naruto:friend of the monster...

Galing kay AaronHansell

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naruto was wandering the forest of konoha when suddenly he trips over a large scroll. little does he know tha... Higit pa

chapter 1: finding an unknown summoning scroll
chapter 2: the monster king's advisor Rodan
chapter 4:naruto vs the konoha council
chapter 5:the academy.
chapter 6:time skip the wave mission.
chapter 7:the secrets behind naruto's fake mask of emotion.
chapter 8: the first of many therapy sessions begins with sharing.
chapter 9:the chunin exams.
chapter 10: naruto vs rock Lee. the preliminary rounds.
chapter 11:chunin exams finals. learning Kaiju sage mode.
chapter 12: the akatsuki.
chapter 13: hiashi's blessings naruto's proposal to Hinata and hanabi.

chapter 3: naruto meets King Kong

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Galing kay AaronHansell

The next day naruto was reverse summoned to the land of the Kaiju to meet all of the other ones that existed.
However. There was one Kaiju naruto just couldn't help but get an very bad feeling about. One that reminded him too much of the war hawk council elder danzo shimura. Ghidorah.
He was a Kaiju that was as vicious and ruthless as they come. Godzilla and mothra had told him to always avoid ghidorah at all costs since he wouldn't hesitate to exterminate all mankind.
And that Kaiju like him were a disgrace to even be a part of the Kaiju clan. Naruto then asked.

"So what did you do to him if he was such a dangerous threat to the other Kaiju and yourself???. If he was and is almost as powerful as you are. Why not just kill him???."

And Godzilla said.

"Because. He's got the ability to absorb energy into his body and restore his strength. No matter how many times I beat him into the ground. The only thing I could do was banish him from the Kaiju clan but not the realm of the Kaiju themselves. He then founded his own clan known as the wyvern clan.
Or as you humans call them. Dragons. And since he's the leader of the dragons. He's technically still considered a summons. Just one that can't be all that easily trusted. However you wouldn't have to worry about him. I'm taking you to someone who can protect you from people and monsters like ghidorah. were going to skull island. Ever heard of the place???."

And naruto said.

"No I don't think I have. Is it a very beautiful place filled with lots of wildlife???."

And Godzilla said.

"It's full of wildlife. But not all of them are beautiful.
Only one person lives on the island now. His name is King Kong and he will be your protector. Whatever you do. Don't make fun of his intelligence. He's actually quite smart. Wait here."

Godzilla then gave a very loud roar into the island and said.

"Hey Kong!!!. Wake up sleeping beauty!!!. I got someone for you to meet."

When Kong didn't answer his call Godzilla knew the one thing that would set him off.
So he then said.

"Did I forget to mention that he's an uzumaki who contains the nine tailed fox. Who if I'm not mistaken. Knows about your cousin. San Goku???.
The four tailed gorilla???."

Well when that didn't work either Godzilla then said.

"I guess I should have mentioned that the monkey King. enma has sided with a human. And rules over the ape clan as well???."

Suddenly a loud roar came from the heart of the island and Godzilla said.

"Well... that got his attention. He really doesn't like the monkey King after how he was cheated out of the rights to rule the ape clan. Even though he was always stronger and wiser then the monkey King he was pushed aside and enma was shown favoritism and given the title of boss summons for the ape clan.
Just because he refused to always fight the Lord of the apes. San Goku. Thought he was weak and a coward.
He was disowned by the apes and cast out of the clan forever. He later joined the Kaiju where I welcomed him with open arms and made him one of my advisors. So for him getting pay back against the monkey King would be a bonus."

Kong then approached Godzilla yawning loudly and said.

"Greetings my king. Is this the new summoner I've been told about???. He's very.... small. But then again so are all humans. Compared to us at least.
You did warn him about Ghidorah correct???.
That three headed scaley bastard can't be trusted after The way he almost succeeded in killing you and overthrow the kingdom of the Kaiju. I still think you should have killed him. It's going to come back and bite you in the future you know that right???. Either way. Welcome young skull island. Hop on my shoulder and I'll show you around."

Naruto then jumped on to Kong's shoulder and Godzilla watched as the gorilla Kaiju showed naruto around the island and to say naruto was amazed would be an understatement. He was astounded at how beautiful the jungle was!!!. Naruto then asked and said.

"King Kong Sama. What do you have against the monkey King???. I mean. You and him are the same species of summon. Which means that your both technically family.
And family shouldn't fight each other."

And Kong said.

"It's true that we are the same species. But we're far from being family. As you said. Family shouldn't fight each other. Well that's all enma ever enjoyed doing is fighting to prove himself better then others. When he challenged me and I refused saying that the difference in our strength are too far apart from each other and I could easily kill him..he took that as an insult. Until one day...he went to the elder gorilla San Goku and told him to make him the clan leader because I was a coward and coward's don't deserve to be leaders. I pleaded my own case to the elder gorilla. Telling him that there's more to being a leader then just strength alone. Sometimes. The smartest way to prevent conflict and pointless fighting. Is to avoid it all together if possible. By doing so you are stopping what could ultimately lead to friends killing each other. I chose the path of least resistance. the path of peace. To fight without fighting. Using your words to solve a problem instead of brute Force. Enma. In his younger years. Didn't understand this. But the great ape clan elder San Goku had made his decision and regretted it ever since. He knew I was the wiser choice but.... just remember young uzumaki.
The pen is mightier then the sword. But sometimes.
The sword will prevail."

And naruto said.

"So your saying that you and the monkey King were once friends and because you refused to fight him out of the fear of killing him you were cast out of the ape clan after he was made the next ruler. Because he said you were weak for not fighting back???. That doesn't sound right to me."

And Kong said.

"Your correct young one.
It was indeed very wrong.
However. Sometimes in this world there are people who are so blinded by their own selfish desires that they don't feel any sense of right or wrong. Only what they believe their doing is the only way to get results.
Greed. Power. Fame. Wealth. Status among other things. And control. But with all of this comes a great cost. Friends. Family.
Loved ones. When you fight for what you believe in. Do it because you know it's The right thing to do. Not because your trying to prove you are better then everyone else. just to be like everyone else. When you be yourself and you fight for what you believe in and not let anyone else tell you differently.... that is when you know you are truly wise."

Naruto took everything that Kong said to heart and swore that he wouldn't be a person who fought for personal gain. He would fight to protect those he cares about from those who would dare to harm the ones he held closest to him. He didn't want to be the hokage anymore. He wanted to be the person who protected the village and hokage from other threats. Naruto then said.

"Do you want to be friends with me Kong sama???. It must get very lonely for you around here being the only one that lives on the island."

And Kong said.

"I would be honored to be your friend young uzumaki. What's your name child???."

And naruto said.

My name is naruto uzumaki.
So should we tell the king were ready to go back to the village of konoha???. I'm sure you're eager to get back at the monkey King after all these years right???."

Kong then cracked his knuckles and pounded his chest said.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to hear those words. Elder gorilla San Goku isn't around to protect him this time. Let's go."

A day later naruto had returned to the village and who should be there with the hokage but jiraiya and tsunade themselves. When jiraiya asked where he's been naruto said.

"Why don't you ask my new friends that question???. Better yet.  I should be asking you that question as well!!!.

Where were you after I was born and my parents died!!??. Both of you were made my sworn godparents!!!. Last I checked that pretty much made you my family!!!. Especially since the old hag next to you is literally part uzumaki and related to me!!!. Distant cousin if I'm not mistaken???."

Jiraiya then said.

"Kid.. listen. We wanted to be here for you to raise you and keep you safe. But I network for the maintain???."

And tsunade said.

"And I.... couldn't take you with me... because of my gambling debts....and my apprentice shizune???."

Naruto then snapped his fingers and as if on cue Kong had slammed his fist into the ground where jiraiya Hiruzen and tsunade were standing. They then looked at the giant angry gorilla and Hiruzen said.

Well jiraiya... tsunade.
It seems like we've got another Kaiju to worry about. You know what you have to do."

They then went through the hand seals for the summoning jutsu and out of the smoke came enma gamabunta and katsuyu.

Enma then said.

"What is it that you need this time Hiruzen???.
What's so.... important...
Well.... hello there...old friend. Your not still angry at me for calling you weak and casting you out are you???."

Gamabunta then gripped his tanto blade and said.

"Enma!!??. What's going on here jiraiya!!!. Why is the monkey King here and just what or who exactly is that thing we're looking at!!!.
It's like the four tails but it's not. that who I think it is on top of that creatures head jiraiya???. Is that minato's boy???. We're going to be having a very long talk about this later on."

Hiruzen then said.

"Enma!!!. Start explaining who that is right now and what you meant by an old friend."

And enma said.

"Alright fine. I wasn't originally the first candidate for the position of boss summons for the apes. HE was. His name is King Kong and he is part of the kaiju clan now. If he's here that would mean the King isn't far behind."

Hiruzen went deathly pale at the mention of the King of the kaiju. He then said.

"Jiraiya.. tsunade.
Stand down. Gamabunta and katsuyu are no match for that creatures power and strength. Even with Manda and orochimaru's help you would lose."

And jiraiya said.

"Oh please don't be ridiculous Sensei. There's no way whoever or whatever this king of the kaiju is can beat the chief toad monkey King and slug queen!!!. Bring it on gaki. Gamabunta and katsuyu can take anything you throw at us."

And Hiruzen said.

"Your going to regret saying that jiraiya. You really don't want to know who the kaiju king and queen are."

Tsunade then said.

"Okay now I am definitely curious about who this queen of the Kaiju is. Clearly she can't be better then katsuyu. I'm with jiraiya. Bring it on brat. I'm willing to bet my title as a sannin that your queen can't beat katsuyu."

And naruto said.

"Alright. I'll take that bet.
But if you are planning on betting your own title of sannin then his title of sannin gets put on the line as well. Kong Sama. You know what to do."

King Kong then pounded on his chest and yelled out loud.
A loud screeching was heard followed by the sound of large wings flapping through the air. Soon enough behind naruto and Kong stood the King and queen of the kaiju.
And Hiruzen said.

"You... idiots... YOU JUST DOOMED THE ENTIRE VILLAGE!!!. that is Godzilla and mothra!!!. They alone could easily destroy all of fire country in one day!!!."

Gamabunta then spat toad oil while jiraiya set it on fire hoping to end the battle quickly. However when the fire faded away... Godzilla and mothra stood strong and gamabunta said.

"If fire doesn't work then I guess we will have to try cutting him up."

Gamabunta then swung his sword at Godzilla but was stopped by king Kong who grabbed gamabunta and took his sword snapping it in half.
Now enma knew that Kong was still pissed off at him.
He then took gamabunta and doing a backflip tossed gamabunta on his back and pinned him down with the two halves of his sword through his hands. Jiraiya couldn't believe what he just saw!!!. Something that wasn't a tailed beast or Manda beat gamabunta and pinned him down. Godzilla then stomped on the helpless toad as if he were nothing more then a worthless piece of garbage.
Gamabunta then poofed out of the village and back to mount myoboku jiraiya then said.

"Sensei... what The hell kind of summons are those things!!!. Their not normal!!!."

Mothra then looked down on katsuyu and said.

"Still care to test your summoners luck against me....slug queen???. Your welcome to try. But I'm not known as the queen of the kaiju for nothing."

Katsuyu then said.

"What do you think lady Tsunade???. If gamabunta lost to these creatures it's only safe to assume that you and I are going to as well. Personally I hate being called out but these opponents are too strong for any summons to fight. Your on your own lady Tsunade."

Naruto then said

"well monkey King. It's just you and Kong now. What do you say you just do the right thing and apologize to him for cheating him out of leader of the apes. It's either that or get crushed by his giant fist."

Enma then said.

"Hiruzen. I understand he is the fourth Hokage's son.
But I really want to hurt him right now. Apparently he thinks that I'm still not strong enough to fight against Kong.


I guess it's about time I did the right thing for once. Elder San Goku is laughing at me now I just know it.
KONG!!!. I'm sorry....I was wrong about you."

And naruto said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't quite hear that monkey King. What did you say???."

Enma then stepped up to Kong and watching as naruto walked down Kong's arm said.

"I said I'm sorry for calling you weak. you have always been a more powerful fighter then me. I just wanted to prove myself that I could do The same thing. I was wrong. Could you forgive me???. Old friend???."

Kong's only response to his apology was a finger flick to the Head dispelling enma instantly as Hiruzen said.

"Well naruto. Did Kong forgive his old friend???."

And naruto said.

"He did. He just wanted to make sure enma knew who the TRUE King of the apes is and should be. Don't ever lie to me about anything again for as long as you live got that old Man???."

Hiruzen then nodded as he looks at his students and said.

" Jiraiya. I'm shutting down your spy network. Tsunade.
Your cut off of the uzumaki clan inheritance Bank account. The senju clan bank accounts will also be transferred to the uzumaki clan account making that untouchable by you as well.
Naruto. I'm giving you full access to the uzumaki namikaze and senju clan accounts. That and your parents estate are yours now.
Until naruto graduates the academy.... both of you idiots are not to leave the village for any reason or any length of time without my permission. Unless it's for naruto's benefit. Am I clear???."

Jiraiya and tsunade knew they were screwed. And besides. It's either take their punishment from the hokage. OR. Take another beating from the kaiju.
They chose Hokage's punishment and said.

"Yes Sensei...we understand fully."

And so with jiraiya and tsunade now back to watch over naruto since they really have no choice but to do so.
Since naruto litteraly has full control over ALL three bank accounts tsunade's gambling had come to an abrupt halt and she was forced to cut back on the drinking. Hey.
Shizune could hope couldn't she???.  Either way. The village elders no longer had any room to do naruto harm.
Especially with the daimyo on his way to the hidden leaf village to carry out their execution personally.
Nobody knew it yet. But it didn't matter if you were a civilian. Shinobi. Or clan head. The kaiju were back in the world of shinobi and they were here to stay. You didn't get close to naruto without going through a Kaiju like King Kong and survive that's for sure. Things were looking up for our blonde hero and would only get better from here on out. How much better???. only time would tell.

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