Future Stories and Updates!

By Magic_Is_Existing

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A book of things that informs you on the works in progress I've got going on, the works I've got for future p... More

Beneath the Crystal: The Fireling Reign (SEQUEL)
New Blood (Kanato Sakamaki x Reader)
I'm a Superhero! (Len Kagamine x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)
The Deadly Sins of Wonderland (DISCONTINUED)
Varian and his Cuckoo-Clock Heart [Varian x Reader]
Potential [Hiro Hamada x Reader]
Bring it on! [Len/Rin x Reader short story]
Bring it on! [Len/Rin x Reader] Short story
Happy Valentine's Day! [A Special Holiday announcement!]
[New One-Shot Book] Shinso Hitoshi x Reader
Shinso x Reader One-Shot book is up!
Finished book
Hey Y'all! [BIG Update]

•Not Alone• (Five x Reader)

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By Magic_Is_Existing

An x reader for the Umbrella Academy! This story is very special for me, only because I've been working on it for almost a year or so now. I've been on and off with the story sadly, but I'm hoping to regain my motivation to continue writing it. Here's a summary:


The Umbrella Academy; a well-known group of young supers who help save the world, and make it a better place. But have you ever heard of the Odd Four? The Odd Four is another group similar to the Umbrella Academy, only these young individual girls go by their own rules, and help the Academy without the public needing to know. Reginald Hargreeves, entrepreneur, discoverer, and adoptive father of the Umbrella Academy has had his eyes on those four girls with the same special abilities as his children. Once the girls do join the Academy, their lives change; for better, or for worse.


So far, [December 8, 2019] I've written seven prologues and 10 chapters. I'm not sure when I'll have it done (whether it be 2020 or 2021) but I will be finishing up the story slowly. Until then, enjoy these two sneak peaks!


Sneak Peak one: Prologue

Prologue Part One: Promise

The sound of sirens and gunshots rang through my ears as I traveled through the large bank. I was a little frightened. But I couldn't show it. I peeked out from behind a wall and stared at all of the victims sitting close to each other on the floor; terrified for what the outcome would be for them.

I perk up when I hear Madelyn talking to me telepathically. "[Name]! I know what you're thinking, and I don't like it! Stick to the plan!" I hear her voice screaming in my head. I roll my eyes and ignore her calls.

I see a couple of gunmen pop out of the vault room and point their guns at the victims while guarding the door.

I smirk. "Here we go ..."

I jump up and transform into a small penny. I roll myself over to one of the robbers and he looks down at me in wonder. He picks me up and examines me. As he flicks me up in the air, I transform back to myself and kick him in the face. I land back on my knees and look up when I hear the robbers move.

"ODDS!" I yell, confusing the criminals.

My team files out from their hiding spots, which alarms the gunmen. One starts to shoot at Madelyn, who ducks and slides between his legs before staring at the back of his head. She uses her telekinesis to make him shoot himself in the foot. The man drops his gun and cries in pain while rolling on the floor; his foot in his hands.

Evelyn turns invisible just as the other gunman aims his gun at her. He arches a brow and looks around for her. Evelyn pops up from behind and elbows him in the back. She hits a nerve; making him paralyzed, and fall to the floor.

I look up when another robber prepares to fire his gun at me. I tense in fear and try to move out of the way.

Luckily, Adrian came to my rescue and zoomed over to me, lifting me up from the ground.

"Transform into a gun!" She yells, still speeding around the gunman and dragging me by my stomach.

I nod and hastily transform into a gun. Adrian speeds up in front of the robber and aims me at him. A bullet shoots out from my form. The bullet flies and hits the robber in his side. He falls to the ground in pain and holds his stomach. Adrian stops running and throws me up in the air. I transform back midway through the throw before landing back on my feet. Evelyn and Madelyn rush over to us.

"What are we gonna do about the men in the vault room? There are too many guys," Madelyn states.

I furrow my eyebrows and tap my mask in thought. "I ... I don't know–"

"We can take it from here!" An all-to-familiar voice calls out.

We turn our attention to the famous Umbrella Academy—though, they seem pretty infamous to me. Number One struts up to us, looking slightly annoyed.

"You do realize you guys aren't the actual heroes," He sneers.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "You don't have to be seen by the public to be heroes," I remark.

Number Five teleports next to me and smirks. "If you aren't appreciated for almost dying, what's the point of trying so hard?" He asks.

Evelyn groans in annoyance. "Guys, we shouldn't be bickering like this. How about we get the hostages out and you guys can take care of the vault."

I stare at her in disbelief. "Evelyn–"

"Good idea, Evelyn," Number One cuts me off again.

I cross my arms and pout my bottom lip. The other three from the Academy follow Number One to the vault room door. The rest of my team goes over to untie and help the hostages.

Number Five stops and whispers to me, "Just so you know, I appreciate the help you guys give us every now and then." He smiles charmingly at me, making my heart skip a beat.

I smile back and pat his shoulder. "Thanks, Five. You really are the best sibling out of them all," I tell him sincerely.

I run over to help my team and take one last glance at him before guiding the hostages to the bank's doors. Adrian looks back at Five and catches him staring at me. He quickly looks away when Number One calls for his attention and pulls him back into their group huddle. Adrian grins slyly and looks back at me.

I wasn't paying attention though. I was still upset that Number One just pushed us to the side like that. We just wanted to help innocent people. Can't he at least appreciate the work we put into this? I mean, we did pretty well for only being thirteen-year-olds! God, I hate him.

Madelyn instructs the hostages to leave the building with their hands up and tells them to be careful.

One of the people in the group asks, "Wait, who are you girls?"

We glance at each other and look at her proudly. "Miss, we are the Odd Four. Please, stay safe and keep out of trouble," I answer to her.

I gesture for my friends to follow me and they do so. We sneak out of one of the office's windows and stay behind the bank for a minute to cheer and pat each other on the back.

"Guys, did you see me! I was like, fwoosh! And then I was like, wa-bam!" Evelyn exclaims, punching and kneeing the air.

Madelyn laughs. "Yeah. You're best part was untying the hostages."

Evelyn rolls her eyes and shoves Madelyn. "Oh, hush. I didn't ask for your sass," Evelyn retorts, snapping her fingers sassily.

We laugh at our silliness.

"Oh, wait! I saw something very interesting," Adrian coos, giving me side glances and wiggling her eyebrows.

My suspicion rises. "Why are you giving me that look?"

Adrian giggles and gazes at all of us. "I saw a certain someone giving [Name] here the look."

Evelyn gasps and shakes Adrian's shoulders. "Who? Tell me! Please!"

Madelyn snorts and jokes, "They were probably giving her the look because of how short she is. They had to make sure she wasn't one of Santa's elves."

I narrow my eyes at Madelyn and kick her leg. She flinches and rubs her calve while mumbling incoherent curses.

"Hah! No. It was not the Odd look, it was the I-think-I-have-a-massive-crush-on-you ... look, " Adrian responds.

I feel my cheeks heat up and my shoulders tense. "What?"

Evelyn squeals and jumps up and down. "Who?!" She questions loudly.

Adrian opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupted by a certain someone who traveled through time and space to pop up next to us.

"Hey, guys," Five simply says.

Adrian puts her hands on her hips and gestures to him. "Speak of the devil."

Evelyn glances at Five, then back at me. Cue dramatic gasp. "OOOH!" She yells, trying to suppress her giggles with Adrian.

Five, Madelyn, and I exchange looks with each other before staring back at the two.

"Uh ... what's up with them?" Five asks, leaning close to me and pointing to Adrian and Evelyn.

I felt my heart beat fast when he leaned close to me. I don't know what's wrong with me. Is it hormones?

I shrug and look down. "I don't know. They're weirdos ..." I coyly say.

Five chuckles and nods. "I agree strongly."

We smile at each other and laugh a little awkwardly.

Madelyn decides that right at that moment would be the perfect time to embarrass me.

"Are you two gonna get it on or what?"

Five's eyes widen and he takes a step back from me. His face becomes flushed, though it was hard to see his red cheeks from under his black mask. I feel the blood rush to my ears and I smack Madelyn's arm. Hard.

"Madelyn, what's wrong with you?!" I yell at her.

She laughs maniacally and rubs her arm. Evelyn does a small "Whoot whoot," and Adrian just whistles. Five clears his throat and scratches the back of his head.

"I–uh ... y–yeah. So, my dad really wants to meet all of you. He says that you seem 'useful' and that maybe you'd guys want to ... be recruited to the team," Five tells us.

My friends' laughing ceases and they all look at me for an answer. Even Five looks at me. I stare back at everyone with slightly wide eyes.

"Uhhh ..." I say slowly.

I didn't know what to say. On one hand, joining a bigger and more elite team would help us greatly, and we could get some professional training, but on the other hand, I'm not sure if the team really needs to get any bigger. I don't know if we'd be able to adjust well with another group, especially if that said group is the Umbrella Academy.

I sigh in exhaustion and pinch the bridge of my nose. "I ... we'll have to think about it."

Five looks slightly disappointed and nods. "All right. I'll tell Dad. But if you ever do want to join, you can swing by the Academy. I'm pretty sure you know where it is," He says cheekily.

I smile a little and nod. "Right. We'll definitely consider the opportunity," I say.

Five holds his pinky up to me and says, "Promise."

I look down at his pinky and intertwine mine with his. "Promise."

I feel a gentle smile tug at my lips as our eyes meet. His white-eyed mask stares back into my (E/C) orbs for a brief moment. He takes his hand back and waves to us.

"Right. 'Till we meet again!" He cheers and teleports away from us.

I wave a little and giggle under my breath. I turn back to my friends who had the cheesiest smiles on their faces.

"What?" I regretfully ask.

Evelyn holds up her pinky and puts a hand to her forehead dramatically. "Do you promise to see me again, my love?"

Adrian joins in and takes a dramatic knee in front of Evelyn. "Only if you promise to love me forevermore!" Adrian exclaims.

Madelyn walks over and picks me up while spinning me around. "Short-stack has a boyfriend!" She yells happily.

Adrian and Evelyn cheer while walking around us. I laugh and form into a penny, so I can slip from Madelyn's grip before transforming back.

"You guys are going to be the death of me," I say to them, half-jokingly.

"No. Your Romeo is," Evelyn answers slyly while poking my arm.

I shoo her hands away and start to walk back to our home with my friends teasing me on the way, not knowing that Five was listening to us from behind the wall. He only chuckles and teleports back to his family, with me on his mind and him on mine.


Sneak Peak two: Chapter

Chapter One: The Art Of Giving Up But Finding Hope Again

Seventeen years had past since the Umbrella Academy disbanded. They all left one by one.

After the loss of Five and [Name]'s abilities, she had grown in a deep state of sadness. [Name] couldn't find it in herself to let Five go, no matter how hard she tried. She would make thousands of drawings and paintings to try and forget him. But he never really left her thoughts. Her roommate, Miles, would often scold her for being such a weird person.

Today, [Name] was doodling a flower on her hand when Miles ran into their apartment hurriedly. He shook off his coat and clumsily threw the groceries on the couch. [Name] glances up at Miles from her room and stands up.

"Miles, what's going on? You look like you just ran a marathon," [Name] says a little jokingly.

Miles pants and takes out his phone while quickly saying, "Have you not seen the News?! That one guy that ran the Umbrella Academy just died!"

[Name] stands still with a blank look on her face. I mean, she was shocked to hear that Reginald had died, but she couldn't seem to feel anything about his death.

Miles took in a deep breath and gave her a weird look. "Uh ... hello? Earth to [Name]? You kinda snoozed on me," Miles says, waving his hand in front of her face.

[Name] shrugs and walks into the living room to sit on the couch. "Meh. I could care less," She says, turning on the television.

Miles's jaw drops and he sits down next to her. "What do you mean? Weren't you a member of that whole academy thing?"

[Name] nods and glances at him before saying, "So what if I was? He was a bad person."

Miles facepalms and snatches the remote from [Name]. She groans in protest, and watches Miles flip the channel to the News.

"Incoming report: Reginald Hargreeves, the expeditionist, the scientist, and the father of eleven children, has passed away. Police investigators say that it was a heart attack of some kind. Sir Reginald's last wish was to be buried. Will the Umbrella Academy possibly reunite for the funeral of their adoptive parent?" The news reporter had explained.

[Name] scoffs and stands up to turn off the TV.

Miles pouts and glares at her. "Come on, [Name]. Don't just go because of your dad. Go for your family."

[Name] narrows her eyes at Miles and crosses her arms. "He wasn't my dad. And I don't care about my family–"

"Liar!" Miles cuts her off.

[Name] blinks and stands up straight with an irritated look. "I don't–"

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Miles cut her off once again.

She growls and throws a pillow at him. "You're so immature!" [Name] yells, making her way back to her room.

Miles hastily stands up and grasps her wrist. "[Name], you can't keep yourself locked up in your room and obsess over some random teenage crush you had years back. I'm worried for you. Maybe ... you can get some closure from seeing your family again," He tells her seriously.

She gives Miles a short look before sighing deeply and yanking her wrist away.

"Fine. I'll go, but you're coming with me," She says, walking to her room. Miles laughs and follows her. "Well, duh! Of course I'll be going. I don't have the apartment key," He jokes.

[Name] chuckles and rolls her eyes. She can't believe she's actually going back. Well, this has been a large turn of events.


[Name] parks the car in front of the old Academy. She suddenly feels nauseous. She takes in a deep breath and drinks her water bottle.

Miles pats her shoulder in comfort and smiles at her. "Don't worry. You'll be okay."

[Name] weakly nods and gets out of the car with him.

She straightens her black dress and enters her old home. She gazes around the mansion, and old memories come back to her.

She hates to admit it, but she kind of missed this place.

She catches Grace walking by her absentmindedly. Miles arches a brow and asks, "Who is that?"

[Name] frowns and continues to walk around. "Grace. She was the 'mom' of the household."

Miles nods silently and follows her around. [Name] stops in the living room and stares up at the large painting she made of Five. It was placed over top of the fireplace. She wasn't expecting Reginald to actually hang it up. Maybe he really did have a heart. [Name] turns her head when she hears Klaus sigh dramatically while walking over to her.

"[Name], it's been too long, dear!" He cheers, skipping over to her.

[Name] rolls her eyes a little and puts on a fake smile. "Yup. It really has been long, huh?" She says. Klaus chuckles and nods before wrapping an arm around her shoulders, saying, "Yeah. I see you still have those bags under your eyes." He lights a cigarette and breathes in the smoke.

[Name] cringes in disgust and shrugs his arm off her shoulder. "And I still see you smoke."

Klaus blinks and looks to his side while mumbling to the air. Miles's eyebrows raise in wonder. "Who's he talking to?" He mumbles to [Name].

Klaus turns back to them and smiles innocently. "Oh, just an old friend of ours! Don't worry," He answers.

[Name] tenses and crosses her arms uncomfortably. "Yeah, sure, Klaus. I know you're definitely not here for the funeral," She tells him.

Klaus scoffs and puts a hand to his chest. "Whaaat? Of course I am! I just missed dad sooo much. But, if you could help me, where is the old man's office?" He asks.

[Name] deadpans in disbelief and grumpily points in the office's direction.

"Thanks, hun!" Klaus says, patting
[Name]'s head and walking to Reginald's old office.

Miles watches him skip away. He looked a little freaked out. "You're related to him?" He asks [Name].

She shakes her head. "No. Thank God."

[Name] sighs deeply, and walks over to sit down on the couch. Miles sits next to her and stays silent. [Name] fiddles with her hands for a bit while waiting for something to happen.

After a couple of awkward minutes, they hear footsteps enter the living and the faces of [Name]'s old teammates. "[Name], it's so ... nice to see you again," Allison says as kindly as possible. She walks over and hugs [Name] tightly.

[Name] tenses from the hug and smiles nervously while patting her back weirdly.

"Yeah, we haven't seen you since we were little!" Evelyn says, sitting down next to her.

"And she still hasn't grown a bit," Madelyn teases.

Adrian laughs with her and shrugs while saying, "I think being short is cool, right, Diego?"

Diego crosses his arms and glares at Adrian seriously.

[Name] sighs and smiles a little at Madelyn. "I still see you haven't grown up."

Madelyn laughs and sits down on the couch next to Vanya. "I'll have you know that I have become a defender of animals. A veterinarian," Madelyn states in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

Adrian sits down next to Maddie and jokingly says, "The poor animals."

Everyone laughs at her comment.

When Miles laughs along, they turn to him in question. Allison gives him a weary look and asks, "Who are you?"

Miles gulps and smiles forcefully. "I'm Miles. Uhm ... [Name]'s roommate."

Evelyn smiles and stretches her arm out for him to shake. "It's nice to meet you, Miles! I'm Evelyn," She introduces herself, then everyone else. Miles smiles awkwardly and shakes her hand.

"Are you two dating?" Madelyn asks.

[Name] glares at Madelyn and shakes her head in embarrassment.

"That's what I was gonna say!" Klaus announces from the bar area, pouring himself a drink.

Miles's face flushes red and he stutters out, "U–Uh, no. We're just friends."

Klaus groans obnoxiously. "C'mon,
[Name]! Don't tell me you're still hung up over little Five."

[Name] frowns and stares down at her hands. "W–Well ... I am, and it's hard to get over someone you trusted and loved ..."

The room goes silent again.

Vanya notices [Name]'s tired expression, and grows a little worried.

Vanya knew that look.

She knew it all too well.

Vanya gets [Name]'s attention and mouths, 'Are you okay?'

[Name] tilts her head in question.

Was she okay?

... Yeah, she was.

She hastily nods and smiles at Vanya who gives one back.

"So, why'd you call us here, big boy?" Klaus snorts out, giving Luther a look and taking a shot. [Name] hadn't even noticed Luther.

He got ... big.

He was tall and his muscles were huge, but he covered himself up with piles of clothing. Luther clears his throat and nods. "Right, uh, I guess we should get this started."

Everyone else takes a seat to listen to whatever Luther has to say.

"I figured we could have a memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at dad's favorite spot–"

"Dad had a favorite spot?" Vanya asks.

Luther nods a little anxiously, saying, "Yeah, you know, under the oak tree."

[Name] glances at Allison, who looks down a little in confusion. [Name] was also confused. She never saw Reginald walk out of his office, except for training, sometimes. 'But of course Luther would know,' She thought.

Luther continues, "We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?"

Klaus walks over with a cigar and a drink while abruptly saying, "Will there be refreshments? Tea, scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner."

Allison rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"Yes, please. I could use a drink right about now," Madelyn says while waving her hand around.

Evelyn glances at Klaus in slight concern. "Klaus, are you already drunk?"

Klaus hums and laughs, sitting down next to Vanya. "No, no, a little high, maybe," He laughs out.

Luther shakes his head and stutters, "W–What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here."

Klaus rolls his eyes and continues to smoke while crossing his legs. Allison eyes him and cringes when she notices a familiar skirt he's wearing. "Is that my skirt?" She asks, irritably.

Klaus turns to her in question. "What?" He glances down at the skirt and perks up. "Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room," He states, standing up and doing a small twirl. "It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathey on the ... bits." He chuckles and stumbles a bit.

Luther rolls his eyes and interjects, "Listen up. We still have some important things that need to be discussed, all right?"

Adrian tilts her head in confusion and asks, "Like what?"

Luther turns to Adrian in slight irritation. "Like the way dad died."

Diego sighs and mutters under his breath, "And here we go ..."

Klaus sits back down and stretches while taking another swig from his glass.

[Name] stares at Luther weirdly and says, "I don't get it. The police reported the cause of death being a heart attack."

Luther shrugs a little and says, "Yeah, according to the coroner."

Vanya sits up straight and asks, "Well, wouldn't they know?"

Luther takes in a sharp breath and makes an unsure expression. "Well, theoretically–"

"Theoretically?" Allison asks.

Luther sighs once again and turns to her. "I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened."

The whole room goes silent and they start to conjure up his claim.

Could he be onto something?

"The last time I talked to dad, he sounded strange," Luther states.

Klaus leans his head back and gurgles out, "Oh, quelle surprise!"

Adrian laughs under her breath along with Evelyn and Madelyn. [Name] didn't find it funny. She might've not cared for Reginald, but she also knew her manners. Disrespecting someone at their funeral isn't very tasteful to her.

"Strange how?" Allison asks.

"He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust," Luther answers.

Diego rolls his eyes and stands up to one-up his adoptive sibling. "Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles."

Luther shakes his head in disagreement. "No, he must've known something was going to happen," Luther sternly states.

Diego glares at Luther and crosses his arms.

Miles leans next to [Name] and whispers, "Are all family meetings like this?"

She shrugs. "Don't know. This is the first one I've been to."

Luther glances at Klaus and says desperately, "Look, I know you don't like to do this, but I need you to talk to dad."

Adrian laughs and asks in surprise, "Talk to Reginald? Are you kidding me? That man probably doesn't even have a soul to talk to!"

[Name] tenses and leans further back into the couch.

Klaus scoffs and says, "I can't just call dad from the afterlife and be like, 'Dad, could you just  ... stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?' "

Luther stares at Klaus in disbelief and asks, "Since when? That's your thing!"

"I'm not in the right ... frame of mind!" Klaus responds, waving his drink and cigarette around to emphasize his point.

Evelyn rolls her eyes and rubs her temples while mumbling, "Jesus Christmas ..."

Madelyn grins and asks him, "So, you're high?"

Klaus laughs and looks around at everyone's faces, answering, "Yeah, yeah! I mean, how are you not when listening to this nonsense?"

Luther growls under his breath and angrily commands, "Well, sober up. This is important."

Klaus sighs tiredly and takes a large huff of smoke.

"Then there's the issue of the missing monocle," Luther continues.

"The monocle?" Miles asks.

"It was something Reginald used to fidget with constantly ..." [Name] mumbles to him.

Diego groans and slaps a hand to his forehead. "Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?"

Luther nods and says, "Exactly. It was worthless. So, whoever took it, I think it was personal."

Everyone stares at Luther in suspicion.

What was he trying to say exactly?

"Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge," Luther adds afterwards.

Adrian tilts her head and asks, "Where are you going with this?"

Diego chuckles bitterly and says, "Isn't it obvious, Adrian? He thinks one of us killed dad."

Luther turns his head away in slight shame. Everyone was staring at him like he was crazy.

Klaus laughs in disbelief and says, "You do!"

Vanya frowns and asks, "How could you think that?"

Luther fumbles with his words and he grows tense once again.

Diego sarcastically remarks, "Great job, Luther. Way to lead." Diego walks away from him and stands over to the side.

Luther shakes his head and tries to defend himself, "That's not what I'm saying–"

"You've officially lost it, Luther. You've gone insane! You're almost as delusional as [Name]," Madelyn says.

[Name] growls under her breath and sits up straight. "Shut up, Madelyn! I'm not delusional!"

"No offense, [Name], buuut I think you need some therapy sessions," Klaus adds.

[Name] scoffs in disbelief while gesturing to Klaus dramatically. "Well, you're one to talk!"

Miles decides to cut in, "Hey, guys, calm down. I know I don't have a say in the matter, but I don't think ripping at each other's throats will get us the answers we want." He grabs [Name]'s shoulder, and gently pulls her back down to relax.

Klaus laughs and stands up saying, "You're right. You don't have a say. You didn't even know what we were talking about when we mention the monocle!"

Klaus starts to walk away and everyone else starts to walk out of the living room as well.

[Name] shakes her head and stands up with Miles while following everyone else's suite.

Luther watches everyone disband again and calls out, "I've not finished!"

Adrian walks past him and sarcastically remarks, "Oh, sorry, I need to go murder Grace now. Be right back."

Luther glares at her and says, "That's not what I was saying! I didn't–" He groans and gazes at Allison desperately.

She only shakes her head in disapproval and follows everyone else.

"Allison, geez ..." Luther grunts. He shakes his head and ironically says to himself, "Well, that went well."


I sigh as I enter my old room with Miles. He glances around the room in amazement and smiles a little. "Huh? So, you slept here?" He questions, sitting on Five's old bed. I stare at him and frown when he sits on the bed. It pained me to see him just casually sit there like it was no big deal.

I mean, it wasn't to him, but it was to me. I take his arm and pull him off the bed roughly. He gives me an odd look.

"What the hell was that for?" He asks, rubbing the arm I pulled.

I blink and stutter out, "I, uh, didn't want you to break the bed ..."

I sit down on the floor and Miles hesitantly sits down next to me.

"Oh, are you saying that I'm fat?" He jokes.

I eye him and chuckle a bit. "Maybe I am," I tell him.

He grins and shoves my shoulder playfully while laughing. We stop talking when we hear the song 'I think we're alone now' starts playing in one of the bedrooms. Miles's smile grows and he starts to drum his fingers to the beat. I try to keep still, but can't help to tap my foot to the rhythm. Miles takes notice and laughs while standing and lifting me up.

"I saw you tap your foot! Maybe you should start shaking your whole body," He says, goofily dancing to the music. I feel a smile form on my lips. I roll my eyes and start to dance next to him. As the music progresses, I feel a sudden surge of energy I thought I'd never feel again. The energy feels so good that I actually start to spin Miles around and dance on top of Five's bed. He is taken aback, but still tries to enjoy the moment we're in for as long as it would last, which wasn't very long.

A huge storm breaks out and the house rumbles from the intensity of the thunder. The lights start to flicker and the music cuts off. I scream when the chair and desk go flying across the room and ram into the wall. Miles's eyes widen and he asks, "What's going on?" I furrow my eyebrows and take Miles's hand while running out of the bedroom and to the downstairs level. I see Diego run out to the back and look back at Miles, saying, "Come on! Let's follow him!"

I pull a scared Miles along, and run out back with Diego. We stop walking when we see a huge blue portal laying in the sky. The wind blew my hair everywhere and I had to plant my feet in the ground as to not fly away. The rest of the Academy eventually caught up with us. They were just as surprised and scared.

"What the hell is that?!" Madelyn exclaims over the loud wind.

Diego stares up at it and yells, "Looks like some temporal anomaly!"

Adrian yells, "English please!"

Miles answers, "Maybe it's a black hole?!"

Madelyn shouts, "Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan!"

Klaus comes running back with a fire extinguisher and sprays the portal.

Once that doesn't work, he throws the whole thing inside of it, making it vanish.

Allison asks, "What is that gonna do?!"

Klaus shrugs and worriedly exclaims, "I don't know! Do you have a better idea?!"

Madelyn glances at me and says, "Wait, [Name], can't you transform into something to stop this?!"

I tense up.

That's right.

I hadn't told them about my powers.

I glance at Miles, who only stared back at me uncomfortably. "I–I can't!" I tell her.

Madelyn narrows her eyes and asks, "Why not?!"

The portal crackles, and Luther pushes everyone behind him saying, "Everybody get behind me!"

Diego butts in and gets in front of them as well. "Yeah, get behind us!"

Klaus raises his hand and shouts, "I vote for running! C'mon!"

I squeeze Miles's hand in fear and look up at him.

Miles returns the look and holds my hand back in comfort. He squints his eyes when he sees someone pushing themselves through the portal.

"Is that ... a person?" He asks.

Everyone else stares in wonder as well and watches the person fall out of the portal and land on the leaf-covered floor.

The storm goes away and the portal disperses.

The group slowly makes their way over to the mysterious person and eyes him.

The mystery person looks up at them in surprise and stands up.

"Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?" Klaus questions.

My eyes widen and I drop Miles's hand.

He was back.

Five came back!

I push past everyone and make my way to the front as tears well up in my (E/C) eyes.

I was at a loss of words for a few seconds.

"Five ... is that really you?" I ask.

Five eyes me weirdly. 'How does she know it's me?' He thinks.

He looks down at himself before looking back up at me, realizing that he was back at the age of thirteen.

"Shit ..." He mumbles.

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