The Wheel of Power.

By donovandelaney100

32 0 0

Vert finds the False Wheel of Power and takes it to Tesla. Tesla studies the information on it. More

The False Wheel.

32 0 0
By donovandelaney100

Vert and a Metal Mainiacts are driving down the track and heading towards a pyramid. They're driving up the track. Vert drives up to the top of the pyramid. Vert sees something in the road and then the other drivers see it too and they come to a stop. What is that? Who knows. I climbed out and see a large beautiful wheel in the middle of the road. Vert got closer to the wheel. Wow! I took a picture of it. Vert can feel the energy from it. This thing is beautiful and look at these symbols. I grabbed the wheel. It's a micro chip. What is it? adke Kadeem. She's a micro chip! I take a good look at it. You must have information on you. Tesla has to see this. I put the chip in my passenger seat and closed the door. You think that's the Wheel of Power? No, I don't think so. They drive away and enter the portal. The False Wheel didn't destroy itself. They come out of the portal and drive into Tesla's building. Vert's car door opens and Vert grabbed the chip. Wow! What is that? Kara. It's an ancient chip. This isn't the Wheel of Power. But Tesla does need to see this. Vert enters the room with something in her hands. Wow! What is that? It's an ancient chip. We found it on Highway 35 said Vert. Tesla smiles. You should plug her into a computer and see what is on her said the other woman. Tesla studies the information on it.

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