my close advisors would commit such a highly treasonous act, which will be given an equally devastating punishment, Lord Edward said; he signalled the bring forth the executioner and continued, " You shall be hanged immediately and your brothers shall watch your demise," Edward finishes. Then signals for Ser Eustace and Ser Harlan Hunter to be brought in and nods at the executioner for the judgement to be carried out. Within seconds all the pleading from Young Lord Hunter and his brothers were swiftly silenced. 

Lord Edward commanded, "Ser Eustace of House Hunter step forward and bow." To which he complied, he had mixed feelings of being sad about his brother's death and happiness that he is in power of his house. " Ser Eustace Hunter you are now appointed as the new Lord of Longbow Hall, head of the family and all the benefits associated as such. Rule wisely, justly and fairly ensure your fealty is steadfast to House Arryn. Take your dead and leave for your house at once and re-organise your lands, immediately," Edward commanded. Lord Eustace and his family departed along with their fallen brother towards their home. 

Last but not least Lord Edward Arryn focused his attention to Lord Benedar Belmore. "Lord Benedar, you shall receive the same punishment as your associates and there's no point in begging for mercy; you should have known better than plan a rebellion," he signalled for the execution of the traitor and in mere seconds; Benedar Belmore was no more than a corpse. Lord Belmore's son, Ser Jason was brought before the Lord Paramount of the Vale. " Ser Jason Belmore you are now appointed as the new Lord of Strongsong, head of the family and all the benefits associated as such. Rule wisely, justly and fairly; ensure your fealty is in perpetuity to House Arryn. Take your dead and leave for your house at once and re-organise your lands, immediately," Edward commanded. Lord Jason and his newly deceased father departed along towards their home.

Edward took a few deep breaths and concluded, " Dear lords and ladies of the Vale, I apologise to you all for having to witness this dark side of me but those who betray their liege lord and House Arryn will pay the ultimate price, I hope this is a lesson to everyone; I'm not threatening you but everyone knows that loyalty breeds trust and rewards in contrast to betrayal breeds distrust, punishment and death." He continues, " With such an extensive and eventful day; this court session is dismissed and as always Seven blessings to all." Everyone responded, "Seven blessings to all." 

Everyone dispersed out of the High Hall into the courtyard as they set out towards their homes. The members of the Great House Arryn left for their personal quarters; only Lord Edward remained in the High Hall sitting on the Arryn Throne contemplating the implications of today's events. Later on, he headed towards his chambers in the Moon Tower.

10 years later...

Lord Edward of House Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, current head of the family, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East and Lord Paramount of the Vale had decided that now was the prime time for Jasper to start taking some of the responsibilities he's been preparing for. He was pleased that his son, Jasper has diligently prepared, trained and learned politics, military and economic arts. Now under his careful supervision, he will ensure that Jasper has a smooth transition into his future role. 

While in the Crescent Chamber, sitting on the Arryn Throne contemplating on how he should handle the succession; he was guarded by the Honor Guard. The Honor Guard is a security force that is personally responsible for the safety of the Lords of the Eyrie whose name is Arryn. The Lord of the Eyrie is the Chief of the Honor Guards. This noble institution has been in existence since the time of Artys I Arryn, First of His Name, The Winged Knight, King of the Mountain and the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale and founder of House Arryn. A detachment of the security forces stood guard in the Crescent Chamber to protect their Chief from enemy forces that seek to harm him. 

After some time, Edward ushered the nearest ten guards to come forward and told him to assemble to the lords and ladies of the Vale to the Crescent Chamber; its a Falcon Level 1 priority such that this level of priority has not been issued in the longest time in living memory. He signalled another seven guards to assemble the members of House Arryn to the same place. Edward stood up from the throne and walked behind to the balcony that's overlooking the front area of the castle to the Gates of the Moon then towards the Bloody Gate and beyond. Just as it was a tradition; Edward signalled 33 guards to prepare the heir of The Eyrie for his arrival in the Crescent Chamber. 

Within a period of five hours, the nobility of the Vale was assembled in the Crescent Chamber ready for another court session. Lord Edward Arryn walked towards his subjects and towards the throne; everyone bowed as he sat on the Arryn Throne; thus starting the court session. Edward spoke,

"Lords and Ladies of the Vale, let's have a good day today. The core reason for today's court session is about the future ruler of the Vale. As I have faithfully reigned for a number of years; it's time to think of the future of the nation; with an open mind and a more suited individual." The nobility gasped at the sudden announcement; some protested that the succession can be postponed and that my reign was prosperous but I demanded silence.

"I thank each and every one of you for your valued contribution and perpetual loyalty but as we look towards the future with an open mind we must look forward to a new reign with a new ruler," Edward grimaced as he recalled how his father said the same thing to him, he continued, 

"Jasper Arryn, my first son and heir, step forward and receive your responsibilities," Jasper complied with his father's command and walked towards the base of the Arryn Throne and bowed. 

"I, Edward of House Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, current head of the family, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East and Lord Paramount of the Vale appoint my first son and heir; Jasper of House Arryn as Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale, I hope he carries out said responsibilities with the utmost care." Jasper humbly accepts his responsibilities and turns around and bows towards his subjects and walks back toward his seat. Lord Edward of House Arryn continued his court session. 

Lord Robin II Arryn, wakes up from the reminiscing about the early years of his grandfather's rule that his father Lord Jon Arryn told him during his teenage years. He laughed as he went about his walkabout of the Eyrie. 

(Word Count: 2987)

Hi Everyone, sorry this chapter was so long but it's taking time to explain the alternate backgrounds I have planned for this series. So, please enjoy; I know backgrounds are tedious but the fun aspects of the story are coming soon. Thanks for waiting and reading so patiently!!!

The next chapter is slated for release depends on the ideas I can come up with. If you have any ideas, feedback or constructive criticism for me; PLZ do comment.


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